I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 621: I like your name

  Chapter 623 I like your name

  The battle between humans and monsters lasted for thousands of years, and the Protoss did not interfere at all. It seemed to be very interesting.

  There are even gods who have made bets, respectively, which side will win the final war.

  And just as wars are happening every day, in a small village, which is also located on the border between the territories of the human race and the territory of the demon race, a scavenger boy’s backyard has a small piece of wild bamboo forest.

  It is the season of spring bamboo shoots. One day, as usual in spring, an eleven or twelve-year-old boy went to dig bamboo shoots.

   Digging and digging, the little boy had a good harvest. He had a full basket. When the little boy wiped his sweat and was about to return home, under a green bamboo, a little girl in an emerald green dress was lying on her side.

   walked over and squatted beside the little girl.

  The little girl is very cute, she looks like a porcelain doll, with long turquoise hair scattered on her shoulders.

  Although the hair color is different from that of ordinary people, there is no sense of disobedience, as if this girl’s hair color should have been.

  The little boy's little hand wiped the clean place on his body for fear of staining the girl's white, tender and flawless skin.

  Poke the little girl’s cheek with her index finger, it was as tender as an egg that she didn’t eat a few times throughout the year.

   poked, the little boy's cheeks are slightly red, she is really cute.

   "Hey, wake up wake up wake up"

  The little boy held the little girl’s weak shoulders and pushed gently.

  However, the little boy shook Xiaobanzhu incense for the time, but in the end he did not wake up the little girl.

  But her slightly bulging chest was up and down.

  Thinking about it, the little boy put down his basket first, carried the little girl into his shabby courtyard, and then turned back to carry his bamboo shoots back.

   Cover the little girl with a quilt. The little boy who has never taken care of others awkwardly feeds her. Every time she pried her mouth open, the little boy blushed inexplicably.

  Work for the adults in the village in the morning, come back to take care of the little girl at noon, go to work again, and come back to take care of the little girl in the evening.

  At night, because there was only one bed and a stack of quilts in the dilapidated thatched cottage, the little boy thought for a while, every time he washed himself in the river before getting into the quilt.

  It’s warm every time you get into the duvet, maybe this is the bed warmer that adults often say

And one day, when the little boy wakes up daily with the rising of the sun, the first thing that catches the little boy’s eyes is not the girl’s cute and quiet sleeping face, but the little girl’s big twinkling eyes. .

  The little girl woke up, a pair of little boys that Kazilan looked at with big eyes.

  The little girl lay on her side, and there was no fear in her eyes, but a kind of curiosity.

   Her eyes were facing each other, and she blushed a little when the little girl looked at her like this.

  "What is your name"

  The little boy quickly sat up and asked nervously.

  The girl with "Name" in a turquoise dress is also sitting on the head of the bed, frowning, "I can't remember anymore"

   "That's it"

  The little boy scratched his head, turned over and got out of bed, and took out a book called "book" from the cabinet.

  This book was given to a little boy by a traveler.

  The traveler called himself a scholar and even a monk.

  In this era of war, the little boy didn’t know what the monk named scholar was, but he also heard the village chief’s grandfather say that he seemed to be a very powerful character.

   "You can choose one. If you don't have a name, it will be very troublesome."

  The little boy spread out the books in front of the little girl.

  "Which words do you like?"

  In fact, the little boy doesn’t know any words, but if she doesn’t know the words that look good, then she will go back and ask the village chief's grandfather how to read them.

  Flicking through the book, the girl in the cyan dress finally put the book in front of the little boy.

  A pair of big eyes looked at him, as if saying: "You choose"

   "I choose"

  The little boy scratched his head, his fingers finally stopped in the line of poem "Qingjun is in the world".

   "Qingjun, is it called Qingjun? What do you think?"

  The little girl thought for a while, read the corners of her mouth softly, nodded happily, her eyes narrowed into two beautiful crescents.


  The word "Qingjun" is the name of a girl.

  In this small mountain village, there is a little hope for the life of a teenager with a companion.

  For a teenager, every day's life, for the first time, seems to have reliance.

In the process of getting along, Jiang Feng and Qingjun once went to the mountain to pick wild vegetables. Jiang Feng accidentally fell off the **** and broke his leg. Under the fluorescence, Jiang Feng's injury quickly improved.

  At this time, Jiang Feng knew that Qingjun was not a human, but a monster called by the adults, and asked Qingjun not to use demon power in front of anyone.

  Two people eat together and sleep together. It turns out that happiness is a very simple thing.

  One day, someone in the village got married, and Jiang Feng took Qingjun to a meal.

  Looking at the bride wearing a red dress and a red hijab, Qingjun's eyes lit up.

  On the way home, even when returning home, Qingjun was silent, and Jiang Feng didn't know why.

   "Jiang Feng."


  Sitting on a small wooden bench, the two put their feet in a pot of boiling hot water.

   "I want to be your bride." Looking up, Qingjun said seriously.

  How can a eleven or twelve-year-old boy understand these things, but if he wants it, he promises his own opportunity.


Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Feng nodded.

   "That's it, pull the hook."

   "Well, hook."

  Two little hands pull each other together, telling the most pure and beautiful story.

   But one day, the war between the monsters broke out again, and it spread to this small mountain village, the small mountain village was destroyed, and the shelter of Jiang Feng and Qingjun disappeared in one day.

  In the process of fleeing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the two met the Yaozu.

   Seeing the human race of Jiang Lin, the demon race wanted to kill Jiang Feng, even if he was a child, he would kill him in desperation.

  The nausea with blood on her hands for the first time made the girl vomit and vomit, but she still managed to endure the nausea, pulling Jiang Feng and running non-stop.

  But in the end, Qing Jun was still caught up.

A banshee led by    admired Qingjun very much and said that as long as she was willing to go with her, she could let the little boy go.

  Looking at Jiang Feng who was knocked out in his arms, Qingjun agreed.

  When Jiang Feng woke up, Qingjun had already left.

  Jiang Feng kept searching, but couldn't find it.

  Finally, when Jiang Feng was hungry and cold, a woman holding a long sword stood beside Jiang Feng.

   "What's your name?"

   asked the woman with golden eyes.

   "Jiang Feng." The woman smiled, "Is the river of the river, the maple of the maple tree? I like your name."

  (End of this chapter)

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