I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 610: The real True Monarch Shura!

Inside the cave, light shines.

It was the light of the night pearl, which reflected the inside of the cave like daytime. Three days had passed since arriving at Su Ziyue's cave on Qiyue Mountain.

During these three days, Chen Yuan used 18 methods to suppress the backlash of the exercises for Su Ziyue, and she also took this opportunity to improve her cultivation.

After all, this opportunity is somewhat rare.

The two were neatly dressed and sat cross-legged on the cold jade bed, closing their eyes and exhaling. The entire cave was silent. Chen Yuan helped Su Ziyue and benefited himself.

His previously skyrocketing cultivation base has completely stabilized.

It almost saved several months of work, but it can be regarded as a small opportunity.

Chen Yuan opened his eyes first, with a gleam in his eyes, and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the graceful Su Ziyue with a joyful expression.

Finally, he can be regarded as fulfilling one of his desires.

Moreover, it is doubled.

He still remembers what happened that night. Su Ziyue experienced several emotions in a short period of time under the fire of desire, joy, anger, sorrow, sadness

It gave Chen Yuan a very mysterious experience.

It seemed that instead of helping one person, he was helping several people.

Her eyes were on Su Ziyue's body, and she quickly sensed it, but at this moment she was a little afraid to open her eyes, and her fists under her sleeves trembled slightly.


"Miss Su, what's the matter?"

Chen Yuan knew that Su Ziyue had woken up, but because of his face, he didn't wake up, so he called her name softly.

Eyelashes fluttered, Su Ziyue pretended to have just woken up, stared at Chen Yuan, looked away very calmly, and said:

"Temporarily suppressed, but not enough."

It will take at least ten more days of her practice before she can completely control the blood in her body, and at the moment when she is burning with desire, she will start cultivating the gods and surviving the calamity of fire.

"It's okay, Mr. Chen has plenty of time, and he will definitely help Miss Su get through this!" Chen Yuan immediately stated his position righteously.

Su Ziyue nodded slightly:

"Thank you."

"You and I are fellow Taoists, why should we thank you? However, if Miss Su really wants to thank you, Chen also has a merciless request."


"Next time I will help you suppress the backlash, Chen thought."

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Chen Yuan hesitated to speak, Su Ziyue frowned.

Chen Yuan coughed twice, recalling the previous scene, especially the white fox tail behind Su Ziyue, which made him longing, and said in a low voice:

"Next time, Chen wants to take a shortcut."

"Shortcut, what shortcut?"

Su Ziyue didn't understand the meaning.

"Yeah..." Chen Yuan pondered for a moment:

"Don't stick at the back door!"

At the foot of Qiyue Mountain, the mansion of the Su Mansion.

Bai Niansheng, who was dressed in a scholar's blue robe, stood with one hand behind his back, and in the other hand was holding a strange treasure similar to a conch, his eyes were a little dignified.

Not long after, the Patriarch of the Su family, with white beard and hair, walked out of the void holding a crutch with a beast head, cupped his hands and said:

"Elder Bai."


"Elder Bai sent the old man here, but what happened?" The ancestor of the Su family was a little puzzled, he had already started to do what Bai Niansheng ordered before.

It stands to reason that there should be no other things.

"There is news from the family that Bai needs to do something, and we can't stay in Qiyue Mountain any longer." Bai Niansheng turned around, stared at the ancestor of the Su family and said.

"I wish Elder Bai the best of luck." The Patriarch of the Su Family bowed quickly.

"How is that little girl from the Su family thinking? This time, I will send her back to the clan first." In the voice transmission Bai Niansheng received, there was the order from the son of God.

Although it is impossible to command Shenzi with his current cultivation level, he is the future patriarch of the fox clan after all, one of the most powerful people in the entire southern border.

Even if his current cultivation base is far from his, he still has to sell him face.

The other party didn't say much, but Bai Niansheng could feel that Su Ziyue seemed to be of great use to that god son, so he summoned the Patriarch of the Su family.

"This..." The Patriarch of the Su family froze in place and didn't reply for a moment.

"What? She doesn't want to?"

Bai Niansheng frowned, a little displeased, and a strong aura began to rise gradually.

"Elder Bai calm down, it's just that you said half a month before, but now only ten days have passed, and the old man hasn't asked Zi Yue for her opinion."

"Bai said about half a month at most. Why, is it possible that I really want this elder to stay in Su's house for half a month, just for her to think about it?"

Bai Niansheng snorted coldly.

He respected Shenzi because Shenzi was almost certain to be the next patriarch, but Su Ziyue, although talented, was not a real Nine-Tailed Sky Fox after all.

He might not be able to become a queen either, how could he be allowed to wait here like a great sage of the fox clan?

"No, no." Seeing that Bai Niansheng was a little angry, the ancestor of the Su family quickly shook his head and said:

"Please, Elder Bai, take a break from the thunderous anger. The old man will immediately go to find that girl, Ziyue, and ask her what she is thinking about now."

"No need, you take Bai with you." Bai Niansheng made a final decision, not giving the Patriarch of the Su family a chance to refute.

After hesitating for a while, the Patriarch of the Su family could only follow orders, and took Bai Niansheng together to climb Qiyue Mountain to Su Ziyue's cave.

At this time, Chen Yuan and Su Ziyue's practice had just come to an end, they were adjusting their breathing and meditating, recovering their strength, and Su Ziyue was almost completely refining that Sky Fox bloodline.

The distance from triggering the fire calamity is also very fast. During this continuous practice for nearly ten days, Chen Yuan helped everyone who should be helped, and who should not be helped, and he also took a shortcut by the way.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, frowned suddenly, sensing an undisguised aura outside, his eyes froze for a moment, and two auras outside were rapidly approaching.

One of the refining gods should be the ancestor of the Su family, but there is another one, which is almost similar to the Yangshen Zhenjun, but at the same time it seems to be a little different.

Quickly informed Su Ziyue.

"It's the elder of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan!"


"This person's name is Bai Niansheng, and he is the great sage of the monster clan. I'm afraid he is a little impatient to come here now." Then, Su Ziyue told Chen Yuan exactly what the ancestor of the Su family had said before.

And Chen Yuan's eyes flashed a faint murderous intent.

Want to steal her woman?

court death!

"For the current plan, I can only ask Senior Mo Luo to force him to retreat, and then you will take me out of the Su family." Su Ziyue said.

This is something she had thought about before.

Although the Su family is kind to her, it doesn't mean that she will obey the ancestor's proposal, otherwise, Chen Yuan would not be allowed to come to Nanping Mansion.

"Can you move now?"

Chen Yuan knew that the reason why Su Ziyue insisted on letting him come instead of sneaking out was not only because the Su family was very strict with her, but also because she had too much backlash, once she left the cave, she would explode completely.

"The practice of the past few days has almost been suppressed. Although I can't do it for the time being, there is no problem in leaving. It's a pity. If I give me a few more days, I can survive the fire disaster."

Su Ziyue shook her head, feeling a little regretful.

"Are you willing to leave the Su family?"

"There's nothing to be reluctant about, the Su family raised me up, but I've also given back a lot to the Su family in the past few decades, and I've already repaid this kindness.

Although it will not be completely separated, it is impossible for me to give up everything for the sake of the Su family. "Su Ziyue said with serious eyes.

"It's okay, with me here, nothing will happen."

Chen Yuan stretched out his hand to grab Su Ziyue's white and tender palm, and said confidently.

"It's natural. Senior Mo Luo is an immortal of the Six Realms, so it's not a problem to deal with a monster sage." Su Ziyue gave Chen Yuan a white look.

"Senior Moro is completely silent, and will not wake up in a short time. If he is forced to wake up, not only will the previous efforts be in vain, but it will also cause more damage."

Chen Yuan said.

Hearing this, Su Ziyue, who was calm just now, suddenly changed her face, staring at Chen Yuan and asked:

"What did you say?"

"Senior Moro can't count on it."

"Then you." Su Ziyue's face was a little ugly. She dared to let Chen Yuan come to Nanzhou, even knowing that there was a monster sage here, but she was still confident, and she was counting on Senior Mo Luo.

But now, Chen Yuan said that Senior Mo Luo couldn't make a move at all.

This is how to do?

After a few moments of silence, Su Ziyue took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Since Senior Mo Luo can't make a move, we can only delay the time. You should immediately contact Jiang He and the evil ghost Taoist friends through the book of heaven, and let them come to help."

Jiang He has the fighting strength of a real king, and his injuries have recovered, and Yang Huatian's strength is also extraordinary. Coupled with Chen Yuan, he can definitely stop the great sage of the monster race.

Now, for the present plan, there is only this one.

Chen Yuan chuckled and shook his head slowly, just about to say something.

Suddenly, the two auras from outside had already arrived in front of the cave, and the ancestor of the Su family bowed and said:

"Elder Bai, that girl Ziyue is retreating inside."

Bai Niansheng nodded and said lightly:

"Tell her."

"Yes" the ancestor of the Su family sighed softly, and said to the cave:

"Purple Joy."

"Why did the ancestor come here?"

Su Ziyue forcibly suppressed her composure, and winked at Chen Yuan, telling him not to speak for the time being, to suppress the aura on his body, and to be blocked by the cave, as long as the great sage of the monster clan didn't invade with divine sense, he wouldn't be found The presence.

"You said before that you need to think about it carefully. Now that ten days have passed, you should think about it clearly. Elder Bai still has other things to do. You can't wait too long. I will escort you back to the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan today." land."

Although the ancestor of the Su family was very reluctant to part with Su Ziyue, after all, he was the one who watched him grow up, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, so he could only speak as tactfully as possible, so as not to make Su Ziyue feel resistant .

"Old Ancestor, Ziyue is currently at the most critical moment and cannot leave the customs. Can you give me a few more days, then I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

As long as Jiang Hegen and Yang Huatian come, the safety of the two of them will be guaranteed, otherwise, it will be hard to say.

Chen Yuan's strength is indeed very strong, and he has killed more than one true God of Alchemy before, but to reach the sky is only the strength of the peak of Alchemy God, which is far from the strength of the True Lord of Yangshen.

If you fight rashly, there is only one dead end.

As for Senior Mo Luo, it is better not to bother him if he can not disturb him. Anyway, there is hope to get through it now, and it is not too late to wake him up when it is time for life and death.

The patriarch of the Su family hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Bai Niansheng, and said in a low voice:

"Elder Bai, this girl Ziyue has already agreed, but she really can't leave the customs right now, why don't you take care of your own affairs first, and bring Ziyue back to Southern Border after you're done?"

Bai Niansheng laughed lightly, ignored the Patriarch of the Su family, and said to the cave in front of him:

"Su Ziyue, the previous sacred object enhanced the power of your bloodline, but it has been a long time so far, even if it is not fully refined, it is almost the same.

Don't waste time, you can practice on the road, but the Son of God has been waiting for a long time, and is looking forward to seeing him in your Hui clan. "

"Senior White, Ziyue really can't leave the customs, I hope you will give me a few more days." Su Ziyue's eyes were slightly cold, but her voice was disguised.

"There is no need to mention this matter again, Bai's patience is limited." Bai Niansheng is not interested in haggling, he has already waited for a long time and cannot continue to wait.


"Bai will give you half an hour to pack your things. After half an hour, Bai will take you to leave Qiyue Mountain together." After finishing speaking, he didn't say any more.

But between the tone, the matter has been settled.

Even the ancestors of the Su family beside him didn't dare to intervene, and just sighed softly.

Su Ziyue took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said in a deep voice:

"it is good."

After answering quickly, Su Ziyue looked at Chen Yuan who was meditating, and said in a low voice:

"The old guy outside has already talked about this. If I don't go, he may have to force his way in. Now you immediately invite a few Taoist masters to drive this way, and I will try my best to help you along the way." Take time, don't worry. I'll be fine."

Su Ziyue seemed to be afraid that Chen Yuan could not bear the anger in his heart, and finally added that sentence, hoping that Chen Yuan would not be impulsive, it was not that they had no chance.

Chen Yuan didn't open his eyes, but opened his mouth to say something:

"With me here, don't worry, half an hour is enough!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking, but concentrated on restoring his strength as soon as possible.

Before helping Su Ziyue suppress backlash and lust for nearly ten days, he not only lost ink, but also lost a lot of strength, although he can go out directly now.

However, since the people outside gave half an hour, why not do it?

Seeing that Chen Yuan closed his eyes after saying that, Su Ziyue was a little dumbfounded, not quite understanding what Chen Yuan meant, what did he want to do?

Judging from what he meant, it seemed that he wanted to compete with the great sage of the fox clan outside.


how can that be!

Chen Yuan only has the cultivation base of refining gods, how can he have the confidence to fight against the great sage?

But it seems impossible to rely on Senior Mo Luo, after all, it doesn't need to rest for half an hour.

Su Ziyue couldn't figure it out, even Chen Yuan didn't answer her when she asked.

Seeing this situation, Su Ziyue let out a sigh of relief, and still took out the Heavenly Treasure Book by herself, and started to hook up with Jiang He and Yang Huatian, and said via voice transmission:

"I, Su Ziyue, Wei, hurry to Nanping Mansion, Nanzhou!"

Her movements were so fast that Chen Yuan didn't even have time to persuade her. Seeing her like this, Chen Yuan knew that even if he told her that he had the strength to deal with the real king, she would not believe her.

Immediately also did not care.

After Su Ziyue passed the sound transmission, she didn't stop, but immediately recovered her state. She could see that it was impossible for Chen Yuan not to take action. If that was the case, then she could only help him as much as possible.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was half an hour in the blink of an eye.

Bai Niansheng who was waiting outside was a little impatient, and said coldly:

"Su Ziyue, it's time to hit the road!"

"Hehe. It's time to hit the road!"

What answered him from inside the cave was a faint male voice, the expressions of Bai Niansheng and the Patriarch of the Su family suddenly changed, there was actually a man inside!

The Son of God was preempted by others?

This thought flashed through Bai Niansheng's mind for an instant, and then he was furious.

"Elder Bai calm down."

The ancestor of the Su family said quickly.

"Get out!" Bai Niansheng's momentum rose, overwhelming the entire Qiyue Mountain, and the black clouds in the sky quickly condensed, and said coldly:

"Where is the thief, come out quickly and die!"

Inside the cave.

Chen Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the cold jade bed, had already opened his eyes. Looking at Su Ziyue, who was worried, he stroked her hair lightly, and said lightly:

"I've killed a barbarian god, I've killed a bodhisattva, I've killed a real king, and now I'm short of a great sage from the demon race."

"Chen Yuan, you."

Su Ziyue froze in place.

"Before, my cultivation base skyrocketed and my strength improved by leaps and bounds. I felt that I was able to fight against the real king. Unfortunately, I didn't expect the first opponent to be an old fox, but that's okay.

Just right, I took off his fox fur and made you a robe. "

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yuan's powerful aura rose rapidly, and on the back of his palm, dark black scales gradually grew out from under the skin.

The eyes glowed red, and above the head, two black magic horns grew out with a faint light.

But in an instant, Chen Yuan underwent a big change, his robe was torn, and his whole body was covered with pitch-black scales, even his face was no exception.

Apart from being able to see that it is a human form, it is impossible to judge whether it is a human body.

With such a big change, Su Ziyue didn't close her opened mouth immediately, and after a moment of stunned, she asked hesitantly:

"You don't have the blood of the demon clan, do you?"

Chen Yuan chuckled, he is indeed a bit unhuman at the moment, but it is a bit far-fetched to say that he has the blood of the monster race. If it is accurate, then he is now his own blood.

No one else in the world.

A strange blood that combines the Xiang family's divine blood, the Qilin's divine blood, and its own blood.

The scales glowed with a strange light, which was extremely mysterious.

Chen Yuan said lightly:

"Now... is the real Daoist Asura!"

The outer door was shattered, it was Bai Niansheng who couldn't help but move his hand, and then, at a glance, he saw a black armored figure walking out of the dust, and when he saw it clearly, his eyes suddenly frowned and said:

"Which one of the hundreds of tribes in southern Xinjiang are you?"


Finally finished writing, a little tired.

I dare not say more about the others. In short, the password is in the comment area below.

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