I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 137 Do it! (seeking subscription)

Qinghe County is closer to Fucheng than Ping'an County. Chen Yuan led Yue Shan and others to the destination without rushing. It took nearly two days to arrive at the destination.


Chen Yuan asked most of the staff to put on plain clothes and integrate into the county.

To this.

The people of Qinghe County were not very surprised. Since the past few days, a lot of people from the rivers and lakes have poured into the county seat, and the Qinghe County Government just checked in front of the city gate for a symbolic purpose.

According to the previous agreement, after three days of coming to Qinghe County, the Four Ghosts of Yunjiang would send someone to wait for Chen Yuan at the first restaurant in the north of the city every day.

This day happened to be Qian Xishan's turn.

Chen Yuan looked around for a while, then found his figure, and sat beside him calmly.

"grown ups."

Qian Xishan looked around and said in a low voice.

Picking up a cup of tea, Chen Yuan moistened his throat:

"where are they"

"Brother and the others have found a way to sneak into the Ren family's guests, and they are currently resting at the Ren family."

"How did the investigation go?"

Although the Sky Survey Division also has an intelligence department, it is not directly connected with him after all, and there will definitely be a lag.

"After investigation, it seems that Ren Changyi has indeed suffered serious injuries. He hasn't shown his face in the past few days. As for the Ren family, there is only Ren Changyi, a condensed martial artist.

His son's foundation was injured in the early years, and he has no hope in this life, but he has a grandson who is said to be very talented. "

"How many people came from the Ren family?"

"It's estimated that there are quite a few this time. Today, there are six Ninggang warriors. There are people from other county-level families, and some are said to have received the favor of Ren Changyi before."

In Qian Xishan's narration, Chen Yuan learned about the current general situation of the Ren family. Two people who received his favor, the Ning Gang Warrior who had always been very respectful to him, arrived.

It is said that a not light congratulatory gift was prepared.

And other forces, such as people from the surrounding counties, large and small family forces, most of them also sent people, including his old acquaintances, Chu Yunfeng and others from the Cyanwood Sect.

But they didn't notice the disguised Yunshan four ghosts.

Chen Yuan nodded. The few of them did a good job of inquiring, and a few of his subordinates worked for him, which really saved him a lot of effort, and he didn't need to rush to Qinghe County in advance.

The power of the Ren family is indeed shocking. With Ren Changyi in charge, the Ren family has developed like a raging fire in the past few decades. In addition, Ren Changyi often likes to mention some talented young people, and his reputation is very loud.

It is said that the first thing that Qinghe County magistrate Wei County and others took office was to prepare a gift and go to Ren's house. With Ren Changyi's nod, the officials in Qinghe County will be much better off.

vice versa.

The Qinghe Ren family's power has already taken shape.

It's a pity that Ren Changyi's sons didn't succeed, so far, they have only been supported by him. Otherwise, the Ren family will definitely occupy a place in Nanling Mansion if they continue to develop for decades or hundreds of years.

This is Chen Yuan's evaluation of him.

No one who lives a long time is simple.

"My lord, do you want to call Big Brother and them together?"

Qian Xishan asked in a low voice.

"No need, we will meet tomorrow on the day of Ren Changyi's birthday banquet, let them keep an eye on the heirs of the Ren family, and let no one have a chance to escape!"

Chen Yuan is not a person who likes to leave troubles behind.

"The subordinate understands, and will convey it to the elder brother at night."

Qian Xishan nodded solemnly.

this day.

Beginning in the morning, the small half of Qinghe County was very lively. The four major city gates had troupes singing on stage, gongs, drums and firecrackers blared.

Countless people regard it as a grand festival.

It was Ren Changyi's 70th birthday, and the Ren family set up a three-day feast. The things in many industries were much cheaper than before, which showed the wealth of the Ren family.

Everyone knew that the Ren family was a blood-sucking moth in Qinghe County, but no one from the county government to the common people dared to speak out.

There used to be, but they're all dead.

The same is true for the county lieutenant who died at the hands of Ren Changyi before.

Before he took office, he once uttered nonsense and paid off the people of Qinghe, but was killed by bandits halfway.

Many people speculated that it was the Ren family who did it, but there was no evidence.

It was also many years later that the intelligence personnel of the Sky Survey Department had conclusive evidence.

In front of the gate of Ren's house, red cloth was tied, and the Chinese character 'Shou' cut out of red paper was pasted up beautifully.

The seventieth birthday is relatively long for people of this age. Chen Yuan has learned that the average lifespan in this world is only in the forties.

The pursuit of martial arts practice is to live forever, but it must be extremely advanced in martial arts to prolong life.

Like the state of foundation building, the body is strong, and most of them can live to be over eighty years old.

But the condensed gang martial artist absorbs qi into the body, is free from disease and disaster, and can only live for a hundred years at most.

However, most of the Ning Gang warriors can't live for so long.

Either die from vendetta or fight, once the age exceeds fifty, the blood in the whole body will start to decline, very few people can live that long.

Therefore, relatively speaking, Ren Changyi's age is still relatively high.

No wonder he will hold such a grand 70th birthday.

The Ren family's yard is huge, it has been cleared in advance, and it can accommodate more than a dozen tables. Only someone with a reputation in Ping'an County and the surrounding counties can have a seat.

And higher-level guests will be invited to the lobby.

The sun was scorching hot, and every member of the Ren family and guests had smiles on their faces. When the sound of instrumental music blew, guests began to enter one by one and presented gift lists.

The concierge announced loudly, eyes fixed on the gift list:

"Qinghe Cui family, send a string of high-quality white jade beads, and wish Master Ren a long life in Nanshan and good luck like the East China Sea."

"Qinghe Mashi, send a catty of East Sea sea cucumber, I wish Master Ren"

"Wujiang Liu family, send."

The concierge picked up the teacup to moisten his throat, and continued to read aloud, although his face was a bit tired, but he didn't dare to rest, and missed the auspicious time of Master Ren.

"Xu Baisong, the elder of the Cyanwood Sect, sent twenty bone refining pills, I wish you."

"Master Xuan Nu of Jinshan Temple, send a string of Buddha beads."

"Zhang sent a jade peach, I wish."

The concierge was a little nervous. What he was reading out now were all relatively heavyweight guests, and if there was a slight mistake, it would inevitably end in failure.

Ren Changyi wore a bright red birthday robe with a pine tree embroidered on it. He had gray beard and hair, and a rosy face.

Hearing the name of Jinshan Temple, he immediately walked out from the inside and greeted him. When he saw Xuan Nu's appearance in a Zen robe and the ring scar on his head, he immediately squeezed out a smile on his face.

Hastily cupped his hands and said:

"The great birthday of the old man can make the master of Jinshan Temple condescend, it is really radiant, Sansheng is lucky."

Jinshan Temple is the undisputed number one power in the Jianghu in Nanling Mansion. There are not many disciples, but all of them are elite, and it is said that they are connected with many Buddhist sects in the world.

Even the government is not willing to provoke easily.

Monk Xuannu is tall and tall, and he doesn't seem to be very old, at most thirty years old. He clasped his hands together at Ren Changyi:

"Old benefactor Ren is too serious."

"Elder Xu, I haven't seen you for many years." After seeing the ceremony, Ren Changyi turned his attention to Xu Baisong of the Cyanwood Sect.

Xu Baisong nodded with a smile on his face.

Chu Yunfeng and the others immediately bowed their hands to Ren Changyi. As juniors, they dare not neglect.

In addition to Jinshan Temple and Cyanwood Sect, Qinghe County's Weiwu Three Tigers, County Magistrate Zhao, and many other influential forces in Nanling Mansion all sent congratulatory gifts.

Ren Changyi grinned from ear to ear, and quickly invited them in.

In the lobby, more than a dozen seats were packed, and disciples like Chu Yunxiao could only stand behind Xu Changming and look around. Those who could sit down were either the Patriarch,

Or it was someone with a reputation in Nanling Mansion.

Ren Changyi stood in the middle, clasped his hands and clasped his fists towards the left and right sides:

"Today is my birthday, it is a great honor for you to come here, wait a while"

Ren Changyi said a lot of polite words in a long-winded manner.

Monk Xuan Nu frowned when he heard it, and immediately said after he finished speaking:

"Old benefactor Ren, I'm waiting to come here today. Besides celebrating my birthday, I have one more thing to do."

Ren Changyi laughed, of course he understood that most of these people came for the Gengjin in his hand, and said immediately:

"The meaning of the master, I understand."

"Since that's the case, brother Ren, if you don't take out Gengjin now and let me wait and see, it can be regarded as fulfilling our expectations," Xu Baisong said.


"That's right, Senior Ren, don't do it again."

Ren Changyi smiled:

"Of course Gengjin can be taken out, but Ren once said before that he wanted to exchange Gengjin for the elixir that can restore the old man's meridians. I wonder if you have any in your hands?"

Seeing Ren Changyi's appearance of seeing no rabbits and no eagles, everyone was arguing endlessly.

"The poor monk has a bottle of spiritual water in his hand, I wonder if old benefactor Xu is willing to exchange it?" Monk Xuannu said lightly.

Ren Changyi shook his head:

"Although Tongmai Lingshui is good, it can't restore Ren."

"Xu Mou has black jade ointment in his hand, what does brother Ren think?"

"Is it the black jade intermittent ointment that is famous in Qingzhou?" Ren Changyi's eyes shone brightly.

"Brother Ren, you are joking, how precious is Black Jade Ointment? Why does Xu have it in his hand?" Xu Baisong smiled.

Being able to continue the meridian and restore it to its original state, and even increase the strength of the meridian, this kind of spiritual thing is not something he can get, and he can't keep it.

"Then this is"

The joy on Ren Changyi's face gradually dissipated.

"This is a medicine specially refined by my Cyanwood Sect to repair the meridians. Although it is inferior to Black Jade Ointment for warriors, it is really extraordinary."

Ren Changyi frowned:

"Maybe repair the meridians on the old man's body?"

"This. It's not known yet, but the usefulness of this thing is indeed not small."

In the lobby, Ren Changyi hesitated.

Outside the gate of Ren's mansion, the gatekeeper's shouts have not stopped.

"Wang Ping from Ping'an County sent two taels of sauerkraut to the old altar, I wish." The concierge looked at the items on the gift list, was slightly taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and said loudly:

"I wish Master Ren contentment and happiness"

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