I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 941: Palace of the King of Gods (4,200 words, 2 in 1)

The divine light disperses, and the spot of light illuminates the entire space.

   At this time, Jiang Lin and others discovered that they had stepped on the white clouds, raised their heads and looked up, it was pure white.

   Jiang Lin and others walked forward step by step.

   Above the clouds, scattered weapons are everywhere.

   has a halberd, but there is no halberd on the halberd.

   There is a big knife, but the blade is obviously missing a corner.

  There are long swords, but most of them are broken into two sections.

   There is a long spear, but the tip of the spear is already dozing...

   All kinds of weapons are at least the grade of a half-celestial soldier, but none of them are intact.

   But even so, the material of these half-celestial soldiers is definitely a treasure that can attract monks to rob them.

   Going on again, in front of Jiang Lin and the others, a huge palace appeared.

   In fact, it is not so much a palace as it is a huge classical pavilion.

   The eaves of the pavilion are carved with obscure ancient inscriptions, and there are two huge wooden pillars flying across the gold in front.

   The gold on the wooden pillars is not ordinary gold.

  If Jiang Lin didn't guess wrong, this gold is the original gold that Hans was thinking of.

   In layman's terms, when the sky was opened up, among the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, "gold" initially appeared in a substantive form, which is the originator of all "gold" in the world.

  Use the original gold to fly across the pillars to decorate the palace...


   can only say that the master of the temple is forced to fill it up directly.

  With such a handwriting, there will be no other people besides the **** king.

   This palace should be the temple of the **** king.

   Soon, Jiang Lin discovered that there was also a problem with this pillar!

   I didn't pay attention just now, but now I looked up and found that the height of the pillar was unknown.

   Even if the spiritual power gathers its eyes, it is endless, as if you never know how deep the water in the card pool is...


   "No!" Xiao Xueli lowered her eyes, flushing across her pretty face.

   "Really, just for a moment!" Jiang Lin was heartbroken.

   "No way, no way! Sister Jian Ling said! Men don't know that they are satisfied!"

   "I am different."

   "Huh! Scumbag! Ah..."

   In the end, Xiao Xueli still didn't stop Jiang Lin, the big scum wolf.

   The little sheep was thrown down by the big wild wolf, and the little sheep weakly kicked the big wild wolf with its small hoofs, splashing flakes of snow.

   But the big wild wolf still succeeded, biting a few bites in the face of the little sheep, and even the wolf's claws are a bit dishonest...

   But just when the little sheep thought he was going to be eaten up and wiped out today, the big wild wolf actually stopped.

  Although this guy lied to himself, he said that he just kissed him, but he did it again and again, and his hands were not honest.

   But this guy didn't make any extra moves, just lying on the snow, quietly holding himself in his arms.

   was wrapped around the waist by the person I like, lying in the arms of the person I like, the girl's small face pressed against his chest, as if at this moment, the whole world was quiet.

   Even in the heart of the girl, I hope this moment will never end, just spend my life with him...

   But when he thought of other women who had enjoyed his tenderness, the girl's delicate hand gently grasped his collar.

   "Apart from me, how many women do you have?"

   For a long time, in the arms of the big bad wolf, the little sheep raised his head.

   As long as you are the main palace, maybe Xiao Xueli, the little sister, can still help herself hold the **** fish mud.

   But the problem is, Bai Jiuyi didn't expect Xiao Xueli to be so ambitious? !

   What she wants is not to be a side room! I want to be the palace! Want to call her sister? !

   For Bai Jiuyi, she is grateful to Xiao Xueli for her kindness, and will do her best to repay her! But in addition to his own position in the palace!

   In Xiao Xueli's view, Jiang Lin's position in the main palace belongs to him! Don't even want to grab it!

   Even though he saved such a big opponent, Xiao Xueli does not regret it, because this is what Xiao Lin wants to do by himself, so he will go all out to help him!

   Now that there is one more rival, that would be more! I don't believe it anyway! Can't beat her by oneself!

   So he cares, it has achieved the current situation...

   As Jiang Lin is the culprit, naturally, he can only kneel on the washboard...

   "Da da da..."

   When the two beautiful girls were still facing each other, a knock on the door slowly came out outside the courtyard.

   Jiang is in front of him, they may think that this is no noise! He also stopped the tit-for-tat, took off the white stockings from Jiang Lin's mouth, and put it back on his crystal clear pink feet again.

   Then he helped Jiang Lin up, sorted out his clothes, sat on the stone bench, and put away the washboard.

   Although I am a little angry with this flower-hearted radish, it is a matter of my own boudoir after all.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   And in front of outsiders, my husband must still be the head of the family.

  Xiao Xueli started to make tea, Bai Jiuyi helped to arrange the tea set, Bai Jiu arranged his clothes, Yingying stepped forward to open the door, Xiao Xueli took the initiative to comb Bai Jiuyi's silver-white hair quickly, and the shawl fell down like a milky way.

   wiped his mouth, Jiang Lin grabbed a wooden stick in the room and waved it like a fairy stick.

   But this wave directly made Madam Lu look like a big enemy! It was so fierce as a diver, he broke through the door in one fell swoop! Leaped out of the room!

   Inside the courtyard, there is already a mess!

   Those casual cultivators have joined forces to kill the evildoer!

   It's just that the bald master didn't tie his pants, and the rest of the men who were lingering with the "handmaid" were vomiting.

   Especially looking at the rotting appearance of the maids who slept with them, they got goose bumps all over.

  Even the shadows tonight make them feel that they will not work in the next life...

   So, they want to erase their dark history!

   And those female zombies have absorbed nearly half of their essence, plus they sucked dry and died of unknown numbers! The strength has long been good.

   The fighting in the yard was fierce,

  The poison gas released by the female zombies has the effect of slowing and fascinating, and even the insidious method they practiced makes their bodies full of corpse poison.

   Whether it is caught by the "Nine Yin White Bone Claw" or stabbed by the Poison Arrow Secret Art, it is fatal.

   However, the tattoo master Wufu was still a martial artist in four realms. He was struggling and shouting "Dawei Tianlong"!

   On his body, that blue dragon turned out to shine!

"In the year I was eight years old, it was the master who saved me. It was a white album...Oh no, it was a season of heavy snowfall. At that time, I almost starved to death. It was the master who told me Stretched out his hand.

   I still remember that at that time, the master's hands were small and soft, and they were very comfortable to hold.

   After that, I was taken back to Sunyue to teach by Master. Master taught me everything and took care of me, not so much like a master, but rather like my sister.

   But one day, Master was injured in order to protect me. At that time, I felt that the sky was about to fall. The only thing in my mind was to take good care of Master!

   What I didn’t expect is...In fact, the master did not dementia, but pretended..."

   As if remembering that after Master's "dementia", he coaxed Master to sleep, and had a good morning hug every day, and other embarrassing things, Jiang Lin deeply wiped his face.

   Similarly, after Jiang Yuni heard Jiang Lin say that she knew she was acting, Jiang Yuni was shocked.

   After the shock, the shameful scenes appeared in her mind...

   For example, at night, I just want to sleep in the quilt of Xiaolinlin.

   In the morning, Xiao Linlin must say "I like Master the most" before I am willing to get up.

   I pretend to be angry every time, and then let Xiao Lin Lin coax himself so that he can act like a baby in his arms.

  In an instant, Jiang Yumu's pretty face flew a blush, like the snow lotus on the iceberg dripping blush.

   "Girl Yu Ni?"

   Perceiving something wrong with the woman next to him, Jiang Lin turned his head and asked.

   Mrs. Green Bamboo bit her lower lip lightly and said reproachfully.

   When I found him, it was too late and too late. He already had a girl he liked, and he was not just a...

   For them, he will definitely leave.

   For Xiao Feng in this life, he is the stranger.

   As a "stranger", how can I keep him?

   Do you want to tell him that he is Jiang Feng, the first sword **** of the human race, that is, his husband?

   But, let's not say whether he will believe it or not, even if he believes it, so what?

   If he can't choose to stay, but because of his own "language coercion", a kind of guilt out of responsibility, what's the point?

   In the end, Mrs. Qingzhu didn't know what she thought of, and looked down at herself, she was already blushing on her tear-stained little face.

   "If you are with him... then he will definitely be responsible for himself..."

   But as soon as the words fell, Mrs. Qingzhu shook her head vigorously, denying her thoughts.

  If you do something like this, what is the difference between it and "threat and coercion"?

   For a time, Mrs. Qingzhu, who was in a messy mind, wished that Jiang Lin was the kind of apprentice who had forgotten the righteousness and opened his eyes when seeing money. In this way, he would be able to "lock" him severely by his side.

   "Oh...that's okay...I should be content if I can find him."

   Mrs. Green Bamboo sighed slightly, put her fingers together, and lightly tapped Jiang Lin's eyebrows.

  In his sleep, Jiang Linmeng realized that he was still doing three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation. As a result, a gust of breeze blew Jiang Lin's book directly! The hard-to-find homework disappeared in an instant.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Like having a nightmare, Jiang Lin suddenly opened his eyes.

   As soon as he woke up, what appeared in Jiang Lin's eyes was pitch black...

   "Wait? What's the matter? It's dark? And why is this ‘black sky’ so soft?"

  Jiang Lin was very puzzled, until Jiang Lin turned his head and saw a pair of knees, Jiang Lin realized that he was resting on his lap!

  The knee pillow that can directly play the role of sunshading and turning off the lights...

   At night, because there was only one bed and a stack of quilts in the dilapidated thatched cottage, the little boy thought for a while, every time he washed himself in the river before getting into the quilt.

   It’s warm every time I get into the bed, maybe this is the bed warmer that adults often say...

And one day, when the little boy wakes up daily with the rising of the sun, the first thing that catches the little boy’s eyes is not the girl’s cute and quiet sleeping face, but the little girl’s big twinkling eyes. .

   The little girl woke up, a pair of little boys that Kazilan looked at with big eyes.

   The little girl lay on her side, there was no fear in her eyes, but a kind of curiosity.

   Her eyes were facing each other, and the little girl blushed a little when she looked at her like this.

   "You...what's your name..."

   The little boy quickly sat up and asked nervously.

   "Name..." The girl in a turquoise dress was also sitting on the head of the bed, frowning, "I can't remember..."

   "That's it..."

   The little boy scratched his head, turned over and got out of bed, and took out a book called "book" from the cabinet.

   This book was given to a little boy by a traveler.

   The traveler called himself a scholar and even a monk.

   In this era of war, the little boy didn’t know what the monk named scholar was, but he also heard the village chief’s grandfather say that he seemed to be a very powerful character.

   "You can choose one. If you don't have a name, it will be very troublesome."

   The little boy spread out the books in front of the little girl.

   "Which words do you like?"

   In fact, the little boy doesn't know any characters, but if she doesn't know the words that look good, then she will go back and ask the village chief grandfather how to read them.

   flipping through the books, the girl in the cyan dress finally put the book in front of the little boy.

   A pair of big eyes looked at him, as if saying: "You choose..."

   Jiang Lin shouted again, raising his voice, even a little rude.

   It seemed that only after hearing Jiang Lin's cry, did Mrs. Qingzhu's green eyes slowly recover, as if she had walked out of infinite memories.

   "I have heard of Jiang's name for a long time, and it is an honor to be able to meet Jiang's today."

   Mrs. Qingzhu bowed to Jiang Lin.

   Only then did Jiang Lin know that a simple salute could be so graceful! Dignified and elegant, blending charming and graceful together perfectly!


   Being bagged by a senior tens of thousands of years older than himself, and calling himself a concubine, Jiang Lin always feels a little weird...

  And...Mrs. Green Bamboo has existed since ancient times...

   Although the life span of green bamboo is close to infinite~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as there are no accidents, it is truly in line with the sky.

   But because of this, the speed of practice is also several times slower than that of ordinary monsters.

   However, the ancient times are a hundred thousand years away from the present...No matter how slow this lady is, she should be ascendant...

   That is to say, a woman in the ascended realm salutes herself...

   Jiang Lin is a little worried that he will lose his life...

   "The younger generation is. I have heard of Madame Qingzhu's reputation for a long time. I was fortunate to be invited by the lady today. The younger generation is flattered. Please don't be polite!"

   Jiang Lin hurriedly responded.

   Mrs. Green Bamboo straightened up and smiled at Jiang Lin, as if the bamboo forest had lost all its color:

   "Master Jiang, please sit down."

   At the invitation of Mrs. Qing Zhu, Jiang Lin and Mrs. Qing Zhu sat face to face.

   Plain hand made a cup of tea for Jiang Lin: "You don't need to tell me, you can just come in with the bamboo slips sent to him by his concubine body. But the son is also coming now, but it makes the concubine wait so hard."

  Jianglin feels that there are a lot of things in this ordinary time, save my friends, why do you get involved in Jianzong? Besides, I also used to save Youyou instead of Jianzong, but the method is different...

   "So, you are not willing to let go?"

   "I feel like you are talking nonsense."

   "In this case, among the cultivators, life and death are arrogant, not to mention that on the battlefield, I am waiting for your face, even if your Excellency died in battle, I think it will be difficult for Jianzong to trouble me Bai Guo."

   "Don't worry, Jianzong, won't come."

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