I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 617: Thirty-sixth on the list, I occupy two seats exclusively!

Two and a half years is not long, nor is it short.

For some warriors in the upper three realms, two and a half years just passed by in the blink of an eye. The higher the cultivation level, the more so, and they have no concept of time.

Some martial artists at the top of the rivers and lakes may retreat for several years or even decades at a time.

And for some, two and a half years is a long time.

It can make a native chicken grow up completely and become the best soup.

It can also make Chen Yuan go from a meager body to the top of the rivers and lakes!

True gentleman!

As long as anyone can be crowned as a real king, it means that he has already stood at the top of the rivers and lakes, the difference is only higher or lower. For the common people and warriors at the bottom, such an existence is no less than a fairy god.

As far as one side is concerned, as long as there are no accidents, a real monarch and strong man can at least make the power rejuvenate for more than a hundred years.

Even if it is an inch of merit, the emperor is willing to spend a lot of money to raise it up and become a royal worship.

But for Chen Yuan, it was not enough!

His true monarch can only be regarded as a false true monarch, barely comparable to the true monarch who has just entered the Yangshen, and has not even reached the peak of refining gods. If he meets the top ten existences on the supreme list, his fate can actually be predicted.

Therefore, Chen Yuan was not satisfied, very dissatisfied!

The desire for higher-level pursuits is getting deeper and deeper.

Leaving other things aside, at least you have to reach the level of invincibility in order to breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the title Linmo Zhenjun, in fact, Chen Yuan didn't like it too much, he didn't resist it, and he didn't like it very much. He just regarded it as a vest similar to Shura Demon Lord.

In the future, when his real body is revealed to the world, he will have his own title.

Well, after careful calculation, he has already occupied two of the thirty-six positions on the Supreme Heavenly Ranking, one in the top five and one in the bottom five. If an outsider finds out about it, I don't know what kind of expression he will have.

The outside world is constantly speculating about Linmo Zhenjun, but no matter how they guess, they are only guessing whether it is a certain strong man who suddenly disappeared decades or even more than a hundred years ago. It is absolutely impossible to guess that Marquis Wu'an Chen Yuan body.

Of course, this is not absolute. If it is reported that the Qilin Demon is a god-refining cultivation base, there may be a few people who pay attention to his existence and speculate on it.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

What Chen Yuan is concerned about now is the movement of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan in Southern Xinjiang, and the other is whether Su Ziyue can break through to the realm of refining gods as soon as possible.

He peeled the old fox's skin, which is regarded as a death feud with the nine-tailed sky fox clan, one of the four great god clans, and he will inevitably end up immortal in the future.

However, the Human Race and the Monster Race are inherently at odds with each other, and they have accumulated thousands of years of grievances. Even if there is no such thing, once the Monster Race invades the Central Plains, or Chen Yuan goes south to attack the Southern Xinjiang Hundred Thousand Mountains, they will still turn against each other.

The only thing he was worried about was whether the Tianhu clan would retaliate against him in the near future to dispel the old fox's vengeance for skinning.

If that's the case, then he really needs to be more vigilant.

Lest you fall at the hands of a herd of brutes.

Thinking about it, Chen Yuan subconsciously turned his gaze to a certain location on the hillside of Qiyue Mountain, where Su Ziyue may be struggling to survive the catastrophe!

And these levels are not for others to help.

But he didn't have any big worries, not to mention that he had suppressed Su Ziyue a lot before, and there was no need to worry about his identity as the Taoist master of the Taoist Palace.

Mo Luo's vision is very high. Looking at the Taoist masters he selected, each of them has at least the qualifications of a true king and has extraordinary potential.

Existences like Jiang He and Chen Yuan have hope even in the Six Realms.

Hardly a mediocre person.

Not to mention Chen Yuan's cultivation talent far surpassing that of a genius, but just to mention Jiang He. Without Chen Yuan's comparison, Jiang He would be no less than one of the most dazzling geniuses of this era.

After more than ten years of suppressing cultivation and cultivating the sword, once it broke out, it directly surpassed the other Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace. Relying on its own powerful sword intent, it was forced to be at the peak of refining gods, and it was able to rival Samantabhadra Bodhisattva , and even hurt him with sword intent.

Absolutely genius.

After the Battle of the Imperial City, Jiang He relied on the elixir that Li Hongshuang obtained from Li Kuangxiu to help Jiang He recover from his injuries in advance, and also relied on his own background and experience in the Battle of the Imperial City.

Forcibly going through the calamity of Huayang, broke through the Yang God, and became the true king.

Jiang He rarely mentioned this matter, and Chen Yuan never asked, but the last time he saw Jiang He, he could feel a completely different change from before.

He knew that it was the Yang God!

Otherwise, how could Chen Yuan have confided his ambitions to Jiang He earlier, and how could Su Ziyue have asked Jiang He to help him first?

Just know his strength!

Jiang He is so strong, how can the other Taoist masters in Taoist Palace be vulgar?

Li Suqing is not a mortal in himself to become the Great Elder of the Goddess Palace. Yang Huatian, the evil ghost and true king, has made a great reputation in Nanzhou. A ten thousand ghost banner has shocked Nanzhou. He looks extremely old, but in fact he has already reached the level of refinement. The peak of the gods is just trapped before the Yangshen realm.

The talent of Chu Changfeng, the Taoist leader of the Underworld of the Demon Prison Gate, is second only to Chen Yuan and Jiang He. Like him, he has both qi and body training, and his strength is terrifying.

Not to mention the first person under the true king, it is definitely the existence of the first few.

By analogy, would Su Ziyue be an ordinary person?

Her talent is definitely the top in the world, she is pregnant with the blood of the nine-tailed celestial fox clan, and has the top-level kung fu Liuyu Immortal Sutra, but she is only a little older than Jiang He.

It can be calculated according to his lifespan, he is still very young.

Therefore, Chen Yuan felt that there was no need to worry too much about Su Ziyue breaking through.

And just as Chen Yuan thought, after a few days of adjustments, Su Ziyue has now reached the most critical moment, and the entire cave is no different from usual.

But her primordial spirit, at this moment, gave birth to a layer of fire of nothingness.

Similar to Chen Yuan's heart fire, this is Su Ziyue's heart fire, somewhat similar to bathing in fire.

In a daze, Su Ziyue seemed to see a smile on the corner of her mouth, walking towards her with a strange whip in her hand, and it seemed that her hands were bound and could not move.

In this way, after another day, I came to Jingtai Ninth Year, August 22nd, more than half a month has passed since Chen Yuan left Tangshan and rushed to Nanping Mansion.

After a few days of fermenting, the restlessness about Zhenjun Linmo began to gradually weaken.

After seven days, Su Ziyue finally stepped out of the closed door.

She broke through two days ago. At that time, the breakthrough was relatively difficult, and she really didn't want to come out. Even she herself didn't seem to understand what was going on.

However, in the end, relying on her own strong background, like Chen Yuan, she crossed the catastrophe of wind and fire, and formally broke through the realm of refining gods!

She just broke through and didn't leave immediately. She greeted Chen Yuan and began to stabilize her realm. She left the cave when she felt about the same.


Chen Yuan looked Su Ziyue up and down, and nodded slightly. Although the aura leaked out, there was no sign of instability, and there was an aura stronger than Yuanshen in his body.

So far, all the Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace have reached the state of refining gods.

"How's the situation these few days?" Su Ziyue walked to Chen Yuan's side, looking down at the scene below.

She is already a member of Chen Yuan, and the entire Su family is a dowry, so there is no need to see each other with Chen Yuan. If she really said something to thank, it would be a bit outsider.

"Everything is progressing steadily, the Su family." Chen Yuan explained what he knew.

"Where's Jiang He?"

"It's enough for me to stay here to protect the way. After he arrived that day, he returned to Qingzhou. You know, my actions in Tangshan cannot be separated from Jiang He's covering for me."

He is nominally the governor of the three southern states, but Qingzhou is not included. In order to prevent Qingzhou Zhoumu and others from being aware of the accident, Jiang He must keep an eye on them all the time.

If there is any evil intention, directly suppress the other party with the momentum of thunder, so as not to let this news spread to the capital and Jingtai's ears.

"Are you really going to rebel?"

Su Ziyue asked in a concentrated voice.

When helping her suppress Yuhuo before, Chen Yuan once mentioned it, and he always kept it in his heart.

In fact, Chen Yuan wanted to tell Su Ziyue a long time ago, but he couldn't contact her after leaving the capital. In his conception, Su Ziyue would definitely support him.

"It's not rebellion, it's to create peace for all living beings in the world!" Chen Yuan said with a righteous face.

"Hehe." Su Ziyue couldn't help laughing, but she didn't refute, and only a person with such a heart could hope to sit in that supreme seat.

"You know my life experience, once it reaches Jingtai's ears, I will almost die, so I must take the initiative to hold my fate in my own hands."

"How sure do you think you can be?"

"It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen. When things don't work out, no one can count. But if I don't have the slightest grasp, how can I have such an idea?"

"Jiang He supports you?"


"Where are the other friends?"

"They may be aware of my ambitions, but they haven't revealed it to them. Brother Chu Changfeng and fellow Taoist Yang Huatian may not support me."

"Where is Senior Moro?"

"Senior Mo Luo didn't follow any other Taoists in the Taoist Palace, but chose to follow me to protect my way, what do you think?" Chen Yuan turned his head to look at Su Ziyue and asked.

"As long as Senior Mo Luo supports you, the other Taoist masters will naturally support you." Su Ziyue knew of Mo Luo's prestige, and he was the one who built the Taoist Palace.

Pointing the weak Chu Changfeng, Yang Huatian and others to the current state, although they don't have the name of master and apprentice, they have the truth of master and apprentice. As long as Mo Luo is sure, Su Ziyue feels that none of them will refute.

"What I want is their willingness." Chen Yuan smiled lightly.

"And me?"

Su Ziyue frowned and asked back.

"You still need to ask?"

"Ask, it's better to take a formality."

"Okay." Hearing what Su Ziyue said, Chen Yuan's complexion quickly became serious, and he looked at her very seriously and asked:

"Purple Joy."


"help me!"



"it is good!"

Su Ziyue pursed her lips and smiled like a flower.

"You are different from other women. You are a real virtuous wife. I will entrust the power of the Su family to you. Besides, you have to take care of Tangshan for me."

Now that he's gone, it's natural to make Su Ziyue well.

Su Ziyue: "."

"I'm afraid you have already had this idea?"

Looking at Chen Yuan, she asked.

"Those who can do more work"

Su Ziyue's ability is naturally beyond doubt, not to mention now, even if the stall is bigger, Chen Yuan believes that she is also capable of managing the logistics for him.

It's not that Mrs. Xu is incapable, her cultivation base is not enough, and her ability to suppress those people below depends entirely on his own prestige, but even so, he also knows the evaluation of Mrs. Xu by the people below.

Its origin is a fatal weakness.

"If you hand over all these things to me, can those Yingying and Yanyan around you agree?" Su Ziyue gave Chen Yuan a blank look, but she had been paying attention to his situation.

Especially when it comes to women, I can't help but want to probe and probe.

He actually knows the women around Chen Yuan very well.

"You are a big woman, of course I will leave it to you."

"You said before that we are purely friends." Su Ziyue snorted softly, not looking at Chen Yuan.

"Fellow Daoist Seven Emotions, can you help me?"

"No help!"

"Zi Yue, help me."

Su Ziyue turned her head and glanced sideways at Chen Yuan for a moment:


Su Ziyue actually agreed a long time ago, otherwise she wouldn't have given him the power of the Su family. Now it's just a procedure, but it's also a necessary thing.

She completely joined Chen Yuan's camp, which meant that besides Mo Luo, half of the power of Taoist Palace was on his side, and the rest of them could only follow him unless they huddled together.

Moreover, Su Ziyue herself does have a lot of means. Compared with Jiang He's indifference to world affairs, Su Ziyue is completely different. With the more or less help of several Taoist masters, Su Ziyue has nominally controlled many The power that belongs exclusively to Dao Shrine.

Including the Su family, this gift is definitely not small.

At the most critical moment, Chen Yuan was given a big gift!

"Besides Dao Shrine, you should have some helpers, right?" Su Ziyue asked suddenly.

"Why do you say that?"

Chen Yuan frowned.


Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, and knew what Su Ziyue meant. He hoped that he would not hide it from her. Since then, they were one body, and immediately said in a deep voice:

"There are some in Tangshan. When you arrive, I will tell you all of them. Wei Jinfeng owes me a favor and will help me when necessary.

The head teacher of Taixu Palace, Tianxu Old Daoist, had talked with me several times, and wanted to return to the human world and put the treasure on me. "

"Also... I also have a real king's helper, who is hiding in the south, but his identity is relatively secret and special, and I will personally recommend it to you in the future."

Listening to Chen Yuan's narration, Su Ziyue was a little surprised, her pupils shrank slightly.

She knew that with Chen Yuan's personality, he would not only focus on the Taoist Palace, there must be other means, but after all, he has only risen for a few years.

Su Ziyue thought it might not be too much, but she didn't expect it to be so strong!

Wei Jinfeng didn't say anything, she had guessed before, but now it's just a verification, and a favor doesn't mean anything, and it's not certain whether she will help in the future.

What really surprised her was that Chen Yuan had something to do with the Taixu Palace who had been hidden for many years, and the other party also pressed the treasure on him, which was really unbelievable.

Doesn't this mean that Chen Yuan has been drawn into a fairy gate? !

Taixu Palace has retreated from the world for many years, and its strength will inevitably decline, but even if it declines again, it is still one of the top ten immortal sects in the world.

In addition, he actually has a real king's assistant hiding in the dark, no wonder he dared to have the ambition to seize the world.

Su Ziyue took a deep look at Chen Yuan.

She didn't know at all that Chen Yuan actually had such an ambition a long time ago, but he was just pretending all the time. Now that he has the strength to turn the table, he dared to say it unscrupulously.

"it is good"

Su Ziyue nodded, and was about to say something, when suddenly Chen Yuan raised his hand, frowning, as if thinking about something, and asked softly:

"What's the matter, what happened?"

Chen Yuan frowned and looked forward to the right, and said lightly:

"Someone is approaching, and it seems to be fighting."


Su Ziyue looked puzzled, but she didn't feel it.

"Come with me, let's see who it is!" Chen Yuan looked solemn, thinking that he was coming for him, grabbed Su Ziyue's shoulder, and stepped out into the void.

The two of them were highly cultivated, they didn't show a trace of aura, and they came to more than twenty miles away in a short time, but the scene presented in front of them made them both look weird.

Because, the movement caused here is not directed at Qiyue Mountain, it seems that it just happened to come nearby.

The scene presented in front of them was a blood-robed man fighting with a group of warriors, his body was full of murderous intent, the long knife in his hand was flying across the sky, and the light of the knife continued to erupt.

The blood-robed man with Tiandan cultivation was also facing the forces mainly composed of five Alchemy masters who formed a formation and besieged him. As for the blood on his body, it was left by other low-level warriors.

"It's interesting to fight five against one."

Chen Yuan watched for a moment and commented.

Although the five grandmasters who formed an formation to besiege the blood-clothed man had only one Tiandan master, the other four were all real pills, but a large formation with the help of many basalt masters was no less than three Tiandan masters besieging one person.

But the blood-clothed man did not fall behind with one against five. On the contrary, he was still desperately trying to fight a bloody path.

His face was full of anger, he didn't know what humiliation he had suffered, and he was full of madness.

"It's a good seedling."

Su Ziyue also nodded.

"What kind of forces are these people?" Chen Yuan looked at the people besieging the blood-clothed man and asked.

Su Ziyue took a few glances and replied:

"Looking at his clothes and martial arts moves, he should be one of the top forces in Nanzhou, Dongshan Valley."

Chen Yuan suddenly nodded. He had naturally heard of the power of Dongshan Valley. It was one of the top powers in Nanzhou.

However, perhaps due to its proximity to southern Xinjiang, Dongshan Valley's reputation is actually not very good. It can't be called a demonic way, nor can it be called a righteous way. It can be regarded as one of the forces that act more ruthlessly.

"Why, have you taken a fancy to that kid?" Su Ziyue watched the confrontation below with great interest.


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