I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 544: Marquis Feng Che, Eat Thousands of Households!

Participating in the court meeting for the first time is still quite new.

The entire Golden Luan Hall is paved with black jade and based on spiritual wood. At a glance, it is resplendent and resplendent, and there is an indescribable aura of nobility rushing towards the face.

On the top is a golden dragon chair with dragon and phoenix patterns, which is lifelike.

Surrounded by golden wooden pillars, all kinds of mythical beasts are also carved, including real dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, white deer, and red-crowned cranes. As soon as you enter, there is a faint coercion that envelopes the entire hall.

The lower the cultivation base, the less able to perceive it, while the higher the cultivation base, the more aware of its horror.

Perhaps, this is also where the majesty of the royal family lies, putting pressure on warriors with high cultivation bases.

Hundreds of civil and military officials filed in, one by one.

On the left are military generals of the imperial court, or officials of the Sky Survey Division, all of whom are military officers.

On the right are officials from the six ministries of the imperial court, all of whom are civil servants.

There is a clear distinction between the two sides.

Among the generals, Governor Gu Tianqiong and Generalissimo Li Kuangxiu stood in the front and dozed off, squinting their eyes and saying nothing, but there was an aura of a stranger not to enter.

The four great envoys of Xuntian Division came together, and most of the generals in the capital also came to see them.

This is a rather strange scene. Top officials like them don't need to all come here on weekdays, and they can completely rotate shifts. Otherwise, if all the civil and military honors add up, even the Golden Temple can't bear it.

As far as Chen Yuan is concerned, the last time it was so tidy was when the ancestor worship hall was.

The same is true for the civil servants. The leaders are all gray-haired old men with extraordinary bearing.

control politics.

Behind it, there are six officials, all of whom are third-rank officials at the same level as the four great envoys.

Chen Yuan's status was not low, and the official fourth-rank official was still relatively high, and the appearance of him, an official who was relatively unfamiliar to many people, also attracted a lot of attention.

Many eyes were fixed on him.

There is admiration, there is curiosity, there is envy, and there are those who ignore it.

For most of them, Chen Yuan is both strange and familiar. Stranger is unfamiliar with his appearance and appearance, and familiar is familiar with his reputation.

In today's Shenjing City, who doesn't know the name of "Chen Qingshi"?

And he showed up today, and many people can guess why.


This incident has already spread in the capital, and many people know about it.

They are also well-informed people, how can they not understand?

Facing the constantly sweeping gazes, Chen Yuanjun ignored them, imitating the others in front of him, squinting his eyes and waiting for Jingtai to go up.

Not long after, a red-robed eunuch walked in from the side door and shouted in a choked voice:

"His Majesty is here!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the atmosphere in the entire Golden Luan Hall suddenly became solemn. All the officials shut up and stared straight ahead, and the officials who were asleep also opened their eyes.

Jingtai's figure gradually appeared, and his footsteps moved slowly, neither fast nor slow, very uniform, which made people dare not be extremely dignified.

Behind Jingtai are three princes.

The eldest prince Sima Gan walked in the front, the second prince Sima You was in the middle, and the fourth prince Sima Ke was in the back with a calm expression.

Jingtai stepped onto the dragon chair step by step, turned around and sat down slowly.

"Your Majesty will see you!"

"Your Majesty will see you!"

"Your Majesty will see you!"

The uniform voice resounded through the Golden Luan Hall. The senior court officials in front all bowed and clasped their fists, while the officials in the rear knelt down to show their respect.

"Everyone is in peace."

Jingtai's majestic and heavy voice sounded.

The officials in the back stood up sparsely, and the atmosphere in the hall was quiet.

"The ministers will play."

The old eunuch spoke again.

Then, one by one officials began to step sideways and bowed to play.

There are matters concerning the capital, matters concerning appeasement on the border, and matters concerning officials from other states.

The princes standing beside Jingtai looked at Chen Yuan with complicated expressions.

Sima Gan and Sima You didn't understand why Chen Yuan, who had never died before, reconciled with Sima Ke, and not only that, but also blatantly stood up for him.

As a result, Sima Ke's power began to increase rapidly.

Originally, they had already ignored their fourth brother, thinking that he had no hope of becoming the crown prince, but they just got in the way again, which made them extremely annoyed.


Why exactly? !

For Chen Yuan, an official of the DPRK and China who is in full swing, to openly stand on the platform, the impact is very large, and it can even offset their previous advantages.

And they also sent people to send invitations, or prepared to visit in person, but Chen Yuan's attitude was very different from before, and they basically declined.

Compared to the two of them, Sima Ke was really relieved.

The concubine didn't give it away for nothing!

Chen Yuan really had credibility and started to build momentum for him.

And this is just the beginning, he thinks that after Chen Yuan becomes Marquis today, his influence will be even greater, and then he will really be on the same level as the other two elder brothers.

Many officials who were still worried before have begun to take action now. It is only a matter of time before they want to win over to their own camp.

But before that, he had to closely stand in the united front with Chen Yuan, even closer.

As long as Chen Yuan entered the Immortal Cave, then they would really be grasshoppers on the same rope.

Even when he was facing up, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

This made Sima Gan and Sima You very upset.

There were quite a few memorials from various places, and it was not nearly finished until half an hour later. Jingtai's eyes gradually rotated below, staying on Chen Yuan the most.

"Cough cough."

Jingtai coughed twice, and the Jinluan Hall was filled with silence. They all raised their heads to look at him, but quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at the figure on the dragon chair.

"Is Chen Qing coming?"

Jingtai's voice sounded faintly.

Many people's eyes turned to Chen Yuan's body. He suddenly moved his eyes and knew that his business was about to come. He immediately took a step sideways, bowed and saluted:

"My minister is here."

Jingtai opened his eyes, and looked around Chen Yuan for a moment, the bored expression was fleeting, and then quickly changed into a smile, outsiders could not notice it at all.

"Chen Qing has made an incomparable achievement this time, and I am very relieved."

"I don't dare."

"Hehe, there is nothing to be afraid of. You have made a lot of contributions this time. You have turned the tide in Liangzhou and saved tens of millions of people. When I first heard the news, I was very happy for you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern."

"Tell me, what reward do you want."

"Contributing to His Majesty and the imperial court is what a humble official should have. I dare not ask for a reward for some minor contributions. I only hope that Your Majesty will be healthy and healthy."

"Chen Qing really can talk, haha"

Jingtai's hearty laughter sounded, and he seemed very happy.

"Wang Gan, pass on my will."

"Yes, the servant obeys."

The old eunuch in red at the side bowed slightly, took out an imperial decree from his sleeve, walked to the left, looked down at the officials below, and said loudly:

"Chen Yuan, the Golden Envoy of the Heaven Surveying Division, listens to the order."

Chen Yuan bowed slightly again, concentrating and calming down.

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: Chen Yuan, the golden envoy who inspected the sky, took office in Liangzhou in March, made many meritorious deeds, captured the descendants of the previous dynasty, destroyed the northern barbarian Qishan king by himself, and killed the barbarian Huayang in the battle at Jianmen Pass. Xieyuegu led the Beiliang Army's 18 cavalry and burned the Beiman's food and grass, making outstanding contributions.

In the Battle of Liangzhou City, he was not afraid of death, and urged the real martial arts sword to kill the body of the barbarian god. He turned the tide and saved tens of millions of people in Liangzhou. , the fiefdom of Ping'an County, Qingzhou, and the title of Wu'an! "

The eunuch's voice gradually fell.

The entire Golden Luang Hall was silent.

Marquis of Wu'an!


Thousands of households eat! ! !

Everyone's hearts seemed to explode with a 'boom', and their eyes were fixed on Chen Yuan, full of shock!

Even the envoys of the Xuntian Division were only Guanneihou with thousands of households in Shiyi, but Chen Yuan jumped up and became Chehou of thousands of households in Shiyi, and he also had a fief!

There are only a few people in the entire court with such an honor.

Those few people are all veteran officials of the court, but they are the existences of the level of Gu Tianqiong, the chief inspector of the Sky Survey Department, and Li Kuangxiu, the Grand Marshal! ! !

Simply appalling.

Before Chen Yuan became a Marquis, there were still people in the capital discussing whether Chen Yuan was a Marquis of Che or a Marquis of Guannei, but generally they still felt that most of them were Marquises of Guannei.

Nowadays, there are tens of thousands of households in the city, and many people don't know what to say.

At Chen Yuan's age, not to mention the first encounter in this dynasty, even in the previous dynasty.

In the field, except Jingtai and Gu Tianqiong, everyone's eyes were shocked, including Chen Yuan of course, yes, he was also shocked.

Because he didn't care much about the Marquis.

If you die, you will be Chehou, and there are only one or two thousand households in the food town.

He never expected that the other party would give him such an honor.

There are ten thousand households in Shiyi, and Ping'an County, their hometown, was conferred on him as a fief, and there were not many people who could be found in the whole court.

Mingming is very dissatisfied with him, after all, he was the one who disturbed Jingtai's plan, but in the end he gave such an incomparably honorable honor, which is really incomprehensible.

"Marquis Wu'an, accept the order."

Wang Gan closed the imperial decree, and handed it to Chen Yuan respectfully.

Chen Yuan, on the other hand, received the imperial decree under many envious and reverent gazes, then raised the imperial decree above his head, and said in a deep voice:

"My lord, thank you Your Majesty!"

The eyes of Sima Gan and Sima You seemed to be flickering with flames, fixed on Chen Yuan's body, making up their minds that they must win him over.

Sima Ke's face was full of smiles, as if he was the one who was awarded the title.

However, there was not much difference. The higher Chen Yuan's status and power, the greater his chances of becoming the prince. That move was really the right one.

He was right.

Jingtai nodded slightly, with a slight smile on his face:

"Chen Qing, do you know why I named you Wu'an?"

"Please ask your Majesty to clarify."

"The Great Jin Dynasty established the country with martial arts, and you became famous with martial arts, and you shocked the world with martial power. The word "wu" is indispensable, and the word "an" is my expectation for you.

For me to stabilize the world, intimidate all people, and become an important minister of the imperial court, I have great expectations of you, don't let me down. "

Jingtai said word by word, full of appreciation.

"Thank you Your Majesty, I will smash my body and bones to repay Your Majesty's kindness, and shed the last drop of blood for the court, so that my Great Jin Dynasty will last forever!"

Chen Yuan said loudly, his face extremely solemn.

"Okay, okay, okay, I believe you."

Jingtai said "Hello" three times in succession, each time with a higher tone.

The people around are extremely envious. At such an age, such a position, such a consecrated family, it will be difficult even if he does not want to develop in the future.

People really can't be compared with each other, and it makes people mad when they compare.

"Well, back off first."

"Yes, I obey."

Chen Yuan took a deep breath and returned to the queue.

In fact, thinking about it, Chen Yuan suddenly realized that something was wrong. Jingtai just raised his title to the top level, and Shiyi gave him a lot, but what about power?

You can't still carry a golden envoy, can you?

Perhaps, this is also where Jingtai is dissatisfied. He has been given a high honor to silence the mouths of the world, but there is no mention of the position change.

Emperor's mind.

"Your Majesty, the old minister has something to announce."

After Chen Yuan stepped back, Gu Tianqiong squinted his eyes and opened his mouth.

"What does the governor have to say?" Jingtai asked with a pleasant face.

"The veteran has been practicing in seclusion in recent years, and now it is almost at a critical juncture, and he really can't be distracted to manage the affairs of the Sky Survey Division. I hope His Majesty will allow the veteran to step down from the position of the Chief Superintendent of the Sky Survey Division."


If Chen Yuan's appointment as a marquis was a big shock, then Gu Tianqiong's words were an incomparably huge shock.

Resigned from the position of Chief Superintendent of the Sky Survey Division? !

Since the establishment of the Sky Survey Division, he has been the first governor, and he has single-handedly established the Sky Survey Division system, with power that few people in the entire imperial court can match.

Now he voluntarily resigns from his post, this.

Even more shocking.

But only a few people know the truth of the matter. It is clear that the emperor was afraid of the power of Xun Tiansi, which made Gu Tianqiong resign, but now it is the governor who resigned on his own initiative.

This method is really extraordinary, and I don't know how Jingtai persuaded Gu Tianqiong.

That is the official rank of the second rank, a position below one person and above ten thousand people.

But he gave up without hesitation.

"I don't allow it." Jingtai's complexion changed:

"The Metropolitan Governor established the Sky Survey Division all these years. He has worked hard and made great achievements. He is the white jade pillar that holds up the sky and the purple gold beams that frame the sea. The Sky Survey Division cannot do without you, and I can't do without you. There is no need to mention this matter."

Chen Yuan and a few insiders pursed their lips.

Watching Jing Tai soaring acting.

"The old minister's words are well-thought-out words, and they are by no means false. Now it is a critical moment to practice martial arts again. Please give your majesty permission."

Gu Tianqiong continued.

"I won't allow it, the governor should not embarrass me."

Jingtai had a look of regret on his face.

Gu Tianqiong bowed and cupped his fists:

"Please allow Your Majesty."

"No, absolutely not, you are embarrassing me, Commander-in-Chief."

Jingtai let out a long breath.

However, the officials in the DPRK and China have almost tasted the meaning inside.

Three words and three concessions

Li Kuangxiu, Grand Marshal Shenwu Zhenjun, seemed to be like this at the beginning, so he was given the false name of Grand Marshal later, and now it is staged on Gu Tianqiong.

Emperor, this is about to start centralizing power!

Sure enough, when Chen Yuan's eyes turned to Li Kuangxiu, he noticed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and gave Chen Yuan a meaningful look, causing him to quickly look away.

These are all negotiable!

It's really cumbersome.

"Your Majesty, the old minister really speaks from the bottom of his heart. If he hadn't thought it through carefully, he would never speak at this time. The Sky Surveyor has been on the right track for many years.

There are several envoys in charge, and there will be no mistakes. "

"This..." Jingtai closed his eyes and let out a long sigh:

"Then is there someone to replace the governor?"

Gu Tianqiong glanced at Xiao Jing, and continued:

"Xiao Jing, the Divine Envoy of Tianzi, has advanced cultivation and strong strength. He has been guarding the sky prison in the Sky Xun Division for many years. He has worked hard and made great achievements. He can take over the position of veteran minister."

Jingtai stared at Xiao Jing, and was silent for a long time before speaking again:

"Xiao Aiqing."

"His Majesty."

Xiao Jing took a step forward.

"Since the governor is so decisive, it's not easy for me to dismiss it. Anyway, from now on, you will be the new governor of Xuntian Division, with eight thousand households in Shiyi, the title of Marquis Che, and the title of Wuping."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will be fortunate enough to not disgrace my life, and take charge of the Heaven Survey Division for Your Majesty." Xiao Jing bowed and said in a deep voice.

Obviously, this was all prepared in advance.

"Xiao Aiqing took over the post of Chief Superintendent of the Heaven Surveying Division, and the position of the God Envoy of Tianzi will be vacant. This matter" Jingtai looked at the envoys who hesitated to speak, and it was obvious that they all had candidates.

Finally, he narrowed his eyes and glanced at Chen Yuan, who had a calm gaze, and continued:

"The matter of the God Envoy of Tianzi is of great importance. We will put it on hold for today and discuss it later."

Zhang Yantong and Zuo Tiancheng all looked at each other and frowned slightly.

The former governor Gu Tianqiong glanced at Chen Yuan's position. He had told His Majesty before that the candidate for the Tianzi God Envoy was Chen Yuan, but now there was no reward.

Maybe there are other thoughts.

Then, Jingtai's gaze paused again, and he said in a deep voice:

"The Metropolitan Governor resigned from his position as the Metropolitan Superintendent of the Sky Survey Division. He wanted to practice hard, but I couldn't fully agree. Someone came to draw up an order to make the Metropolitan Governor Gu Tianqiong the Duke of Wei, with 100,000 households in the city, and a king with a different surname. It can be seen If I don’t worship, I will enter the court with swords and shoes, I will be given a gold medal to avoid death, I will be given a golden whip to beat the king, I will beat the faint king at the top, and the rebellious minister at the bottom!”

"Follow the order."

The eunuch in red at the side said immediately.

However, Gu Tianqiong accepted it generously. These things were one of the conditions for him to be separated from the chief inspector of the Sky Survey Department. It was an incomparable honor.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Then Jingtai looked at Grand Marshal Li Kuangxiu again, and continued:

"The Grand Marshal has also worked hard for the country for many years. I have worked hard and laboriously. I can't bear it. I named the Grand Marshal Li Kuangxiu as the Duke of the Town. He has 100,000 households. He is a king with a different surname. He is awarded a gold medal and a golden whip, just like a governor. No two."

Li Kuangxiu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to have his business today, no wonder the emperor secretly ordered him to go to court, it was for this purpose, and he immediately clasped his fists and said:

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your gift."


Jingtai nodded. His eyes scanned the officials below.

"If you don't have this performance, you can retreat to the court."

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The uniform voice soared into the sky.

And the series of major events that happened today will quickly spread throughout the capital and even the world!


It's the third update, so tired! ! !

Brothers who have votes give it a go.

There is another chapter in the morning.

20,000 words, I wipe it

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