I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 884: 1 road is prosperous, until the white first

   Qingyue City, a demon city located outside the Qingyue Mountains, its area is already equivalent to a small country.

   As an ordinary demon city in the world of demon clan, pit and abduction is already a daily operation.

   But in recent days, the local residents in Qingyue City, let alone being kidnapped, bumped into someone on the street, even if it was a stinky child, they wanted to lie on the ground and apologize to them.

   After all, don't you know if the little girl you hit is a weird boss.

   In case the posture of apologizing is not standard enough, the big guys are in a bad mood and greet themselves with a slap...

   Then I can find someone to make sense.

   If you are lucky, you can still reincarnate your soul.

   I'm not lucky, I'm afraid it's not my soul flying away...

   So, in fact, these monster races in Qingyue Mountain really want to run away.

   But the big day is approaching, you ran away, this Qingyue City is empty, there is no lively atmosphere, what is this?

   So Qingyueshan has orders.

   None of the demons in Qingyue City can leave, they all stir up the atmosphere and get excited!

   The city lord of Qingyue City, who was already rolled up, had no choice but to let the whole city be lit up with lights and firecrackers.

   In addition, the City Lord of Qingyue City began to organize the city.

   But he doesn't need to sort it out, knowing that the twelve monster kings are coming, they still can't get out, all the monsters are too good!

Especially on the day before the wedding ceremony of Qingyue Mountain, when the Twelve Demon Kings came one after another, even Qingyue Mountain promised, "As long as you don’t die, you won’t die, and everyone will be rewarded after the rejoicing. ", their legs still trembled when they went to the street.

  The worst of them is Chingyue City Lord.

   Early in the morning, he was outside the door, welcoming the arrival of the Twelve Demon Kings. 2222=-——————————————————————————————

   "Although I don't agree that you don't tell Xiao Lin about your children, since your younger siblings told me, then you believe me, and I won't say it at the moment.

   However, when I return to Haoran World, if I feel necessary, I will tell Xiao Lin. "

   "Thank you."

   "Ah..." Fang Chaoqun sighed slightly, "Compared with your situation, the problem with Xingrong and I thousands of years ago is like playing a house..."

Wu Suxu also smiled. As the Twelve Throne of the Monster Clan, he naturally knows what happened between Fangchao Skirt and Xiang Rong: "You should pay attention to it. It's okay to find Xiang Rong, but don't send me a letter. The former is dead."


   I feel like I am being used as a messenger's Fangshaqin and I don’t want to take these words, because these words are really not a joke. In the heart of this younger brother and sister, the only thing that cares about is Xiao Lin, and now there is a Xiao Xiao Lin...

   "By the way, does Xiao Xiao Lin have a name?"

   "It's a girl, called Wuzheng."

"Jiang Wuzheng..." Fang Chaoqun nodded, "It's a good name, don't worry, no matter how the Yaozu world and Haoran world fight, this little girl Wuzheng is not just you and Xiaolin. It's just a pair of fathers and mothers, and there are a lot of **** fathers and mothers behind her."

   "And **** sister..." The sweet girl sitting beside Wu Xunxu spoke.

Fang Chaoqun turned his head and looked at the little girl. In fact, he had been very curious about this little girl, because she had a sword-like spirit similar to Xiaolin's body. Fang Chaoqun always wanted to ask, but he was helpless. Then he gave himself a bomb.

   "What is this little sister?"

"Xiao Lin's personal disciple, Murong Qin." Wu Suxu looked at this girl who didn't just want to be a disciple, and gently stroked her long hair, "Qin'er, I forgot to introduce you too, he called Fang Chao The skirt is one of your master’s true friends."

   "Qin'er has seen seniors." Murong Qin got up and owed a bow. Although there is a kind of introversion of juniors meeting strange elders, they are also generous.

   Watching Qin'er leaving the jumping figure, Wu Suxu shook his head, and then said softly.

   In the Imperial Study Room, a woman slowly emerged.

   Holding a package in her hand, she sighed softly, "Actually, I don't want it."

   Mrs. Murong's charming face was a little embarrassing.

   "But you can't protect her forever."

   Wu Xun Xie sat back on the book table and looked at Murong Ya with a smile.

  "Qin'er is already in the Golden Core Realm. Even if I have never seen the speed of practice before, she will reach the Nascent Infant in a short time. If you want to be in your realm, she will surpass you in a short time.

   You also know that when she embarked on a journey of spiritual practice, her destiny had already changed. "

   Murongya looked at the direction of her daughter’s departure, and whispered: "Do you think that old man Yue will let Qin'er participate in the Battle of Eleven three years later?"

   Wu Xiu shook his head: "I don't know."

   "Finally... go and go." Murong Ya gently let go of her baggage, "She is going to grow up after all."

   Looking at the baggage on the table, Wu Xing said: "The clothes, are you knitting?"


   "What kind of?"

   "You can take it apart and look at it."

   "Do you want Qin'er to bring him?"

   "No, there are clothes I knit for you inside."

   After speaking, Murong Ya slowly walked out of the imperial study room and walked home.

   Sitting at the table, Wu Xingxu slowly opened the baggage.

   Inside is an emperor's dragon robe.

   Next to the dragon robe of the emperor, there is a scarlet wedding gown for women.

   "This is the martial arts training ground of the Xueshenzong."

   "This piece of spiritual stone is the best testing spirit stone, and every disciple can receive a monthly bonus every month by virtue of his strength."

   Fangzhao skirt followed Xia Ju into the Snow-marked Sect. Xia Ju explained, Fangzhao skirt looked at the Xue-marked Sect, summed up and selected useful information in his heart, and planned to write it to Jiang Lin.

   As for Xia Ju's explanation, Fangzhao will not take it seriously.

  In Fang Chaoqun's heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What Xia Ju said, there is no need to listen to a punctuation mark, just rely on what you see and report it to your brother.

   After all, an ordinary sect, there is nothing that can be concealed under the eyes of the fairyland.

   But I have to say that Xuehenzong is very rich.

   Although the overall strength of the sect was not even in the Dongfu realm, the top combat power was Xiaju's Nascent Infant realm, and the rest of the elders worshipped the highest level, but most of them were Dragon Gates in the early days of the Golden Core, but they had first-class sect configuration.

For example, the top-grade testing spirit stone, the second-grade sword forging furnace, the large number of fourth-grade alchemy furnaces, and even the room copy skirts with sword intent to perceive, found that the Xuehenzong has a very rich reserve of medicinal materials, and there is a special person to look after the medicine garden. The blood dragon flower of the half immortal product.

   As for the Xuehenzong disciples, Fang Chaoqun found that although they looked normal, there was a toxin in their bodies. Fang Chaoqun was not a doctor monk, and I didn’t know what poison it was, but the toxins were the same as the two disciples guarding the gate.

   In addition, in the Snow Mark Sect, ordinary people can even be seen here asking for life.

   Some young women who look good in the mortal world clean the house, do the laundry and cook, but the male monk only dared to look at them when they saw them, not even those young women who were five meters away from them.



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