I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 887: What are you

"Who wants to test this king?"

Outside Qingyue City, a woman walked slowly.

She is dressed in a dragon robe, which is not like the real dragon robe of Emperor Mortal Chen, but mainly a rose-yellow dress.

The skirt is waisted and outlines the graceful and exquisite figure of a woman. There are gold fringes on it, the swallows fall on the ankles, and the cuffs resemble the style of a Confucian patriarch's shirt, but there is a combination of the atmosphere of the dragon and the compactness of the woman.

The fear in the hearts of the attendants of the big demon outside the city began to spread. This fear came from the imprint of the soul. When they came back to their senses, these attendants, whose realm averaged in the Dragon Gate realm, were already uncontrollably on their knees. Kneel down towards the woman.

Their masters did not punish their attendants, because they themselves were restraining the urge to kneel down.

If their realm is lower, or the real dragon woman's realm is higher, then they will be added to the kneeling demons.

Even if she had never seen it before, even if no one had informed her of her identity, the demons and cultivators present all understood.

She is the only true dragon in the world, and the lord of the four seas who gathers the luck of dragons in one body-Jian Dan!

Behind Yanzhu, followed by several "envoys", all of them dressed in a black coat and a dragon horn mask on their faces.

The demons could only guess that they were women from their slender and slender figures.

"Zanzhan, what do you intend to bring the monks from the Haoran world to Qingyue Mountain privately?"

When the mighty dragon was pressing on everyone like a mountain, a tender voice of a baby came.

In the voice of this baby, Longwei was dispelled a lot. Although all the monster races still had lingering fears, they could control their knees and let themselves stand up.

"Lutu, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

The golden vertical pupils of Chuan looked behind him, and a mysterious yellow dragon gas screamed past. The mountains and forests not far away broke open. The trees, flowers and plants, knots were annihilated, disappeared invisible, and the place where the dragon gas passed was like a real dragon lying on the ground. , Wiped out a very deep gully.

When the dragon gas disappeared, a mountain still exploded!


Like crying or laughter, a man walked along the gully.

Lu Tu, one of the Twelve Demon Kings, itself Gu eagle.

[Gu Carving: Mountain of Deer and Wu, no vegetation, more gold and stone. Ze Gengzhi water flows out of Yan, while Nanliu flows into Pangshui. There are beasts in the water, and the name is Gu eagle. 】

Lu Tu didn't deal with the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom at first.

The reason is also very simple. The Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom believes that the human race is very important in the world of the demons.

But for Lutu, the human race is just food, and the food still wants to be level with the owner?

Regarding Jiang Lin's marriage and imitation, he was the first to refuse.

How can we marry ancient relics with mediocre food?

And if Lutu's failure to deal with the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom is a different conception, then Lutu's failure to deal with Luzhu is a dispute over the Great Dao.

Zhuan palms all over the world, and the gu carved out of the water.

The opportunity for the Gu Diao Proving Dao to ascend is the whole world.

But now there is the Lord of True Dragons in the four seas, which is equivalent to putting a mountain on his path of proving the Dao. If he wants to prove the Dao, he can only move this mountain away!

But Zhuan is the body of a real dragon, gathering the world's dragon fortune, holding the power of the four seas, and the four seas have long since returned to his heart. He has no way to do anything with Zhuan.

But unexpectedly, on the way to the Qingyue Mountain wedding banquet, when he wanted to catch someone for food, a female sword repairer fell from the sky.

Although the realm of this woman's sword repair is Yupu, her strength is already an enemy immortal.

After fighting for three rounds, he found that the woman's swordsmanship and sword aura were very similar to the **** fish mud on the cradle list.

Just when he was overjoyed and wanted to taste the genius of Haoran's world female genius, Yan Zhu had already arrived, and behind her, there were two sword repair women who could kill across the realm, and even a boxing spirit. The female takeshi of the sky!

Lu Tu remembered his previous investigation again, Chuan had lived in Haoran World, and then Jiang Lin had many confidantes in Haoran World, and they were all famous figures on Haoran's list.

Then it is easy to conclude that they are here to rob relatives!

The genius who colluded with the Haoran World, and the Qingyue Mountain Tribulation relatives in the Monster Clan World, this is already regarded as betraying the Monster Clan World.

But the opponent is Chuan after all, plus Jianxiu and Takeo who can cross the border to kill the enemy, and Lutu, as the bottom of the Twelve Demon Kings, naturally takes a step back.

However, he began to hold some of the great monsters of the Nascent Soul Realm to stop Nasty Zanzhan in the name of "Zanzhan led the Haoran world monks to sneak into the demon world, colluding with the Haoran World".

And this snake is the handwriting of the deer map.

"Zhan, the maid you brought, the lowest realm is the late Yuan Ying, and there is a female martial artist in the far-flung realm. When they form a human race, when will there be such a human genius in the world?"

Lu Tu looked at Yan Dan with a wicked smile, his voice sounding like an infant gave a sense of oozing.

"If I didn't guess wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they are Jiang Yuni, Xiao Xueli, Lin Qingwan, and Chen Jia, the pearl of the Chen clan."

Lutu's voice was deliberately blessed by magic, spreading, and even Bai Qianluowu Susu and others in Qingyue City could hear it clearly.

At the same time, Bai Qianluo Wu Susu and the others all turned their heads, and even some of the Demon Kings in front of them turned around.

Thousands of great monsters outside the city also looked behind Yan Zhu, and even some of the great monsters had a greedy green light in their eyes.

Jiang Yuni and others are all at the forefront of the funeral list, and these are all magnificent military exploits.

Not to mention that their lives are worth at least a half-celestial soldier. When they break through the Haoran World in the future and divide the Haoran World by dividing the nine continents, they will definitely be able to get a territory.

But even though they were very excited, no one dared to act rashly when Zanzhan stood there.

"Chan, you are in charge of the four seas, and now you are in collusion with Haoran Tianxia Jiang Yuni and others to come to Qingyue Mountain, what is the intention?" Lutu added another fire, "If you say that I framed it, you can make your'maiden' Are they showing their faces?"

"Slander? Betrayal? Show your true face?"

Chuan laughed lightly, and the golden vertical pupil glanced at all the big monsters who were about to move, and finally stopped on Lu Tu's body, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Lutu, your body is a Gu eagle, right?"

"The so-called Gu carving, before ten thousand years, my dragon clan was roasted and eaten, and your clan is nothing but a wild bird."

"Let’s not say whether this king colluded with Haoran, so what? This king wants you to teach me how to do things?"

"A wild bird also wants to talk to me? What are you?"

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