I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 925: Is this my own illusion?

Within a few days, Jiang Lin didn't know how he came here.

Say it's happiness, it's really very happy.

Say it's suffering...

When eating...

"Xiao Lin, eat more bean sprouts."

"What's so delicious about bean sprouts, Xiao Lin, eat more leeks."

"Senior sister made this honey chicken, Xiao Lin will try it."

"Jiang Lin! This stir-fried beef loin is delicious!"

"Little Pro"

Whenever he ate, Jiang Lin would eat all kinds of dishes. The rice in the bowl only dared to add half a bowl, and the dishes were already piled up into a small hill.

Looking at the dishes that Jiuyi and the others cooked one after another on the table, Jiang Lin had to eat it with tears every time!

If it’s delicious, it’s fine, but who knows that Susu Qianluo didn’t add any extra points to their cooking at all!

There was even a small marriage that mistaken salt for sugar, and Jiang Lin almost died of sweetness.

But fortunately, it’s not that sugar is mistaken for salt. It’s better to be sweet than salty.

In addition to eating, there is also time to sleep every night.

As punishment, Jiang Lin hugged the bed to sleep in the yard every night, and even set up a tent for himself, which was pretty good.

But every night the tent opened and closed, and the cold wind came in and it was too cold.

When Jiang Lin woke up in the morning, he wanted to roll over, but found that he couldn't move at all?

What the **** is it? Dare to press my flower-picking thief, right? I dare to press my jade sword repair bed? She's not afraid of me being overwhelmed?

When I opened my eyes and woke up, I found that Jiuyi and the others had already entered their tent. Except for a pair of eyes that could be revealed, the whole person was hugged tightly.

When taking a bath, Jiang Lin no longer dared to bathe in the yard. He usually ran to a mountain hot spring in Qingyue Mountain.

Jiang Lin can always see the big dog every time he goes to the hot springs to take a bath.

The most embarrassing thing is that the big dog can even backstroke!


All soldiers and soldiers put on armors and stood in line. Except for an ascendant old man and a moon old man who were in the barracks, all the top combat powers of the upper five levels were on the battlefield.

The list of Yaozu’s cradles in the world is distributed to every Yaozu and carved into their souls!

Cradle list! It is also a list of genius assassinations in the world!

When anyone on the list enters the battlefield, he will be surrounded and suppressed endlessly, and countless old men will pay all the price to kill him in the cradle! Even if it is three lives in exchange for one life, it is still blood earned!

"Hahaha, great, great! I thought I really had to wait until the end of the month! Today is just right! Today is just right!"

The five-meter-tall giant laughed loudly, his eyes full of excitement of killing.

"Is that Jiang Lin? And that Chen Bei, it seems to be very good." Shui Chan had a tube top with her hands, her tongue licked her lips, evil charm full of charm.

"Sister imitation, is this?"

In the imitation camp, the girl asked anxiously. The beauty of the Western Regions in front of the girl had already **** her skirt and simply **** her long hair.

"It's okay, don't go around here with Yan." After a few days of getting along, I feel that this girl is actually quite cute, even a little close, "Xiaoqin, don't you want to see your master? ? I caught him back."

After the words fell, the tall girl walked out of the camp with her slender thighs.

In less than half of the incense, a total of one million troops in the Yaozu world had assembled, and they only waited for an order.

But there was that old man, and no one dared to give orders. All the generals and old men looked at the camp in the center of the barracks.

"Why are you looking at me."

In the air, the old man's voice came.

"Let's go, it's better to come back alive."


Thousands of miles away from the city.

The millions of demon army, like the dark tide, rushed towards the thousand-zhang city wall madly!

Ji Chibo, Diao Da, and Tai Er Zhenjun, they are not sleepy, although they do not want to see Brother Jiang eating flat, but this kind of scene of grabbing women is simply not too exciting!

Damn it! So excited!

Similarly, Lin Qingwan and Xiao Xueli want to go forward and want to stand in front of Jiang Lin. They also know that although Xiao Lin is a rascal and a scumbag, he is sometimes very mind-blowing.

If Xiao Lin really clashed with this Chen Bei, then he would definitely only fight head-on with him in the realm of martial arts.

But the problem is that Xiao Lin is a sword and body double cultivation, really may not be able to beat Chen Bei, who has been immersed in martial arts since he can remember!

But before they took a step, they were simultaneously held by Mrs. Green Bamboo and Jiang Yumu.

Although the worry in the eyes of Jiang Yumu and Qingzhu was about to overflow, they still shook his head.

At the same time, Xiao Jia felt the aura of unkindness, so she was willing to let go of Jiang Lin, opened his lotus arm, and stood in front of Jiang Lin, "Chen Bei! What do you want to do!"

Chen Bei looked at Chen Jia with a complex expression, and then at the man behind Chen Jia, speechless for a while.

And although Jiang Lin likes to eat soft rice, he also likes to make a heart-to-heart choice, but when a love rival comes to the door, that's another matter.

He patted Chen Jia on the shoulder, Jiang Lin shook his head at Chen Jia, walked forward and held a fist in a salute, "Wutong State Sun and Moon teaches Jiang Lin."

"Chen Bei in Wanlicheng." Chen Bei gave Jiang Lin a fist, his face much better than before.

In Chen Bei's opinion, if this Jiang Lin insists on hiding behind Xiao Jia, then he really has no other way.

However, I will despise him very much! Even feel worthless for Xiaojia to like such a man.

If such a man were his rival in love, he would feel ashamed.

But now this man has finished Wuya Road, and still stands in front of him without any fear. At least, Chen Bei feels that his opponent is such a man, it would be very good!

Jiang Lin and Chen Bei looked at each other, silent in the courtyard.

Seeing Jiang Lin's elegant appearance, Chen Xia opened her mouth slightly and wanted to say something, but finally turned and left, "If you make Xiaomariao feel wronged a little bit! I will not let you go as a ghost!"

Chen Yu and others looked at Jiang Lin, and then at Chen Xia who turned to leave. They also hurriedly clasped their fists and turned to catch up with Chen Xia.

Jiang Yuni, Qingzhu and others are about to step forward to investigate the situation in Jiang Lin's body.

Although Jiang Lin was definitely not injured.

But after walking through that section of Wuya Road, Jiang Lin is already in the sixth stage and can even enter the seventh stage at any time!

This is definitely a great thing for ordinary martial artists.

But for Jiang Lin ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is worse.

But how could Jiang Lin let Master and Qing Zhu see what's inside him?

The secret technique of turtle breath has reached its limit, and now the chaos in Jiang Lin's body is like northwestern Shanxi, it has become a pot of porridge.

So Jiang Lin quickly waved his hand and said that he was okay.

But the more Jiang Lin did this, the more suspicious he became. Even Xiaojia knew that Jiang Lin must have something wrong.

Lin Qingwan and Xiao Xueli also rushed over to press Jiang Lin against the wall.

Ji Jibo and the others were thinking about whether to help Brother Jiang, but when Jiang Yumu's eyes were kicked, they immediately stopped moving.

Just kidding, this is his immediate boss, and all his wealth is taught by Riyue.

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