I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 512 Grassland Shakes, Spirit Spring Starts!

"Golden lotus!!!"

The high priest's hoarse voice shook the sky, but none of these were of any use. Even though they were far away, there was no way to stop the strange streamer from engulfing the golden lotus away.

"General Wanyan, take him down. You must not let him take Jinlian away. Now that the barbarian has awakened, as long as he fully awakens, he can easily suppress this person!"

The high priest immediately sent a sound transmission to Wanyanshu.


Wanyanshu growled like a wild beast, his whole body was violently violent, the huge figure nodded at him, and then swung the magic ax in his hand and slashed at the opponent.

At this moment, the high priest also mobilized the power of the fierce formation that he had set up before, and moved towards Chen Yuan.

Hope to delay this mysterious strong man for a while.

But it's a pity that Chen Yuan doesn't intend to fight, the golden lotus has already been obtained, and it will be really difficult to leave after waiting for the barbarian god of the ancient golden court to wake up.

Immediately with a movement of the divine mind, the huge magic flame in the void exploded instantly, rushing towards the two of them.

And he himself quickly recalled the Dragon Soul of the Emperor Slayer Saber, stared at the two of them, turned around and disappeared into the void.

"Do not!"


After the terrifying magic flame was destroyed, the attacks of the High Priest and Wanyanshu blasted into the void at the same time, but there was nothing but a crackling sound.

Only the two roared unwillingly.

The black clouds in the void are also disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the fight to the end, there was not more than a hundred breaths of time, so it can't be said that it was done very neatly. First, it attracted the attention of the seven of us, and then used the means prepared later to take Jinlian in one fell swoop.

Those are all in the plans of Qi Shan and Mo Luo.

Within the royal city.

The fight between Xiang Qianqiu and Wanwanyanshu was almost at the end, Xiang Qianqiu got some of Gui Zhe's dragon veins that he wanted, and looked at Wanwanyanshu respectfully from the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the divine sense moved, the sharp spear in the void exploded directly behind him, making a roar.

At this moment, the barbarian god of Lingquan has not yet gradually awakened, a terrifying forbidden force directly enveloped the surrounding void, and a giant palm that had always been empty fell from the sky.

The giant palm with a thousand feet exuded terrifying suppressive power, compared to Xiang Qianqiu, he was so insignificant.

Xiang Qianqiu glanced solemnly at the giant palm that was about to fall, and the little seal of the Chu Kingdom in his hand directly smashed open the forbidden void in the distance. Although his face was not pale, he was still before the giant palm was about to fall. In reality, he successfully hid into the void.

The giant palm in the void landed on it, and before Xiang Qianqiu left, there was a stalemate for a moment, and then hurriedly dispersed.


The little priest and the god general Gu Jinwang, who came to support the two altars, came here before they crossed the void, and looked at each other with Wanwanyanshu.

"Little Khan, forgive me!"

King Gu Jin and the little priest immediately bowed and apologized.

"Where's Jinlian?"

Wanwan Yanshu asked in a condensed voice.

"Golden lotus was taken away!"

The little priest answered loudly.

"Who is here?"

"This person claims to be the Lord Shura of the Taoist Palace!"

"Sura Demon Monarch."

Wangui Zhelong's eyes flickered, looking rather gloomy.

It was as if time was frozen at that moment.

The small sacrifice of the Lingquan was disturbed, the golden lotus was taken away, and one-seventh of the dragon veins of the Lingquan was taken away, but we didn't even keep a single person!

No disgrace!

Naked shame!

The majesty of Jinwang Tingting will be minimally damaged.

In the midst of the noise, an indifferent eye in the void quickly gathered, and the terrifying aura quickly enveloped the entire royal city.

"See the barbarian!"

"See the barbarian!"

"See the barbarian!"

Wan Gui Zhelong immediately suppressed the anger in his heart, and bowed towards the indifferent eye in the void.

The same is true for the little priest and the general Gui Zhelong, who dare not be lazy at all.

Although Manshen is the ancestor of the Wanyan clan, we have not been separated by several generations, and we have no blood relationship, only the reverence for the Immortals of the Eight Realms.

"Sacrificing to Little Chaos is all your fault. This time the sacrifice will be postponed, adding 100,000 souls!"

The voice of the barbarian god resounded in the void like two gods.

After finishing Yanshu, he hurriedly saluted:

"Follow the will of the barbarian god!"

This indifferent eye stared for a moment, and then disappeared in a hurry.

When the terrifying power dissipated, Wan Wanyan Shu turned to the god general Gu Jin with a bright face and murderous intentions:

"Mobilize heavy troops, break through Liangzhou, and sacrifice 100,000 souls from the Central Plains to the barbarian gods."

"Follow Xiaohan's will!"

The small Gu Jin King immediately bowed and put his fist on his chest.

"Little priest, summon the royal families of Lingquan, and try our best to track down the whereabouts of those weak people in the Central Plains."


On the other side, about 800 miles away from Gui Zhe Longting, the fierce void was twisted sharply, and Qi Shan in a white robe hurried out, letting out a long breath.

When this barbarian god appeared, Mo Luo didn't dare to stop at all. Before he got the golden lotus, he hid in the void, fearing that this barbarian god would chase him down.

However, in my perception, it is not the case.

Although he was curious about whether this barbarian god chased us, it was obviously a good thing, so he showed his real body before pulling away a certain distance.

After all, although Qi Shan's physical body has gone through a lot of skyrocketing, but a soul at the level of an Eighth Realm Immortal is attached to my body, which still makes me feel a small amount of pressure.

One hundred breaths of time is long or short, short or short is the limit of Qi Shan's eyes, it does not need to be cultivated for a long time like before the battle of the imperial city, and it can only be recovered with spiritual accumulation.

Today, although I still need a period of time to cultivate, the time difference is half a month or less.

It happened to be an excuse to go to Guizhe later.

Pulling off the white robe and mask, Gui Zhe's face was not strangely pale, and a weak force quickly pulled away from under my body, but there was no sense of separation.

Behind him, Albino Moro also appeared quickly, and gradually recovered his appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye. With a movement of his divine sense, a golden lotus hurriedly appeared in his hand.

A harsh force escaped.

"The kind of golden lotus that the two juniors want?"

Qi Shan's gaze was fixed under the lotus, and he could tell at a glance how extraordinary that thing was.

"This thing has been kept in the spiritual spring for hundreds of years, and it is a sacrifice to the barbarian god. Now it is almost too small to be perfect, and it just makes it useless to the poor monk."

Mo Luo smiled, without the nourishment of the golden lotus, my recovery time can be shortened a little.

The time for full recovery is not far away!

"That's good."

Qi Shan let out a long breath.

That time was not a bit of a risk. If at the critical moment, no familiar weak person made a disturbance in the royal city, it would be so complicated for us to take it away.

Originally, Qi Shan thought that he would play with a serious injury like the Battle of the Imperial City.

Now it is wrong.

"According to the younger generation, what is the origin of this weak man who makes trouble in Jinwangting City?" Qi Shan asked in a concentrated voice.

Hearing this, Moro frowned slightly.

"I'm afraid there is nothing wrong with the origin."

"How to say?"

Qi Shan raised his eyebrows to make Mo Luo feel that there is no problem, but I am afraid that it is really so complicated.

"Although there is not much distance between them, the poor monk still sensed the power of the national destiny, and there are not many people in the sky who can use the power of the national destiny.

It must be from the Sima family. "

"What do you mean by the younger generation, the legacy of the later dynasty?"

Qi Shan's eyes froze immediately.

"The possibility of that is very small. Although the later Chu Dynasty was subjugated for more than 700 years, the accumulated heritage is too deep. Is it possible that some national fortune can still be left behind?"

Moro said so.

Gui Zhe nodded, his eyes turned, he knew what he was thinking.

"Those people who snatched the spiritual object of Jinwang Tingting that time will give up and leave the grassland quickly and return to the Central Plains." Mo Luo said.

"The junior wants to take this opportunity to heal his wounds. If the prediction is wrong, I am afraid that all the tribes in the grassland are tracking down our whereabouts. As the saying goes, the safest place is not the most dangerous place, it is better to avoid the edge for a while, etc. The junior has recovered from his injuries, let’s move on again.”

Qi Shan deliberated and expressed his opinion.

"This little priest of Lingquan is indeed a kind of two, maybe he can really search you based on some things, um... where does he want to go to recover from his injuries?"

Morrow asked.

Qi Shan took out a map, pointed to a mountain range and said:

"This place is called the Wangting. No royal family lives here. It is the only way we must go back. Why don't we just cultivate here for a few days? What do the younger generation think?"

Mo Luo stared at Qi Shan and nodded slightly:

"Those...he decides."

Did Mo Luo agree with Qi Shan's proposal? Firstly, because what Qi Shan said was really unreasonable. Seventhly, I thought Qi Shan's purpose of going to the royal court was not so complicated.

But it is necessary to expose.

Who can have some secrets?

Before finishing speaking, Mo Luo turned into a ray of light, re-drilled into the Emperor Butcher's Knife, and finally used the golden lotus to recover from his injuries. Anyway, I am not here, unless this barbarian really finds it, but there is really no one in the grassland. can threaten us.

Seeing that Mo Luo's seven words were refusing, Qi Shan was fierce on the surface, but he let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and quickly headed towards the east before adjusting his injuries on the spot.

the other side.

About 700 meters away in the south of Qishan Mountain, the void changed rapidly. Xiang Qianqiu hurried out with a serious expression on his face. Breaking the ban of the Eighth Realm Immortal was as complicated as imagined.

Even with the use of the power of national destiny, my cultivation was still somewhat affected.

Letting out a long breath of turbid air, Xiang Qianqiu turned his head and glanced at the north, knowing in his heart that he would surely arouse Jinwang Tingting's wrath when he snatched the dragon's veins from Jinwang Tingting.

It's okay, everything is in my expectation.

Wei Jinfeng has not delayed telling me that even if there is no damage, it will be too small, and the only thing that makes me not a little curious is who is this weak person in the Central Plains who is making noise far away from the altar?

Nothing strange, but even less familiar.

After thinking about it for a while, I haven't locked the identity of this person for the time being, and I plan to investigate again before returning to the Central Plains. There was such a small disturbance in the grassland that time, and there must be no news.

Yes, none of that has anything to do with me.

The most important thing for me now is to use the power of the dragon vein in my hand.

With a heavy smile on the corner of his mouth, Xiang Qianqiu merged into the void again.

And just as I expected, the grassland is indeed very different now, and the weak in the Central Plains make small troubles to sacrifice to the King of Jin, which is a small incident that has happened only once in decades.

Because in the past few hundred years, before the fall of Later Chu, the Little Jin Dynasty in the Central Plains had put on a defensive posture, as if in the past, the weak from the Central Plains often came to the grasslands to cause turmoil.

The 700-year retreat has not completely changed the attitude of the Mobei Grassland towards the Central Plains, and feels that it is above this. Therefore, the turmoil of that time made few grassland weak people feel extremely humiliated.

When Gui Zhe was recruited, they responded one after another.

Of course, the main reason is that we dare not obey Lingquan's orders at all, and we can only obey orders. However, Xiao Khan, who is now full of anger, may directly destroy a certain tribe.

But the impact of that battle obviously did not stop here, it quickly swept across the Xiaobanmo North Grassland, and also made countless tribes hear of the name of 'Sura Demon Lord'.

For a moment, all the grassland ministries were shocked.

Qi Shan, who had been rushing along in a high-profile way about the prairie shock, knew nothing about it. He had done it. According to his past experience, he could think of that even if he wanted to.

Therefore, Mr. Chen is very high-profile.

And my high-profile is useless, at least no one has found out my location and I haven't arrived at the Royal Court Department. Few people think that the weak in the Central Plains who make small sacrifices should leave.

How dare you stay in the grassland?

Moreover, it is still within the royal family of Wangting, which is very close to the territory of Lingquan.

Yes, the Wangting tribe is very close to the Jinwang Tingting, almost one of the nearest royal tribes. Relying on the huge resources of the Wangting, it is also one of the few weak tribes under the command of Lingquan.

Qi Shan, who had never understood those situations, was naturally very vague.

As far as I know, in the Wangting tribe, there is not a weak person who has refined the gods, a young priest who has just entered Huayang, and there are not hundreds of thousands of herdsmen in the tribe.

The army is not nearly 100,000.

Although it is said that everyone is a soldier, but on top of the savage atmosphere of the grassland, at least one in seven people becomes a soldier of the tribe, and the ratio is very low.

When Gui Zhe arrived at the Wangting Tribe, Nawai also received a message from Lingquan, and went through a very detailed investigation of the barbarian warriors who came and went.

Even if it is just a show, Lingquan must be satisfied.

How could it be possible to detect Qi Shan's normality only through the investigation of special warriors?

With a little bit of means, we can get something.

Before the investigation by the Wangting Tribe, Qi Shan was able to retreat into the Wangting Mountain Range. Once there, there was no safety for Qi Shan for the time being.

Quickly based on the information guided by the opportunity, he found the goal of his trip.

Indeed, there was not a single colorful cloud that stood out from the others in the void, and it shone brightly in the refraction of the sun. It was also located in the northeast direction, and the shortest mountain peak was soon discovered.

It is only less than ten feet low, and it looks more like a slope than the surrounding low peaks.

It seems flat and strange.

If it was guided by chance, Gui Zhe would have noticed such a big mountain at all.

Before finding the mountain peak, even if he found the coordinates, Qi Shan's figure quickly fell from the void, and then, he found a cave entrance at a glance.

The chance guides that "the short peak in the northeast is a hundred feet deep", which means that Yan Shu is just a few hundred feet above the short peak, and Qi Shan needs to go deep into the ground.

Before retreating, Qi Shan walked all the way towards the twisted underground.

The most spacious place during this period can only accommodate a small fist.

But that is a trivial matter to me, if there is no way, I will make my own way!

Mo Luo, who was silent inside the Emperor Butcher's Knife, had been quietly watching Qi Shan's movements, trying to find a place to recuperate his injuries, but was there any need to go underground.

Soon, Gui Zhe opened the way and came to the depths of the ground.

Before Qi Shan annihilated the soft mountain wall at the front, he finally saw the Yan Shu outside.

As soon as I smell it heavily, I feel full of aura.

Gui Zhe Gui Zhe!

Qi Shan looked at the one behind him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Such a strong face art can definitely make my cultivation level skyrocket in a very short period of time.

And that Yanshu is not just a simple and complicated Yanshu, it can be vaguely perceived that there is nothing magical here, as if it is shrouded in a touch of Taoism.

In the Emperor Butcher's Knife, Mo Luo also saw Yan Shu, so he didn't think about it.

Isn't that Qi Shan's purpose?

How am I wrong to find out where that is?

If it is a coincidence, it is almost possible, because Qi Shan came to the Wangting Mountain Range obviously without a very weak purpose, but it can be said to be treasure hunting.

I have been following Qi Shan's side.

Although there will be silence from time to time, the basic perception is still there. I have never noticed that Gui Zhe has received guidance in that regard.

It can only be said that Qi Shan's luck is indeed very weak.

Also, it doesn't seem to help me either.


Did Qi Shan retreat into Yan Shu immediately, but thought for a moment, then called out again.

Afterwards, I thought about using 'luck' to explain it, but the destination is extremely weak to get through the ground, but luck alone can make sense, and I thought of that when I saw Yan Shu.

Or find a better excuse.


"To tell you the truth, this junior didn't just heal his wounds this time. Later, when he was in Wudang Mountain, You Chengzong told you that you were there when he was chatting. According to the records, there are no miracles in the Wangting Mountain Range. If you entered Wudang Mountain a few days ago You can't go to the grassland to explore, that's it."

You Chengzong became Qi Shan's tool man. I know that Mo Luo went to see the old celestial master at that time. It was a gap in time, and he was barely able to make it through.

"good luck."

Moro responded lightly.

I also know whether there are two species.

But that is not important, for Qi Shan, as long as there is no excuse.

"This Fangyan technique is of two kinds. It doesn't have a fairy spirit, so it's not good for his cultivation. The golden lotus obtained by the poor monk can also absorb some power."

Moro considered for a moment, then spoke.

Qi Shan smiled:

"Color technique is narrow, use it or waste it, the younger generation just use it."


Then, after a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke again:

"The special transformation is too fast, this golden lotus can't help him refine that power more slowly."

Saying that, a little golden light appeared, quickly flew out from the Emperor Butcher's Saber, and retreated into the Yanshu behind Qi Shan's face.

On the first day of the first day of the lunar new year, the golden light shone, covering the whole cave.

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