I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 491: Golden Emissary Chen Yuan! (seeking a monthly ticket)

In all fairness, the envoys of the Xuntian Division are quite good to Chen Yuan, although they have different factions and often fight secretly at the lower table, especially the three envoys of Di, Xuan, and Huang, each of which is a faction.

But in the face of Chen Yuan, an extremely talented junior, none of them suppressed him.

Of course, even if Chen Yuan is suppressed, there is nothing to be afraid of. He can get to where he is today because of his hard power, not just relationships.

After all the four envoys had left, only Chen Yuan and Gu Tianqiong were left in the Xuntian Hall, and the atmosphere became quiet.

Gu Tianqiong's gaze was fixed on Chen Yuan all the time. To be honest, when Zhang Yantong reported to him that Chen Yuan had broken through the Heavenly Alchemy Realm, his subconscious reaction was also disbelief.

Indulge him with confidence in Chen Yuan's talent, but he doesn't think it's against common sense that he can make such progress in such a short period of time.

But now in front of him, his cultivation is completely in front of him. It is not something he can explain by saying that he doesn't believe it. In the end, it can only be attributed to Chen Yuan's amazing talent. What would be common sense.

"Since the governor's promise is made to you, I will definitely keep it." After a long time, Gu Tianqiong said.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief."

Chen Yuan understood that this was what Gu Tianqiong promised him before he said it, but it was not wrong, because the other party really did what they said and did not make a fuss.

Although the Liangzhou Golden Envoy's position is not as good as he expected, he is still a member of the fourth rank, and he can be called a great official of the frontier.

It's just that what he didn't know was that Gu Tianqiong was just bluffing him, and the person who really made him ascend to the position of Jinshi was Emperor Jingtai.

"The governor asked you to stay alone, do you understand what it is?"

"I also ask the governor to make it clear."

Subconsciously, Chen Yuan felt that it was not that simple for the other party to keep him, and he was afraid that there was something else he needed to do, or he just wanted to give some final instructions.

"Do you know the remnants of the former Chu?"

Gu Tianqiong asked the same question as Zhang Yantong before, but Chen Yuan thought about it for a while and gave a similar answer: "I heard Zhang Shenshi talking about it before."

Neither explain clearly nor do not know.

Gu Tianqiong nodded and continued:

"This time you are appointed as the Liangzhou Golden Envoy. In addition to requiring you to lead the Liangzhou Sky Survey Division, there is also an extremely secret matter that requires you to investigate."

"The remnants of former Chu?"

"That's right, the imperial court has already received some news that the remnants of the former Chu who were hiding in the dark are now at the border of Liangzhou with evil intentions, so the governor asked His Majesty for this job for you to do.

As long as you do it well, you will have all the glory and wealth in the future, and your majesty will regard you as a minister of the humerus, and the governor will also regard you as a backup candidate for future envoys.

Even, if you are really impeccable, the position of this governor can also be given to you. "

Gu Tianqiong continued to paint cakes, full of temptation.

"I don't dare to be humble."

Although I really want to do it in my heart, I still have to pretend on the surface now, otherwise wouldn't it seem that he is a little too ignorant?

"Why don't you dare? It's just the position of the Chief Superintendent of the Sky Survey Division. As long as you are loyal to the imperial court and have reached the level of cultivation, it doesn't matter if the Chief Superintendent gives it to you.

Of course, the premise is that you have to do everything well, so that others can't speak. "

"Yes, I understand."

Chen Yuan clasped his fists and said.

"It's just that it's a little bit to deal with these remnants of the former Chu with the strength of a humble cultivation base." There is one thing to say, Chen Yuan is still very self-aware.

Even if he has to deal with members of the Xiang family in the future, he can't show it now, and his strength is not yet reached.

"The governor said that he asked you to track down their whereabouts. As for dealing with them, you can take this order and go look for the king of Beiliang. He won't just sit idly by."

As he said that, Gu Tianqiong waved his hand casually, and a pitch-black token hung in front of Chen Yuan and rotated, with a big word 'Gu' engraved on it.

Chen Yuan was planning in his mind, and did not immediately accept the order, but continued:

"I heard that Beiliang is not stable, and the Sky Survey Department is fighting endlessly, and my seniority is still inexperienced. I'm afraid I can't restrain those two with just one mouth. It will be able to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible, and it will be even more handy to track down the remnants of the previous dynasty."

There is a strict order within the Sky Survey Department, no fighting between the same departments, if death or injury is caused, they must be severely punished, and they must have the power to make decisions on the fly in order to deter some people.

Chen Yuan didn't want to be aggrieved to take office.

"Yes, the governor has prepared it for you a long time ago. This token is the warrant of the governor. You can make a decision with it, but it's best not to cause any deaths."

Gu Tianqiong had expected that Chen Yuan would make this request, and was already prepared.

"I would like to thank the Governor for such a humble position."

Chen Yuan reached out to take the token hanging in the void and said in a deep voice.

Gu Tianqiong tapped the handrail with his fingers, pondered for a moment and continued:

"The border of Liangzhou is of great importance. The governor doesn't care how you do things, how to track down the whereabouts of those remnants of the previous dynasty, but there is only one thing you have to remember clearly."

"Please tell me, Commander-in-Chief."

"Don't make a fuss too harshly. Don't let the barbarians in the north take the opportunity to knock you off. If necessary, you must be patient when facing the King of Beiliang. Of course, with his character, he will not target a junior like you, as long as it is not too much."

"Humble job understands."

"The Liangyou border, especially Liangzhou, is the most important, so don't be careless." Gu Tianqiong looked serious.

He didn't want Chen Yuan to turn the Liangyou border upside down, it was not in the interests of the imperial court, everything must be done with the overall situation in mind, otherwise it would really make the remnants of the former court happy.



Then, Gu Tianqiong told Chen Yuan some things about Liangzhou very seriously, saying that the people there are tough and there are many generals. Except for some government affairs and military affairs, the rest are controlled by the King of Beiliang.

Even the imperial court would not say much.

Tell Chen Yuan to be careful, as long as he can do a good job in Liangzhou, his future promotion will be a trivial matter.

Chen Yuan also expressed his understanding.

"Your status as a golden envoy will be finalized within two days. Go back and prepare. You will leave for Liangzhou within seven days. Well, you are the only one."

Gu Tianqiong said in a deep voice.

Chen Yuan raised his head and clasped his hands together:

"Yes, I understand."

"Back off."

"Resignation from humble position."

Chen Yuan nodded, turned and left Xuntian Temple.

Looking at the back of Chen Yuan going away, Gu Tianqiong narrowed his eyes slightly, and that familiar feeling reappeared, every time he saw Chen Yuan, he felt a little inexplicably familiar.

But no matter what, I can't say it, it's really weird.

Chen Yuan, who left the Tian Xunsi, did not return to Uncle Wuwei's Mansion, but went straight to Zhang Mansion to see Zhang Yantong without stopping. Sure enough, as soon as Chen Yuan arrived at Zhang Mansion, Uncle Chen took him in, saying that the master was in the study at the moment wait for him.

In the study, Chen Yuan expressed his gratitude to Zhang Yantong very seriously. In his opinion, the reason why he was able to become Liangzhou Jinshi is probably due to Zhang Yantong's hard work.

But to his surprise, Zhang Yantong denied this, saying that he just found out about it, but he was summoned by the governor yesterday,

After asking some things about him, he said that Chen Yuan had broken through the realm of Tiandan.

This answer made Chen Yuan thoughtful, could it really be Gu Tianqiong's reason?

He didn't think about this question, so Zhang Yantong told him very solemnly that Liangzhou was actually not a good place to go.

The status of Beiliang Prince's Mansion is higher than that of all yamen, and it is in charge of Liangzhou's military and political affairs. Even the nearby Youzhou has to obey Beiliang King Wei Jinfeng's military orders when necessary.

Tell him to be careful, this time, he probably won't be able to help him much, Liangzhou Xuntiansi is far away from Zhang Xi, but the two gold envoys are related to Zuo Tiancheng and Wu Tianxi.

Of course, there is no need to have too many scruples about this.

He is also backed by Zhang Xi. If he really makes trouble on purpose, he can take some necessary measures.

Chen Yuan expressed his understanding.

Chen Yuan stayed in the Zhang Mansion for midnight, and Zhang Yantong told Chen Yuan many things about the Liangyou border, which was more detailed than Gu Tianqiong's, and also gave Chen Yuan a preliminary understanding of the place.

At least it's no longer black eyes.

When Chen Yuan said goodbye and left, he happened to find Zhang Wanshu, the second sister of "Appreciating the Moon" Zhang, in the yard. She looked at Chen Yuan quietly and said:

"The envoy is leaving?"

Chen Yuan didn't feel strange, it should be Zhang Yantong who told Second Sister Zhang about this, he nodded immediately, and said: "The emperor's order is hard to break, and I will take office in Liangzhou someday."

"I heard that it's quite chaotic there, and the Qing envoy must be more careful."

Second Sister Zhang exhorted.

Chen Yuan smiled and said confidently:

"Trouble is more suitable for me. Don't worry, second sister, wait for Chen's triumphant return."

"Okay, that's what you said, I'll wait for you." Zhang Wanshu said immediately.

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud, good guy, Second Sister Zhang is actually waiting here, she really looks a bit like Brother Zhang.

"it is good."

Second Sister Zhang stared at Chen Yuan, covered her mouth and smiled lightly:

"I was joking just now, but you must be careful when you act. This is a sachet that I wove before I was born. If you don't dislike it, you can use it as a toy."

She took out a light red embroidered sachet from the sleeve of her hand and put it in front of Chen Yuan.

After pondering for a moment, many thoughts flashed through Chen Yuan's mind, and finally stepped forward to take the sachet, and said softly, "Thank you, Second Sister."

Second Sister Zhang giggled, turned and left.

When the other party walked away, Chen Yuan felt that there seemed to be something in the sachet, and immediately opened it thoughtfully, and there was a magic talisman inside!

After staring at the talisman for a long time, Chen Yuan let out a long breath and left.

On the other side, in the study room, Zhang Yantong, who saw this scene from a long distance, had some dark lines on his face, and he said why the good-natured Wan Shu asked him for a precious talisman.

It turned out that it was not prepared for Xuan'er, but for this kid!

Heaving a long sigh, Zhang Yantong shook his head slowly, and could only lament that the female college was not accepted, but a person with Chen Yuan's personality is really not a good match.

Back at Wuweibo Mansion, Chen Yuan sat cross-legged with a calm expression, and slowly said:

"Senior, there is no need to say goodbye this time. You and I will go to the Liangyou border together. Although the junior is not strong enough, I think I can still help the senior."


A faint sound of Buddha resounded in Chen Yuan's ears.

In the blink of an eye, another night passed.

The next day, early morning.

Chen Yuan slowly opened his eyes, this night was another night of practice, everything was peaceful, after he finished his breakfast, the imperial edict from the palace arrived.

It was his old acquaintance, Yang Yuanqing, who came!

It stands to reason that with Yang Yuanqing's identity and strength, there is no need to do this kind of thing, but he just came. During the time of recuperating, Yang Yuanqing thought about that battle all the time.

The hatred for Chen Yuan in my heart has reached the extreme, but at the same time, it is also accompanied by an inexplicable sense of panic. Whenever I think of Chen Yuan, I will think of that terrifying power.

I was like an ant in front of him.

This is the demon.

After consulting his godfather Cao Zhengxian, Yang Yuanqing realized that if he kept avoiding Chen Yuan, his inner demons would become more serious, and he had to face his fear directly.

So... here he is.

He personally came to Wuweibo Mansion with the imperial decree.

Chen Yuan still had the same posture, just bowed slightly to show respect for the imperial power, but this time, Yang Yuanqing did not dare to scold him like before.

After announcing the imperial decree, Yang Yuanqing walked slowly to Chen Yuan, handed it to him, and said softly:

"Chen Yuan, don't be complacent for too long, I will catch up with you."

Chen Yuan glanced expressionlessly at this guy who could only speak harshly, but said indifferently, and said lightly, "I'll give you time to catch up until you can't even see your back."

After finishing speaking, he no longer cared about Yang Yuanqing, who remained in Yuanqi with a livid face, and left directly.

For this guy, Chen Yuan really didn't pay attention to him from the beginning to the end. If he couldn't kill him because of his status, he would have blasted him into blood mist with one punch.

Unfortunately, no chance.

We can only see if there is a chance to meet outside the capital in the future, and then it will be his death day!

Yang Yuanqing, a disgusting name, is as annoying as the family of loyalists surnamed Liu.

Along with the imperial decree, there is also the fourth-rank official uniform and belt certificate of the Golden Envoy of the Surveyor. At this point, Chen Yuan can be regarded as a real fourth-rank official of the imperial court.

As soon as he obtained the power that he had always wanted before, Chen Yuan suddenly felt a little dull, and threw it directly into the space of Tianshu.

Because of Chen Yuan's impoliteness, the whole Wuwei Mansion did not dare to entertain Yang Yuanqing and his party, and allowed them to leave the Earl's Mansion with ashen faces.

As soon as the imperial decree arrived, the news of Chen Yuan's position as the Heaven Surveyor Golden Envoy spread, and for a while, it caused a lot of commotion in the Sky Survey Department.

Although many were dissatisfied and felt that Chen Yuan's qualifications were not enough to be a gold envoy, but no one stupidly raised any opinions.

Because as soon as the imperial decree arrived, it was completely settled.

If you really feel dissatisfied, you will only be scolded by the Shangguan.

Some people were dissatisfied, while others were happy for Chen Yuan. The first to bear the brunt were several deputy commanders of the East Imperial City Division, who came to congratulate him personally, and the smiles on their faces caught their ears.

But apart from Tao Qingyuan, none of the remaining deputy envoys was really happy for Chen Yuan. They were happy that Chen Yuan, the god of plague, was finally sent away.

They are basically related. Before Chen Yuan came, life was not too pleasant, but after Chen Yuan came, he directly took the emperor's relatives and relatives to the knife, scaring them so that they dare not be lazy anymore.

I'm afraid that Chen Yuan will also find an excuse to hack them.

Now that Chen Yuan is promoted, isn't it good news for them?

Chen Yuan himself was well aware of these people's thoughts, so he just casually exchanged pleasantries, then took Tao Qingyuan to the backyard, and told him to be careful in the future.

Tao Qingyuan directly stated that he wanted to follow Chen Yuan to Liangzhou to listen to him. Now he has long forgotten that when he was a boss before, he had fully accepted his status as a subordinate.

And a boss like Chen Yuan is obviously excellent.

Protect yourself!

But Chen Yuan won't bring anyone with him when he takes office this time. Apart from what Gu Tianqiong said before, he himself doesn't want to bring anyone to cause trouble. After all, this time is not for construction, and there are still big things to do.

Help Senior Moro recover from his injuries, find a way to get more war horses, and by the way, mainly to see if he can find his son of luck again.

For Chen Yuan, leaving the capital means that the sea is wide and the fish are leaping, and the sky is high and the birds are flying!

Although Tao Qingyuan was a little disappointed with Chen Yuan's answer, he didn't insist on anything, saying that he would be optimistic about Wuwei Bofu and wait for Chen Yuan to listen to him at the Imperial City Department at any time.

On the other hand, Sima Ke was a little disappointed when he learned that Chen Yuan was about to leave the capital and become a Liangzhou golden envoy. Although Chen Yuan was indeed promoted, how could he help him if he was not in the capital?

The relationship that has just been eased, isn't it because of Chen Yuan's departure that they will be more alienated?

Sima Ke suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart. He thought that since Chen Yuan's departure was a foregone conclusion, he could only let nature take its course.

Waiting for the other party to return to the capital.

He only hoped that Chen Yuanxiu would break through faster and become one of the four great envoys of Xuntian Division as soon as possible, but before the other party left, it was best to maintain a relationship with him as a fellow.

After thinking for a long time, Sima Ke finally made a rebellious decision against his ancestors, and immediately got up and went to the harem to meet Concubine Yang Gui.

"Ke'er, why are you here?"

Concubine Yang Gui was a little surprised, this wasn't for the Chinese New Year, the other party had come here a little too frequently these past few days.

Sima Ke, on the other hand, pushed back the left and right maidservants, and whispered mysteriously:

"Mother and concubine, Chen Yuan is going to be released as a gold envoy."

"what happened?"

Concubine Yang Gui, who had lived in the deep palace for a long time, asked in surprise.

Then, Sima Ke told the whole thing in detail.

Concubine Yang Gui pondered for a long time, and said:

"This is a good thing. The higher Chen Yuan's status is, the more he will be able to help you in the future. Your Majesty is in the prime of his life, so there is no need to rush."

"But I'm afraid that the newly eased relationship will become alienated because of his departure."

"So, what do you want to say?" Concubine Yang Guifei was stunned and blurted out.

"I feel that Chen Yuan is full of blood, so he will definitely find other women when he goes to Liangzhou. Instead of taking advantage of others, it is better for the mother and concubine before he leaves."


Thanks for the 20,000 dot coin reward and support from the only person in the rest of my life!

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