I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 521 Shocking the audience, killing Huayang!

No wonder he was so surprised, because with such strength in the alchemy realm, the entire ancient Jin royal court was full of fights, and only one Tianjiao of the Wanyan clan could resist Huayang real person in the alchemy realm.

But today, I encountered another one on this battlefield.

How can it not be surprising?

"Liangzhou really has some strength." A Wang Ting powerhouse at the peak of refining gods echoed in a low voice.

"This person is not from Liangzhou."

Suddenly, someone spoke again.

Wang Ting's attack on Liangzhou is not something that can be decided overnight. In fact, as early as last year when the war broke out in the capital of the Central Plains, Gu Jin Wang Ting was already preparing.

Since it is necessary to do it, it is natural to prepare in advance to inquire about the news.

At that time, there was no such peerless genius to play.

"Oh, where is this man from?"

Wanyantian frowned and asked.

"Hui Dahan, I got to know this person when my subordinates were spying on the Central Plains. His surname is Chen Mingyuan. He was born in Nanling Mansion, Qingzhou, Central Plains. He is only in his twenties. He was ranked first in the Central Plains Qianlong List last year, and first in the Immortal War. , the vision became alchemy, and later made great contributions, was awarded Wu Weibo by the emperor of the Central Plains, and now the official residence of Liangzhou Jinshi, a fourth-rank official."

"Yeah, this person has been hailed by the Central Plains Jianghu as the first genius in a hundred years, and the peerless arrogance of an era."

The man told Chen Yuan's resume one by one.

"Twenty years old?"

Wanyan Tianba finally showed a touch of emotion on his face.

Looking at the entire Mobei Grassland, there is no warrior who can reach this step in his twenties. It's just waiting. His eyes suddenly turned to the strong barbarian who was speaking, and said solemnly:

"You just said that this person was ranked first on the Qianlong list last year?"

"Yes, to be precise, this person became the well-deserved No. 1 in October last year when he defeated all powerful enemies in the Ascension to Immortal Battle. Someone had tied for No. 1 with him before."

"Ben Khan remembers that the Qianlong list in the Central Plains seems to be set up for those who master Xuanwu?"

Obviously, even though he was in the Mobei Grassland, the reputation of being on the third list of immortals still spread to him. Although he was most concerned about the supreme list, he had also known about the Qianlong list.

He even calculated the gap between the younger generation in the grasslands and the younger generation in the Central Plains.

It's a pity that the other two royal courts are not interested, otherwise, he would like to set up a list similar to the Qianlong list on the grassland.

"The Great Khan is wise, the Hidden Dragon List is indeed set up for young warriors at the Tongxuan level." The man said hastily.

Listening to this person's answer, the seriousness in Wanyan Tianba's eyes became extremely intense.

In October last year, he was number one on the Qianlong list, which meant that this person was still in the Tongxuan realm at that time, but now, less than half a year has passed.

This son has already reached the cultivation base of Tiandan, and he can also cross a large realm and fight against Huayang without losing the wind.

Such a talent. Terrible.

Such talent. Suddenly, Wanyan Tianba thought of an existence recorded in the Wanyan clan.

More than a thousand years ago, the Central Plains fought endlessly. More than ten countries, large and small, were called the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms by the Central Plains. At that time, the grassland also experienced hundreds of years of melee and gradually became unified.

A terrifying court was born by annexing all the tribes.

The name is Huns!

The court of the Huns!

This royal court is extremely powerful. Except for the Central Plains, all the northern tribes are unified by it. Even the strong ones at the barbarian level have several, which can be said to have reached the peak.

After the Xiongnu Shanyu unified the grasslands at that time, they tried to annex the Central Plains, and even the Western Regions and Southern Xinjiang.

But just when the grassland was about to start, an emperor was born in the Central Plains. The grassland was unified by the Xiongnu tribe, and the Central Plains was unified by the "Great Chu" led by him.

A war inevitably broke out between the two sides.

That one emperor through the ages personally led millions of cavalry to fight against the Xiongnu tribe in the Mobei grassland. The number of strong fallen is unknown, and the real loss is immeasurable. As the price, that incomparable and number one grassland in ancient times The tribe, the Hun tribe was broken up.

Gradually more than a dozen large and small grassland tribes formed, and after a long period of melee, the situation of the three royal courts slowly formed.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Emperor Qiangu had the power to destroy the grassland, but for some reason, there was no movement in the end.

And that emperor through the ages rose in just over ten years.

For some reason, Wanyan Tianba suddenly had a very special feeling when he watched Chen Yuan fighting against the Huayang strongman of the Tianshui tribe in the void, as if

This person's growth experience is somewhat similar to that of the emperor of the Central Plains through the ages.

The name of that emperor through the ages is 'Yu'.

The legend about that man in the grassland has been circulating for thousands of years.

It is known as the bravery of feathers, which is unparalleled through the ages!

Will this Chen Yuan become such a person?

Wanyan Tianba felt a little unreal, and always felt that it was possible.

But quickly dismissed the idea.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

No one can reach the realm of the eternal emperor again.


Even if there is a slight possibility, it will not work.

Chen Yuan has been regarded as a threat by him.

He said slowly:

"This son must not be kept, there will be future troubles if he keeps it!"

Several people around looked at each other, and felt that Da Khan was a little too praised. They admitted that he was indeed extraordinary, but the grassland had also produced peerless geniuses who fought in alchemy and Huayang.

At that time, I had never seen Da Khan so solemn.

But Da Khan had already spoken, so they naturally wouldn't refute anything, they just said:

"Yes, according to the will of the Great Khan!"

"Father, Chen Yuanhe."

Seeing Chen Yuan's crazy state, Wei Wuque fell silent.

He once made a name for Chen Yuan when he was rising, praising him as an existence that overwhelmed an era, and he was already psychologically prepared.

However, now I saw his shot with my own eyes.

Wei Wuque could only remain silent.

He felt that not only himself, but all the geniuses of the previous Qianlong list would also be silent when they saw this battle.

What a concept to put Huayang Daoist at a disadvantage! ! !

Perhaps only Qin Tianxi, who had killed Huayang at the top of the Billboard, has such strength, but the problem is that Qin Tianxi is over half a century old.

But Chen Yuan is only in his twenties.

The gap is not generally large.

Because for warriors, the younger they are, the greater the chance of improving their cultivation. Those warriors who have accumulated a lot of money are still a minority, although there is no basis for this.

But it has already become the consensus in the arena.

Then when Chen Yuan is thirty years old, what state will he be in?

Huayang or Zhenjun?

Wei Jinfeng also didn't speak, and didn't even have the leisure to talk to Wei Wuque, because he was also in shock.

The talents of the Xiang family are terrifying!

What kind of tricks is Xiang Qianqiu up to? It's simply stupid that such a peerless genius does not cultivate, but plans other things.

He will definitely regret it!

This kind of talent has been rare throughout the ages.

If you wait until you break through Huayang, you can still enter the country so quickly.

Wei Jinfeng suddenly thought of that coercive existence.

Chen Yuan is his descendant.

Can blue out of blue be better than blue?

Do not,

No need to beat him.

As long as he can catch up with him, the great Chu that has been destroyed for more than two hundred years may be able to revive.

So, what will he do then?

Return to Great Chu and be a loyal minister and good general.

Or is it the same as now, to separate one side and dominate?

Wei Jinfeng's thoughts suddenly scattered a little far away.

These things came to mind somehow.

Undoubtedly, he has some nostalgia for Da Chu. Eight hundred years ago, Da Chu has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and now the Sima family is trying their best to destroy the past history.

Otherwise, there will be more people in the world who miss Da Chu.

In contrast, the Great Jin of the Sima family is really unpleasant. After all, not only did they win the country wrongly, they lost the land of Xuezhou, and they also joined forces with the barbarians to drag the power of the Great Chu.

But Da Chu is different.

At that time, it was the real kingdom of the heavens, with coercion all over the world.

All Buddhist, Taoist, and magic sects dare not have a different heart under the iron hooves of the court.

The most important thing is that Da Chu wins the country the most upright.

There was a sage saying.

For thousands of years, no one has won the country's righteousness than the Great Chu.


Another terrifying roar sounded, the void was filled with waves, and the aftermath of the fight spread outward in a circular shape.

Chen Yuan's eyes were red, and he had no other thoughts.

He didn't know the thoughts and astonishment of Gu Jin Dahan, Wei Jinfeng and everyone around him, he only had one thought now, kill him, kill him! ! !

The blood was aroused by the drums before, and then gradually became crazy in the fight.

Chen Yuan has cast away all distracting thoughts for a short while, as if he has entered a new realm.

No one bothered him.

The aura in the dantian became brighter and brighter.



The true meaning of martial arts.



Dane Shenguang.

At this moment, in Chen Yuan's mad battle, it seems that he is gradually improving.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you!!!"

The Huayang expert who was blasted back by Chen Yuan had his hair loose, and he felt extremely humiliated. It is a shame that he, a dignified Huayang real person, was forced to this point!

How will those comrades from Mobei evaluate him in the future?

Although it has only been a few years for him to break through Huayang, which is considered to be the first time he has entered this realm, Huayang is Huayang, which is fundamentally different from the alchemy realm.

He didn't want to be a stepping stone for this kid from the Central Plains, making people ridicule and ridicule.

He must be killed!

Torture him severely!

Beiman Huayang let out an angry roar, and the saber that had become a divine soldier near the end of the catastrophe suddenly slashed out with all his strength.

Chen Yuan seemed to be unaware of this, and went straight to meet him.

The mysterious and simple lines on the right arm were fleeting and suddenly resisted.

The terrifying fist power came crashing down.


The sword light of the Huayang expert was directly smashed into pieces, and a huge roar came out.

Then, Chen Yuan took a step forward, shortening the distance he had opened up before, like a shell fired from the chamber, crashing down towards the strong northern barbarian.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was as if everything was back to how it was before.

The sword glowed across the sky, and the fist shook the sky.

At this moment, Chen Yuan doesn't seem to be a master of the alchemy realm, but a strong man of the primordial spirit who has shattered the alchemy and transformed into a god, controlling the terrifying energy of the surrounding heaven and earth that is constantly escaping.

Chen Yuan's confrontation continued.

The surrounding confrontation did not stop.

In fact, the reason why Chen Yuan is attractive is because of his cultivation base and age, he is really far behind those strong men around him in terms of movement and movement.

The generals of the Beiliang Army were basically at least one against two, and they were forced into a disadvantage, causing far more noise than Chen Yuan's side.

And if it is the biggest, it is nothing more than a battle between nearly two hundred thousand troops from both sides.

The void with a radius of hundreds of miles was stirred up, and the battle formations collided abruptly, or condensed into strange beasts, or condensed into weapons. In short, they were fighting terrifyingly every moment.

At the same time, there were people constantly trying to cross the city wall below, with arrows flying all over the sky and blood rushing to the sky.

The sound of fighting hangs in everyone's ears.

The iron-blooded battle flag is waving, gold and iron horses collide.

This is a big battle involving hundreds of thousands of people, like a tireless meat grinder, with soldiers on both sides exploding into blood mist, with limbs and arms scattered everywhere.

This scene is like purgatory!

The cruelty and horror of war were clearly revealed in front of everyone.

It makes people's hearts agitated.

It also makes people terrified.

The warriors under Chen Yuan's command also fought on the city wall, even Feng Jiuying saved Huangfuqi once, in the face of a life-and-death crisis.

They let go of past personal grievances.

The only thing in my mind is to kill the enemy!

"Monstrous Judgment!"

The barbarian Hua Yang had a grim face, knowing that it was impossible to defeat Chen Yuan in a short period of time, he immediately used the real trump card method, his body was covered with spikes, and his long hair fell off.

His size has more than doubled dramatically.

Looking from a distance, it no longer looks like a human being!

At the same time, the energy and blood around him also began to skyrocket. Cooperating with his mutated body, his physical strength seemed to faintly overwhelm Chen Yuan.

However, this is only for a short moment.

Realizing that his advantage in the physical body was shattered, Chen Yuan had a thought, and the three exercises of Taixuan Butian Sutra, Vajra Glazed Indestructible Body, and Shura Demon Body were simultaneously activated.

Several strange colors suddenly appeared on the skin under the clothes.

The strength of the physical body is also soaring.

At the same time, the divine blood of the Xiang family in Chen Yuan's body was also being mobilized, and faint mysterious lines spread all over Chen Yuan's body, and with the cultivation base of refining Qi, the power of each blow was far greater than before.

It also made the barbarian strong man's face change suddenly.

What the fuck is going on.

This Central Plains kid will also change?

Still stronger than him?

But the intensive fight obviously wouldn't give him time to think so much, so he could only grit his teeth and resist the means of this strong Central Plains man.

And even more aggrieved than before!

He got stronger and bald.

But the opponent became stronger than him!


He roared, screamed, shook one hand, and then let go of the saber in his hand, and a stream of light streaked across the void, suddenly skyrocketing, and cut Chen Yuan straight.

Chen Yuan ignored his yelling, otherwise he would definitely say what he was barking like a dog.


The opponent's saber was released, and so was the Emperor Butcher's Saber in Chen Yuan's hand. The huge dragon soul was wrapped around the blade and collided with it abruptly.

Peak showdown!

But the result of the collision of the two knives was surprising.

Because the saber of the barbarian Huayang strongman was cut off with a 'bang', and his spirituality was completely lost.

"Do not!"

The barbarian Huayang expert let out an angry roar, his eyes full of regret.

That is the sword he has cultivated for many years. It has already given birth to a not weak spirituality, and with some precious materials, it will soon become a treasure of the magic weapon.

Now it was directly cut off!

How can he accept it?

But even if it was unacceptable, the fact had already happened, and no one could do anything about it. After cutting off the saber, the dragon soul wrapped the emperor's butcher's saber under the urging of Chen Yuan, and immediately turned around, towards the real Huayang. It is to cut off directly.

Naturally, the man did not dare to greet such a terrifying sharp edge, and hurriedly backed away, but Chen Yuan, who had been waiting for him, was waiting for him to retreat, and his body speed soared instantly, and he came close to him.

In the blink of an eye, several punches poured directly on his body.


The barbarian Huayang blocked most of it, but some residual power still landed on him, which directly made his chest feel tight, and he couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

At the same time, his eyes were furious, and his anger reached the peak of his life.

Immediately, a layer of cyan flame ignited in his hand, and it was directly printed on Chen Yuan.

But if anger is useful, what do you need strength for?

Chen Yuan, who had put the barbarian Huayang powerhouse at a disadvantage, would not give him a chance to start over, and taking advantage of his illness to kill him is the best choice.

A layer of black and deep magic flames also ignited in his hands.

The temperature of the two flames is extremely high, and the sizzle sound seems to burn the void. Of course, this is just an illusion, Huayang is far from reaching this level.

Blocking the opponent's cyan flame with the magic flame, Chen Yuan's mouth curled up into a faint sneer, under the curious eyes of the barbarian Huayang strongman.

A nimble little snake flew out from Chen Yuan's sleeve, and bound the body of the Yang-transforming strongman in an instant.

The little snake was just an illusion. In fact, what Chen Yuan released was a rope, a trophy he got from the high priest of the Qishan tribe.

Although it is a bit dilapidated, there is still some spare energy.

It is just right to play on this barbarian Huayang.

"No, Yunyang save me!"

Feeling being imprisoned all over his body, the barbarian Huayang powerhouse finally panicked, panicked for the first time since the start of the war.

If he was right.

This time, it should be dead.

But he doesn't want to die! ! !

The barbarian strongman called Yunyang was fighting against the general of Fengziying at this time, and when he heard the voice of help, he was about to abandon him and go to support that person.

The general of Fengziying snorted coldly, regardless of the injuries on his body, forcefully urged the secret technique to hold him back, and shouted:

"Chen Yuan, kill him!"

"It seems to be a rare treasure of my Qishan tribe."

While watching the battle from a distance, King Qi Shan frowned, only feeling that the rope released by Chen Yuan was very familiar, but then shook his head, thinking it was an illusion.

The Qishan tribe is near the royal court, and this place is in the Central Plains.

Impossible, it should just be similar.

However, it really seems like ah!

Hearing the roar of the commander of Fengzi Battalion, Chen Yuan nodded imperceptibly, and looked at the bound Master Huayang with a sneer.

He used all his strength to bombard him. At this moment, the Emperor Butcher Knife turned into a circle in the void, and under Chen Yuan's control, it directly stabbed the head of the real Huayang.

In just a moment, its vitality was quickly cut off.

Even Yuanshen had no chance to escape.

At this point, another Huayang real person fell into the hands of Chen Yuan.

The eyes of the barbarian strongman gradually faded away, and the people around who were paying attention to this battle were also silent, watching Chen Yuan explode his body directly.

Remnants of limbs and broken arms scattered in the sky.

Huayang real person, a strong man of the royal family.

After only a moment of fighting, he was brutally killed by a master of alchemy.

It's unbelievable!

But the facts are right in front of us, what can we do even if we don’t believe it?

I can only lament that Chen Yuan is really not like a human being.

horrible! ! !

And the death of the barbarian Huayang strongman also announced the battle of Jianmen Pass, the first person of some weight fell.

Chen Yuan let out a long breath.

But before he could relax, before he went back to recuperate, or even when he was groping for his loot, an extremely terrifying aura locked on him directly.

The ancient gold royal court was sweating profusely, and Wan Yantian pulled out his hand! ! !


Ask for a monthly ticket, and never break your promise if you say that you will kill Huayang.

Thanks to the book friend Stolter for the five thousand coins.

Thanks to other book friends for their scattered rewards.

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