I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 113 The world is fighting and killing! (Add more updates for the big brother Liangkun)

"You are Chen Yuan!"

When Chen Yuan returned to the lobby, Mrs. Wu stared at Chen Yuan full of hatred, obviously hearing the words just outside.

"Why, madam knows about Chen?"

Chen Yuan sat at the head with a blank expression.

"You killed Qing'er?"

"Of course not, but I really wanted to kill her, but unfortunately I didn't catch up with the opportunity." Chen Yuan smiled.

"Then how did Qing'er die? Was it with you?"


Wang Ping fell on Wu Shi's face with a big fist, and knocked her to the ground: "Are you interrogating us, or are we interrogating you?"


Wu shi covered the red palm marks on her face, with hatred in her eyes.

If Fang Cai was afraid, then knowing Chen Yuan's true identity would be nothing but hatred. Even if Qing'er was not killed by Chen Yuan, aside from the facts, wouldn't it have nothing to do with Chen Yuan?

It was Chen Yuan who locked Qing'er in prison at the beginning, and only then did she have a tragic experience later.

"Chen is not interested in talking to you here. Since you don't know the whereabouts of Liu Changfeng and Liu Yun, there's no need to keep you."

Chen Yuan waved his hand and asked someone to take him down.


Wu Shi still wanted to say something, but something had been stuffed into her mouth, so she couldn't speak at all.

"Do you want to track it down?"

Wang Ping asked.

Chen Yuan was silent for a moment, and said:

"Since I left a few days ago, it is not easy to find it now. Send someone to issue a wanted warrant and report to Fucheng to search the whole house."

It is impossible for Chen Yuan to use manpower and material resources to find Liu Changfeng now, so he can only use the arrest warrant, but the effect is really not flattering.


"What was found in Liu's house?"

"One thousand and twenty-seven taels of silver, some jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, and some elixir for cultivation."

"What medicines are there?"

"Thirty-two tiger bone pills, fifteen blood-containing pills, and Yang-strengthening pills."

Hearing the words Zhuang Yang Pill, Chen Yuan smiled unconsciously. It turned out that Liu Shuanghe couldn't do it.

After calculation, a total of items worth about 1,800 taels of silver were found in the Liu family. Other than that, there were some properties belonging to the Liu family. These things could not be taken away, and Chen Yuan had no time to deal with them.

It was also given to those guys in Cao County.

Half of the money was handed over, and Chen Yuan divided most of the rest, leaving only the elixirs used for cultivation, which were the most useful things for him.

As for a few yang strengthening pills.

Wang Ping told him to leave because his father was not in good health recently.

To this, Chen Yuan just smiled.

After returning to Ping'an County, Chen Yuan immediately handed over half of the things to Lu Yang, and also presented the waist badge that represented his identity, expressing his gratitude in words.

And Lu Yang seemed to appreciate Chen Yuan's decisive character.

To act in the Sky Survey Division, one must have such a disposition.

Otherwise, how can we gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes?

The rivers and lakes are not about the ways of the world, but fighting and killing!

"Aren't you going to leave with this envoy?" Lu Yang frowned slightly and looked at Chen Yuan.

"My lord, Mr. Chen still has some personal matters."

Lu Yang's schedule was too urgent, and Chen Yuan didn't have time to say goodbye.

Among other things, Zhao Nanshan helped him several times, but he didn't say hello even once, and as for the others, it's nothing.

"Forget it. Since you want to go by yourself, I won't stop you."

"Thank you Master Lu for your understanding."

Chen Yuan cupped his hands.

He was still used to being alone, and there was no danger in leaving Ping'an County anyway.

His current enemies have basically solved everything that can be solved, and there will be no future troubles. The only thing he is not sure about is actually those monsters from Wushengjiao.

If the news of the bloody knife is leaked by the skinny man, it is likely to attract some pursuit.

Moreover, it is best to practice some bone refining pills that you just got from the Liu family.

There are not many masters in the Xuntian Division. With his current strength, he is actually nothing. At most, he can be regarded as the number one figure in the foundation establishment level.

You can look at Fucheng.

Chen Yuan needs to urgently increase his strength to increase his sense of security.

He is a very insecure person, and he has been like this since he came to this world.

Lu Yang nodded and didn't say much. Chen Yuan didn't go with him, but he saved some troubles. The only pity this time was that some evidence of Li Mingqi's crimes was found.

But it is not as bad as ransacking the house, and the higher-ups will not approve of him doing it.

After all, it was announced just now that Li Mingqi, the county lieutenant, died at the hands of the Wusheng Cult monster.

After that, Lu Yang didn't try to persuade him any more. Although Ping'an County is not close to Fucheng, it is relatively safe.

Unlike the other state capitals on the border, there are countless bandits and road tyrants.

Before leaving, Chen Yuan also asked him to make a confession to Zhang Xuan and rush to Fucheng as soon as possible.

After sending Lu Yang away, Chen Yuan hurried to the county government office Wu Qingfeng.

Inside the lobby.

Only Chen Yuan and Wu Qingfeng remained.

With a smile on his face, Chen Yuan folded the police clothes on his body neatly, and put the saber on the table together. Li Mingqi is dead, and Wu Qingfeng is Chen Yuan's boss.

Before leaving, according to the rules, there must be a handover.

"Chen Yuan."

Wu Qingfeng looked at Chen Yuan with some confusion.

The first time he had an impression of Chen Yuan was when Li Mingqi set up a competition in the school grounds to decide who should be arrested. At that time, Chen Yuan had just made his debut and defeated everyone in one fell swoop.

He was even able to be invincible in front of bone refining masters with his blood refining cultivation base, and he still had the upper hand in the early stage, so he had to pinch his nose to recognize Chen Yuan as the head catcher.

Originally, I thought that Chen Yuan was only a blood-refining practitioner, and his qualifications were low, so he would definitely not be able to control the law and order in the arrest house and the county, and even cause some troubles for Li Mingqi.

But he never expected that Chen Yuan's reputation would be established after a few shots.


Chen Yuan was able to secure his seat because of his ruthlessness.

Killing people and destroying families at every turn deterred many people who had thoughts about him.

Later, he was ordered to investigate the horse bandits, and he accomplished the task brilliantly. He would eradicate Han Feihu and other horse bandits in Fu County, and took the Beihai gang in the north of the city into his pocket by every means.

In just a few months, he became the number one person in Ping'an County, which made him have to pay attention.

To be honest, if Chen Yuan hadn't been transferred to the Tian Xun Division and approached him, Wu Qingfeng would definitely use him again.

It's a pity that Chen Yuan doesn't seem to trust him.

"grown ups."

Chen Yuan responded calmly.

He also felt a little disgusted with Wu Qingfeng before, and thought he would cause some trouble for himself, but he didn't expect to be calm all the time, as if he had been forgotten.

Chen Yuan also lost much hostility towards him.

His style of doing things is that people don't offend me, and I don't offend others.

Of course, except for those who are lucky

"You are young and energetic. When you enter the Sky Survey Division, you must know how to hide your edge. When I was young, I was also an official in the Fucheng, so I know that the water inside is very deep."

Wu Qingfeng said softly.

"Thank you for your reminder, sir, I will keep my humble job in mind."

Chen Yuan said in a condensed voice.

"Well, if you have nothing to do in the future, you can go back to Ping'an County and find me."

Wu Qingfeng said a lot of things, some of which were points made and some meant to bring the relationship closer. Chen Yuan was a little puzzled, but he listened attentively. Since there was no grievance,

Then there is no need to forge any grievances.

As for Wu Qingfeng, in fact, he also thought that Chen Yuan was a guy with potential, and he might be in the top position in the future, and he might ask him to do things.

Chen Yuan is only in his early twenties this year, and with such strength at such a young age, it is no wonder that Zhang Xuan values ​​it.

Not long after, when Chen Yuan left Wu Qingfeng's place, Wu Qingfeng also gave Chen Yuan a jug of good wine, saying that he wished him a good future, but Chen Yuan refused and accepted it.

After bidding farewell to Wu Qingfeng, Chen Yuan went straight to the east of the city.

In the Sanhe Boxing Gym, a group of disciples were practicing boxing in unison. Guo Xu held a wooden stick, and anyone whose posture was not standard would get a stick.

He looked up, saw Chen Yuan's figure, put on a smiling face, stepped forward, and said:

"Chen catcher."

For Chen Yuan's power, Guo Xu has undoubtedly seen and respected him, knowing how big the gap is between him and him, so he dare not show any disrespect.

Master Zhao Nanshan only dared to envy Chen Yuan, but not jealous.

When the gap between people reaches a certain level, in fact, jealousy will not breed.

"Where's Mr. Zhao?"

"Master is still resting in the backyard."

Guo Xu said with a smile.

Chen Yuan nodded, and complained a little in his heart, Zhao Nanshan really didn't go out of the backyard for nothing, every time he came to sleep in the backyard, he was so uncomfortable.

Passing through the front yard, Chen Yuan walked into the backyard of Sanhe Boxing Gym.

Zhao Nanshan was still the same as he had seen before, lying on the chair, squinting his eyes slightly, his right hand was still fanning the wind, and the tea was steaming on the stone table next to him.

Walking closer, Chen Yuan cupped his hands:

"Old Zhao."


Zhao Nanshan put down the cattail fan, opened his eyes and looked Chen Yuan up and down.

"Why are you here again?"

"What Mr. Zhao said, can't Chen come here?"

"Once you come, there must be nothing good."

Zhao Nanshan was a little helpless.

Chen Yuan seemed to have never been at peace, and his thoughts were still deep, even Shangguan dared to

"This time it's a good thing."

"tell me the story."

Zhao Nanshan sat up straight, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Got to go"

"Is the order down?"

Zhao Nanshan didn't have many surprises. Chen Yuan had mentioned to him before that he was about to leave Ping'an County to go to the Tian Xun Division in Fucheng.

"I have already come down before, and I will leave Ping'an County in a few days."

"Xuntiansi is a good place, but it is also very dangerous. Now the imperial court's control is not as good as before, and various sect forces have emerged, and even repeatedly provoke the majesty of the imperial court."

Zhao Nanshan shook his head.

"Mr. Zhao lives in Ping'an County, so he knows what's going on outside?" Chen Yuan was a little surprised. He always felt that Mr. Zhao was a lot more clumsy.

"It's just an inference. There was already a trend back then, and it is estimated to be more serious now."


Thank you Phantom Bingxin for the fifth reward of 10,000 coins!

Thanks to Li Shangruoxie for the fifth reward of 10,000 coins!

I hope you don't keep books.

It is said that not keeping books can increase durability...

Nine thousand is offered today!

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