I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 119: Kill first and then play the imperial franchise! (Six thousand begging to subscribe)

a long time.

Chen Yuan slowly opened his eyes, a look of joy flashed in his eyes.


Thoroughly washed the muscles and bones of the whole body.

Now, everything is ready, only the Taixuan Jing is owed, and then he can try to absorb Qi and advance to the Ninggang realm.

And according to his stepping into the bone refinement, exactly one month has passed.

It would be shocking if people found out that Chen Yuan had washed and tempered his whole body in just one month, and there were not many cases in the whole world.

Of course, except for the disciples of those top schools.

Chen Yuan was able to improve his strength so quickly, in addition to his own efforts, he also got the help of Zhao Nanshan and Su Ziyue. If there is no Xueyu Paste and Xuanling Pill,

Chen Yuan will at least delay for a long time.

Especially the snow jade ointment, this kind of elixir that Chen Yuan had never heard of, helped Chen Yuan not only to speed up his practice, but Chen Yuan could even feel that his body was changing after absorbing the snow jade ointment. gradually strengthened.

If there was no snow jade ointment, it would be impossible for Chen Yuan to swallow the elixir so recklessly without fear of erysipelas.

Standing up, Chen Yuan put on the neatly stacked clothes on the side. In three months, he surpassed the efforts of ordinary people who have practiced for several years. Chen Yuan's current strength is enough to run across a county.

The strength reached the expectation, and Chen Yuan didn't delay any further, and rushed directly to the direction of Fucheng.

The journey was peaceful without any incidents.

The city of Nanling Prefecture is very large. From a distance, it is at least ten times larger than the city of Ping'an County. There is an endless flow of people entering and exiting at a certain city gate.

Chen Yuan followed the flow of people into the Fucheng, and did not immediately go to the Xuntiansi Yamen. Instead, he took a rough tour of many places and had a preliminary understanding of Nanling Fucheng.

After all, if nothing unexpected happens, he will survive here for a long time to come.

I don't know if it's because of the market, Nanling Prefecture is very lively today, some places are even a bit crowded, and from time to time, Chen Yuan can see some government servants in fast-moving costumes dispersing the crowd.

Like an outsider, Chen Yuan watched quietly for a long time.

Not long after, he headed towards the Xuntiansi Yamen.

Xuntiansi is an independent yamen servant, not in the same place as the government office, but the distance between them is not too far. They are all located in the DC area, and this is also the safest area among the four major areas.

There are very few people who don't open their eyes and cause trouble here.

When Chen Yuan saw the Xuntiansi Yamen for the first time, he was actually a little surprised, because he thought that the powerful Xuntiansi Yamen must be very grand.

But after seeing it with his own eyes, he realized that he was completely overthinking.

The yamen of Xuntiansi is not that big, just like the county yamen, or even smaller.

In front of the door, there are two patrolling guards in black on duty, standing straight and staring forward, with extremely indifferent eyes. When pedestrians pass by here, most of them will speed up to avoid being stared at.

From this we can also see the majesty of some sky surveyors.

Although it is inconspicuous, no one dares to underestimate it.

Chen Yuan led the horse and stepped forward.

"An important place for surveying the sky, idlers are not allowed to enter!"

The Xun Tianwei who guarded the gate had a cold tone, and he glanced at Chen Yuan indifferently.

"Following the order of Zhang Zhang, come to join the job."

Chen Yuan arched his hands and said.

"Master Zhang?"

The two sky survey guards looked at each other, seeming to reveal a touch of reverence.

"Do you have proof?"

The Sky Surveyor who spoke before did not dare to have the same attitude as before, and also bowed his hands.


Chen Yuan frowned, his eyes thought for a while, as if he had thought of something, he took out the order from his arms, and showed it to the two of them:

"Can this be used as a certificate?"

"Head arrest in Ping'an County, Chen Yuan."

The two patrolling guards looked up and down carefully, and nodded:

"Forget it, you come with me."

One of them is humane.

"Chen Yuan!"

Just when Chen Yuan was about to follow in, a somewhat familiar calling voice came from behind. Chen Yuan turned his head and showed a smile:

"Brother Yue, long time no see."

Yue Shan stepped forward quickly, hammered Chen Yuan's chest, laughed, and said:

"Brother Yue, you can just call me by my name in the future. I haven't been here for so long. I thought something happened to you. If it wasn't for some missions recently, I would have gone to Pingan County to find you."

Yue Shan's attitude towards Chen Yuan was very kind, mainly because Chen Yuan's acting skills were too good before, which made Yue Shan regard Chen Yuan as a good official who cared about the people.

He didn't hesitate to get close to him, but also told him about the Wusheng Cult demon.

Such a person really makes people feel bad.

"I'm delayed by some trivial matters, Mr. Zhang." Chen Yuan asked in a low voice.

Yue Shan: "Don't worry, my lord is open-minded, I won't say much, let's go, I'll take you to meet my lord."

"It turns out that Chen Chenbutou is your friend, Brother Yue."

The two patrolling guards said very politely.

"Well, it's okay if I take Chen Yuan to see you, right?" Yue Shan looked at the two of them.

"No problem, no problem, brother Yue just go."

The two said quickly.


After Chen Yuan and Yue Shan left, the two patrolling guards discussed:

"That is Chen Yuan personally invited by Master Zhang Xuan?"

"I heard that this Chen Yuan is very valued by Mr. Zhang, and he gave up his official position as a headhunter and joined our Sky Survey Division. Tsk tsk tsk. Mr. Zhang values ​​him, and his future is limitless."

"Don't be so full of words. Before showing his strength, who knows what this Chen Yuan is like? It may be that Mr. Zhang has misjudged him."

"You, don't be sour."

"Am I sour?"

"Isn't it?"

Seeing Chen Yuan's puzzled look, Yue Shan said in a low voice:

"Chen Yuan, you don't know. They can only be regarded as the reserve personnel of our Sky Survey Division. Every official Sky Survey Guard must reach the level of bone refinement.

Only in this way will he be assigned to a patrol angel."

Chen Yuan nodded. After listening to Yue Shan's narration, Chen Yuan finally understood that each patrol angel has several to ten official sky patrol guards, which can be regarded as an independent group.

Can independently complete the tasks assigned above.

And these sky patrol guards can also use a larger number of reserve personnel.

Most of these reserve personnel are selected by the police or soldiers of the military. If they cannot be promoted to bone refining within three years, they will be beaten back.

Moreover, there is a rigid rule in the Sky Survey Division, if the Sky Survey Guard cannot be promoted to Ninggang within ten years, he will be forced to leave the Sky Survey Division's office.

Generally, it will be arranged as headhunters in the following counties.

In this regard, Chen Yuan felt that it was quite humane. If Xun Tiansi couldn't make a breakthrough after ten years of hard work, then he might as well be assigned to the subordinates to enjoy the blessings.

On the way to Zhang Xuan's place, Yue Shan told Chen Yuan a lot of information.

Although Chen Yuan will know these things in the future, there is still a gap between knowing earlier and knowing later.

Zhang Xuan's status in the Tian Xun Division of Nanling Mansion is not low, and he has a separate office to work in. For example, Yue Shan and others under his command also work here.

About half an hour later, the two saw Zhang Xuan.

"Humble job Chen Yuan. I have met adults."

Chen Yuan saw Zhang Xuan's face straightened, and immediately cupped his hands.

"After so long, it's finally here."

Zhang Xuan said with a calm face.

"My lord, forgive me, the humble job has delayed some time because of my practice these few days, that's why I did it," Chen Yuan quickly explained.

"It doesn't need to be like this. It's not a big deal if you haven't joined the job yet, but in the future, don't forget to do this."

"Humble post obeys orders."


"grown ups."

"Go and help Chen Yuan get his identity badge and official uniform."


"Sit first."

Zhang Xuan pointed to the seat in front of Chen Yuan and said.

Chen Yuan cupped his hands and sat down directly under Zhang Xuan without refusing.

"Now everyone in the Sky Survey Department knows that this envoy values ​​you very much. Some people still want to read this envoy's jokes, which may trip you up. You have to be careful."

Chen Yuan nodded solemnly.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are fights, which is nothing.

"Actually, it's good to be a head catcher in the county government, but it will kill people's hearts, but since you have chosen Xuntiansi, you must keep in mind one sentence, be cautious."

"The Sky Surveyor has a lot of power. It's not unreasonable to call it Miemensi outside, because the Sky Surveyor has the same extremely heavy authority.

Hunting on behalf of the sky, cut first and play later! "

"Do you know what this means? It means that you can attack all forces within your authority without any evidence, but you must have sufficient evidence afterwards."

"Of course, this right cannot be used unscrupulously. It is limited. It is not good for you to know too much now. When you get to my position, you will naturally understand."

"Thank you for your advice, my lord."

Chen Yuan looked solemn.

"Of course I have to mention it carefully. Many people outside are waiting to see the jokes of this envoy, and to see what skills the person invited by this envoy has.

Hope you don't let me down. "

Zhang Xuan looked straight at Chen Yuan.

"A humble job will not disappoint adults."

Zhang Xuan glanced at Chen Yuan with a half-smile, and suddenly said:

"Very well, since that's the case, the envoy won't give you any time to adapt. It just happened that there was a new case yesterday, so I'll leave it to you."

"Your Excellency, just give orders."

Although I thought in my heart that this was even more ruthless than 996, and didn't even give me any time to adapt, but since Zhang Xuan talked about this,

Then he can't refuse.

"Very good, this time it was your first mission to the Sky Survey Division, and let me see if your ability can be worthy of the envoy's attention."

Zhang Xuan said lightly.

"My lord, please tell me."

"In the previous case investigated by the envoy, the culprit has been punished, but the Yang family was mentioned in the confession. There may be some connection between them, and there is still a lot of money that was corrupted and has not been recovered.

Coincidentally, someone in the Yang family died strangely last night, so you should use this excuse to investigate carefully. "

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