I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 131 The Patrol Angel's Shock! (seeking subscription)

Also, what Zhang Xuan said about the Wudi City in the East China Sea behind Dengxian Tower is so powerful that the powerful people in the world have to hold their noses to recognize these lists.

Sure enough, the world is very big, and the rivers and lakes are deep.

"I haven't finished talking before, so I will tell you about the things you need to pay attention to when practicing in the Ning Gang realm."

Zhang Xuan smiled and began to point Chen Yuan.

Zhang Xuan's guidance made Chen Yuan gain a lot, and he also had a deeper understanding of the level of receiving qi, and even had some understanding of the vitality of heaven and earth.

Inhale Qi to refine viscera, condense evil spirits and release them, what is Gang Qi?

In Zhang Xuan's narration, he knew that it is difficult to release the true qi at the level of receiving qi, and even if it is released, the power is not strong.

In order to have extremely strong lethality.

And Gang Qi transforms and purifies Yin evil Qi with masculine energy, which doubles people's strength!

When the stellar energy is released, the power is more powerful than the evil spirit.

Ordinary swords are hard to break.

After pointing out, Chen Yuan asked some more about the situation in Nanling City before saying goodbye.

Zhang Xuan didn't hold back, and told everything he knew, so that Chen Yuan could gain a foothold in Nanling Mansion in the shortest possible time.

the next day.

In the main hall of the Sky Survey Division, several men dressed as patrol angels sat on both sides, whispering from time to time, discussing why the Qing Envoy called them here today.

Usually, the patrol angels gather together, so something must have happened.

"Does Inspector Zhang know why Master Tao called me to come here?"

Lu Yang looked around for a while, and asked Zhang Xuan who was calmly waiting beside him with his eyes closed.

Among the patrolling angels, Tao Qingyuan valued Zhang Xuan the most. This was the consensus of everyone. Although there were some people who criticized and hated him, nothing could be changed.

Even less dared to take the initiative to challenge Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan is a top 100 character on the Qianlong list, and his strength is stronger than any of them.

Zhang Xuan slowly opened his eyes and said:

"Pastor Lu will know later, so why worry now?"

Lu Yang murmured a few words in his heart, secretly thinking that Zhang Xuan really knew everything.

Several other patrol angels also exchanged looks with each other, a little dissatisfied with Zhang Xuan's attitude.

But there is nothing to do.

Lu Yang dryly laughed twice and changed the topic:

"This time, Mr. Zhang, you have made a big splash. You have a discerning eye, and you transferred a head catcher from a small county to the Sky Survey Division. You made great contributions when you first came, and recovered the dirty silver.

Really worthy of Mr. Zhang. "

Seeing Lu Yang's flattery, one of the patrol angels sneered twice, thinking that Lu Yang really doesn't want to be shy, and now he has started to flatter him.

"Lord Lu, you are overwhelmed. Chen Yuan has outstanding abilities. It is the reason why he was transferred to the Tian Xun Division."

"Master Zhang, how about transferring Chen Yuan to this envoy? You have a lot of talents under your command, and there is no shortage of Chen Yuan, but this envoy is in short supply. You can just ask for it."

Lu Yang said half-jokingly.

"I'm afraid it won't work to be transferred to Lu Xun."

"Oh this."

"Master Qing Envoy will not agree."

"Master Qing Envoy?"

Lu Yang was a little puzzled, what's the matter with Tao Qingyuan, does he still attach great importance to this Chen Yuan?

After careful consideration, it seems that it is not impossible.

Before Lu Yang continued to ask questions, a man dressed in black appeared from outside the door, his speed was extremely fast, like an afterimage, he passed through the crowd in a short time, and arrived in front of the main seat.

It was Tao Qingyuan, the Sky Patrol Envoy.

"The humble job has seen adults!"

"The humble job has seen adults!"

The five patrol angels all stood up and bowed.

Although the attitude between Zhang Xuan and Tao Qingyuan is relatively peaceful when he is alone, it is better not to be too presumptuous at this moment, which will damage his majesty.

Tao Qingyuan swept across the bodies of several patrol angels, and pressed his palms:


After finishing speaking, Tao Qingyuan sat down directly.

"I don't know what your lord is calling me to wait for?"

"Did something worse happen?"

Several patrolling angels asked quickly.

Only Zhang Xuan squinted his eyes in a self-contained way.

"Let me come here today, I really have two things to say." Saying that, Tao Qingyuan stretched out a finger:

"First thing, Inspector Zhang will leave Nanling Mansion for a short period of time."

The few people were startled for a moment, and their eyes all turned to Zhang Xuan.

Lu Yang: "Xun Zhang is about to break through?"

Tao Qingyuan's words easily reminded them of this. After all, everyone knew that Zhang Xuan's cultivation had already reached the peak level of Tiangang.

It was not far from Tongxuan.

Zhang Xuan smiled, neither concealing nor confirming, but his attitude made several people believe this point.

There was a wave of terror in my heart.

"Congratulations Zhang is on tour."


"Zhang Xunshi is worthy of being a figure on the Qianlong list, he is really extraordinary."

Even if someone doesn't like Zhang Xuan, they won't turn against him at this time.

Except for a gloomy man sitting across from Zhang Xuan who squinted his eyes, the others were still congratulating.

Don't make friends, but don't want to make grudges.

The gloomy man interrupted the congratulations of several people, looked at Tao Qingyuan and cupped his hands and said:

"My lord, I don't know what the second thing is?"

"The second thing is that someone in the Sky Patrol Department of Nanling Mansion broke through the realm yesterday, and the envoy wanted to promote him to be a patrol angel, to take Zhang Xuan's seat."

Tao Qingyuan finished speaking.

The whole hall was silent for several breaths of time.

Has anyone broken through the Condensation Realm?

who is it?

Several people's thoughts are constantly in their hearts. It seems that no one under them is ready to break through. Don't you trust them, or are they people under Zhang Xuan's command?

The eyes of several people turned around, and finally they focused on Zhang Xuan.

No wonder just now Zhang Xuan seemed to know everything well, it turned out that it was his people who broke through the Condensation Realm, it was really lucky.

"Congratulations, my lord, for adding another patrol angel."

Lu Yang was the first to surrender.

After that, the rest of the people also said a few words one after another.

"Guard Zhang is hiding something very deeply. Who broke through, Yue Shan or Yang Feng?" Lu Yang looked at Zhang Xuan with a smile.


Zhang Xuan smiled.

"Oh, could it be Mo Donghe?"

This is also a very strong sky patrol guard under Zhang Xuan's command, but the relationship with Yue Shan and others is relatively cold, forming a small group centered on him.

But there is no enmity between them.

Looking at the puzzled eyes of several people, Zhang Xuan whetted his appetite and said after a while:

"It's Chen Yuan."


Lu Yang opened his mouth slightly and was a little surprised. He wanted to listen to it again, as if he felt that he had heard it wrong.

How could it be him?

He had only seen it not long ago. At that time, Chen Yuan seemed to be only at the bone refining level.

"Which Chen Yuan?"

"It's the head arrester Zhang Zhang transferred from Ping'an County a few days ago, and the Chen Yuan who cracked the dirty money case yesterday." Someone said.

"It's him?"


Tao Qingyuan coughed twice:

"Yes, it is Chen Yuan."

With Tao Qingyuan's final word, the entire hall became silent again.

"come in"

Outside the door, Chen Yuan looked calm, dressed in ordinary sky patrol guard Xuanyi, with a long knife in his waist and hips, and slowly stepped into the hall when he heard Tao Qingyuan's voice.

The four patrolling angels stared at Chen Yuan, who had a normal complexion, with different thoughts.

Chen Yuan walked to Tao Qingyuan's side at a constant pace, turned around, looked around at the patrol angels in the hall, smiled and cupped his hands and said:

"Chen Yuan, I have met you all!"

"My lord, is it inappropriate for Chen Yuan to serve as a patrol angel?"

The previous gloomy patrol angel stood up and objected.

He also exchanged a glance with Chen Yuan, a little unfriendly.

Chen Yuan knew from Zhang Xuan's mouth that he had heard of him, and had never been able to get along with Zhang Xuan.

His name is Nie Qiyun, and his strength is also at the Tiangang level. Before Zhang Xuan came, he was the most respected by Tao Qingyuan.

The rest of the Patrol Angels will give him three points.

But since Zhang Xuan's arrival, things have changed. Zhang Xuan's character is not a subservient one. The two had conflicts several times, almost fighting.

Later, because of a task, the conflict between the two was completely aroused, Zhang Xuan directly invited Nie Qiyun to fight, and he did not flinch and gladly fought.

In that battle, Zhang Xuan defeated him with just a hundred moves. If it hadn't been for Tao Qingyuan's mediation, Zhang Xuan would not have kept his hand, intending to abolish him.

Nie Qiyun was defeated in public, his face was greatly damaged, and he had forged a great enmity.

But Xu Shi was cast out of the shadows, and he didn't dare to provoke Zhang Xuan in public anymore. However, he didn't dare to provoke Zhang Xuan, which didn't mean he wouldn't bully Chen Yuan.

He was promoted from Ping'an County by Zhang Xuan alone, so he would naturally be angry with him because of Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan had warned Chen Yuan before that he must be vigilant against this person.

He is pouring nothing.

But if he leaves, maybe this guy will make a fuss.

As for the other patrol angels, there is no need to be so vigilant, the relationship between them and Zhang Xuan is still good, there is no grievance or enmity, and Zhang Xuan has basically never provoked them.

At most, there were a few verbal disputes.

"What's wrong?"

Tao Qingyuan looked at Nie Qiyun and said.

Nie Qiyun: "Chen Yuanchu came to the Sky Survey Department without any meritorious service. According to the usual practice, he needs to complete several tasks before he can take on the important task of patrol angel. How can that be?"

"No meritorious service? Inspector Nie didn't know that Chen Yuan recovered that batch of dirty money? Didn't Chen Yuan find traces of the Wusheng sect demon when he was in Ping'an County?"

Zhang Xuan's tone was not kind, and he asked directly.

"When he found the traces of the Wusheng Cult demon, Chen Yuan was still a headhunter in Ping'an County. As for the recovery of the dirty silver, let alone whether there is someone behind the scenes to help, even if he did it alone, it seems that the meritorious service is not enough to be a patrol angel. Bar!"

The implication of Nie Qiyun's words is that Chen Yuan was able to make such a contribution, maybe it was Zhang Xuan who helped him behind the scenes.

As soon as he said this, the other patrol angels also thought about it.

If they lamented that Zhang Xuan had found a good subordinate before, then they would have to think about it when they contacted Chen Yuan first.

Could it be that Zhang Xuan is helping him behind his back to create momentum for him?

Zhang Xuan's face darkened, and he stared at Nie Qiyun, making his back feel cold.


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Thanks to book friends Danqing Huaqinglong, Ye Luo, Magic Knife, Missing You Feier, Tiandao Hongjun, 59700, 2936, Fireworks from Time to Time, Sea Spiders Drifting, From 0 to Infinity and other book friends for their rewards

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