I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 129 Patrol Angel Chen Yuan is online!

"Have you broken through the Condensation Realm?"

Zhang Xuan looked at Chen Yuan in astonishment, his eyes full of shock.

Chen Yuan nodded and said with a smile:

"Breakthrough by chance last night."

Hearing Chen Yuan's exact answer, Zhang Xuan didn't know what to say.

He still remembered that Chen Yuan seemed to be in his early twenties this year, and with no background, he was truly a genius who was able to break through the Condensation Realm in such a short period of time.

I'm afraid it won't be long before he can be on the Qianlong list and his reputation will spread throughout Qingzhou.

"Originally, I thought that with your achievements this time, it would be no problem to exchange for a superior Na Qigong method, but I didn't expect you to have already broken through, not bad!"

"My lord has won the prize."

Chen Yuan cupped his hands.

"Since you have broken through to the Condensed Gang Realm, there is no need to be restrained. Sit down."

Zhang Xuan pointed to the seat beside him and said.

Chen Yuan was not polite either, and sat down directly.

"You did a great job this time. Not only did you catch Yang Wanlou's criminal evidence, but you also managed to find the money that was corrupted. This envoy has already reported to Lord Qing Envoy for your credit."

Zhang Xuan said softly.

"It's the adults who plan the strategy, and the lowly position can have an excuse to attack the Yang family. The credit belongs to the adults."

"Of course I have some merits, but yours will not be corrupted. It just so happens that you have broken through the Condensation Realm. With this credit as a base, and with the help of my envoy, the position of the Patrol Angel is guaranteed!"

"But the silver you seized, I'm afraid I can't give it to you anymore."

After all, Chen Yuan's qualifications are still too light, and he has just joined the Sky Survey Department. Generally, if he wants to officially become a patrol angel, he must complete at least a few tasks.

After all, being an official does not mean that you will be appointed after you reach the level of strength.

There must be meritorious service.

Otherwise, who would seriously complete the task, how good would it be to practice honestly and slowly?

"My lord. Me."

Chen Yuan was speechless for a while.

In fact, he was ready to complete the task before he was promoted. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xuan directly took over and said that he was sure of everything.

It must have been too kind to him.

I also gave away knives, houses, credit and power.


Could it be that Zhang Xuan is his half-brother who has been missing for many years?

Otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

You know, Zhang Xuan is just a patrolling angel now.

He seems to be very happy to support a newly joined subordinate to the same level as himself. Chen Yuan has never heard of this kind of boss.

Seeing the surprise and suspicion on Chen Yuan's face, Zhang Xuan smiled:

"Don't worry, I don't have any intentions. There is another reason for doing this, besides admiring you."

"what reason?"

Chen Yuan immediately asked.

Zhang Xuan: "Arrange a trustworthy boss for Yue Shan and the others."

Chen Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought of what Lu Yang said before, Zhang Xuan is not far from breaking through, so he might have to be transferred, could it be...

Sure enough, the next moment Zhang Xuan said directly:

"I'm already at the peak of Condensation, and I need to start a breakthrough. In addition to stabilizing my realm, I will leave Nanling Mansion for a period of time. During this period, Yue Shan and others will leave it to you."

He didn't say where he was going to practice in seclusion, but Chen Yuan guessed that it should have something to do with his background.

Sure enough, having a good father is different.

"Then after you break through, my lord, will you come back?"

Chen Yuan didn't want Zhang Xuan to leave. With him around, Chen Yuan was like having a great help.

"Listen to the arrangements from above."

"I understand." Chen Yuan nodded solemnly.

"Let's go, go with me to meet Master Qing Envoy, and determine the status of patrol angel for you. As long as Master Qing Envoy agrees to report, there will be no accidents in this matter."

Zhang Xuan stood up, and Chen Yuan also stood up and followed behind him.

Heading towards the center of Xuntiansi Yamen.

Along the way, Zhang Xuan told Chen Yuan that Yang Wanlou and his son had been taken away by the people from the government office. As long as they were convicted, they would basically end up being executed by Qiuhou.

At this time, no one dared to speak for him.

Many officials are still shocked that Yang Wanlou, who has always been famous for his incorruptibility, dared to commit such a big crime. The magistrate was furious,

It is said that he dropped an extremely precious porcelain in anger.

The Fuya still wanted to get back the money, but Zhang Xuan reprimanded him directly, saying that before the case was closed, the money could only be placed in the Sky Survey Department.

As for when to close the case, it is up to the benevolent to see the wisdom of the benevolent.

After the case is closed, the money will also be embezzled elsewhere, and it is impossible to return it to the government.

Want money, want a fart!

Along the way, Chen Yuan also asked Zhang Xuan many questions about his practice. Compared with Zhao Nanshan, Zhang Xuan had a higher realm and richer experience.

It taught Chen Yuan many secrets of receiving qi levels, which benefited him a lot.

Among them are the pointers to restrain the fluctuations in the vitality of the whole body.

According to what Zhang Xuan said, Chen Yuan stabilized in just a few breaths. If he didn't observe carefully, it would be difficult to see at a glance that he had broken through the Ning Gang state.

The Qing Envoy of Nanling Mansion is called Tao Qingyuan, a strong man in the Realm of True Yuan Tongxuan, his strength is very terrifying, he can walk in the air for a short time, and it is said that he was also a hero in his early years.

With one hand splitting the empty palm, he once killed a strong man of the same realm.

Later, after being transferred to Nanling Mansion, he tried his best to govern at first, and wanted to sweep away the shortcomings of the forces in the Jianghu, but in the end there were still too many constraints and he couldn't do his best.

After that, because of a battle that hurt the foundation, the strength was greatly damaged, and it was nothing.

In recent years, except for a few times, very few shots have been made.

And rarely show up in front of people.

But according to what Zhang Xuan said, Tao Qingyuan is also a good boss, he will protect his subordinates, and he takes special care of him.

This made Chen Yuan a little speechless. Given your background, would Tao Qingyuan, the youth envoy, dare not take care of you?

But judging from the meaning of Zhang Xuan's words, it seems that he didn't say how deep his background is, and maybe he himself doesn't want others to be afraid of his background.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Tao Qingyuan's care for Zhang Xuan was obviously more than that of other patrol angels, so he was naturally recognized as having a background, and even Yue Shan could see it.

It's more like someone else.

Tao Qingyuan, as the chief officer of the Tian Xun Department in the Nanling Mansion, the Yamen Office where Zhang Xuan and others are not comparable, it is almost equivalent to a palace.

The digital patrol guards in front of the gate are more stringent than the gate of the Sky Survey Division.

Without any notification, Zhang Xuan walked in with Chen Yuan.

This is Zhang Xuan's status and treatment, apart from him, the other patrol angels in Nanling Mansion do not have this treatment.

The sky patrol guards who guarded did not dare to stop them at all.

Going straight all the way, very quickly, within a short while, Zhang Xuan and Chen Yuan saw Tao Qingyuan.

Dressed in a majestic black black robe, the decoration is very different from that of a patrol angel, and one can tell that he is not an ordinary person.

Tao Qingyuan's appearance was very upright, his eyebrows were thicker than others, his lips were thick, his body was not tall, but he looked very stable, his nose bridge was high, and his eyes were very sharp.

The combination of appearance and appearance belongs to the upper middle class.

But the only uncoordinated thing is that his temples are a little gray, making him look a lot older.

When the two of Chen Yuan came in, Tao Qingyuan just put down the blue teacup in his hand, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Why did you come here, even if you have credit, you don't have to come up and ask for it yourself."

Zhang Xuan smiled, cupped his hands and said:

"Your Excellency, you are joking, Zhang is that kind of person?"

"Humble Chen Yuan, I have met Master Qingshi!"

Compared to Zhang Xuan talking and laughing, Chen Yuan will appear very upright and respectful.

Zhang Xuan has a good father and Qingshi has to let him.

He Chen Yuan did not.

It's not enough to be presumptuous in front of Tao Qingyuan.

"Mm, Chen Yuan..." Tao Qingyuan's gaze shifted from Zhang Xuan to Chen Yuan, looking up and down with a serious expression, obviously he had already heard Chen Yuan's name.

"Are you Chen Yuan who cracked those dirty money cases?"

Chen Yuan nodded, staring at the ground:

"It's a humble job!"

"That's right, you've done a good job. When you first came to Xuntiansi, you made great contributions. It's not unreasonable for Zhang Xunshi to value it." Tao Qingyuan showed a smile.

He is also satisfied with capable subordinates.

"It's all thanks to Mr. Zhang, the humble job is just to follow orders."

"You have a good vision, this Chen Yuan is a man to make." Tao Qingyuan looked at Zhang Xuan and smiled.

"Your Excellency thinks so too?"


"Then it shouldn't be a problem for Chen Yuan to become a patrol angel?" Zhang Xuan suddenly laughed.

Tao Qingyuan was slightly taken aback, then suddenly turned to Chen Yuan, and asked:

"Have you broken through the Condensation Realm?"

"Breakthrough by chance last night."

As he spoke, Chen Yuan circulated the Taixuan Sutra, and a faint wave of heaven and earth vitality emerged around him.

Tao Qingyuan squinted his eyes. He didn't pay much attention to Chen Yuan just now, and he really didn't notice the hidden vitality fluctuations around him.

After all, he subconsciously believed that Chen Yuan had just become a sky patrolling guard, and his cultivation was still far away from Ning Gang.

However, Chen Yuan suppressed the fluctuations in his body very weakly through the Taixuan Sutra under the guidance of Zhang Xuan just now, and it was really difficult to find out without paying special attention.

"How do adults feel?"

Zhang Xuan smiled.

The smile on Tao Qingyuan's face subsided, and he said solemnly:

"Chen Yuan's cultivation base has reached the condensed gang state, and he has indeed reached the state of patrolling angels, but he just joined the sky surveying department and was promoted directly, so he can't convince the crowd."

Zhang Xuan shook his head: "Although Chen Yuan has just joined the Sky Survey Division, he has not done nothing. It was Chen Yuan who discovered the Wusheng Sect branch of Ci'en Temple in Ping'an County before, and now he has successfully retrieved the dirty silver. ,

In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, it is not uncommon to be promoted to Patrol Angel. "

"Even if the dirty silver is recovered, most of the credit is still on you. Let Chen Yuan complete a few more tasks, and then he will be promoted, and it will be logical."

"This is the rule of the Sky Survey Division, even this envoy cannot violate it."

Tao Qingyuan looked at Chen Yuan, saying that he was not suppressing him, but that he needed to follow the procedure.

Zhang Xuan smiled: "My lord's words are not unreasonable, but if that's the case, then the humble officer can only find a way to transfer Chen Yuan away from Nanling Mansion to serve as a patrol angel elsewhere."

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