I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 161 The battle ends! (seeking subscription)

Chen Yuan's face was stern, and there was a dangerous murderous intent exuding from his whole body. This time it was indeed a bit of a thrill. If it wasn't for the blood sword, it would really be a little troublesome.

Contrary to his original idea.

Chen Yuan didn't like this kind of duel scene very much. He hoped that a group of patrol angels would attack together, quickly and seriously injure Liu Changkong, and then he would personally take care of Liu Changkong's life.

Used to absorb luck!

But this was obviously not something he could do. Even if Tao Qingyuan and Lu Yuan, the captain of the Armed Forces, came forward, they could only exert pressure.

A confrontation between condensed gang warriors attracted several basalt masters to the platform, and the people below were ready to fight. This kind of scene is rare in Qingzhou.

The name of the Qingyun Sword Sect is really useful, Qingjiao Society and Jinshan Temple have responded, and even Shi Yunlong from the Changle Gang may help.

There are only a few forces in Nanling Mansion that have Tongxuan powerhouses in charge?

All of a sudden three came.

Chen Yuan felt that if it wasn't for the distance between Longhumen and Shenxiaotang, they would also intervene to put pressure on the government.

These rivers and lakes forces fight endlessly on weekdays, but once faced with the imperial court's oppression for no reason, the metropolis will come forward to help, no matter how bad they are, they will say a few words.

Because the imperial court and the world are in opposition to each other.

The stronger the majesty and strength of the imperial court, it will inevitably pose a threat to the strength of the Jianghu, and vice versa.

Fortunately, the forces in the Jianghu are not monolithic. Buddhism, Taoism, magic, swords... Various factions are fighting, and the relationship between the Buddhist forces and the imperial court is even a little deep.

Otherwise, the world will be even more turbulent.

As for the reasons behind all of this, Chen Yuan also vaguely understood something. He didn’t have much contact with Ping’an County before, but after he came to Nanling Mansion and entered the rivers and lakes for the first time, Chen Yuan consciously understood the whole world. .

And the more he understands, the more he can feel the reason for the decline of the imperial court.

In the final analysis, there are still two words, interest!

From a few words in some dossiers, Chen Yuan learned that the founding of the Jin Dynasty was not so glorious. The first emperor of Jin was a former minister of Chu and held great power, but it was still far from overthrowing the imperial court.

So he joined forces with the major rivers and lakes forces

These rivers and lakes forces have worked hard, how could they not want benefits?

But when the Jin Dynasty was first established, it did not dare to break its promise, and gave up a lot of benefits according to the agreement. More than two hundred years later, it resulted in the current situation that cannot be lost.

In particular, it attracted Buddhism from the Western Regions to preach in the Central Plains.

These are not recorded in official history or unofficial history, they are all inferred and guessed by Chen Yuan. After suffering so much influence in the previous life, it is easy to think of these contexts.

Of course, the truth remains to be considered, but Chen Yuan feels that part of his guess should be correct.

Gu Hao took a look at Chen Yuan, he remembered this guy in his heart, and slowly landed beside Chen Yuan, making him a little vigilant.

The Tongxuan expert, the disciple of the Qingyun Sword Sect, facing such a master, with Chen Yuan's current strength, it is impossible not to be afraid, what if a sudden attack strikes him with a sword?

Chen Yuan doesn't have much confidence to take over now.

Therefore, when Gu Hao made a move, Chen Yuan immediately pulled the Blood Fiend Saber, and the one who could compete with the Tongxuan powerhouse was probably the only hole card now.

After all, the strength gap between them is indeed a bit big.

It's not something that can be made up for by practicing a body-refining magical skill.

After Gu Hao landed, Tao Qingyuan also landed beside Chen Yuan out of other considerations, in case of accidents.

"Emissary Gu Qing doesn't need to be like this. Gu has already said before that as long as it is a fight between two people, I will not intervene." Gu Hao said lightly.


Tao Qingyuan just smiled at this.

"Since this matter is over, there is no need for Gu to stay any longer, but before leaving, he wants to bury my junior brother, and I hope envoy Tao Qing will allow it."

After Liu Changkong's death, Gu Hao lost his previous aggressive attitude, and started to discuss his tone. Although he was not afraid of Xuntiansi, he didn't want to rashly turn against each other.

Before, it was because of Liu Changkong's request that he had to do it.

"Chen Yuan is the winner, and Liu Changkong's body will be disposed of by him. If Gu Shaoxia wants to return Liu Changkong's body, he needs Chen Yuan's consent, so I will not intervene."

Tao Qingyuan glanced at Chen Yuan and said.

Gu Hao was a little surprised, but he felt relieved after thinking about it. Before that, Tao Qingyuan's love for Chen Yuan was beyond words, and he almost did it directly.

"Chen Inspector, can you?"

Then, he turned his gaze to Chen Yuan.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yuan moved his gaze away from Liu Changkong's body, smiled and said:

"Although Liu Changkong was guilty, he was also a decent person during his lifetime. Since Brother Gu wants to be buried, Chen will naturally not refuse to allow it. Please go ahead."

If he followed his thinking, he would naturally chop off Liu Changkong's head and hang it in front of Xuntiansi's gate to demonstrate, but since Gu Hao has spoken, he will not turn against him now.

Even though there is now animosity between them.

The main reason is that Chen Yuan's current strength is too weak to be comparable to Gu Hao. There is a big gap between them.

It's true that Tao Qingyuan supported him, but he wouldn't always support him. It's better to be compliant with these side details, anyway, he has already obtained luck from Liu Changkong.

The meridians of the whole body were broken, the viscera were shattered, the heart vessels were ruptured, and a hole the size of a bowl was pierced directly by him in the left chest.

It doesn't matter if the head is chopped off or not.

Moreover, what Tao Qingyuan meant just now was to let Chen Yuan accept it as soon as he saw it, and not to offend Gu Hao now, but because of his status and it was difficult to back down, he said that Chen Yuan was the master.

Otherwise, he is a dignified sky patrolling envoy, and Chen Yuan's immediate boss can't control him?

Chen Yuan understood all these meanings!

"Okay, thank you very much. The grievance between Liu Changkong and you is a personal grievance. It has nothing to do with Qingyun Sword Sect. No one will take revenge on you afterwards. Don't worry."

Gu Hao nodded and expressed his opinion directly to Chen Yuan.

Afterwards, he looked at Tang Qian and Monk Fa Nan and said:

"Thank you both for today's matter. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can send a letter to Gu, and we will help you."

Tang Qian had a smile on his face this time, isn't that his purpose?

Then he laughed and said:

"Okay, Gu Shaoxia's words have been written down by Tang."

Fa Nan monk puts his palms together:

"Benefactor Gu is serious, the poor monk is just upholding justice."

Gu Hao nodded, then grabbed Liu Changkong's body with one hand, jumped on the magic sword, and left through the air.

Leave everyone with a back.

"Catch up with Gu Hao, just say that Ye Mou intends to invite him to drink tea, and see if he appreciates you." Ye Chenbai looked at Gu Hao's leaving figure and said to the old servant beside him.

"Yes, don't worry, the host will definitely bring this person back."

After saying that, the figure of the old servant jumped down from the roof and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"My lord, I am fortunate that my humble job does not disgrace my life."

Chen Yuan cupped his hands and smiled.

"Well done, this envoy will credit you!" Tao Qingyuan showed admiration on his face.

"Benefactor Chen, the poor monk has something to ask, and I hope to answer it truthfully."

Fa Nan took a step forward and jumped onto the high platform, about five or six feet away from Chen Yuan, with a serious expression on his face.

Behind him, a group of monks from Jinshan Temple, including Xuan Nu, followed him.

Tang Qian on the side looked at Fa Nan and Chen Yuan with great interest. Originally, he had already prepared to leave, and he didn't have any need to stay when the matter was over.

But right now, it seems that there is still a little bit of the situation.

And the common people who came down to earth also began to whisper, discussing whether Jinshan Temple would also fight Chen Yuan?

Another good show to watch!

But some people who cared about Chen Yuan felt that it might not be that simple.

The previous Qingyun Sword Sect disciples gave Chen Yuan hope because most of them had never heard of the Qingyun Sword Sect's reputation, or they didn't know how strong they were.

But Jinshan Temple is different, it is the leading power in Nanling Prefecture, with many believers, very few people in Nanling Prefecture do not know the name of Jinshan Temple.

It can be said to be very powerful!

Although Chen Yuan was backed by the Xuntian Division, there was always a distance from Jinshan Temple. At this moment, they were not only worried about Chen Yuan.

Tao Qingyuan frowned when he heard the words, glanced at Fa Nan and then turned his gaze to Chen Yuan, a little puzzled, did Chen Yuan have any grudges with Jinshan Temple?

Could it be that he punched Xuan Nu back before?

The belly of Jinshan Temple should not be so low.

Hearing the old monk Fa Nan's words, Chen Yuan was also a little puzzled, but he didn't show it on his face, he just asked in a low voice:

"What does Master Fa Nan want to ask?"

Fa Nan's gaze was fixed on Chen Yuan, and he said in a concentrated voice:

"The poor monk wants to know whether the body training exercise performed by patrol envoy Chen is my Buddhist exercise!"

"Buddhist technique?"

Tao Qingyuan recalled the previous scene thoughtfully.

"So it's on this?"

Chen Yuan knew it in his heart.

When he was practicing this technique before, he thought about hiding his clumsiness, but the technique of Vajra Glazed Body is too conspicuous, as long as he activates it, his whole body seems to be coated with a layer of golden lacquer.

It is much better now, but it is also a dark golden streamer. Under the refraction of the sun, it is difficult not to attract people's attention. Before that, he deliberately concealed it, but since he stepped into the Ninggang realm, he has a preliminary self-protection strength. So I didn't consciously hide it anymore, because this thing couldn't be hidden either.

However, he didn't expect the monks of Jinshan Temple to be so caring and pay so much attention to him? Do you want him to hand over this skill? Still want to ask yourself?

Soon, he dismissed the latter idea. Judging from the attitude just now, these monks were not kind. Looking at Xuan Nu again, Chen Yuan suddenly realized something.

I'm afraid that this guy had already paid attention to him when he was in Qinghe County, and maybe that bet was that Xuan Nu was testing his skills.

This monk is really yin.

"This is a matter of my Buddhist face, I hope Master Chen will answer truthfully."

Fa Nan monk said lightly.


Recommend a good book title for everyone, "Da Ming: I let you supervise the country, did Daming go crazy?"

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