I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 541 Return to the capital! The position of the envoy!

Chen Yuan didn't know anything about the discussion between Wei Jinfeng and Xiang Qianqiu in Liangzhou City. At this moment, he had already left a long distance, and was heading towards the capital at an extremely fast speed.

He didn't pass by Wudang Mountain, he had already said goodbye last time, and it was only a few days away from today, there was no need to meet again.

His attention is now on the capital.

For his current situation, Chen Yuan still understood very clearly, he had made great achievements, and with Wei Jinfeng's letter, there would be no mistakes or omissions in his appointment as Marquis.

But other aspects are very difficult to say.

Why did Jingtai send 300,000 elites to Youzhou instead of Liangzhou?

At this point, as long as you have a little brain, you can feel something is wrong.

And if Chen Yuan puts Jingtai's perspective into it, he can feel the danger at a glance. The northern barbarians invaded and the imperial court reinforcements were delayed. destruction!

But Chen Yuan saved Liangzhou at the most critical moment!

Will Jingtai take his anger out on him because of this?

Also, before the start of the war, Jingtai ordered him to be transferred back to the capital, but he resisted the order and disrespected it, pretending that there was no such thing.

When the two crimes are combined, how will Jingtai react?

When he was in Beiliang Palace before, Wei Jinfeng told him this point, telling him to be more careful, but don't worry too much.

Even if Jingtai was angry in his heart, he would never attack him in the open, otherwise where would the world be? Where is the King of Northern Liang?

Therefore, on the one hand, Chen Yuan had some expectations for the capital, and on the other hand, he had some hidden worries. After all, he still wanted to go to another town.

Back in the capital, especially after seeing Jingtai, he must be extremely vigilant.

It's best to be fine, but if the situation really reaches the most dangerous point, then he won't just sit around and wait for death, Huayang cultivation base can be regarded as having the strength to protect himself.

With all kinds of thoughts and plans in mind, Chen Yuan crossed the border of Bingzhou and came to Zhongzhou in just a few days.

During this period, no danger occurred.

There was no such thing as coming to chase and intercept him.

Of course, this is a good thing and a bad thing.

A good thing is naturally peace, and no one would expect an enemy to think about dealing with him every day.

The bad thing is that Chen Yuan has no way to collect luck.

Looking at Chen Yuan all the way from Ping'an County to the present, many times he gathered his luck, it was all contributed by the people who came to intercept him. In his opinion, this is by no means a simple coincidence.

The two kinds of luck are likely to have miraculous changes, such as mutual traction and the like, so there are so many coincidences.

Therefore, Chen Yuan is not too disgusted with such things as interception and killing, and sometimes he looks forward to it!

Huayang cultivated, his physical body has reached the peak of Vajra Realm, and there is Senior Mo Luo who is silent in the emperor's butcher's knife. To be honest, he is not afraid even if the real king comes.

As long as it's not the Immortal of the Six Realms, it's fine.

Unknowingly, Chen Yuan has come to this point. I have to say, this is indeed shocking. It has only been about two years since he crossed from the first day of June in the seventh year of Jingtai.

And it was in this short period of two years that he walked out of Ping'an County, out of Nanling Mansion, and went to the world, becoming the Huayang real person who now has a great reputation.

No. 1 on the Qianlong list, No. 1 on the wind and cloud list, and he has already occupied two of the three lists of immortals. If he has the opportunity to be No. 1 on the supreme list in the future, then he will definitely become one of those rare people in the past and present.

It's not that there are no ones who can be number one in the three rankings of heaven, earth, and people, but basically there are only a handful of them, and each of them is a figure who shakes the world.

Zhongzhou, Shenjing City.

In the ninth year of Jingtai, on May 22, Chen Yuan officially returned to the capital.

The absence of a full three months, one day not more and one day not less, is also an opportunity for Chen Yuan to seize the opportunity, but in just three months, he has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Since entering the Tiandan realm for the first time, he has reached the early stage of Huayang Yuanshen.

Don't look at it, it seems that there is only a big difference in the realm, but the difference is extremely large. Tian Dan is condensed, and he is called a martial arts master.

Yuanshen Huayang is called a real person.

In this level, I don't know how many geniuses got stuck.

That's why Huayang Masters are so rare, he even thinks that there are only one or two hundred Huayang Masters in the whole world.

Definitely the strongest in martial arts!

The capital city was still the same, with a turbulent flow of people and a large number of warriors. Chen Yuan wandered around the capital with his whereabouts concealed, and found a very interesting thing.

Although he is not in the capital, there are his legends here.

Mostly it's about the Brutal War.

Perhaps the imperial court deliberately weakened Wei Jinfeng's reputation, but in this battle, he became the protagonist!

It was he who turned the tide and saved the people from the fire and water.

It was he who attacked the barbarians' food and grass at night, forcing the northern barbarians to give up the gradual annexation and had to fight a hasty decisive battle.

He is the one who plans everything, and everything is under control!

Although some of this was true, some of it was too outrageous. It was true that Chen Yuan made a move at a critical moment, but it was obvious that Wei Jinfeng's contribution was actually greater.

With an absolutely inferior force, delay layer by layer, plan the northern barbarian food and grass, and control the battlefield situation.

These were all done by Wei Jinfeng.

But it all became his credit!

If there is no reason for the court's guidance, Chen Yuan would not believe it. Although this is more beneficial to him, he has to think about it. The court's fear of Wei Jinfeng has reached its limit.

In the future, as long as there is a chance, he will definitely trick Wei Jinfeng again.

After learning about the current events in the capital, Chen Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Zhang Mansion to meet Zhang Yantong before talking about other things.

The relationship between them is very deep, basically like grasshoppers on a rope.

And when Chen Yuan revealed his true identity and appeared in front of the Zhang Mansion, the whole Zhang Mansion was shaken. Uncle Chen quickly invited him into the mansion, and at the same time sent someone to inform the master.

Of course, in this way, the news of Chen Yuan's return to the capital will inevitably leak out.

But it's nothing, he came here this time to be rewarded, and he didn't do something secretly, so if the news spreads, it will spread, it doesn't matter.

Chen Yuan was respectfully invited by Uncle Chen to the lobby of the Zhang Mansion, where he was served spirit tea.

The treatment has changed a lot from before.

More respected, but somewhat distant at the same time.

Even if Chen Yuan didn't care, he was already a strong man in the same realm as Zhang Yantong after all. Even if he was not as powerful as him in official position, the difference would not be too great.

Uncle Chen has been a housekeeper for decades, so he is not foolish.

Holding spirit tea in his hand, Chen Yuan was talking to Uncle Chen with a slight smile on his face. Zhang Yantong's second daughter, Zhang Xuan's own sister came here by "coincidence".

When he saw Chen Yuan, he pretended to be surprised and asked:

"Chen Chenyuan, have you returned to the capital?"

"Second sister, long time no see."

Chen Yuan put down his teacup and smiled faintly. He had a dusty temperament on his body, and he looked like a handsome young man, which made Second Sister Zhang's little face unconsciously blush.

Uncle Chen's wrinkled old eyes turned slightly, as if thinking of something, he stood up from the seat with a smile, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then left with an excuse.

Before leaving, he also took away several maidservants and guards, and gave the space to Second Sister Zhang and Chen Yuan.

And this attitude made Second Sister Zhang even more embarrassed. After watching them leave, she moved her steps, came to Chen Yuan, and asked with concern:

"What happened in Liangzhou City before made me fearful every day."

Chen Yuan opened his mouth and smiled subconsciously. Su Ziyue had told him about these things before, not only Zhang Wanshu, but also Shangguan Yu's younger sister, Shangguan Hong.

They all showed concern far beyond ordinary people when he was in danger.

As the saying goes, the hardest thing to bear is beauty.

Coupled with the talisman that Zhang Wanshu gave him before he left, Chen Yuan hesitated for a while, if it was an ordinary woman, it would be fine.

But Zhang Wanshu is Zhang Xuan's elder sister and Zhang Yantong's daughter, they both have been kind to Chen Yuan, but if they become a concubine, they must not agree.

But the wife, Chen Yuan, has no intention of marrying a wife now.

It is indeed more difficult to decide.

"It's Yuan's fault that the second sister is pregnant." Chen Yuan turned his eyes away from the second sister's gaze and said softly.

"No, as long as you are safe, don't go outside this time when you come back to the capital. It's too dangerous. You might as well stay in the capital to work." As she spoke, Zhang Wanshu blushed unnaturally.

This is already a bit blatant.

"This Chen is an official of the imperial court, and His Majesty has to come down to decide where to go."

It is definitely not possible to stay here, the capital is too dangerous, and only when you leave the capital can you feel at home, but you can't say that, one is to take care of Zhang Wanshu's thoughts, and the other is to expose your own ambitions.

"Ah Xuan will be transferred soon."

Zhang Wanshu continued.

Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and asked:

"Brother Zhang. Have you made a breakthrough?"

"Father said not yet, but it's coming soon. It's not appropriate to stay in Qingzhou. With him in the capital to take care of him, the breakthrough is safe." Zhang Wanshu told Zhang Xuan's situation without reservation.

It seems to be saying that all your good friends have been transferred to the capital, and you will not be alone in the future, it is better to stay in the capital, where the status is respected and the future is boundless.

"That's a good thing."

Chen Yuanzuo talked to Second Sister Zhang one sentence at a time.

Generally speaking, it is quite harmonious.

The only thing that was out of the ordinary was that Zhang Wanshu's face turned red at every turn, which was very different from before. Chen Yuan thought that it was because he had accepted the other party's talisman before that they were mistaken for a step closer to their relationship.

And he came to Zhang Mansion as soon as he returned to the capital, which also caused him to misunderstand a lot.

After chatting for a while, when Chen Yuan didn't know what to do, Zhang Yantong came back!

Chen Yuan's cultivation base has skyrocketed and his status has risen, so the treatment is naturally very different, not only reflected in Chen Bo and some servants of Zhang's mansion, but also in Zhang Yantong.

If Chen Yuan came to Zhang Manor to meet him before, he usually waited until dark or the other party finished his work, but now, it is estimated that the other party came in a hurry after the servants of Zhang Manor had just notified him.

"Your official Chen Yuan, I have seen the envoy."

Chen Yuan looked at Zhang Yantong, and bowed slightly, cupping his fists.

But Zhang Wanshu pursed her lips, as if she was a little displeased that Zhang Yantong came back too soon and disturbed her good business.

Zhang Yantong looked at his daughter's expression, coughed twice, stepped forward to look at Chen Yuan, nodded and said with a smile:

"That's right, that's right. This time you narrowly escaped death in Liangzhou. Breaking through Huayang was a blessing in disguise. It's a blessing in disguise. Just be safe."

"My lord said so."

"Wanshu, you go down first, I still have something to say for my father." Zhang Yantong said.

Zhang Wanshu nodded slightly, glanced at Chen Yuan, said hello, and then bowed and retreated.

When he left, Zhang Yantong's expression gradually changed, and he sighed:

"Liangzhou's great achievements are enough to elevate your title to another level, but the previous decree of resistance is still with His Majesty, so you have to be careful in dealing with it."

"I would like to remind you, my lord."

Of course Chen Yuan understood what Zhang Yantong was implying.

As a senior official in the imperial court, he must have seen Jingtai's plan, but in the end he was disturbed by Chen Yuan, and he might not be appreciated by him. After all, weakening Wei Jinfeng's strength this time is a once-in-a-century opportunity.

"But don't worry too much. No matter what, you are Huayang Daoist now, and your status is completely different from before. Your Majesty will not go too far."

Then, Zhang Yantong changed his voice again.

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and said with a light smile:

"Your Majesty, the ninety-five-year-old, has a universal heart, and wants to come from the capacity to tolerate others."

"You this time."

Zhang Yantong opened his mouth to chat with Chen Yuan, and what he asked the most was the battle in Liangzhou. He also had a strong curiosity, and no amount of information could match Chen Yuan, the person involved.

That is a big event that will not happen for many years. If you can witness it with your own eyes, it will definitely be worthwhile in this lifetime.

Wang Ting Barbarian God!

How strong is that?

It is the existence that Huayang warriors look up to. Such a person was forcibly cut off by Chen Yuan with the power of the real martial arts sword. It is conceivable how strong he is.

Think again that Chen Yuan has always been famous for fighting over the ranks.

Zhang Yantong felt that Chen Yuan's strength at the beginning of entering the Yuanshen realm was completely comparable to the existence of the peak Yuanshen, and if he was given some time to grow, he might soon catch up to him!

Horror, amazing!

He originally wanted to use Chen Yuan to win over Jiang He, but now Chen Yuan has surpassed him, and he has to sigh that Chen Yuan, who dominates an era, is indeed terrifying.

Fortunately, such a person has a deep relationship with him, not Zhang Xi, but better than Zhang Xi.

In the future, it is inevitable that there will be places to rely on him.

"You have been promoted to Huayang, and the position of Sky Surveyor Golden Envoy is no longer suitable for you. What do you think?" Zhang Yantong was going to help Chen Yuan one last time.

"What does uncle mean?"

Chen Yuan was slightly moved.

Xun Tiansi is not a real person who does not have Huayang realm, but none of them can be called a god envoy, but their status is only lower than that of a god envoy, so they can be regarded as candidates.

This status is not low, but the power is different.

Some of them were only a little stronger than the Heaven Surveying Golden Envoys, but some were even close to the power of the Four Great Envoys. Chen Yuan subconsciously thought that Zhang Yantong would plan a good position for him.

It's just that although it's good, it's not as good as going out of town.

However, the other party also had good intentions, and he did not immediately refuse.

Zhang Yantong's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice:

"The power of the Sky Surveyor is too great, and His Majesty has intended to weaken it long ago, but before the Great Governor came out of the customs and stabilized once, but the old man heard some rumors before, His Majesty seems to have discussed with the Great Governor at this time,

Maybe he will be transferred from the Sky Survey Division and become a transcendent existence, and the post of Grand Governor will naturally be selected from the four great envoys, so there will be a vacancy. "

In Jingtai's conception, the status of the Xuntian Division is stronger than that of the Imperial Supervision Division, but not too much, otherwise it will threaten the imperial power. Cao Zhengxian, the governor of the Imperial Factory, is the peak of refining gods, but the chief governor of the Xuntian Division is indeed the peak of Yangshen, which is completely wrong Wait.

Naturally, we must find a way to balance.

Only the removal of Gu Tianqiong's position as the governor can be regarded as a real weakening. Of course, the loss of this position does not mean that the other party has lost power. With his strength, he can be called the current imperial jade pillar and a golden beam.

It is completely possible to be named Generalissimo like Generalissimo Li Kuangxiu, but the real power is delegated and become a detached existence.

Concentrate power on the emperor.

"Is there any hope for uncle?" Chen Yuan changed his voice and asked about the other party.

If Zhang Yantong can become the Chief Superintendent of the Sky Survey Division, no matter what he does, he will be able to get twice the result with half the effort, which is good news.

Hearing this, Zhang Yantong shook his head and sighed softly:

"I am inferior to Xiao Jing in terms of cultivation, achievements, and power. If you want to be in the top position, I recommend this person first."

Chen Yuan nodded slightly, and he had some understanding of the status of the envoys of the Xuntian Division. Zhang Yantong's chances were indeed slim, among the four envoys of Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang.

Xiao Jing, the god envoy of Tianzi, is aloof. He was in charge of Xuntian Division before, and his status is stronger than the other three, and his strength is indeed extraordinary. He is a little far away from Yangshen, but he is already very close.

But the other three ranks are evenly ranked, each with its own merits.

It is true that he thought too much.

"If Xiao Jing takes the position, the position of God Envoy of Tianzi will be vacant. If you have some ideas, this old man can help you and say something in front of the governor."

"If it can be done, then thank you uncle."

It's not impossible for an envoy to travel to another place, and it's even more convenient. If there is a chance now, Chen Yuan will definitely fight, even if he fails.

"Okay, I'll help you plan and plan for this matter."

Zhang Yantong showed a smile.

He can't get his hands on the position of Chief Governor, but if Chen Yuan ascends to the position of Divine Envoy of Tianzi, it will also strengthen his strength in a disguised form, and it will be a win-win situation.

He really didn't have any other candidates.

As for the other envoys, presumably they are planning other candidates.

Chen Yuan did not leave in Zhang's mansion, but accompanied him to eat some meals, during which he also dripped some aura essence given by the God of Cookery, which made the taste of the dishes even better.

It wasn't until late at night that the conversation between Chen Yuan and Zhang Yantong was over. Second Sister Zhang sent Chen Yuan outside the mansion, and after saying goodbye, she returned to Wuweibo Mansion.

Then, I met Sima Ke.

The other party smiled mysteriously and told Chen Yuan that what he said before had been done.

After a few days, when the limelight passes, he can go to his hometown for a stroll.

Chen Yuan: "."


Ask for a monthly ticket.

Which title do you think is better?

Forget about the champion.

I thought of one myself to see if you have a better choice. Once adopted, I will give you a red envelope!

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