I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 501 The ranking skyrocketed, shaking the world!

"The subordinates know that adults like to be different. In fact, the same is true of lowly positions. They don't like those young girls. It just so happens that there is a beautiful woman in the subordinate's house. Although she is over thirty years old, she still has a charm, and I want to dedicate it to my lord. "

Chen Yuan: "???"

He was surprised, really surprised!

This kind of false news has spread to Liangzhou in the north, making it seem like he really likes wives.

Slander, utter slander!

It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

He is doing things upright and innocent, this is a complete insult to his personality!

Looking at Feng Jiuying's expectant eyes, Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, then said:

"Feng Jinshi, I think you made some mistakes. Chen has always been a womanizer, and he is devoted to Taoism. Don't mention this kind of thing in the future."

Feng Jiuying froze for a moment, what's the matter?

Does it really feel wrong?

In fact, Chen Yuan is completely different from his liking?

It shouldn't be, some rumors may be false, but after a close investigation, it is rumored that he is in the place where Chen Yuan worked before, and now he is raising a beautiful woman from Shuzhou.

Yes, he must have said it too bluntly.

Feng Jiuying soon realized what was wrong with her.

Chen Yuan is a well-known figure in the world, he needs face, how can he talk about these things so bluntly? He should be invited to the mansion first, and then let his concubine's room have a chance encounter when the wine is over three rounds and the food is over.

It's better to accidentally fall on Chen Yuan's body.

Wouldn't it be a matter of course?

With this in mind, Feng Jiuying hastily confessed:

"What my lord said is that Meng Lang is a low-ranking man. I shouldn't say these words with the heart of a villain and save the belly of a gentleman. As an apology, can this subordinate invite you to come to the house to have a talk at night?

My lord has lived in the south for a long time, and what I eat and use are different from those in the north. You might as well taste it in the subordinate's mansion. It just so happens that I have some important things to report to my lord. "

Chen Yuan tapped his fingers on the table, and quickly recalled what Feng Jiuying was talking about, but he was more tactful now.

If there were no previous words, it would be impossible for Chen Yuan to really go to the banquet. As for now, of course he refuses!

He didn't come to Liangzhou for women.

How could he agree to Feng Jiuying's invitation?

Also, it is not known exactly what kind of medicine was in Feng Jiuying's gourd, so he couldn't be led by the nose, so he directly rejected Feng Jiuying's invitation.

And tell him that he has no free time recently, and wait until the free time is over before talking about drinking and having fun.

Hearing this, Feng Jiuying felt a little disappointed in her heart, feeling that she couldn't deepen the relationship with Chen Yuan, but she didn't show it, after all, there will be opportunities in the future.

Immediately agreed with a forced smile.

Chatting about some things in the capital, Feng Jiuying saw that Chen Yuan was a little impatient, and immediately retreated with a wink.

When Feng Jiuying left, Chen Yuan wanted to think about the following things, but only a quarter of an hour later, there was another report from outside.

Huang Fuqi is also here

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yuan decided to meet this person, but he had already thought about the origin of the other person in his heart, and he must have the same idea as Feng Jiuying.

Since you can't stop it, then go all out to cater to it.

"Subordinate Huangfu Qi has met Mr. Chen."

Huangfuqi also changed into an official uniform again. Compared with Feng Jiuying, he was more powerful, so his injuries were lighter, and he still seemed full of energy.

However, if you perceive it carefully, you can still perceive some weakness.

"Emissary Huangfu Jin is polite, sit down."

What Chen Yuan did to Feng Jiuying, was what Chen Yuan did to Huangfuqi, although Feng Jiuying's words revealed that Huangfuqi was a little rude to him.

But how, who knows?

Even if Feng Jiuying didn't say anything, she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart. Facing the two of them, Chen Yuan was always vigilant.

Tasting the spiritual tea offered by Chen Yuan, Huangfu Qi's eyes were deep. He came here in a hurry today, in fact, because the eyeliner of Xuntian Division told him that Feng Jiuying was coming.

Otherwise, he would not have come because of his profound qualifications.

But if Feng Jiuying forms an alliance with Chen Yuan and the two join forces to deal with him, then he will be extremely dangerous, so he expressed his loyalty to Chen Yuan after drinking the spirit tea.

The general meaning is similar to that of Feng Jiuying, but more straightforward.

Chen Yuan looked at Huangfu with a smile and said strangely: "Since Huangfu's golden envoy is so sincere, then this envoy will also say something from the bottom of his heart. As long as you cooperate with this envoy, when this envoy leaves Liangzhou,

I will definitely recommend you to be the Liangzhou Golden Envoy. In the future, you and I will work together to guard Liangzhou for the imperial court. "

This sentence, except for the name change, almost remained unchanged. How Chen Yuan answered Feng Jiuying is how he answered Huangfuqi.

In the Tian Xun Division, Chen Yuan also learned how to draw cakes from Gu Tianqiong.

As for after he leaves, if these two people are acquainted with each other, at worst, they will report both of their names, so that they can have an explanation to the higher authorities.

Let Gu Tianqiong feel that he, Chen, did not form a clique

Sure enough, hearing Chen Yuan's promise, Huangfuqi was a little excited, feeling that he seemed to have disrespected Chen Yuan too much before, and immediately continued to express his loyalty.

Although he was the Liangzhou Golden Envoy before, after half a year of fighting for power between Feng Jiuying and him, his mentality has changed a lot, especially when Chen Yuan easily defeated them both.

He has no hope for the post of Liangzhou Golden Envoy.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for offending the prince of Beiliang, and also pretending to report to the capital, wanting the court to put pressure on the king of Beiliang, but in the end you can't steal a chicken.

On the contrary, the higher-ups felt that he was ineffective, so they directly sent another gold envoy.

It's a wrong step, a wrong step

After sending Huangfuqi away, the original smile on Chen Yuan's face gradually faded, replaced by indifference.

The next few days passed quickly, Huangfu Qi and Feng Jiuying were recuperating at home, and Chen Yuan took advantage of these few days to thoroughly figure out their sphere of influence.

And through various methods of defeating him, he gathered a group of people to be loyal to him. There may be fools in this, but he doesn't care, as long as he obeys his own orders.

Huangfuqi and Feng Jiuying are well aware of this point.

If it was before, they might have made some reactions, but after Chen Yuan's painting of them before, they just sat back and watched all this happen.

After all, as a gold envoy, Chen Yuan must be able to do it.

No matter how intense it is.

Anyway, they felt that a person like Chen Yuan would not stay in Liangzhou for too long. After he left, if he reported through him, he would definitely be able to take the position.

And these are exactly what Chen Yuan wanted.

At the same time, in the past few days, what he did in Liangzhou also spread to the capital. After reading the information, Gu Tianqiong still agreed with Chen Yuan.

I feel that His Majesty's vision is not wrong, and Chen Yuan's handling ability is indeed not bad.

Although he has credit for his waist card, it is not enough for Chen Yuan to gain a firm foothold quickly. Now he even wants to see Chen Yuan catch the remnants of the former dynasty in the fastest time.

At that time, after accumulating some qualifications, and when his cultivation is promoted to Huayang, he will let Chen Yuan be the envoy of the Sky Survey Division, and this is also the emperor's intention.

Gradually cultivate Chen Yuan into a sharp knife of the court, who can use him to sweep away some ills within the court, and even the troubles of the surrounding states.

If the cultivation base is always so fast, then continue to increase the training.

If there is no progress in the future, or even stagnation, then use him to appease some people's dissatisfaction with the court

Apart from the imperial court, because of that battle, Chen Yuan was also widely spread in the rivers and lakes, especially in the northern rivers and lakes. Warriors in Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Liangzhou all knew that the well-known ruthless man Chen Yuan was coming.

And it's not calm at first, sweeping the Xuntian Division in one day, defeating two Heavenly Alchemy Gold Envoys in ten breaths, the limelight is not bad!

Originally, the impact of this incident was limited to several state capitals in the north, but due to Dengxianlou's intervention, Chen Yuan can be said to have caused a storm in the Jianghu.

After evaluation, Deng Xianlou directly ranked Chen Yuan sixth on the Billboard!

This ranking is not low, even considered high.

Previously, for Chen Yuan, Jiang He fought against Qingyun Sword Sect Elder Gu Chun, Head Master Xiao Yunsheng, and Huayang Patriarch Qingyunzi's Huayang Distraction Spirit in Qingzhou without losing, and he only ranked seventh.

Ranked sixth on the Wind and Cloud Ranking, once this ranking is released, the commotion caused is not small, it can even be said to be very large. Every change of the top ranks in places like the Wind and Cloud Ranking will attract the attention of many people.

Not to mention that Chen Yuan is a topical character.

As for the points that everyone pays attention to, one is that Chen Yuan directly surpassed more than ten rankings, and the other is Chen Yuan's age.

There are not many things like skyrocketing rankings, but Chen Yuan has skyrocketed every time, almost like crazy, and it happens every once in a while.

It really leaves a lot of people wondering what to say.

Thinking about Chen Yuan's current age, and the fact that only half a year had passed since the last Cengxian Battle, Zuo Chengzong, who was once tied for the first place, was only at the bottom of the ranking.

This point alone is enough to show Chen Yuan's terror!

And there are more and more stories about the legend that Chen Yuan dominated an era in the Jianghu.

In the past, Zuo Chengzong, Wei Wuque, Bai Changqing and others praised him, but now, they are recognized by the vast majority of people. They are even thinking, will Chen Yuan be able to directly reach the top of the Billboard next time?

Press Qin Tianxi directly below!

This guess is a bit outrageous, but unexpectedly, there are still many people who believe this.

Even Chen Yuan didn't expect the commotion this time. He treated it with a normal heart, thinking that it would only attract some attention.

It was completely unexpected that it would cause a chain reaction.

The era of horizontal pressure!

Really think highly of him.

Even several other Taoist masters with the Taoist Palace took the initiative to contact Chen Yuan, congratulated him, and learned about his recent situation, such as when he broke through the Tiandan.

Chen Yuan never revealed this point.

It was also the first time they learned about it, and they were shocked by the truth.

He even felt that Chen Yuan, a rising star, was not far away from catching up with or surpassing them.

Can't help but lament the impermanence of the world.

Chen Yuan is a perverted evildoer than Jiang He.

Regarding this, Jiang He came out and said that he knew that Chen Yuan had broken through a long time ago, and even made the other members of the Taoist Palace play a joke.

After the joke, the rest of the people asked why Chen Yuan was sent to Liangzhou, and if something happened, Chen Yuan had no choice but to tell what happened before.

And told them that he came to Liangzhou this time mainly to help Senior Mo Luo with one thing.

The rest paid more attention and asked about the situation.

Chen Yuan didn't say much else, he just said that he would go deep into the grassland once, and the rest of the people expressed that they could come to help, but Chen Yuan didn't agree after inquiring about Mo Luo's meaning.

All of them were still injured in the previous battle in the imperial city, so it is not appropriate to go to war again.

Moreover, there is no need for such a big scene, what is needed is a quick battle, and there are too many people but it will be a burden.

Hearing such words, the other Taoist masters did not continue to say more, but only warned Chen Yuan to be careful when doing things on the grassland.

There is still a lot of gap with the Central Plains.

After the meeting with the Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace was over, Chen Yuan was about to send someone to send a letter of worship to Wei Wuque, the prince of Beiliang, and was about to start the next move.

When he first came to Liangzhou City, he didn't look for him, mainly because he didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, and also so as not to disturb his rhythm because of Wei Wuque's affairs.

But now he has basically controlled the situation of Beiliang Tianxunsi, and the two Jin envoys Feng Jiuying and Huangfuqi have also expressed their submission, and they will almost be able to meet the prince.

The relationship between them can only be regarded as a one-sided relationship, especially when Chen Yuan once rejected Wei Wuque's desire to exchange Deng Xianguo, it was not a harmonious relationship.

That is, the last time Chen Yuan climbed to the 21st place on the mountain list, this prince just came out to brush up his presence.

But before Chen Yuan ordered people to go, there were already some people coming from Beiliang Palace, and I don't know if they had estimated Chen Yuan's time.

Looking at the invitation card in his hand, Chen Yuan thought for a long time in Xuntian Temple, and felt that this Wei Wuque was really not simple, and even stated on the invitation card that he had some relationship with Feng Jiuying.

Being so straightforward was beyond his expectations.

When the time on the invitation card approached, Chen Yuan changed his official uniform after thinking about it, and went to get along with this Wei Wuque as a 'friend'.

Facing Beiliang Palace, it was impossible for Chen Yuan to put on any airs. If it really mattered, Wei Wuque's status as a prince was much more valuable than his position as a golden envoy.

The same is true for strength.

The world-famous 300,000 cavalrymen in Beiliang belonged to the Wei family. This was an absolute elite with terrifying strength.

If it is said that Chen Yuan didn't have an accurate feeling about the 300,000 cavalry, then after the battle of Shenxue Lake, Chen Yuan almost had a consideration.

A hundred thousand heroic souls can kill a refining god.

What about the time before death?

Wouldn't it be able to match the real king?

And Beiliang's iron cavalry is three times that of Chen Jiajun's, and what this means is self-evident.

Although it is said that the real king must be stronger than the army, but that refers to the mobility, if it is a head-to-head confrontation, it is not necessarily true.

The Immortals of the Six Realms did not come out, and Chen Yuan felt that no one could face the 300,000 Beiliang iron cavalry alone.

This also made me understand why the imperial court would sit and watch Wei Jinfeng's state of near-separatist rule. It wasn't that the imperial court didn't want to take care of it, it was because they couldn't take care of it at all.

The 300,000 iron cavalry will cooperate with the king of Beiliang who is the fourth in the world.

Its power is definitely not inferior to a fairy gate!

Of course, the premise is that there is no fairy shot.

Such an existence has surpassed the commonplace, and is called an 'immortal'.

How can mortals defy the heavens and defeat immortals?

When Chen Yuan arrived at Beiliang Prince's Mansion, it was almost a quarter of Shen's time, which was about 3:30 in the afternoon, and Wei Wuque, the prince of Beiliang, was already waiting in front of the door.

Presumably, he had a good grasp of Chen Yuan's dynamics.

With a distance of tens of feet, Wei Wuque let out a hearty laugh:

"Brother Chen, we leave once every half a year, your demeanor is even better than before!"

As he said that, he cupped his hands and fists at Chen Yuan, which was a great way to save face.

Chen Yuan also smiled and said:

"How can I trouble Brother Wei to go out of the house to greet you, why should you and I be so polite?"

"Others naturally don't have the qualifications, but Brother Chen is not someone else. He is the sixth person on the list, and he is definitely the existence that Wei has always looked up to."

"Haha, Brother Wei, you are welcome."

"Brother Chen, please."


At the moment of Shen Shi, it was naturally not the time to eat, so Wei Wuque led Chen Yuan to the backyard of the palace, and then he gave up in the pavilion next to the small lake.

When the two arrived, a pot of spiritual tea was just boiling.

"Brother Chen, try this tea and see if you are satisfied."

Wei Wuque laughed.

"Could it be that there is something else about this tea?"

"Brother Chen, try it first."

Faced with Wei Wuque's kind invitation, Chen Yuan would appear distrustful if he shied away at the moment, and immediately picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip.

Immediately brightened.

He is not a person who has never drunk good tea. He has a lot of imperial gift tea in his hand, but it is much inferior to the tea in his hand. taste.

The fiery hot tea has a icy coldness, which is really a bit miraculous.


"Extremely good tea." Chen Yuan put down his teacup and commented.

"This tea is called Tianxue. It is my father's favorite tea. It is taken from the northern cold land. The water used to make the tea is Beiman Tianbing Lingquan. It complements each other the most.

When tasting it, there will be a feeling of icy cold rushing to the heart, which can stabilize the mind of the warrior. It is a spiritual object of Qingming. When Wei broke through the Heavenly Palace, he also used the power of this spiritual tea. "

Wei Wuque smiled and told about the origin of the spiritual tea in the pot.

Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Northern cold land?"

This made him curious, and it was the first time he had heard of this place name.

But Wei Wuque turned serious and said:

"It is true that very few people in the Central Plains know about this place. Most people only know about Beiman, but not Beihan, because this place is too far away from the Central Plains.

Being separated from Liangzhou, it is impossible to communicate with the barbarians, but in fact, this place is very important, and it is also one of the main reasons why the northern barbarians covet the Central Plains. "


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