I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 296: Opportunity Starts!

The black-robed woman flicked her sleeves, and a purple talisman fell into her hand, which contained a full-strength blow from a strong alchemist, which was enough to kill Chen Yuan in an instant.

Although a bit reluctant, this is the price that must be paid if you want a quick solution!

The things inside are of great use to her, and it is absolutely impossible to give it up to Chen Yuan, and his strength is not enough to make her back down.

As long as she solves it quickly enough, she can get the things before others come!

But before she threw out the talisman, she saw Chen Yuan holding a black sword talisman in his hand, looking at her with a smile on his face and saying:

"Would you like to compare, which one of you and I has a stronger alchemy?"

Originally, Chen Yuan actually didn't want to take out the sword talisman, and wanted to fight with his own strength, but the talisman in the opponent's hand had already been obtained, so naturally he couldn't hesitate any longer.

Otherwise, I will die!

Although he hadn't experienced the power of the Danfu's explosion, he knew it was definitely very powerful when he saw the expression on the crooked old man's hastily retreating before.

A blow from the Sword God is so terrifying!

The identity of the black-robed woman is somewhat mysterious now. He thinks that she is not an ordinary monster, and her background is probably very deep. Otherwise, how can she have a protective body with Danfu?

You know, the thing in his hand was a good thing that Su Ziyue gave him in order to win him over.

What makes him most cautious is that the other party probably has more than one talisman!

"Do you have the protective talisman?"

The face of the black-robed woman changed, and she looked at him in horror and asked.

Pill talisman is not something that can be made by ordinary people. It not only requires a strong control over the power of the heaven and earth vitality itself, but also needs a load that can bear the blow of a strong person in the Dan realm.

Ordinary alchemy powerhouses don't even have the qualifications at all, only extremely strong ones can do it, and it takes a huge price.

Only people with extremely deep backgrounds can have it.

In the faction she belongs to, there are no more than three people who can have Danfu to protect the way!

It is enough to prove how precious this thing is.

What is the identity of this Chen Yuan?

Didn't it mean that he came from a poor family and got to where he is now step by step by himself?

Now the black-robed woman has the same doubts as the crooked old man, that is, how did the talisman in Chen Yuan's hand come from, and who is behind him?

She was even convinced of one thing, that is, Chen Yuan's rapid ascension to the realm was indeed supported by powerful forces behind him, and he just created a candidate from the bottom to climb up.

She even thought of whether she was the heir of a certain important figure in the imperial court.

Well, it is very possible, it is said that Zhang Xuan pulled him out with one hand, but how could the son of the dignified envoy meet him by such a coincidence?

She began to make up a lot of things quickly.

It's no wonder she thinks so, it's because Chen Yuan's practice speed has increased too rapidly, and in some places he can't see, there are actually many pairs of eyes staring at Chen Yuan.

Want to find out his origin.

It's just that due to too mysterious reasons, it hasn't shown up yet.

The landlord who climbed the fairy tower had a good relationship with Chen Yuan, and no one knew if there was a reason for this.

Chen Yuan smiled casually: "Your Excellency can have it, why can't Chen have it?"

He didn't show anything on his face, but Chen Yuan's heart was actually full of turmoil. If it weren't for the protection of the Dan Talisman given by Su Ziyue, he might have to retreat today, and his life would be in danger.

After all, Nanling Mansion lives in a remote corner, and the geniuses outside have their own methods!

The eyes of the black-robed woman flickered, and after a long time she said in a deep voice:

"If you and I fight, we will both lose."


"So... it's better to join hands to take the contents inside."

This is the right choice for both parties at present. Now that the two are evenly matched, if the colleague uses the Dan Talisman, the entire palace will be reduced to ruins.

Correspondingly, both of them will die.

"What do you want to take away?" Chen Yuan asked casually.

"It should be different from Your Excellency. What I took was from Taoist Huayuan. It's not a treasure, it's just useful to me." The black-robed woman was actually looking at Chen Yuan's expression when she said that.

And he remained the same, did not show any strange color, after listening to the black-robed woman, he nodded and said:

"it is good."

"You and I each made a heart demon blood oath, not to attack each other for an hour, if you and I have a dispute, talk about it after an hour, how about it?"

She was also in case Chen Yuan would hit her inadvertently.

For people like them, Tongxuan has never been the pinnacle, but just a starting point, so the Heart Demon Blood Oath is very restrictive.


Chen Yuan has no objection.

The woman in black was afraid of him, but he was also afraid of her at the same time.

After that, he was able to take out the talisman, so he must not be an ordinary person. Now that he is struggling to come to Yuankong Realm in person, there must be some ulterior plan.

Then, the two of them forced out their essence and blood to swear by their demons.

After the two sides finished talking, the tense atmosphere just now eased up a little bit, but each of them still had a heart of vigilance. Chen Yuan looked at the white stone wall in front of him and rubbed it lightly with his palms, feeling determined in his heart.

But there was still no abnormality on the surface, but he looked at the black-robed woman and asked, "How are you going to take out the contents?"

The black-robed woman glanced suspiciously, and said in a low voice:

"Since you are here for the things inside, can't you break the stone wall?"

Chen Yuan smiled and did not answer. Of course he has a solution, but it is not suitable to use luck with a woman in black robe here, otherwise she must be killed completely, so as not to leak out the magic about him.

Compared with the chance inside, he has the ability to control the luck, which is really shocking to the world. He believes that once it gets out, there will be no place for him in the whole world.

And he is currently not sure of killing this woman!

Seeing that Chen Yuan was unwilling to answer, the black-robed woman suppressed the curiosity and surprise in her heart and said:

"I have a way, but I need your cooperation."

The delay is already too much, and now there is no longer any delay, otherwise other masters of Tongxuan may come here.

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Yuan frowned.

The woman in black looked at the white stone wall with burning eyes, and said softly: "It looks like a stone wall here, but it's not. It's just a cover-up.

This is actually a weak space in Yuankong territory! "

"Weak space?"

The black-robed woman didn't look at him, and continued: "According to my inference, this place should be left on purpose by Taoist Huayuan and Monk Kongji, so that future generations can get their inheritance.

It's just that they didn't expect that the group of alchemy masters who came in at the beginning didn't find this place at all. Later, the secret realm changed, and the strong men above the alchemy couldn't enter at all, and the warriors with Tongxuan cultivation base were not enough to "break" void'. "

"That's how the contents inside have been preserved."

Chen Yuan looked at her thoughtfully, feeling a little confused, for example, how did she know these things? I still know so clearly, but this is obviously not the time to ask.

Even if he asked, there was a high probability that the other party would not tell him, so he continued to keep silent.

"It's very easy to get in. There are two ways before you and me." The black-robed woman said lightly.

"Appreciate further details."

"First, either of you and me use the Dan Talisman to break open this place. This place is just a small space, which is incomparable to the outside world. In addition, this place is a weak point. The power of the Dan Talisman is enough to shatter the void. .”

Chen Yuan's expression remained unchanged, he was unwilling to put his precious hole cards here, after all he actually had other methods, using them here would be a waste.

And this woman is obviously unwilling to use the precious talisman on it, so she said two methods.

So, he directly asked, "What about the second type?"

The black-robed woman glanced at him and said, "The second way is for you and me to work together to break open the space here."


This woman didn't say everything, and the feeling that the initiative was not in his hands made him uncomfortable.

"As I said before, this is just the weakest place in Yuankong territory, and it is also the passage deliberately left by Monk Kongji and Taoist Huayuan. With our joint efforts and the help of formations, the chance of breaking through is very high."


Chen Yuan was really surprised this time, he didn't expect this woman to have this ability, anyway, he can only use Yuanjing to arrange a simple Yuan-gathering formation for practice.

These people who come out of the big faction really know more than the 'grassroots' like him.

"Which method is Inspector Chen going to use?"

The woman in black didn't answer any more questions, but asked back.

Chen Yuan: "If your Excellency is unwilling to use the pill talisman, then use the formation to break it."

It seemed that Chen Yuan had expected this choice a long time ago. He walked forward a few steps and began to arrange it on the stone wall. It was not complicated, but he still couldn't understand it.

After about two quarters of an hour, the black-robed woman stopped arranging, leaving six positions for the original crystals on the stone wall, without any nonsense, directly put three original crystals on it, and then retreated to the side.

Chen Yuan stepped forward with a blank face and arranged the three Yuanjing one by one.

Then, a black flame shot out from the black-robed woman's hand, and the entire white stone wall began to burn instantly, and the six primordial crystals lit up one by one, connecting them together like a thread.

Yuan Jing fueled the fire, and the surrounding void even began to gradually become distorted.

The black-robed woman's expression froze, she gave a low drink, and said:

"It's now!"

The next moment, black magic flames ignited again in both of her palms, gathering three breaths of time in her hands, becoming about Zhang Xu in size, pushing her palms horizontally, and hitting directly towards the stone wall in front of her.


With a muffled sound, the surrounding palace suddenly shook, dust rose, and the space in front of the white stone wall began to shake slightly, causing ripples

It was like someone had thrown a stone into a calm pond.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan stepped forward with a single step, and the momentum of his whole body rose, condensing to the strongest moment, he drew his sword, and the dragon chanted!

A roar went straight into the sky, blowing his long hair up, and a light red and dark black knife light was cut out by him, and it went straight to the stone wall.

This is currently Chen Yuan's strongest method other than the bottom card. One-fifth of the real energy in the dantian has been taken away at once, and the condensed sword light is naturally extremely powerful.

At least the face of the woman in black robe at the side became more and more dignified. I don't know if it's because of the stone wall or because of the strength that Chen Yuan exploded.


A huge earthquake could be heard clearly within a radius of several thousand meters, and the ground under Chen Yuan's feet was even cracked.


This was an extremely clear voice, which was accurately transmitted to Chen Yuan and the two of the black-robed woman. In front of them, the white stone wall suddenly began to shatter.

In just a short time, it condensed into a vortex like a black hole.

The black-robed woman rushed in quickly without saying anything, and Chen Yuan, who originally wanted to observe this scene, also rushed into the whirlpool after seeing this scene.

"Is this the space mezzanine?"

Chen Yuan looked at the turbulent flow in front of him in amazement. It seemed that his place was covered by a mysterious glass cover, and it was actually very stable.

As if seeing Chen Yuan's doubts, the black-robed woman explained:

"It's just a mezzanine attached to Yuankong. As for the outside, it is the barrier between heaven and earth. Except for the strong ones of the real monarch level, a little rubbing will cause serious injuries."

"True Monarch Level" Chen Yuan glanced at her calmly, but quickly withdrew his gaze and focused on the two corpses directly in front of him.

One is dry bones, and there is still a thin layer of clothes left on the body, like ice veil, and the exposed palms are white bones, as white as jade and crystal clear.

In front of the dead bones, there is a broken wooden box, and some things inside can be vaguely seen.

The other one is a monk, which has not been corrupted into bones. On the contrary, even if Chen Yuan looks at it now, he can feel some luster on his skin.

Under the eyes of the sky, a blue light exists in the belly of the monk.

Monk Kongji, the body does not rot, and the vajra does not spoil the body!

And the identity of the other person is about to come out, Taoist Huayuan!

Chen Yuan and the black-robed woman looked at each other, and their figures moved at the same time, as if they were afraid that the other party's purpose was the same as his own, but the difference was that

Chen Yuan rushed towards Monk Kongji, while the woman in black robe rushed towards Taoist Huayuan.

After realizing this, both of them actually breathed a sigh of relief. If the goal of both sides is the same, there must be a battle to the death.

But both sides have the talisman, and the fight will only hurt both sides!

Unless one person took the lead in sneak attacking, but before entering, both parties had sworn the heart demon blood oath, and it was impossible to violate the oath because of a small loss.

The black-robed woman directly grabbed the box in front of Taoist Huayuan with one hand, and began to look at Chen Yuan's movements calmly.

And Chen Yuan glanced at Monk Kongji, and said in a low voice:

"Master, don't blame me. Chen will take the exercises from your belly and bury you in the ground."

Then he chanted a Buddha's name, and a sharp air in his palm directly cut open the monk's stomach. His body seemed to be immortal for a hundred years, but in fact it would still become fragile after the blood was exhausted.


This is the only person for the rest of his life, the boss!

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