I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 189 The Killing Intent of the Blood Demon Old Man

From time to time, some strange but reasonable words would come out of Chen Yuan's mouth, which made Yue Shan couldn't help thinking that Chen Yuan might be a good way to learn from literature.

It's a pity that Confucianism has long since declined, and now martial arts are flourishing.

"The humble job will resign first!"

Seeing that Chen Yuan had no intentions, Yue Shan stopped trying to persuade him, and said with cupped hands.


Chen Yuan nodded slightly, and picked up 'Chunqiu' again.

He, Chen Yuan, read Chunqiu!

Yue Shan turned around and walked out, suddenly his back squirmed, and a fist-sized lizard fell down, just about to run, but Yue Shan was faster, and caught the lizard in his hands with quick eyesight and quick hands.

"this is."

Chen Yuan shrank his eyes.

This is no fun, Yue Shan,

It's like talking for a lifetime!

Holding the little lizard, Yue Shan explained:

"This is a gadget in Yan Qing's hands. I'll play with it for a few days."

"Do not impulse."

Yue Shan: "???"

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Chen Yuan's words, he still nodded, and then he resigned and left the office.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan put down Chunqiu in his hands, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he stretched out his hand to hold the long knife hanging on the side, ready to practice the knife.

It is also a way for Chen Yuan to relieve his loneliness.

Putting all his mind on the sword technique, Chen Yuan basically had no other thoughts, and some of them were cut off with a single blow.

Nanling Mansion, within a small courtyard.

The old Gorefiend sat cross-legged, his whole body was enveloped by streaks of bright red blood energy, and there was a strange aura exuding from his whole body, he let out a long breath.

Conceal blood into the body.

Opening his eyes, he shot out a flash of light. Although he was old, his physical body was not weak at all. Using magic and secret methods to refine his body was enough to keep him youthful forever.

Of course, the price is also huge, and his gray hair is the sequelae.

Although he is called the old man of blood demon, he is only fifty years old in person, but he looks like an old man who is nearly a hundred years old, and this is one of the prices.

To lock the essence so that it does not leak out, it is at the cost of one's own life.

But he didn't take it seriously, because as long as the five-element ghost boy unites, he can step into Tongxuan, transform the ghost body at the same time, and restore his lifespan.

The future is promising!

"Boom boom boom"

There was a knock on the door, and the blood demon old man said calmly:

"Come in."

"Meet the ancestor!"

"Meet the ancestor!"

"Meet the ancestor!"

The door was pushed open, and the four ghost boys walked up to the Old Gorefiend tremblingly, knelt down on the ground, trembling a little.

It seems that something terrible happened.

"Have you found any traces of Ghost Wood Boy?"

The Gorefiend old man asked with a normal expression.

The ghost boys of the Five Elements he refined with the secret method of the devil's way of life and death mutually restrain each other, as long as they are within a certain distance, they will sense each other, and their search will get twice the result with half the effort.

Although he knew that the ghost wood boy was in Nanling Mansion, he didn't know the exact location.

The old Gorefiend's question echoed in the ears of several ghost boys, but surprisingly, none of them stood up to answer, but pressed their heads tightly on the ground.

Because, Ghost Wood Boy is dead!

The location they sensed was near an inn that was still some distance away from Nanling Mansion. After searching the Nanling Mansion, they changed places.

Then, the decomposed and mutilated body of Ghost Wood Boy was discovered.

Then he rushed back in a panic.

They wanted to run away, but they knew in their hearts how serious the consequences would be, and the Old Gorefiend had a way to control them, leaving poison pills on them.

He had to take the antidote once every seven days, otherwise he would feel unbearably itchy all over his body, his skin would be festered, like ants crawling on his body, it was extremely uncomfortable.


Seeing the reactions of the ghost boys, the Gorefiend old man instinctively sensed something was wrong, and said sharply:

"Tell me, where is Ghost Wood Boy?"

"Old. Patriarch, Guimu is already dead!"

The ghost golden boy looked up at the old man Gorefiend, then lowered his head again.

"What, dead!"

The tone of the blood demon patriarch raised slightly, and his face was a little angry.

Guimu boy is related to his breakthrough plan, how could he die!

Guitongzi can't be refined casually. It needs to find the body of the five elements, and it can be refined from a boy born in a cloudy year.

Back then, he had once lost a water boy, and it took him a lot of effort to find another one.

"The body is in Nanling City." Ghost Jin Tongzi mentioned a location.

At the same time, he also informed the blood demon ancestor of the rotten and broken body of the ghost wood boy.

After a long silence, the Gorefiend old man looked at the ghost golden boy gloomyly and asked:

"Who killed Guimu, can you find out?"

Since the matter is irreversible, it can only be refined again, but unfortunately it will be delayed for several years, but the person who broke other things must die.

Back then, the ghost boy died at the hands of a disciple of a strong Alchemist, and in his rage, he directly turned that man into a human pig, that is, cut off his limbs, leaving only one head and putting it in the poison jar. Let him endure the pain of being hacked into pieces.

The same is true now!

If he broke his plan, he must pay the price, no matter who it is.

The devil has always acted without any scruples, and he is even more of the devil among the devils. He has earned some reputation in the blood state even at the condensed state, which shows the ability of the blood devil old man.

Without the slightest hesitation, the ghost golden boy quickly told the Old Gorefiend what he had investigated:

"Back to the ancestor, before the ghost wood boy."

Near that inn, they easily found the traces left by Guimu Tongzi before. At that time, he used the alias 'Qing Mo'!

Later, he was successfully killed by passers-by in the inn. Although they were passers-by, they still found traces of some people related to Ghost Wood Boy.

One is a group of disciples of the Cyanwood Sect, the other is the famous Yunjiang Five Ghosts, and the third is Chen Yuan, the patrol angel who is now quite famous.

There were a lot of people eating and drinking in the inn that day, so it is not particularly difficult to know the information of these people.

It took a few days to straighten out most of the context, and Guijin Tongzi dared to come back to report, otherwise, if they just brought back the news of Guimu Tongzi's death, they would definitely be punished.

After hearing Guijin Tongzi's narration, the old Gorefiend's eyes were gloomy, and he knew that if nothing unexpected happened, the person who killed Guimu Tongzi should be one of these three groups.

Then whispered:

"Go, check their movements for me."

He is ready to go on a killing spree, and kill all these suspected related people!

If Guimu Tongzi hadn't died, he would be ready to break through now, but now he can only waste a few more years refining a Guimu Tongzi again.

Make it more troublesome.

I don't know what changes will happen in the middle, so the guy who ruined his work must die.

"Yes, disciple obeys!"

"The disciple obeys!"

Time passed day by day, and it was another two days in a blink of an eye.

Chen Yuan's cultivation has steadily improved, and he even relaxed a little bit. He has been practicing for more than 20 days, which was unimaginable in the past.

It seems that a very busy person suddenly relaxes.

Chen Yuan was a little uncomfortable.

He has always felt that because of the Altar of Luck, he has a trouble-making physique, even if he doesn't look for trouble, things will come to him specifically, but this time...

It does not seem to be the case.

Even Chen Yuan was a little puzzled, why hasn't his Son of Luck been taken away by him riding on colorful auspicious clouds for so long?

Without luck, where is the chance?

How can strength come from no chance?

Chen Yuan no longer had the calm look before. He stayed in the Sky Survey Division peacefully before, and he didn't even take the initiative to carry out the task. He just felt that luck came back to him on his own initiative.

But now, he was a little anxious.

He even felt that there were no sons of luck in Nanling Mansion for him to pluck his wool. For this reason, whenever he had free time these few days, he would pretend to wander around the mansion.

Looking forward to someone taking the initiative to pick things up.

Don't be afraid of routines and dog blood, just be afraid that no one will come.

It's a pity that nothing shit happened for several days, which made him a little disappointed, and no one provoked him blindly, and even chanted words such as "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor." .

And his cultivation base is getting stronger and stronger, perhaps because his physical body has steadily improved a lot during this period of time, and the pure evil spirit output from the blood evil knife is increasing.

It is very close to the peak of evil spirit.

Once he reached the peak of evil spirit, he had to start preparing to break through the Tiangang level.

It is not as simple as imagined to transform the yin and evil qi into the yang gang qi. The evil qi belongs to yin, and the gang qi belongs to yang. The conversion of yin and yang needs to slowly understand a trace of yang gang qi and enter the dantian to gradually transform.

Or there may be some spiritual blessings from heaven and earth, in short, it will take a long time.

But Chen Yuan cheated and got used to working hard, and if he practiced slowly, he always felt that it was not the case.

Chen Yuan, who was looking forward to the next opportunity, decided to apply for a mission to see if he could find someone with good luck. If there was one, that would be the best.

If not, there is no other way, just practice slowly and step by step.

And at the same time that Chen Yuan had this idea, the blood demon old man had already taken all his information, including the rumor that the four ghosts of Yunjiang obeyed Chen Yuan's orders.

For some reason, he had a vague feeling that this Chen Yuan was the one who killed Guimu Tongzi!

Realizing this, the blood demon old man decided to kill Chen Yuan, he would rather kill the wrong guy than let him go, and a genius like Chen Yuan who is still young and has such potential would feel more like killing him.

That old guy Tao Qingyuan also hunted him down before, so it was worthwhile to abolish Chen Yuan, whom he valued!

Surrounded by murderous intentions, the blood demon old man activated his murderous intentions, thinking about how to intercept and kill Chen Yuan. Of course, he also knew about the rumors that Chen Yuan might hide his strength, but he didn't take it seriously.


Could Chen Yuan still kill him?

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