I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 546 What is Chen Yuan doing? (If you don't like it, don't enter)

As early as before Chen Yuan returned to the capital, Sima Ke was planning to clean up the dust for him, but his reputation was too great and he received too much attention.

If you act rashly, it is easy to be noticed.

That's why it's been delayed.

But today, Chen Yuan was granted the title of Marquis of Wu'an, with ten thousand households in the city, which is definitely a happy event, so it is natural to be more happy than happy, so that the impression left on Chen Yuan will be even greater.

He has been planning since yesterday, and he also made it clear to his concubine that he wants to tie the relationship between them tightly tonight, so that Sima Gan and Sima You can't win Chen Yuan away.

Chen Yuan frowned, thinking that Sima Ke really persevered.

He has a cruel heart.

For your own benefit, throw everything away.

Concubine Yang Guifei is indeed extraordinary in appearance, with a plump figure. It would be a lie to say that she has no thoughts at all, but Chen Yuan was able to restrain his thoughts.

After all, he has always been single-minded.

but now.

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered and he hesitated.

By doing so, it is true that Concubine Yang, mother and son, can be completely tied to his chariot. After all, this kind of thing is too horrifying, and no one will get good if it spreads.

Chen Yuan's original intention was to regard their mother and son as pawns.

Seeing that Chen Yuan was hesitant and didn't answer, Sima Ke's heart thumped, and he wondered if Chen Yuan was unhappy, or did he have other scruples?

Then hastily said:

"Brother Chen, don't worry about this matter. It will never spread. Be careful in everything."

"Your Highness, let's put your mind on the position of the crown prince. A little way will never make a big deal." Chen Yuan said in a deep voice, and after finishing speaking, he turned and left.

"Brother Chen, you."

"Go home."

Chen Yuan replied from afar.

"Go back to the house." A look of joy flashed in Sima Ke's eyes.

Good home, good home.

As long as he returned to the mansion, his plan would be completed.

Thinking about the pros and cons of this matter in his heart, Chen Yuan's pace was not fast, but even if he didn't deliberately hurry, considering his cultivation base, he was still very fast.

After all, although the Prince's Mansion is some distance away from Wuweibo Mansion, it is still within the inner city.

Not long after, Chen Yuan returned to the mansion.

The guards waiting in front of the door hurriedly saluted, with excited eyes.

The news of their uncle's title as Marquis had spread throughout the capital, and they naturally knew that he was a Marquis of thousands of households, and there were not many of them in the entire capital.

Absolutely a great honor.

It is estimated that by tomorrow morning, the imperial decree from above should come down, either the Wuwei Bo Mansion will be replaced by Wu'anhou Mansion, or the emperor will bestow another mansion of the highest quality.

Chen Yuan nodded slightly, because he had some concerns in his heart, so he didn't say much, and after a few instructions, he quickly returned to his room.

As soon as the divine mind moved, an invisible force enveloped the entire room, and it was instantly discovered that there was someone inside.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan slowly opened the door.

"Your Majesty, show up."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, a beautiful figure slowly walked out of a dark place in the room, with a plump figure, white and flawless, wrapped in a layer of black veil.

Cover up the face, but this kind of looming situation is even more exciting.

The woman slowly took off the black veil hanging from her face, revealing her true face.

It was Sima Ke's mother, the imperial concubine of the dynasty.

"came back?"

Concubine Yang tapped her teeth lightly, her voice carried a hint of majesty, but at the same time it was mixed with a touch of tenderness. She looked at Chen Yuan with extremely complicated eyes, full of excitement, shame, and panic.

Clearly, she knew what was going to happen today.

"Your Majesty is not resting in the harem, why did you come to Chen's mansion quietly?" Chen Yuan sat down slowly, poured himself a cup of herbal tea, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

No cadre can stand such a test!

"Ask knowingly."

Concubine Yang Gui gradually faded away from her panic, and gave Chen Yuan a blank look.

Chen Yuan closed his eyes and thought for a moment:

"Your Highness, Mr. Chen has his own plans. There is no need for this. He has always misunderstood. Mr. Chen has his own heart, and he has never been close to women."

Concubine Yang Gui snorted softly, sat beside her slowly, opened her mouth, and said softly:

"This has nothing to do with Ke'er. It's best if you can help him, and if you can't help him, it doesn't matter."


"During those days when you were in Liangzhou, I didn't know why, but I always had some weird dreams, and I was thinking about you in my heart."

A flash of surprise flashed in Chen Yuan's eyes.

Thinking about it, it should have been the hands and feet of Senior Mo Luo that gradually planted seeds in Concubine Yang Guifei's mind, and with the passage of several months.

That seed is rooted and sprouted.


"So, even if Ke'er hadn't come to persuade me repeatedly, Ben Gong would still come."

Yang Guifei said in a deep voice.

Chen Yuan coughed twice:

"This matter is against human relations, the empress should return."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Concubine Yang:

"That being the case, when Ke'er saw you last time, you...why were you?"

Concubine Yang Gui didn't know what to think of, and a blush hung on her face.

Chen Yuan frowned:

"That day when His Highness came to see me, if he found you under the table, what would happen, wouldn't your empress know? Chen is also thinking of you."

"Then there's no need to seal Bengong's mouth."

"If you don't gag, why don't you? If the empress makes a noise inadvertently, it will be bad."

"You..." Concubine Yang's face turned green and then pale, she was already so shameless, this guy put on airs instead, and couldn't help but say:

"Do you dislike me for being too old?"

Age has always been a difficult problem for her.

Even with spiritual nourishment, her cultivation is still too low, and she has no hope of alchemy, so she is bound to age gradually, while Chen Yuan is always young, with a lifespan of hundreds of yuan.

Chen Yuan shook his head slowly:

"Your Majesty looks like she is only in her thirties, which is the best time for a woman."

Concubine Yang Guifei's face was a bit ugly, but she still gritted her teeth, she didn't want to be shy anymore, and there was nothing worth paying attention to, she said immediately:

"I know a secret of His Majesty, as long as I can tell you."

"What secret?"

Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows, showing some interest.

He has long seen that something is wrong with Jingtai, but the contact time is still too little, and he can't detect the specific reason, if he can know this secret.

The future may have a big impact on him.

"You want to know?"

The corner of Concubine Yang's mouth curled up.


"Then you." Concubine Yang Gui said a few words quietly.

She bent her waist, showing her figure to the fullest, the moonlight fell on her body, and Chen Yuan thought of a sentence in an instant.

The light of righteousness shines on the earth.

"Your Majesty, do you really want this?"

"Is there anything more to say now?"

Yang Guifei asked back.

Chen Yuan closed his eyes, heaved a sigh of relief, nodded solemnly and said:

"Forget it, since the empress has been suffering from persistent illnesses all year round, I have no choice but to help the empress with all her strength, and try my best to help the empress solve her problems."

Yang Guifei giggled and covered her mouth with a light smile:

"This is the envoy Chen Qing who dared to contradict me, man, there is nothing to twitch, I am not afraid, what are you afraid of?"


Chen Yuan smiled.

He has never been an upright gentleman. Although he is devoted to the Tao, the Tao and the Tao are always figured out, and it is not a violation of the idea.

Seeing that Chen Yuan had figured it out, Concubine Yang immediately grabbed his hand and said in a low voice:

"You, can you slap me a few times first?"

"What did the lady say?"

Chen Yuan almost thought he heard it wrong.

"Slap me a few times."

To be honest, this was the first time Chen Yuan had heard of such a request.

It's kind of true.


"let's hit."

Chen Yuan looked at Concubine Yang who was stretching her face, and squinted his eyes. Naturally, he couldn't go against the woman's wishes, so he immediately raised his hand and it was a big blow.


There was a crisp slap in the face.

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In the Imperial Palace, in the Royal Study Room.

The whole hall was brightly illuminated by the lights.

Unlike usual, Jingtai did not deal with government affairs. Instead, he held his hands behind his back and stared at the spring picture he had just drawn. Summer is coming, and spring is full of vigor.

For some reason, he felt a little inexplicably irritated in his heart, so he subconsciously wrote.

Looking at the green grass in the painting, Jingtai was quite satisfied. He was already good at painting Taoism, and if he hadn't become an emperor, he would definitely be an outstanding Taoist painting master.


Cao Zhengxian, the governor of the imperial factory, who was dressed in a black official uniform, slowly walked up to him and bowed:

"The old minister has seen His Majesty."

Jingtai shifted his gaze, looked up at the person in front of him, and nodded slightly:

"How are things going?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the focus of attention in the capital has now fallen on Chen Yuan, and there are relatively few mentions of the resignation of the governor."

Cao Zhengxian said truthfully.

Some people did not think wrongly, Jingtai was indeed planning some things behind the scenes, to gradually take back the power into his hands, and then do big things later.

But he didn't want things to be too publicized, so that Cao Zhengxian could guide the wind.

"That's good."

Jingtai said lightly.

"Your Majesty's methods are indeed superior to those of the emperors, and even the power of the governor can be withdrawn. The old minister admires it." Cao Zhengxian's words are really not a lie.

He did not expect that His Majesty would have such means.

It is not a trivial matter to be able to say that Gu Tianqiong, the governor of Tongda, gave up the rights of the Sky Survey Division. He couldn't even guess what method Jingtai used.

A simple reward is not enough.

Therefore, he really admires him now.

When Jingtai heard this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Cao Zhengxian was a veteran of several dynasties, and had dressed several emperors since the founding of the Jin Dynasty.

His admiration is still very useful to him.

What he wants to do is not just to surpass the emperors, he wants to make achievements that surpass the Taizu, and clean up the broken country of the Sima family one by one.

He has been working hard in this direction.

"It's just that I don't know what method His Majesty used?" Cao Zhengxian cautiously raised his head and looked at Jingtai, wanting to know some truth.

Unexpectedly, Jingtai glanced at him lightly:

"It's better for Eunuch Cao not to know about this."

"Yes, His Majesty said so."

Cao Zhengxian quickly agreed.

"How about what I arranged for you to do?"

"What does His Majesty mean?"

Cao Zhengxian was a little confused. Jingtai had instructed him to do a lot of things. He really didn't figure out what was going on right away after such a rough question.

Jingtai snorted lightly, and pointed to the picture scroll on the table.

Only then did Cao Zhengxian suddenly realize, and quickly said:

"Returning to Your Majesty, the whereabouts of Wu Daozi, the painting sage, has been confirmed to be hidden in Shuzhou. The veteran is stepping up the search, and it will not take long to find it."

Jingtai nodded slightly:

"This guy is not simple. I have something very important to me in my hand. I will give you another half a year. If you can't find it, don't blame me for being ungrateful."

"Yes, the old minister complies."

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Cao Zhengxian's forehead.

Although he is a strong man at the peak level of refining gods, he still has fear in the face of this emperor whose cultivation level is far inferior to his. He knows very well that even he cannot break through the emperor's defense in this imperial city.

What's more, his methods are very strange!

Is a very simple emperor.

"This Wu Daozi is very important. Apart from the things in his hands, I have already obtained information, and there is a very important person beside him."

Jingtai narrowed his eyes slightly.


Cao Zhengxian froze for a moment, a little puzzled.

This was the first time he heard His Majesty say that.

"The first son and grandson of the Xiang family of former Chu, the only son of Xiang Qianqiu!" Jingtai said word by word.

"Isn't Xiang Lingtian dead?"

Cao Zhengxian knew that Chen Yuan returned to Beijing with a human head, and that human head was Xiang Lingtian. After many verifications, he also knew the real identity of that person.

The current heir of the Xiang family.

Xiang Qianqiu is the former Crown Prince of Chu, so naturally he should be the current patriarch of the Xiang family, and the heir should be his son!

"Xiang Lingtian is not his son, but a junior who is more important. Perhaps, the one who follows Wu Daozi is the one." Jingtai said in a calm voice.

"How did His Majesty know?"

Cao Zhengxian just felt confused, he had never heard of such a thing.

"I have other channels to investigate. In short, these two people must be brought back to the capital for me. I still have great use."

"Yes, the old minister complies."

Anyway, he was with Wu Daozi, as long as he found Wu Daozi's trail, he would naturally be able to find the so-called Xiang Lingtian's only son.

"These remnants have existed for too long, and the hidden dangers they have brought to the court are too great. They must be eradicated completely." Jingtai's eyes flashed coldly.

When the Sima family established the country, it was not toppled from the ground up, but the Great Jin was built on the foundation of the former Chu. Even, many nobles in the capital now defected at the beginning.

If the Xiang family counterattacks in the future, they may not turn back again.

This is a great hidden danger, and it is also a thorn in his side, a thorn in his flesh.

"Your Majesty said so."

Jingtai took a deep breath, and the atmosphere in the imperial study was silent for a moment. Cao Zhengxian thought for a while and asked again:

"What position does His Majesty plan to arrange for Chen Yuan?"

In today's award, only Chen Yuan's title was conferred, but no real power was given to him. Cao Zhengxian was delighted but also curious about what the emperor's arrangement was.

The opponent has already broken through Huayang, and has also achieved great achievements, but he is no longer suitable for the position of the Sky Surveying Golden Envoy.

"Chen Yuan."

When Jingtai mentioned this name at this moment, he was already a little unhappy.

This is caused by various reasons, including Liangzhou and other aspects.

In short, Jingtai saw that this person was not as pleasing to the eye as before.

I feel that this person is not so easy to grasp.

"What do you think?"

Jingtai asked back.

"The old minister doesn't know, it's still up to His Majesty to decide."

Cao Zhengxian will not make any remarks at this moment, so as not to cause the emperor's displeasure.

"When the governor left office before, he recommended Chen Yuan to me as the envoy of Tianzi. However, I don't want to give him this position so soon.

This person is arrogant and unruly, and he is loyal to the world, not the Sima family. "

Jingtai opened the mouth and said.

Only then did Cao Zhengxian's eyes flash a moment of surprise.

The emperor's mind is indeed the most difficult to guess.

"What your Majesty said is not without reason."

"And I heard that this person is a little close to the prince, hum." Jingtai snorted coldly.

It would be fine if Chen Yuan's influence and reputation were not so great, but his reputation is well known in the world. If he supports Sima Ke, what will the other two princes do?

"However, the Fourth Highness does have some tricks. I knew before that he and Chen Yuan were not dealing with each other. Vice Commander Yang even sent him to the border because of Chen Yuan. I thought that the two sides would never communicate with each other. I didn't expect the Fourth Highness to be able to talk about this. People, I don't know what method the Fourth Highness used."

Regarding the prince, Cao Zhengxian couldn't say much, and could only follow the emperor's words.

Listening to Cao Zhengxian's words, a smile appeared on Jingtai's face:

"This kid does have some tricks. He can let go of his grievances, use some other means to win over Chen Yuan, and get him to support him. If it weren't for me, I would still like him."

Thinking about Concubine Shu, Jingtai was still a little unnatural.

In any case, Sima Ke was too overstepped. If it weren't for the scruples about the influence, Jingtai could even abolish him directly.

"The qualifications of the Fourth Highness are indeed extraordinary, and the means are extraordinary."

Cao Zhengxian smiled embarrassingly.

Obviously, he also knows some more secret things.

"Bringing the wind direction to Chen Yuan this time can't completely dispel other people's suspicions, but it's enough." Jingtai said this abruptly, and then asked suddenly:

"Chen Yuan, what are you doing now?"

"The old minister heard that several princes invited him to the banquet, and now, I think he has returned home."

"Well, this son of Chen Yuan is indeed a character, it would be even better if he could be completely loyal to the royal family." Jingtai shook his head and sighed.

"Your Majesty said so"


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