I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 174 Chance! it's coming!

But that blue light disappeared so quickly that Miao Renfeng didn't notice it at all.

"grown ups!"

Walking to the man in black, seeing that he didn't attack him, Miao Renfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and cupped his hands at Chen Yuan.


Chen Yuan pointed to the seat beside him.

"Thank you."

Miao Renfeng sat down cautiously, not daring to be presumptuous at all in front of Chen Yuan, he was not as powerful as the ever-changing gentleman rumored in the world.

Chen Yuan has seen this person on the arrest warrant of the Sky Survey Division, and he knows that his physical skills are superb, and ordinary Ninggang warriors can't catch up with him at all, and it's a bit of a shame for a Tongxuan expert to chase and kill a small Qi-sucking thief .

That's why he's been allowed to roam free.

Of course, Miao Renfeng himself is also very cautious. Every time he commits a crime, his face will change, and he will even change the place with one shot, making it hard to guard against.

"This time I have to thank you for your help, Miao will remember it in my heart." Miao Renfeng said in a low voice.

"I helped you solve the trouble, how are you going to repay me?"

Chen Yuan glanced at Miao Renfeng, then turned his attention to the bonfire.

"My lord, feel free to speak, as long as Miao can help you." Hearing this, Miao Renfeng immediately cupped his hands.

"I'm a little curious about your method of hiding your breath and the method of making a human skin mask, how about using this as a reward?" Chen Yuan looked at Miao Renfeng and asked.

Although it was a question, Chen Yuan's tone was unquestionable.

Miao Renfeng's aura was really well concealed. If he hadn't opened his sky eyes to check as usual, he might have missed Miao Renfeng who was so close to him.

And he was able to avoid being chased and killed many times, and this skin-changing technique really helped him a lot.

Now that there is an opportunity, how could Chen Yuan let it go?


Miao Renfeng was a little hesitant, he didn't expect this person to force him to ask his biggest secret, you know, these few things are what he has relied on so far to be able to escape.

"Why, no?"

Chen Yuan's gaze swept across Miao Renfeng's body calmly.

"No, no, adults don't dare to hide it if they want Miao, but this method of concealing aura is incomplete, and it must be practiced since childhood in order to blend in with the surrounding environment."

"Miao also took nearly twenty years of practice to reach this point."

Miao Renfeng saw that Chen Yuan was slightly displeased, so he quickly confessed.

"Oh, is it so?"

Chen Yuan looked at him without speaking.

Miao Renfeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and quickly spit out Fa Jue one by one.

Chen Yuan recited it silently, without practice, he didn't know if Miao Renfeng had concealed it, but judging from his knowledge, the possibility of concealment was extremely small.

"How about the human skin mask?"

"To make this thing, you need to take the face of a living person." Miao Renfeng explained a lot of steps, and Chen Yuan frowned a little.

Just taking the mask of a living person and wearing it on his face made him feel a little uncomfortable, and it took so much trouble, it couldn't be successfully made in just a few days.

"Only after seventy-nine days of soaking, can it be indistinguishable from a real person when worn on the face, otherwise it will be easy to be seen through." Miao Renfeng looked at Chen Yuan and said.

"Do you still have human skin masks in your hand? Give me a few."

It is really troublesome to make this thing, Chen Yuan would rather make it well.

Miao Renfeng's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, as long as Chen Yuan didn't want his exclusive skills, everything else was fine, then Miao Renfeng took out a thin wooden box from his sleeve and presented it to Chen Yuan to open.

Inside was a human skin mask as thin as a cicada's wings.

"My lord, please take a look. This human skin is the best one Miao made recently. I have never been willing to use it. It is just perfect for my lord."

Miao Renfeng had a flattering smile on his face.

Chen Yuan grabbed the mask and took a closer look. This mask is very handsome and outstanding. He couldn't help but think of the previous rumors about Miao Renfeng

Because of his ugly appearance, he likes to attack handsome men, and then use this human skin mask to seduce good women.

Although he is thin and small, his handsome face can break down the resistance of many women.

Looking at it now, it seems that the rumors are true!

"You give this thing to Chen, and together with the breath-suppressing secret technique revealed earlier, the grievances between you and me are settled, and it is not in vain for me to save you."

Chen Yuan smiled.

"It turns out that his surname is Chen! The strong man of the Sky Survey Division surnamed Chen." Miao Renfeng immediately began to think about the patrol angels in the surrounding state capitals, and finally his pupils shrank deeply:

"Could it be that your lord is Chen Yuanchen, the patrol envoy who was on the list of potential dragons and slashed Liu Changkong, the abandoned student of Qingyun Sword Sect in Nanling Prefecture City?"

Chen Yuan frowned, slightly surprised:

"Why, have you heard of Chen's reputation?"

"I've heard it, I've heard it. Chen Xunguan is a hero on the Qianlong list, and his future is boundless. Who in the surrounding Nanling has not heard of Chen Xunguan's name?"

Miao Renfeng suddenly stood up and said.

"It's all false names."

Chen Yuan waved his hand indifferently.

The only thing that surprised him was that his reputation spread to other state capitals.

It was a bit of a surprise.

"Inspector Chen is self-effacing. Since ancient times, all the people who have been on the list of potential dragons are outstanding for a while." Miao Renfeng smiled flatteringly, but at the same time he was also a little confused.

According to the rumors, it seems that this Patron Chen can only rival the Ningsha Warrior, but judging from the terrifying strength he has shown before, it may not be that simple.

As a warrior monk of Jinshan Temple, Xuanci's strength is already extraordinary.

But in Chen Yuan's hands, they didn't even last ten breaths. The two can't even be described as a confrontation. It is more appropriate to use the term of crushing.

Miao Renfeng didn't know whether Chen Yuan had hidden his strength before, or had a breakthrough recently.

If it's the former, it's not that shocking, but if it's the latter, it's simply terrifying.

Judging from the news disclosed by Dengxianlou, Chen Yuan is only 21 years old!

With such strength at such a young age, he is definitely not weaker than the disciples of the top schools in the world.

"Why did the Qinglian Sword Sect chase you down?"

Chen Yuan asked unhurriedly.

Logically speaking, only the government would wholeheartedly hunt down and kill a prostitute like Miao Renfeng, and some sects in the Jianghu would not pursue him without effort.

After all, Miao Renfeng was notoriously difficult.

It is too difficult for ordinary Ning Gang warriors to catch him.

Hearing Chen Yuan's question, Miao Renfeng said with some embarrassment:

"So that Inspector Chen knows that the reason why these people from the Qinglian Sword Sect arrested me is to make a name for themselves. These self-proclaimed decent guys value fame and fortune the most.

He wanted to gain a good reputation through Miao's head, but no matter how strong they were, they would not be Chen's opponents after all. "

At the end, Miao Renfeng boasted again.

"Just that?"

Chen Yuan glanced at Miao Renfeng.

"Ahem. Also, I accidentally inflated the belly of a female disciple of the Qinglian Sword Sect. In fact, Miao was already ready to turn around and start a new life, but they didn't give me a chance."

Miao Renfeng shook his head.

If he had a choice, he really wanted to get rid of his reputation as a prostitute, but unfortunately he wanted to do so, but the Qinglian Sword Sect didn't think so.

They felt that Miao Renfeng was tarnishing the reputation of Qinglian Sword Sect, so they executed the female disciple including the child in her womb, and exposed her body to the sun for three days.

Miao Renfeng wanted to snatch back the corpse, but unfortunately his skills were inferior and he was injured by Xuanci, so he fled all the way to Nanling Mansion.

Chen Yuan looked at the charcoal that still had sparks, and said in a low voice:

"Since you have chosen this path, don't try to cleanse yourself. One day you will be a prostitute, and you will be a lifetime!"

"What Inspector Chen said is true."

The Miao people followed suit.

"Then where are you going next?"

Chen Yuan asked curiously.

Do you want to continue to be his romantic thief?

A look of solemnity flashed across Miao Renfeng's face:

"I want to go to the Blood State!"

"Blood State?"

Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows. He is no stranger to this state capital. He knows that Blood State is one of the best state capitals among the thirteen states of the Jin Dynasty. It is rich in resources and strong like clouds.

But the most resounding thing in the world is the chaos in Blood State.

There are a lot of demon forces hidden here, even the imperial court only controls them in name, but the real power is not in their hands.

The extremely chaotic state has created a sturdy warrior in the rivers and lakes.

It is a paradise for the most wanted criminals and those full of crimes!

"Miao made a good friend before, and now it is said that he fell into the bandits in Liangshan, Blood State, and he is not a small commander. With him taking care of him, he will save him from being chased and killed again."

Miao Renfeng laughed at himself.

"Going up the mountain to gather righteousness is a serious crime of treason."

"Since there is no way out, why don't you just make a dash for it? The death of these Qingcheng Sword Sect disciples will probably fall on me in the end. Staying in Qingzhou can only wait for death."

"No, no one will know about their deaths."

Chen Yuan smiled and shook his head.

Miao Renfeng didn't understand the meaning of Chen Yuan's words for a while, and asked:

"What does Inspector Chen mean by this?"

Chen Yuan did not answer Miao Renfeng's words, but looked outside the ruined temple.

At this moment, the rain has stopped and the wind has stopped!

Following Chen Yuan's gaze, Miao Renfeng also looked outside the door, but was still confused, and then heard Chen Yuan's whisper:

"The rain has stopped, it's time to hit the road."

"Chen Inspector is easy to leave, today's kindness, Miao, remember, if you have a dispatch in the future, you can order it."

Chen Yuan stood up, twisted his neck, looked at Miao Renfeng and said with a smile:



Miao Renfeng looked solemn.

Although there were endless discussions in his heart, his face still remained respectful.

"Mr. Chen saved your life. You have already paid it back with the secret method of restraining breath and the human skin mask. There is no kindness, but Mr. Chen, as an official of the imperial court, has always been at odds with gambling and drugs. Do you understand?"

Miao Renfeng felt a little bad in his heart, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and tried to run away lightly, but it was impossible to run at such a short distance.

Chen Yuan stepped in, brought a gust of cold wind and appeared in front of Miao Renfeng in an instant, grabbed Miao Renfeng's neck, and said lightly:


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