I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 898: Why! I won't!

   From outside Qingyue City to Qingyue Mountain, this small road leading to Qingyue Mountain is already covered with red happy paper.

   On the main peak of Qingyue Mountain, Jiang Lin, Shan Fang and Murong Qin are receiving the blessings of visitors.

   Outside Qingyue City, after receiving Jiang Lin's reassurance, I felt a lot more relaxed.

   Even when Xiao Hei and Shu Lv looked at the imitation, the joy between the eyebrows was even more pleasant, and the red new clothes seemed to sparkle on her body.

  Especially the kind of girl who blended youthfulness and maturity when she was a first-time wife, who was already very beautiful, now she is even more beautiful.

   And when everyone said the blessings of "I wish you a long life", "The children and grandchildren", and "Happiness and happiness", the girl will blush and secretly look at her husband next to her. The shy eyes full of tenderness and happiness are even more lovely.

   Even some female demon, the moment their eyes fell on the girl's face, they could no longer look away.

   Some male big monsters were originally fortunate that Jiang Lin had married Xie Fang, and he was considered a member of the monster clan.

   But now, they want to hack Jiang Lin to death again!

   Why can the monks in the world marry the beauties of my demonic world!

   And didn’t you hear that I’m decisive?

   Where is this decisive!

  Imitation by Jiang Lin's side, the little girl's expression is simply not too cute!

  Of course, these big monsters can only complain in their hearts, and then give Polygonum multiflorum to the new couple, and finally lose their way, leaving the smell of lemon all over the floor...

   Qin'er was naturally also very happy. When faced with the blessings of one person after another, there was even a dreamy trance, that unreal feeling spread in the heart of the girl.

   Until Qin'er held the wide palm beside her and looked at the face that she would never get tired of for the rest of her life, Murong Qin knew that this was true.

   I really want to marry seniors.

   But Jiang Lin's mind is much more complicated.

   Regarding the blessings of these big monsters one after another, Jiang Lin was so flustered!

   He always feels that his balloon is getting bigger and bigger, and every blessing is like blowing into his own balloon again, the kind that is about to explode...


   They suspect that they are dreaming...


   Jiang Lin released Leng Bingqing’s wrist and handed her a writing brush, then Jiang Lin picked up a writing brush and wrote his wish on the red paper.

   Leng Bingqing looked at the red paper on the table, picking up the brush, she didn't know what to write for a while.

   For her, all she has is a sword. Besides, what else do she want?

   turned his head and stared at Jiang Yida's profile blankly.

   I don’t know how long it took until Jiang Lin concentrated on folding the paper boat.

   "What did you write?"

   Looking at the paper boat slowly drifting away, Leng Bingqing turned her head and asked.

  In Jiang Lin's impression, before tonight, Leng Bingqing seldom asked herself anything.

   Leng Bingqing didn't seem to hear Jiang Lin's phrase "It won't work if I say it." He looked at the sparkling river and said lightly: "Jianxin is clear."

   "I think your Jianxin is enough..."

   Before the three words "clear enough" were finished, Jiang Lin looked at Leng Bingqing as he saw it for a long time.

   A woman who was originally Jianxin Mingche hopes to be "Jianxin Mingche". In other words, something is wrong with her kendo?

   Why? Nothing happened recently?

   Could it be that Leng Bingqing saw this prosperous life and felt that the deserted practice of kendo was not worth it?

   Absolutely impossible, Leng Bingqing's Jianxin is absolutely impossible to be affected by this prosperity.

   "Do you have any questions about your kendo?" Jiang Lin asked with concern.

   "Hmm." Leng Bingqing nodded, "Now I don't know why, I always feel that my kendo has shaken something."

   "Uh...Should we go back?"

   The volatility in Kendo is really serious, and outsiders can't help with this kind of thing, they can only rely on their own to clear the understanding, this time requires meditation.

   "It should be useless."

   Leng Bingqing shook her head, her clear eyes reflected Jiang Lin's figure, and she slowly stretched out her hand:

   Riyuejiao In a house with a decent feng shui location, a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe is still playing with the newly developed magic circle.

   This magic circle is mainly used in conjunction with the machinery made by Xiao Hei, which is equivalent to a kind of magic puppet. Its purpose is to actively feed chickens and ducks when the owner is not at home! You can also take the initiative to clean the house.

   "This can shake hands, unlike you."

   They are also thinking about taking a few sets home after the magic puppet is made, so that they don’t have to do housework, and they can have more time to go to goulan to listen to the music.

   But I didn't expect that the kid Tai Er Zhenjun shook his hands at a critical moment.

  The BUG in the law formation can still be understood, but this kind of low-level error, as an old craftsman like Tai Er Zhenjun, is really strange...

   "Mistakes, mistakes..." Taier Zhenjun scratched his head, "Wait, wait for me to figure it out."

  The absent-minded Tai Er Zhenjun hurried back to the house, took out the tortoise shell and dog blood, as well as the yin and yang pictures he had treasured for a long time.

After    Banzhuxiang, looking at the hexagram, Tai Er Zhenjun took a breath!

   "What's wrong?"

   Looking at Tai Er Zhenjun's frown, Ji Jibo and others patted Tai Er Zhenjun's head again.


   Tai Er Zhenjun suddenly stood up!

   "I have to go to Wanli City!"

   "Now, although she ran to the world of the demon race, but she sent me a little 愫愫, which is not bad."

   Blind old man: "Are you not going to help her? Their mother and daughter are afraid it will be difficult."

   Aunt Lin shook her head: "It's not my turn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Her man is not a little white-faced, although he is usually not serious, but he is not a plain rice."

   "It's you on the contrary." Aunt Lin narrowed her eyes when she looked at the blind old man, "Are you going back to the world of the demon clan?"

  The blind old man: "I don't want to go back. The life here is really good. Everything is fine except that the boy Jiang Lin often buys paintings and touches my granddaughter's little hands."

   "Grandpa, you can't say that." The girl covered her mouth and chuckled, "Brother Jiang Lin touched my hand. Isn't it because I touched Xiaolin's hand? It's also shameless."

   The girl spit out her fragrant tongue: "This is called empathy."

   "Have you seen it?" The blind old man shook his head helplessly, "If I don't leave again, I'm afraid that my granddaughter will be abducted. Then who will give me this old man who is half of his body going into the soil?"

   "It's alright, just leave." Aunt Lin waved her hand, "Quickly go, you old man, I'm not letting you go."

   "Hahaha, Miss Lin is generous." The blind old man smiled and drank a cup of tea.

   There are only two people who can call Aunt Lin as Miss Lin throughout the entire Sunyuejiao.

   One is the founder of the Sun Moon Sect, who has been dead for many years.



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