I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 549 Establishing a Crown Prince! (seeking a monthly ticket)

"By the way, Brother Chen, Ke just got the news that the royal father will hold a family banquet in the palace tomorrow, and all the princes and princesses will be present. Do you think it has something to do with this rumor?"

Sima Ke frowned lightly, wanting to see what Chen Yuan thought.

He admired Chen Yuan's ability very much.

There is no doubt about it.

Hearing these words, Chen Yuan frowned. According to his deduction, if the rumor was really controlled by Jingtai.

Perhaps, this family banquet has a lot to do with it.

"Perhaps, what exactly is going on, His Highness will know by then."

Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"Brother Chen, do you really not think about it? If the marriage is possible, the emperor will trust you more, and you will get even more support from the court in the future."

Sima Ke was still a little unwilling.

He really wanted to strengthen the relationship between them.

Moreover, if this matter really happened, then Sima Gan and Sima You's faces must be very interesting. Perhaps, they would think that their father agreed with him and made such a decision.

"Let's discuss this later."

Chen Yuan shook his head.

He is not an ordinary person, he has the blood of the Xiang family, and he is the Shura Taoist master of the Taoist Palace. Once this matter is discovered, Jingtai will definitely be furious.

Therefore, he didn't really want to have too much contact with this guy.

Coupled with the abnormality of Jingtai mentioned by Concubine Yang before, it made his fear and vigilance reach the extreme.

When the other party bestows a marriage, there must be a plan.

And he just doesn't like being treated as a pawn.

He wants to be the chess player.

Seeing Chen Yuan's expression was a little impatient, Sima Ke smiled embarrassingly, and immediately threw out other things and began to change the subject. This matter can't be rushed. Didn't the concubine mother resist it before?

Later, it was not readily accepted.

As long as the imperial decree is issued, Sima Ke doesn't feel that Chen Yuan dares to resist the decree. Moreover, although his relationship with Huangjie Pingyang is somewhat discordant, the excellence of the other party is obvious to all.

And definitely worthy of Chen Yuan.

Maybe, in the future, I can really change my mind.

Sima Ke stayed in the Marquis of Wu'an for a long time before leaving.

After he left, Chen Yuan frowned.

There was another storm involved.

This time it was really not what he wanted.

Although the mother and daughter are good, they are not in line with his interests.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had just been named Marquis and the envoy of Tianzi was delayed, Chen Yuanzheng would have left the capital immediately, and he always felt that something would happen in the future when he stayed here.

Good luck.

Chen Yuan let out a long breath.

Huayang's cultivation seems to be considered strong in the arena, but his enemies are obviously stronger, and he needs more luck to improve his cultivation.

It had been a month since the last time, and he was indeed looking forward to the arrival of the Child of Destiny again.

Immediately after staying in the mansion for a while, he decided to take a stroll in the capital where he was hidden.

See if you can 'coincidentally' meet your son of luck.

the next day.

The imperial city, inside the Qianqing Palace.

This code is a palace dedicated to holding royal family banquets.

Since the emperor had this idea, the people below have already started to prepare.

A number of princes and daughters entered from the hall in turn. The first was the eldest prince Sima Gan, followed by the eldest princess Pingyang, followed by the second prince Sima You and the fourth prince Sima Ke.

As for the other princes, the adult ones followed behind, while the young ones were brought in by the older nuns or court ladies.

The eldest princess Pingyang is wearing a light yellow dress, elegant and cool, without squinting.

Several princes were also dressed as princes, and sat in their proper seats honestly.

However, Princess Pingyang found that the eyes of the several princes present were faintly shining on her body, and her younger brother Sima Ke was the main one.

He frowned involuntarily.

Of course she understood the meaning in the eyes of these brothers!

The rumors that disappeared before have reappeared.

What's more, there was an intensified gesture that caused waves in the capital. Even to avoid suspicion, she didn't invite Chen Yuan to the banquet, she just wanted to show her attitude to her father!

Yes, she could also see that the handwriting behind this had the permission of her father.

Otherwise, as long as those nobles are not stupid, they will not have the courage to talk about the princess, especially the princess who has not left the cabinet, and what they want is a clean fortune.

It is true that she admired Chen Yuan very much, and felt that he was a rare talent, no matter what he was, he was the best choice, which also made her feel a little bit fond of him.


She really doesn't like things like getting married.

She didn't want to be an ordinary woman who married into a wife. Since Concubine Yang Guifei didn't like her when she was young, she gradually had the idea of ​​comparing herself with men.

Who said women are inferior to men?

She practiced hard, and her cultivation was not as weak as it appeared on the surface.

She is familiar with the scriptures, and she is by no means inferior to the top talents in the academy.

She even established a secret force under her own control, spreading all over the capital. She didn't know why, maybe it was just to make herself feel more secure.

All of her ambitions and efforts are not to marry a man.

Even if this man is worthy of him and is a world-renowned person, they can cherish each other and be friends, but she is very resistant to such things as a couple.

But after realizing that this was what her father meant, she couldn't make too obvious movements, and could only keep silent, and gradually guide the wind direction, which was a pity compared to her father's strength.

She is still too far behind.

You can't fully expose your own strength because of small losses.

"Miss Huang."

Sima Ke sat in front of Princess Pingyang and slightly cupped his hands.


Princess Pingyang nodded, neither close nor alienated.

In fact, when she found out about this incompetent brother, she was a little disgusted when she found out about it, thinking that he was just a waste that could not be supported by mud.

As a result, after a period of silence, a huge change suddenly began.

Not only was he respectful to the corporals, he kept the etiquette and spread his fame widely, he also won the favor of Chen Yuan, and he got very close to him, so he almost didn't openly declare his support for him.

To be honest, she was also a little curious.

What method did Sima Ke use to resolve the grievances with Chen Yuan, and let the other party support him, it is simply unimaginable.

But she knew that Chen Yuan's character had always been a bit ruthless, and he had never reconciled with his enemies. As long as anyone had a grudge with him, he would try to find a way to ransack their home and destroy them.

Don't leave trouble for yourself.

It is also this character that allows him to maintain a detached position in the capital. Even if someone dislikes him, he will not jump out to form a deadly enmity with him.

Because, once you have a grudge with Chen Yuan, according to experience, you will basically end up dying forever.

So, she was really puzzled.

What made sense to Chen Yuan?




Or a woman?

He doesn't seem to lack all of these, does he?

"Have you ever heard about the hustle and bustle in the capital recently?" Sima Ke asked casually.


Princess Pingyang tapped her white teeth, and slowly spit out two words.

"Then how about the younger brother telling the imperial sister?"

"No need, you"

Princess Pingyang was about to say something, but suddenly her expression changed, and she immediately turned her head to the side of the hall.

The emperor has appeared!

Jing Tai walked at the front with a tiger's pace, closely followed by the empress, and on the other two sides were Yang Guifei and Sima Gan's mother concubine Xu Guifei.

The three of them are the masters in the harem.

"The son has met the emperor father and the queen mother."

"The son has met the emperor father and the queen mother."

"The son has met the emperor father and the queen mother."

As soon as a few people showed up, the princes and daughters present stood up and saluted one after another.

The queen's mother is the world, and she is naturally their "mother" in name.

Jingtai's face faded from the majesty of the past, and put on a faint smile:

"Today is a family banquet, so there is no need to be formal, let's get back together."

"Thank you father"

"Thank you father"

After saluting, the princes and princesses sat down again.

The emperor and the empress sat at the top, and the two imperial concubines sat at the bottom left and right. The strange thing is that this time Concubine Yang did not compete with Concubine Xu for the seat on the left, but sat without saying a word. head right.

It made Jingtai look slightly sideways, but he didn't think much about it.

It was only Concubine Yang Guifei who lost her mind.

The dishes prepared for the royal family banquet are still very rich, and the spirit wine and spirit tea are all high-quality, and they are placed on the desks in front of everyone.

"I have said that there is no need to be formal, there are no such rules"

Jingtai glanced down, seeing that everyone still didn't dare to be too presumptuous, slowly shook his head, looked at Sima Gan and asked:

"Damn, you."

"Back to Father"


Jingtai asked about their recent situation one by one, and encouraged them in a warm voice, then turned his gaze to Sima Ke, frowned, then disappeared again, and asked:

"Ke'er, I heard that you have been studying poetry and books recently, you are polite to others, and your virtuous name is far-reaching. Is there such a thing?"

Sima Ke quickly saluted and said:

"Returning to my father, my son suddenly realized not long ago that he should not waste his studies, and was determined to make up for some previous mistakes. As for the name, he really dare not take it.

The virtuous name of the second emperor brother is famous in the capital. "

"Well, you were indeed lazy a lot before. It is also a good thing to be able to learn from your mistakes and make up your mind to correct them. Remember not to slack off."

"Yes, my son obeys."

Then, Jingtai questioned all the princes and daughters present before giving up.

The atmosphere finally started to warm up.

But only Princess Pingyang felt that this family banquet might not be so peaceful, and there must be something to talk about later.

Sure enough, after about a quarter of an hour passed, Jingtai put down the wine glass in his hand and made a sound, and the princes who were always paying attention to his movements also put down everything in their hands and listened carefully to the teachings.

It is said that there is no need to be formal, you can do whatever you want, but even those young princes and princesses would not take it seriously, knowing the majesty of the father.

The atmosphere in the main hall of Qianqing Palace fell silent.

Jingtai glanced at the princes below, pondered for a moment and then said:

"This time at the family banquet, I have one more thing to say."

Everyone raised their ears and listened quietly.

"In recent years, there have been many ministers in the court who have submitted letters to establish a crown prince. Originally, I was in my prime and had no intention of doing this, but recently I feel tired and have this idea."


Jingtai's words exploded in everyone's hearts like a mountain collapsing.

All the princes and concubines and queens focused their eyes on Jingtai.

This was the first time he said the words of the crown prince. Although there were rumors before, they were not credible after all. Now that I think about it, there is nothing wrong with it. I am afraid that the emperor has already had this idea.

Several princes of the right age immediately straightened their backs, but Princess Pingyang's eyes flashed a gloomy look.

"Father is in the heyday of Spring and Autumn, and his longevity is endless. His sons and ministers are all terrified."

Sima Gan and Sima You Sima Ke looked at each other and said in unison.

Jingtai ignored it and continued:

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature. There is no one with eternal life in the world. I know it in my heart, but the matter of setting up a prince is of great importance, and I will not choose it rashly for the sake of the country.

However, Qian'er, You'er, Ke'er, I have already decided to choose one of you three to be the crown prince and to be in charge of the East Palace. "

What Jingtai said made the faces of the other princes a little ugly, but the three who were named were overjoyed, but they didn't have time to think about it, and when they turned their eyes to others, they were very vigilant.

Who will the father choose?

The queen opened her mouth:

"Your Majesty, is it too early for this matter?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Concubine Yang and Concubine Xu also spoke.

"It's getting late. While I still have some time, I must lay the foundation stone of the country. This is the top priority." Jingtai shook his head.

"Then His Majesty thinks which of the three of them is more suitable?"

the queen asked softly.

The three of Sima Ke also tightened their hearts, for fear that they would be kicked out.

That is the position of prince, the future emperor!

They work hard, isn't it just for this day?

"I can't see anything now, but I will give them each a test. Whoever does well, who can satisfy me and feel suitable, will naturally be the one."

The three of Sima Ke stared at each other, not understanding what the emperor said about the test.

"Then what test does His Majesty give the three princes?"

"The Great Jin Dynasty is a country by force, and the three powers are separated. Your test is one of them, Qianer." Jingtai called out.

"My son is here."

Sima Gan responded quickly.

"You like the way of the army, so I will let you practice in the army camp. Ask a few generals in the army for advice. Don't let me down."

"Yes, my son obeys."

Sima Gan's heart suddenly sank.


"My son is here."

"You have studied literature since childhood, and you are proficient in Confucianism and Taoism. I will let you practice in the Imperial Academy. You will be next to the great Confucianists in the academy and important officials in the court. You must be humble and studious."

Sima You breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said:

"My son obeys."


"My son is here."

"You have both civil and military skills, but you have your eldest brother in the army, and your second brother in the Imperial Academy, where do you want to go?" Jingtai looked at him calmly and asked.

"The children and ministers are all determined by the father."

Sima Ke lowered his gaze, and then agreed.

Jingtai squinted his eyes and meditated for a moment, but Concubine Yang Gui and Sima Ke raised their hearts to their throats and listened to the emperor's next words calmly.

"The Sky Survey Division is also assigned by the imperial court, and has great responsibilities. You might as well go to the headquarters of the Sky Survey Division to work for a while, and learn more from the side of a few divine envoys."

Jingtai said in a deep voice.

Sima Ke was overjoyed in an instant, he had no foundation in the army or in the academy, but it was different in Xuntiansi.

With Chen Yuan looking after and helping him, he will definitely be able to make some achievements.

God help me!

At this moment, Sima Ke only wanted to say so.

At the same time, Sima Gan and Sima You's expressions darkened, and their expressions were a little ugly.

Chen Yuan has too much power and reputation in the Sky Survey Department, who dare not give him face?

Could it be that the father prefers the fourth child?


Jingtai's majestic voice sounded slowly.

"Yes, I will not disgrace my father's order and make some achievements in the Tian Xun Division."

"Well, that's good."

Concubine Yang Gui also relaxed a lot.

She and Chen Yuan are counted as "dao friends". Presumably, they should try their best to help Yu Ke'er. It's really lucky. Could it be that Chen Yuan instilled it in her?

Concubine Yang Gui couldn't help thinking so.

"Oh, by the way, when it comes to Xuntian Division, I remember Ke'er, you have a good relationship with Marquis Wu'an, um. This is a rare talent, learn from him carefully, I value him very much."

"Yes, my son obeys the order, and I must ask Marquis Wu'an for advice."

"Well, I also heard that there is a lot of news about Chen Yuan in Beijing recently, have you heard of it?" Jingtai said calmly.

"Recently there is indeed a lot of news about Marquis Wu'an, and I have heard a lot even in the palace."

The queen spoke.

"What are they talking about?"

"Well, it seems that this Marquis of Wu'an is not yet married. In addition, the matter of His Majesty's appointment as a Marquis made many noble ladies in the capital's palace very excited, and their hearts belonged."

"When the queen said this, I really remembered it. Speaking of it, Marquis Chen Yuan of Wu'an is indeed not young, and it's time to get married. However, he is a dragon among men, an ordinary nobleman. It is not suitable for the daughter of an official."

Jingtai smiled lightly.

Princess Pingyang's complexion gradually turned ugly, and she had already thought of something.

"What my father said is that the Marquis of Wu'an is a Marquis of ten thousand households. He has made outstanding achievements and is in his prime. Naturally, a noble daughter is not suitable. My son thinks that only the noble and proud daughter of heaven is suitable."

Sima Ke thought about taking a step forward in his relationship with Chen Yuan, and immediately couldn't help but speak.

Concubine Yang Gui frowned, and gave Sima Ke a vicious look.

Princess Pingyang also frowned, but she didn't look at Sima Ke. She knew very well that since the emperor said so, no matter whether anyone responded, they would guide her.

"What Ke'er said is that, and I think so too. Regarding this person, I also want him to take care of him so that he can be cultivated and cultivated in the future, um." Jingtai's eyes fixed on Princess Pingyang for a moment, and he said:

"Pingyang is the only daughter who is worthy of Marquis Wu'an before I left the court. You are not too young, and it is not appropriate for you not to marry.

Pingyang, what do you think, Marquis of Wu'an Chen Yuan can still catch your eyes? "

Before Princess Pingyang could say anything, Concubine Yang Gui on the side suddenly said:

"Your Majesty, I personally think it's not appropriate."


Thank you for your support, asking for a monthly ticket, recommendation, and support!

Continue to explode this month! ! !

Everyone stand up too.

Ha ha

I wish you all the best of luck!

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