I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 197 Chiyang Mountain (for subscription)

But he didn't dare to show it at the moment.

When Chen Yuan confronted the Gorefiend old man before, he, like Yan Kai, paid some attention to them, and saw how terrifying that confrontation was.

Knowing that Chen Yuan's strength is stronger than him by many times, but I still feel a little unwilling.

Before he ignored Sun Yuan's obstruction to report to the government office, he just wanted to get rid of these bandits and add something to his resume, but now... he let the bandit leader escape.

"I want you to teach me what to do?"

Chen Yuan's expression moved slightly, and his gaze fell on Zhang Hefeng's body, causing a chill in his heart, and he quickly explained:

"No, no, Inspector Chen, this officer is just"

Zhang Hefeng opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but found that he couldn't express it.

"Do you know who this person is?"

Chen Yuan pointed to the headless corpse on the ground.

"I don't know."

Zhang Hefeng shook his head slightly. Although he had some impression of the white-haired old man before, he couldn't think of his identity in a short time. After all, the blood demon old man had disappeared in Qingzhou for several years.

"I don't know, then I'll tell you, this person is the old blood demon who was famous for his crimes before." Chen Yuan said lightly.

He killed the blood demon old man in full view, and it was impossible to hide it. Of course, Chen Yuan didn't have much interest in hiding, so he directly revealed his nature.

Let Zhang Hefeng know the importance of this person.

Of course, as Chen Yuan said, the blood demon old man was indeed a wanted criminal in Qingzhou before, but because he disappeared, most people forgot about him.

But Chen Yuan knew that he had investigated the blood demon old man before.

"Blood Demon. Blood Demon Old Man!"

Zhang Hefeng's eyes widened and his pupils shrank deeply.

He used to be from the government office, but he was transferred to Qingshui County later. Of course, he had heard of the old man Gorefiend's reputation, but he did not expect this person to be.

And he also understood what Chen Yuan meant, that is, the blood demon old man is not so easy to kill. Do you really think Chen Yuan is invincible?

Moreover, the feat of killing the blood demon old man is not weaker than destroying a bandit village.

"But those bandits."

Zhang Hefeng's eyes hesitated, letting go of these bandits, if they cause chaos in the county, it will be all his fault.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant Zhang, it's just a small bandit, what kind of storm can it cause?" Chen Yuan's mouth slightly curled up as he watched Yan Kai go away.

By chasing down these bandits, he had reason to stay in Qingshui County for a while to investigate the location of Xuanyang Shenjing without arousing suspicion.

It might even be possible to find a breakthrough through these people.

These were all planned in his mind from the moment he got the guidance information.

Yan Kai, it's still useful!

As soon as Yan Kai left, the remaining bandits basically had no belief in resistance, and of course they didn't have the strength to resist. The two ghost boys brought by the blood demon old man were also successfully captured by Mo Donghe and the others, and they were thrown away Waiting in front of Chen Yuan for disposal.

Chen Yuan stared intently at the two trembling ghost boys in front of him and said nothing. The green devil he met at the beginning did bring him some trouble.

But to him now, the two ghost boys are really nothing.

It can be suppressed with a flip of the hand.

"Master Chen Chen."

The two ghost boys raised their heads and glanced at Chen Yuan's calm eyes. For some reason, there was always some inexplicable horror, as if a mouse had encountered a natural enemy like a cat.

"What's your name?"

Chen Yuan asked in a deep voice.

Seeing that Chen Yuan seemed to want to ask something, the corners of Zhang Hefeng's mouth twitched slightly, but in the end he was still sensible and didn't say anything, and turned to deal with the other bandits who had surrendered.

Mo Donghe and the others also looked at each other, and walked away in a very tacit understanding.

"Villain ghost gold."

"The villain's will-o'-the-wisp."

The two ghost boys didn't dare to hide it, so they immediately reported their family.

"Huo Jin." Chen Yuan's eyes flickered.

Xu Shi saw the confusion in Chen Yuan's eyes, and the ghost golden boy quickly explained:

"My lord, I'll wait."

From the narration of the ghost golden boy, Chen Yuan knew that there were five of them, the ghost boy, named after the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The green demon that Chen Yuan killed before was Guimu boy.

They were part of the old man's cultivation, and they were preparing to use them to step into the realm of Tongxuan. This aroused Chen Yuan's interest, and he immediately groped the old man's body.

It's a pity that apart from some evil secret techniques and practice resources, there is no information on how to use the five ghost boys to break through, which made Chen Yuan slightly displeased.

As for the ghost boys, they don't know what method at all.

The Old Gorefiend's secrecy work is still very good.

"Who leaked my tracks to the blood demon?"

Chen Yuan looked at the two and asked.

The ghost golden boy glanced at the ghost fire, and said in a low voice:

"It's Tang Qian from the Qingjiao Society."

'It really is him! '

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"You two are very knowledgeable, I'm here to give you a good time." Chen Yuan raised his hand, and a wisp of black evil spirit enveloped his palm, and he recovered after a moment.

Now Chen Yuan's internal dantian has recovered a lot.

"Inspector Chen, the two of us are willing to be driven by your lord, and I hope your lord will spare your life."

The ghost golden boy swallowed, and quickly lowered his head to beg for mercy.

The same goes for the ghost boy.

"I can't believe you."

The corner of Chen Yuan's mouth moved slightly, looking at the two, what else could he say.

Guijin Tongzi gritted his teeth, knowing that if he didn't say something that satisfied Chen Yuan, he would definitely die, so he told his biggest secret:

"The blood demon has an evil secret method to control us, and can easily control our lives. Now that the blood demon is dead, we can all recognize the master"

In the face of death, Ghost Golden Boy and Ghost Fire Boy were completely willing to fight, and told Chen Yuan that they could control their lives through secret techniques.

And as long as they gather the five ghosts together, they can use the formation to greatly enhance their own strength, and they can even use bone refining as a hard-fought fighter against the condensed evil warriors.

But they currently only have four ghosts, and the other two ghost boys are still in Tang Qian's hands.

In addition, Chen Yuan needed to re-cultivate a ghost wood boy, which made Chen Yuan frown slightly, and felt a little troublesome. When he became a ghost wood boy, he would have already broken through to a higher level, and he would not need their combat power at all.

In this regard, Guijin Tongzi said that as long as enough people are killed, and a few people cooperate to assist, the time for refining Guimu Tongzi can be greatly shortened.

In fact, he had already found a candidate for Ghost Wood Boy.

It's just that the Old Gorefiend might risk their lives to break through, so he never dared to speak out.

After listening to it, Chen Yuan was slightly surprised, and thought that these ghost boys were not stupid. Although they had to obey the old man Gorefiend, they were also a little cautious.

Chen Yuan found out the method of controlling the five ghosts from the blood demon old man. It was a copper bell the size of a baby's fist, and it contained the brains and blood of several ghost boys.

As long as Chen Yuan recognizes the master with a drop of blood, and then assists the secret method, he can easily make life worse for a few ghost boys.

After weighing the time, Chen Yuan decided to accept them. Anyway, there are already four Yunjiang ghosts, and he is not afraid of a few more people to be driven by him.

He has seen how powerful Gui Tongzi is, and there are few opponents at the same level. If he enters the level of absorbing energy in the future, it may really be helpful to him.

Of course, this is definitely not the case on the surface.

Under Chen Yuan's signal, the two ghost boys were taken into custody by Nie Donghe and the others in the open, and when they left Qingshui County, they would find a chance to release them.

Publicizing that they are dead is the end of the matter.

Zhang Hefeng wanted to be imprisoned in prison, but after looking at Chen Yuan's face, he finally gave up his thoughts.

After counting the casualties, Zhang Hefeng and Chen Yuan and his party began to suppress a group of bandits down the mountain and drove forward. Chen Yuan looked at Zhang Hefeng and said:

"Lieutenant Zhang."

Turning his head to look at Chen Yuan, Zhang Hefeng was a little puzzled, but he still cupped his hands and said:

"What's the matter with Inspector Chen?"

"Does Lieutenant Zhang know about Chiyang Mountain?"

Chen Yuan didn't make too much fuss, and asked directly. However, to his surprise, Zhang Hefeng's originally calm face shrank when he heard the word 'Chiyang Mountain'.

It seemed that Chen Yuan was shocked that he knew about Chiyang Mountain.

"How did Inspector Chen know about Chiyang Mountain?" Zhang Hefeng's mind was spinning wildly.

"Lieutenant Zhang Xian hasn't answered Chen's words yet."

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Hefeng nodded: "I know."

"Where is this?"

Looking at Zhang Hefeng's shocked expression, Chen Yuan knew that this Chiyang Mountain seemed to be very difficult.

"Why did Inspector Chen ask this question?" Zhang Hefeng asked back.

"I've heard this name before, and I'm a little curious." Chen Yuan smiled mysteriously.

"Could it be that the people from the Sky Survey Division already know about Chiyang Mountain?" Zhang Hefeng immediately lost his composure.

Chen Yuan smiled and did not explain.

"Inspector Chen Mingjian, my official."

"Lieutenant Zhang can just say what he has, don't make mistakes." Chen Yuan now guessed that there was something wrong with Chiyang Mountain, and Zhang Hefeng seemed to know it very well, but he didn't really want to say it.

In this way, it can only be a scam.

Looking around for a while, Zhang Hefeng stretched and loosened his brows, and finally approached Chen Yuan and said in a low voice:

"This is related to County Magistrate Sun."


"This was originally a vein of red sun stone that was abandoned by the previous dynasty, but traces of red sun stone were found here a year ago, and the quality is extremely high. It is a good material for refining tools.

It is under the control of Sun County Magistrate. "

Zhang Hefeng lowered his voice and said.

"Didn't Lieutenant Zhang get involved?" Chen Yuan looked at Zhang Hefeng with a half-smile.

From his expression just now, he could feel that Zhang Hefeng also knew this place, and he knew it in quite detail.

"This official is dedicated to serving the people, and has never thought about this matter. As for these things, someone informed this official through a secret letter not long ago. After investigation, it is indeed true.

Sun Yuan made a lot of profits from this, and secretly controlled the people to open mines for him.”

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