I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 508: Ling Tian Falls, Opportunity Emerges!

"You are too happy!"

A familiar voice came from the pit, like a whisper from hell.

But Xiang Lingtian had a look of disbelief on his face.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

My own double-pupil divine light completely fell on Chen Yuan, how could he have nothing to do? It should be in a state of dying, waiting for him to draw out the divine blood from his body.


This was the first thought that flashed through Xiang Lingtian's mind.


The facts were right in front of him.

It's not something he doesn't want to have.

A pure white arm stretched out first, followed by Chen Yuan's entire body.

Compared with before, most of his clothes are indeed torn, but there is no trace of injury on his body. As for the condensed lines just now,

It disappeared without a trace under Chen Yuan's thoughts, and was hidden in the physical body.

But the power is there.

Chen Yuan stepped into the void step by step, the aura around him was incomparably harmonious, and even faintly overwhelmed Xiang Lingtian who was stronger than him.

Inside the body, Qi and blood surged.

It shows the power that Chen Yuan possesses at this moment.

Far more than before!

The blood left by the Xiang family in his body had already begun to recover after being stimulated by his practice all the way. Later, he refined it in the blood pool in the fantasy territory in the middle of Sichuan, which accelerated the process.

But now, after a deadly battle, and under the influence of that divine light, he has completely recovered.

Chen Yuan even felt that his current physical body had completely overwhelmed his qi refining cultivation, and it was not a problem at all to smash a mountain with one punch.

"You you." Xiang Lingtian looked at Chen Yuan in front of him in astonishment.

Some are unacceptable.

It's really unacceptable, why did the opponent's injury suddenly heal?

There is no previous state of fatigue.

too fast.

Even the top elixir in the world may not be able to achieve this level in just a few breaths, it is simply unimaginable!

"Is it a surprise?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Chen Yuan's mouth, which seemed to be mocking.

"How could you be safe and sound under the divine light of double pupils." Xiang Lingtian stared at Chen Yuan, and finally asked this sentence.

"Thank you very much, this divine light is good, do you want to do it again?"

Chen Yuan said softly.

"Impossible, double pupils are invincible, how can you avoid it, what method did you use?" Xiang Lingtian looked at Chen Yuan with a calm expression and was a little bit defensive.

The opponent's injury healed, but he didn't.

Before activating the double-pupil divine light, his physical body was almost on the verge of collapse. He thought that today's fight would end here, but such a tortuous thing happened.

With Chen Yuan's strength, wouldn't he be able to kill him?

Thinking of this, Xiang Lingtian's pupils suddenly shrank deeply.

"There is nothing invincible. All physiques are foreign objects. Warriors rely on themselves. Well, there is too much nonsense. Xiang Lingtian, it's time to hit the road!"

Chen Yuan slowly clenched his right fist, a terrifying aura was brewing.

"Do you think you can defeat me when you recover from your injuries? It's ridiculous. I was able to beat you to serious injuries before, but now I can do the same. If you don't want to lose both, you and I will retreat today and fight again in the future!"

Xiang Lingtian snorted coldly, trying to keep calm, trying to scare Chen Yuan away.

The current him, once the opponent can hold on for a while, he will be the one who will perish!

Therefore, retreating is the best choice.

But if he sees his weakness, it is impossible to let him go, it is best for the other party to give in on his own initiative.

"No, try again with your divine light, Chen feels a little unsatisfied." Chen Yuan looked at the other party and said.

After what happened just now, he felt that there might be a chance for the divine blood to improve, and the divine light seemed to be able to speed up this process strangely.

"You are courting death!"

Xiang Lingtian's face darkened.


Chen Yuan smiled contemptuously, seeing that the other party was bluffing.

If the other party was really confident, he might have already used his double pupil power when he just emerged from the ground.

Xiang Lingtian's eyes flickered, watching the murderous intent from the opponent, knowing that today might not be good, and immediately activated the secret method to improve his strength for the last time.

Although there will be great side effects afterwards, it is obvious that I can't care so much now.

The terrifying aura began to dissipate again, and between Xiang Lingtian's pupils, two rays of light began to overlap, exuding the mysterious and tyrannical light from before.

Within a radius of several thousand meters, everyone was a little dignified by this breath.

Xiang Lingtian took a step forward, like a fairy, with long hair fluttering in the air, the light scattered, looking down at Chen Yuan and saying:

"Are you sure you want to fight again?"

"So much nonsense!"

Chen Yuan spat out these words, and then, his right fist slammed forward, a terrifying power that far surpassed that before erupted instantly, and his own powerful martial arts true intention also began to cover the opponent.

And the moment Chen Yuan swung his fist, a mysterious phantom of a demon god also appeared behind him, exactly the same as Chen Yuan's movement, blasting out his fist.


Xiang Lingtian no longer hesitated, and decided to fight to the death. The two rays of light in his pupils merged into one, and the divine light bloomed in an instant, and went straight to Chen Yuan.


This time the situation is completely different from before.

Previously, Chen Yuan's method was instantly pierced and shattered, but this time it was indeed evenly matched, and the divine light was shattered by Chen Yuan's full blow.

No, to be precise, this is both shattered!

However, this is enough for Chen Yuan.

"Look, double pupils are not invincible!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

As for whether the opponent is gradually unable to hold on due to strength, that is not so important to him, as long as he can win.

Contrary to Chen Yuan, Xiang Lingtian felt a chill in his heart.

The divine light was blocked!

It's over!

His biggest reliance is no longer working.

However, Chen Yuan didn't give him the chance to think so much, taking advantage of the other party's weakness, he naturally wanted to kill him with all his strength, and then his body suddenly jumped out, his own martial arts true intentions were in harmony with the heaven and the earth.

He punched again.


two punches,

three punches

Finally, after Chen Yuan blasted out the seventh punch with all his strength, Xiang Lingtian couldn't hold it anymore, and the last eruption of double-pupil divine light was directly shattered.

Then this powerful force fell on Xiang Lingtian's body.

Under his clothes, the shattering of his body was even more severe, especially a crack extending from his abdomen to his neck, where the bones could be seen deep, facing the force of the bombardment.

His heart sank, and he could only block with all his strength.

And his end was the same as Chen Yuan's before. The whole person was like a kite with a broken string. After spouting a mouthful of old blood, he suddenly fell to the ground from the void.

A deep hole was smashed.

Around the deep pit, there are traces of cracks. If you look down from the top, you can see that these traces are like a huge spider web.

Silence, silence!

Everything seems to be the same as before.

The only exception is that the person standing above has become Chen Yuan, while the person below has become Xiang Lingtian, who was very arrogant and high above.

Chen Yuan's eyes were calm, and he was about to finish the opponent directly.

In order not to suddenly turn against the wind like him.

That... really makes people speechless.

Therefore, quick kill is correct.

If Xiang Lingtian had acted recklessly against him just now, the outcome might be different now. Even with the blessing of divine blood, I am afraid that he will not be able to deal with this guy in a short time.

"Wait first"

Just as Chen Yuan was about to make a move, Mo Luo's voice suddenly sounded.

"What does the senior want to say?"

Chen Yuan frowned slightly.

"Since this son can find your whereabouts so accurately, the members of the Xiang family must also know of your existence. It is naturally best to increase some strength."


Chen Yuan was a little puzzled by Mo Luo's rambling words.

"Double pupils are different from other physiques. These eyes can be transplanted, and the poor monk can help you. You have the divine blood of the Xiang family, and now you have awakened. If you use this to activate the double pupils, the power will definitely not be inferior to this person." Down."

Morrow continued.

"Took his eyes?"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, looked down at the silence below, and said with a faint smile:

"Thank you for your kindness, senior."


"But..." Chen Yuan took a deep breath and said in a concentrated voice:

"My road is already invincible, no need to borrow other people's skills!"

There was an air of extreme confidence in his body, he was not interested in the matter of taking Xiang Lingtian's eyes, and everything was as good as it was.

Apart from what he said just now, Chen Yuan didn't want to lose the big because of a small one.

His eyes practiced the technique of the eye pupil.

What if there is a conflict with Xiang Lingtian's double pupil?

What double pupil invincible.

His way of luck is the real way of invincibility.

Hearing Chen Yuan's answer, Mo Luo didn't say any more. He was just making a suggestion, and it was really helpful for Chen Yuan to train the other party's eyes.

But he was right.

A warrior's cultivation always depends on himself, not some spirit body or eyes.

A few breaths passed in a short time without any delay. He looked down at the smoke and dust that had completely dissipated below, leaving only a somewhat deep pothole.

With a hook at the corner of his mouth, a punch exploded.

But what ushered in was a sword glow.


The dignified heir of the Xiang family naturally has this kind of life-saving thing in his hands, but it's a pity that it's not enough. When the sword light broke through the fist and rushed straight to Chen Yuan with lightning speed.

Having already prepared, he quickly took out a talisman from his sleeve.

He also has this thing!

The sword glow and the divine light blasted together, making a terrifying roar, followed by another divine light with double pupils, Xiang Lingtian still had some strength left!


Chen Yuan opened his mouth and spat out a word, and the dragon's chant shook the sky in an instant.

The powerful sword light directly chopped this far inferior divine light into pieces.

Chen Yuan took this opportunity to attack again.

Xiang Lingtian below rushed out with disheveled hair, received the blow head-on, couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of old blood, collapsed on the ground, panting slightly.

Looking at the eyes looking down at him in the void, Xiang Lingtian suddenly became a little familiar.

It seems!

Why does Chen Yuan look so much like the patriarch?

Is it his illusion?

I figured it out, otherwise I couldn't explain it.


I came to intercept and kill Chen Yuan full of ambition, but ended up like this, it is really ironic, this is not an interception, it is a death!


He didn't fulfill the patriarch's expectations, so he pulled out the Xiang family's divine blood from Chen Yuan's body, and brought his head back to show the elders of the Xiang family.


I haven't accomplished my great cause yet, I haven't restored Chu, I haven't shocked the world, I haven't crossed the rivers and lakes, and I haven't sat on the throne of the emperor I dreamed of.


Xiang Lingtian heaved a sigh of relief, the trance in his eyes gradually dissipated, and gradually focused on Chen Yuan, with seven points of respect, two points of complexity, and one point of subtle fear in his heart.

It would be great if such a person was from the Xiang family!

Even with his superior cultivation and terrifying double pupils, I couldn't defeat him, and let him come back against the wind. Even his opponent felt unbelievable.

Under Huayang, someone can do this step.

Moreover, he is only in his twenties.

The future is limitless.

However, sighs are sighs, admiration is admiration, he knows that this person will be the enemy of the Xiang family in the future, the kind who will never die.

"You lost."

Chen Yuan walked down step by step.

Looking down at Xiang Lingtian on the ground, he didn't care about his complicated expression at all.

Its weak aura is sure to die.

The corner of Xiang Lingtian's mouth cracked:

"It's a defeat, it's a defeat, but don't be too happy, my Xiang family will not let you go, you don't know the horror of the Xiang family at all."

When he said this, his eyes were filled with blood and tears.

He ruined his own eyes, it is impossible to leave them to Chen Yuan.

But in fact, Chen Yuan didn't need it either.

"How terrifying? Is it stronger than the imperial court? If so, there is no need for you to be hidden mice." Chen Yuan stagnated at a distance of about ten feet in front of Xiang Lingtian, and slowly raised his body. hand.

Prepare to kill the opponent completely and take away your luck.

I just don't know what the chance will be this time.

Can you let your cultivation go further?

But before he could do anything, before Xiang Lingtian said his last words, a smear of blood suddenly lit up on his body, and then bloomed under Xiang Lingtian's somewhat terrified eyes.

Feeling that the blood bead given to him by the patriarch suddenly condensed a bit of devouring power, he seemed to be a little stunned, and his physical body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Blood was drawn away.

"No, no patriarch, you lied to me"

Xiang Lingtian's voice became weaker and weaker, the blood drop not only took away his Xiang family's divine blood, but also his vitality!

Chen Yuan frowned, looking at the scene in front of him with some doubts.

Something seems wrong.

Soon, but in a short span of time, Xiang Lingtian, the heir of the Xiang family who was invincible before, completely cut off his vitality and fell on the spot!

When he died, he even became a mummy.

Only a pair of deep eye sockets remained, as if even the eyes had been taken away.

And under Chen Yuantian's eyes, a cyan light of luck surged towards Chen Yuan in an instant.

Liangzhou, somewhere on the top of a mountain.

Xiang Qianqiu, who closed his eyes and meditated, slowly opened his eyes, and a faint smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If you look closely, you can see that two of his pupils also condensed in an instant.

Double pupils! ! !

Xiang Qianqiu also has double pupils!

But this is not the case. In fact, the awakened double pupils on Xiang Lingtian's body were planted by a ray of origin that he separated when he was young, so Xiang Lingtian was warned not to use the double pupils frequently.

Because once you use too much, you will find abnormalities in it.

Xiang Lingtian, this offshoot of the Xiang family's royal family, the offshoot he cultivated since he was a child, is a substitute, a pawn that he planned twenty years ago.

Unfortunately, substitutes are still substitutes.

It will never be what he wants it to be.

Fortunately, the genuine products from that year are back!

Xiang Lingtian's eyes were somewhat reminiscent, and a picture appeared in his eyes, a picture from more than 20 years ago.

It was in a ruined temple, and through some means, he managed to find that woman, that is, Chen Yuan's mother, Chen Xuanling.

"Qianqiu, Qianqiu, please let him go, he's just a child!" Chen Xuanling begged the young man in front of him with an indifferent expression.

Xiang Qianqiu looked down at Chen Xuanling, and said lightly:

"In order to restore Chu, he must sacrifice. Don't you know how much I have poured into him?"

Chen Xuanling smiled bitterly:

"It was because I knew that that's why I brought him out of Xiang's house. Can't you change someone? Why do you have to treat your own child like this!"

When she first became pregnant, Chen Xuanling was happy, she washed away the pain of her brother's disappearance, just looking forward to him growing up a little bit, Xiang Qianqiu also showed a deep fatherly love.

But by accident, she learned that this was not the case.

Xiang Qianqiu tried every means to give birth to her own blood, just to use him to restore Chu.

So she escaped

When everyone is not paying attention, escape

But Xiang Qianqiu is Xiang Qianqiu after all, even if she runs to the ends of the earth, she can't escape his palm.

For the sake of the infant child, she found Wu Daozi, the saint of painting, and begged him to help take care of the child. Wu Daozi agreed without saying anything.

But she stayed here and waited for Xiang Qianqiu.

"I don't want to either, but in order to restore Chu, it must be like this. At worst, there will be another one." Xiang Qianqiu answered Chen Xuanling like this back then.

However, Chen Xuanling froze for a moment, raised her head and looked at Xiang Qianqiu with tears in her eyes, she had a strange look in her eyes, Xiang Qianqiu had changed, she was not the high-spirited man she used to be.

After experiencing many hardships, his heart for Fu Chu has grown deeper, to the point where he would do anything to achieve his goal.

Then, Chen Xuanling committed suicide, cut off her heart, and lost her cultivation. At that time, Xiang Qianqiu could have saved her life, but he didn't.

Just quietly looking at Chen Xuanling whose eyes gradually became loose.

The words Chen Xuanling grabbed his hand and said before he died kept ringing in his mind:

"He is your child!"

"He is your child!"

On the top of the mountain, Xiang Qianqiu, who was sitting cross-legged, looked to the north, and Xuan Ling's voice sounded in his ears again.

There was a chuckle at the corner of his mouth:

"He is my child, but... he is also the blood of the Xiang family."

"It's a pity, I gave you a chance to live a stable life as an ordinary person in Ping'an County, but you just want to enter the rivers and lakes and re-enter my eyes!"

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