I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 525 Luck Appears! Fire camp!

Chen Yuan raised his head and nodded slightly:

"it is good."

"These eighteen hidden guards are dead soldiers. They have the king's henchmen in their hands. They will burn the food and grass of the northern barbarians. They will also rely on them. Now... I will leave it to you."

Wei Jinfeng's face gradually turned serious, and he handed a bloody token in his hand to Chen Yuan.

A drop of blood fell on the scarlet token, and Chen Yuan instantly felt an inexplicable pull. The eighteen black-robed dark guards raised their heads at the same time, and turned their gazes to Chen Yuan.

"it is good."

"follow me."

Wei Jinfeng took a deep breath, turned around, and walked towards the side room.

As soon as Chen Yuan moved, the eighteen alchemy warriors behind him also followed him step by step.

Not long after, Wei Wuque, Wei Jinfeng, and Chen Yuan came to a secret room in the palace. It was a wall as black as ink, and it was emitting a faint light at this moment.

"Through this teleportation array, you can get there, but this array is one-way, you must be careful when you come back after solving everything."

Wei Jinfeng exhorted.

He was very frank, and directly told Chen Yuan that there was no way back, but he didn't care. With his practice speed, he would definitely be able to come back in a short time.

No, it's not certain whether I will come back or not.

After all, his work has already been done, and there is no need to come back and join the war.

Chen Yuan glanced around at Wei Jinfeng and Wei Wuque, nodded slightly, and then, without saying a word, directly entered the teleportation formation.

After his body was halfway in, Wei Wuque spoke, and he laughed softly:

"Brother Chen, when you come back, Mr. Wei invites you to drink."

"it is good."

Chen Yuan's thin voice gradually came out, and his figure quickly disappeared within the teleportation array.

After Chen Yuan left completely, the eighteen knights of the hidden guards behind him also walked into the formation one by one.

The faint light quickly dimmed, and Wei Wuque let out a foul breath:

"Father, do you think brother Chen can succeed?"

"Looking at the mighty Central Plains, if he can't do it under Huayang, then no one else can." Wei Jinfeng said softly.

"It seems that my father values ​​brother Chen very much."

"He is far from being as simple as he appears on the surface. He is very important in this battle between Liangzhou and Beiman."

Wei Jinfeng squinted his eyes, his eyes flickering.

Wei Wuque frowned.

this evaluation.

In the battle between Liangzhou and Beiman, Chen Yuan was very important.

What's the meaning?

Could it be that there is something else that he doesn't know?

But before he could speak, Wei Jinfeng's indifferent voice rang in his ears again:

"Order the Beiliang army to start a counterattack tonight!"


Wei Wuque's face instantly became solemn.

This is the first time for Chen Yuan to enter the void teleportation array. Originally, he wanted to experience the mysteries of space, but when he opened his eyes, they were filled with dazzling light.

It's like blinding your eyes.

At the same time, it also contains an inexplicable terrifying force.

"Close your eyes, the way of space is not something you can observe now."

Mo Luo's voice suddenly rang in Chen Yuan's ear.

He was stunned for a moment, and quickly closed his eyes.

Of course, while closing his eyes, Chen Yuan was also counting the time silently in his heart. When he counted to the thirtieth breath, he suddenly felt the previous pressure began to dissipate.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared above an inexplicable valley.

After the eighteen hidden guards came out, Chen Yuan turned around and saw that the light in the void quickly dissipated. After returning to calm, it seemed that there had never been any changes here.

And he immediately turned his gaze down.

Sure enough, in this valley, the flames were bright, and with his eyes, he could see the huge pile of grain and grass below, as well as countless cattle and sheep.

These are the food and grass of the northern barbarians.

Chen Yuan rubbed the scarlet token in his hand, and immediately gave orders to several people. Eighteen hidden guards have consciousness, but not many, but they also know their responsibilities.

After Chen Yuan ordered, he immediately jumped down from the void, ready to strike at any time.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan didn't delay any longer, and gave an order:

"Do it!"

The black robes of the eighteen dark guards quickly lit up with streaks of light. They were like base points, connecting with the surrounding mountains in a large formation, and there was a sudden change in the dark void.

Rays of light enveloped the entire valley.

Obviously, Wei Jinfeng had already figured out that the Beiman Society would store food and grass here, and besides the Void Formation, another large formation was also set up.

And such a big movement was immediately noticed by the barbarian soldiers and horses below, and beacon fires began to ignite.

Someone kept shouting in the barbarian language, 'enemy attack! '

After they noticed it, the real scene came naturally.

Eighteen dark guards rushed directly to the barbarian camp without fear of death. At a glance, there were tens of thousands of soldiers and horses there, and layers of blue mysterious flames lit up on their bodies.

It's like trying to burn yourself down.

"who is it!"

Suddenly, a low roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and in the barbarian central army tent, a young man in battle armor stepped into the void with a barbarian knife in his hand, and at a glance he found the Eighteen Firemen and Chen Yuan.

A strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he slashed at a hidden guard, not wanting them to get close to the food and grass, but Chen Yuan was guarding the sky, so he would attack naturally.

He also used a knife to block the light of the knife.

"Bold thief, how dare you sneak attack!"

The barbarian young warrior let out a low growl, and quickly blew to wake up all the barbarian troops, telling them to put out the eighteen firemen below.

As for him, he wanted to kill that person.

He could see that it was this young warrior from the Central Plains who controlled the eighteen firemen.

He stepped out step by step, facing Chen Yuan, pointing at the long knife, and said coldly:

"This general Wanyan Shenkang, who are you?"

Chen Yuan opened his sky eyes subconsciously, and immediately discovered the rich blue luck on this barbarian young man, and he was overjoyed.

Luck finally came again! ! !

How far will he break through this time?


Or completely condense the primordial spirit seeds?


The aura of that young man is not weak, he is definitely a strong man at the peak level of Yuanshen, and his surname is Wanyan. If he is not bad, he should probably have a relationship with the ancient Jin Wang Ting Dahan Wanyan Tianba deep relationship.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that he can make Chen Yuan go one step further.

"The one who killed you."

The corner of Chen Yuan's mouth curled up, revealing a faint smile.

"It's up to you?" The corner of Wanyan Shenkang's mouth was somewhat disdainful.

He is the most valued prince of Dahan Wanyan Tianba. He is only in his forties, but his cultivation has already reached the peak of Yuanshen, and his future is boundless.

Facing a mere alchemy master, he could be destroyed with a wave of his hand.


Alchemy Grandmaster?

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice:

"You are the number one genius in the Central Plains, Chen Yuan?!"

"You recognize me?"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

Not too anxious to get started.

When the eighteen hidden guards were completely dead, it was the moment for him to truly reveal his strength. He wouldn't talk nonsense with a peak primordial spirit, and the right way was to go online directly with the Demon Lord Shura and solve everything neatly.

It's just that I have some scruples about the eighteen hidden guards in my heart.

He didn't want Wei Jinfeng to know about his vest.

"Father Khan made a decree a few days ago to kill you completely to avoid future troubles. I regretted that I couldn't meet you because of this job.

Now it seems that it is really God's blessing to send you to me. "

"Killing you, I think Father Khan will be happy." Wanyan Shenkang showed a sinister smile.

It was as if he saw himself being praised by his father Khan.

Completely establish the scene of his heir to the ancient gold court.

"Father Khan? Very good, very good. Before that old man Wanyan Tianba wanted to attack me with a big bully. Today, Chen also bullied the small once."

Chen Yuan will never forget what happened before.

I always think about when I will find my way back.

Now the opportunity came, if he killed this extremely strong guy, it would definitely make that old Wanyan Tianba very sad.

Just thinking about that scene made him feel happy!

"Using the big to bully the small, relying on your alchemy cultivation base?"

Wanyan Shenkang only felt that he had heard the funniest thing in the world, and a sneer flashed on his face unconsciously.

When he just warned the police, he was still worried that Liangzhou sent some strong men to attack at night, but now that he looked at it, his worries just now were superfluous.

Even if this person has all kinds of means, it is impossible to defeat him.

"You'll find out later."

Chen Yuan turned his gaze, and looked at the eighteen hidden guards below who were covered in flames. They had rushed into the army formation that the barbarians had just gathered to kill.

As long as there is a trace of flame from them, all of them will be reduced to ashes in a short moment.

And they seem to be melting away.

A dead man, indeed a dead man.

"You're not staying any longer."

Wanyan Shenkang also saw the scene below, his eyes suddenly sank, and he knew that he had to deal with Chen Yuan as soon as possible, and then kill those fire men.

Otherwise, it might really pose a threat to the grain and grass.

After finishing speaking, Wanyan Shenkang stopped talking nonsense, and immediately acted, the vitality of the world around him suddenly condensed, and a terrifying sword light illuminated the world, blasting towards Chen Yuan.

It's night, Yishui Pass.

After the barbarians divided their forces and defeated the Huozi Camp of the Northern Liang Army, 20,000 elite northern barbarians were stationed here to guard this place because it was an important town.

In addition, it is near Yishui, which is an important water source and must be guarded.

About three miles away from Yishui Pass, the figures of Beiliang soldiers gradually appeared. At a glance, there were tens of thousands of people, and all of them were silent.

Waiting for the order of Guo Yan, the general of the fire camp.

"The last time I abandoned the pass and retreated, it was the prince's military order. It was just to wait for today. In Yishui Pass, 20,000 Beiman heavy cavalry, as well as a lot of food and grass, gathered.

This is for the hundreds of thousands of troops outside Liangzhou City. "

"And what we have to do is to completely bury these barbarians in the customs here."

Guo Yan said in a deep voice.

Naturally, the Beiman's food and grass would not be placed in one place, otherwise, once it was burned, the hundreds of thousands of cavalry would have no way out, and Wei Jinfeng had already deduced this point.

Therefore, he deliberately gave up Yishuiguan, an important town close to the grassland, to Wanyan Tianba, and asked him to use this place as a transfer station to continuously provide food and grass.

It's a pity that tonight will also be burned!

"General, please order!"

"General, please order the siege of the city. This time, I will tear up the barbarians inside to avenge my elder brother and second brother." A school captain in the condensed gang state said in a deep voice.

"Siege?" Guo Yan smiled lightly.

"The damage caused by the siege is too great. What we have to do is to completely kill all the barbarians after the Yishui pass is broken."

"If you don't attack the city, how do you break through?"

someone asked.

"This city will be broken by itself." Guo Yan counted the time, looked up at the bright moon hanging in the void, and felt the growing movement, and said softly:


"What's coming?"

All the generals were at a loss and very puzzled.

"it's coming"


Before these people could open their mouths to ask each other, suddenly, a terrifying sound like an earthquake quickly began to rumble, like ten thousand horses galloping.

And they who were in a high place, following the bright moonlight, also vaguely saw the scene in the distance.

Someone pointed at the torrent tremblingly, and couldn't help saying:

"This is Yishui's embankment!"

"Yi River broke its embankment?!"

"Yi River broke its embankment!!!"

The eyes of the people were horrified.

A lieutenant stepped forward and said suspiciously in a low voice:

"General, the general remembers that this year's rain doesn't seem to be much, how come there is so much water?"

"That's because as early as a month ago, the prince had already started to store water upstream, but because the movement was not big, no one could see it.

Now, this accumulated torrent will overwhelm Yishui Pass for us. "

When Guo Yan mentioned Wei Jinfeng, his eyes were full of awe.

As early as January, the prince had already started preparations!

And at that time, the barbarian hadn't come yet.

Your lord, you can predict things like a god!

"But Yishui Pass has been reinforced for many years, and the city is more than ten feet high. Can this torrent wash away?" The deputy general was slightly skeptical.

"Even Yishui has tampered with, how could Yishui Pass not have tampered with? Otherwise, why do you think this general let you be defeated so quickly?"

"General you"

"That's right, the Yishui city wall has already carved a formation, and the foundation has been hollowed out. Maybe it has collapsed now."

Then his face straightened, and he said in a deep voice:

"The whole army obeys the order. After Yishui breaks through, kill these barbarians one by one. This general will let their blood be completely stained in Yishui!"

"Yes, the general will obey!"

"The general obeys orders!"

And when the Huoziying was preparing, the turbulent torrent was already approaching the Yishui Pass, which was the power of heaven and earth.

The barbarian soldiers and generals guarding the city quickly reported the incident, but it was obviously too late at this time, the raging torrent was shaking, and the city wall of Yishuiguan was under this turmoil, and it had not yet waited for the torrent. near.

Then it collapsed with a bang.

Many northern barbarian elite soldiers were crushed to death.

This night, Yishui Pass was broken!

And it wasn't just this place that was destroyed. Under Wei Jinfeng's early preparations, many places on the border of Liangzhou were actually given over to the northern barbarian cavalry.

This gave them such a powerful force.

And under Wei Jinfeng's counterattack that night, many barbarian soldiers and horses who were separated were attacked by large and small at the same time, causing heavy losses in a short time.

The land, water, wind, fire, and government troops at all levels all gained a lot this night. Sometimes the city gates collapsed, and sometimes they led soldiers and horses to attack the camp at night.

Sweep away those northern barbarian camps that have not yet woken up and formed an army in their sleep.

Liangzhou soldiers and horses counterattack across the board!

Within the nameless valley.

Chen Yuan didn't fight Wanyan Shenkang head-on, he had already tried it just now, his own strength was in a big realm, it was very difficult to beat this person.

After all, the gap between them is indeed a bit big.

Wanyan Shenkang is not only the peak of Yuanshen's cultivation, but also an extremely outstanding genius of the former Gujin Royal Court. His means and treasures are already extraordinary.

A head-to-head fight with him can only inflict injuries on himself.

There is no need for that.

Wanyan Shenkang was furious, firstly because the eighteen fire men below had already charged into the camp, igniting flames all around, and secondly because Chen Yuan avoided fighting after a brief confrontation.

It can't be said that he doesn't fight, it's just that this person has never dared to confront him head-on, and his body speed can't form a crushing trend. After a hundred breaths of time, there is no result at all!

"Chen Yuan, didn't you just say that you want to use the big to bully the small? Why do you avoid fighting now? Don't tell me you are the number one genius in the Central Plains, and you are still afraid that this general will fail?"

Wanyan Shenkang's words were very shameless.

If they were in the same realm, Chen Yuan could completely kill him within ten breaths.

Now relying on his own cultivation base far surpassing Chen Yuan, he still talks about avoiding and not fighting.

"Come on, fight with me, let me see if your strength is really as powerful as the rumors boasted, or is it that you Central Plains warriors are just talking about it, but you are actually a bunch of weak bones. "

Wanyan Shenkang roared angrily.

Chen Yuan ignored him, but turned his gaze downwards.

After burning for about a hundred breaths, Wei Jinfeng's eighteen secret guards had completely fallen at this moment, but unexpectedly, they were not burned to ashes by the strangely hot flames.

Instead, it became eighteen fire stakes, distributed around the periphery of the Beiman Grass and Grass Camp.

But if that's the case, it's not enough!

Wei Jinfeng said before that the dark guards would do things like burning food and grass, but they could only burn the outside for a short period of time and not go inside.

While Chen Yuan was thinking about it, the large array of mountains that had been connected before burst into more radiance.

A series of fireballs seemed to be popping, falling from the nine heavens.

Chen Yuan's eyes suddenly froze.

He gets it.

Wei Jinfeng regarded the eighteen hidden guards as the eyes of the formation!

Use it to completely hook up the formation!

But is it really possible?

It's so simple, why did Wei Jinfeng insist on letting him come?

Soon, Chen Yuan understood that the barbarian camp actually had backhands.

This is the most important food and grass camp, storing nearly 70% of Beiman's food and grass, it is impossible to have only one Huayang guard.

Rays of light shot straight into the sky, condensing into a mask, covering the entire valley.

Wanyan Shenkang smiled contemptuously:

"Chen Yuan, you think it's so easy to burn down the food and grass camp, haha, you are so stupid, how could the camp not have a large array to wait?

This general is not afraid to tell you that the Nine-Living Divine Wind Formation was set up by Father Khan himself, and no one can break it without the presence of the Yangshen Zhenjun powerhouse.

And besides Wei Jinfeng, there is also the true king in Liangzhou? Just forget about it. "

"True Monarch Stronger!!!"

Chen Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly, he felt incomparable fear of Wei Jinfeng.

No wonder he entrusted this important task to himself, because he already understood the extraordinary thing about him.

Could it be that he also knows about the vest of Lord Shura?

But now I don't care about so much. Now, I have to do it.

Not only to break the formation, but also to collect luck!

Immediately, his eyes suddenly focused, and he turned to Wanyan Shenkang, and his thoughts aroused Senior Mo Luo, a mask was slowly put on his face, and the terrifying aura rushed straight to the sky.

But Wanyan Shenkang's eyes were suffocated, and his laughter stopped suddenly.

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