I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 622: The Great Show Begins!

Among the three sons of luck, the best one to kill is Song Lun. If he misses this person, Chen Yuan will not be able to increase his strength again in a short time.

Now that the time has come, it is natural to do it!

Chen Huaiyi also seemed to have known that Chen Yuan would be this choice for a long time, so it didn't seem surprising. He came out this time to discuss with him how to kill Song Lun at that time.

"Do you have any other helpers?"

It is extremely dangerous for Chen Yuan to enter this kind of battle by himself.

He still doesn't know that Chen Yuan is the Lin Mo Zhenjun who was famous in the world not long ago and was on the Supreme List, and he still thinks that his strength is still at the level of refining gods.

"Of course there is, and there is another true king who will follow me." Chen Yuan did not hide it, revealing his true strength.

"That's good."

Hearing Chen Yuan's words, Chen Huaiyi let go of some burdens. With his assistance, Chen Yuan's strength is not weak.

Of course, the person who actually did the work and took on most of the pressure was the Lord of the Seven Killing Palace.

After all, Liang Shan's strength is not weak, and there may not be other twists and turns at that time.

Afterwards, the two of them discussed carefully. After a few days of hands-on, they anticipated many possibilities. In the end, Chen Huaiyi still mentioned Chen Yuan:

"If there is an accident at that time, don't be obsessed with killing Song Lun, save your life!"

Chen Yuan is the hope of their Chen family, and his hope to destroy the Xiang family. With such a talent at a young age, his future achievements are truly limitless.

Don't say Yangshen Zhenjun, even if he is an immortal of the Six Realms, Chen Huaiyi feels that Chen Yuan has this potential.

If it wasn't for Chen Yuan's persistence to kill Song Lun, in fact, he didn't want Chen Yuan to take risks.

"Second uncle, don't worry, I will grasp the secrets." Chen Yuan is not really confused, he is naturally inclined to life and chance.

If something really went wrong then, he would naturally not be reckless.

"That's good." Chen Huaiyi nodded, then took a deep breath and said:

"How's Qingyan?"

With his methods, he naturally knew that Yu Qingyan was in Tangshan Fucheng at this moment, and wanted to ask about the current situation.

"Qingyan is still very good now, and I have revealed some of the relationship between me and her, and her reaction is not very big."

"The marriage"

"She didn't agree to this matter. In fact, no matter whether Qingyan is with me or not, with my second uncle here, I will do my best to protect her."

Chen Yuan solemnly made the promise.

"This matter. It's up to her own choice." Chen Huaiyi has thought a lot since he went back last time, and he won't care too much about Qingyan's marriage.

If you really resist, there is no way.

However, what he doesn't know is that the relationship between Chen Yuan and Yu Qingyan has actually been shortened a lot, but it's just because of the relationship between cousins ​​and her status as the senior sister of Goddess Palace.

If Chen Yuan had been tougher, he would have followed suit.

However, Chen Yuan's mind is not on her now, there are too many things in front of him now, and there is no shortage of a woman, so he will not focus on her in a short time.

"I see."

"Okay, I've already told you what happened today. Let's meet in Liangshan in five days. Well, if anything goes wrong during this period, I will notify Yu Ni in advance."

"Thank you, Second Uncle."

"Family, don't talk about thanks." Chen Huaiyi waved his hands, not paying attention, Chen Yuan is now a member of their Chen family, and even his own nephew. If you don't value him, who does he value?

If he had known that Chen Yuan was not dead, he would have gone to look for it.

Simply won't wait until now.

After finishing speaking, Chen Huaiyi gave a few more instructions, turned around and left this place, and when the void subsided, this place returned to the previous silence, and there was no sign of anyone coming.

Chen Yuan thought for a while, took out the book from heaven and contacted Jiang He:

"Are you there?"

Jiang He: "???"

"After five days, kill Liangshan and kill Song Lun."

"it is good!"

After deciding to do something, Chen Yuan was no longer prepared to hesitate, and spent several days recharging his energy, waiting for the day when Song Lun would hold a birthday banquet for him.

Since it was handed over to Su Ziyue, all the affairs of Tangshan Mansion have been handled very well. Coupled with Mrs. Xu's assistance, the efficiency is far higher than before.

With the general development framework given by Chen Yuan, none of the people below dare to slack off.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Peilu, the former warrior who charged for love, has also come to Tangshan, and has not changed his appearance, and still maintains his current name.

It's just going from the bright place to the dark place.

Waiting for the promise made by Chen Yuan, to kill Wu Ying one day in the East Valley and kill Wu Ying, who suffers from everything but not tormented, so as to dispel the hatred in his heart.

In the past few days, the rivers and lakes have been very calm, and there are no major events that shake the rivers and lakes. As for the south, many people are focusing on the battle between Liangshan and the Seven Killing Palace.

Although there are rumors that the Palace of Seven Kills intends to back down, many people feel that this news is not accurate. Anyway, the Palace of Seven Kills is also one of the top ten immortal sects that have been passed down for thousands of years, and Liangshan has only developed for more than a hundred years. His strength is not easy, let alone forcing back the Palace of Seven Killers.

If there is no strong killing intent that shakes the Jianghu, the foundation of the Hall of Seven Kills will be gone.

Therefore, many people thought that there must be a battle between Qishadian and Liangshan in a short period of time, and the winner might completely control most of the blood state from then on.

For this reason, the birthday banquet of Song Lun, a white-clothed scholar of Liangshan University, also attracted much attention.

Song Lun didn't want to make a fuss, but many forces in the south still sent a congratulatory gift. Not to mention building a good relationship, at least Liangshan will really rise in the future, and maybe he can also recite this incense.

There was no problem with Jiang He. When Chen Yuan told him through voice transmission that he was ready to do something, he had already made all the preparations. He announced the closed-door training at Qingzhou Xuntian Division, and he came to Tangshan Fucheng secretly.

On this day, Chen Yuan left early without greeting anyone except Su Ziyue, secretly left Tangshan Fucheng with Jiang He, and headed towards Xuezhou.

On this day, the gate of the Seven Killing Hall of Blood State.

In the strange palace in the secret realm, a man in black robe wearing a ghost face was seated on all the seven seats representing Yan Luo in the Hall of Seven Kills. Behind him, a prismatic spar lit up.

This is the soul lamp that belongs exclusively to the Palace of Seven Kills. Once Yan Luo falls, the soul lamp will go out.

The foundation of the Hall of Seven Kills is very strong. Although Yan Luo only has seven seats, sometimes there are more real people in the Huayang realm, and there are also several gold medal killers below who have reached the peak of Tiandan, and they can be used at any time. To break through.

Just like now, the new runner Yama has taken over.

Among the three lists of heaven, earth and people established by Dengxianlou, the list of people and Qianlong has the highest gold content. As for the list of places and the list of heaven, sometimes they are not accurate.

After all, there is not a fairy gate that will not hide some strength for itself. If all of them are leaked out, what will happen once the enemy forces find out the strength?

In the main hall, the seven seats also represent the strength of their Yan Luo.

The Lord of the Hall of Seven Kills lives in the middle, and Chen Huaiyi, the second uncle of Chen Yuan, the King of Chujiang, lives on the left hand of the Lord of the Hall of Seven Kills, which shows his status.

Almost all of them have become the masters of the second hall, but unfortunately, only the master of the palace can know the true strength of the Seven Killing Hall. Although he has a relatively high status, he actually doesn't know much more than other Yamas.

He also couldn't figure out the true strength of the Palace of Seven Kills, so he was always cautious.

"Tomorrow is the day of Song Lun's fall. The two Yan Luos will sit at the gate of the mountain, and the rest of Yan Luo will go to Liangshan with the master of the hall!" The master of the Seven Killing Hall said lightly.

"Hall Master, Liangshan has more than 100,000 troops, and there are many strong men and large formations protecting the mountain, you..." Yan Luo hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help asking.

He didn't refute the meaning of the palace master, but wanted to know some inside information, so that he could feel more at ease, otherwise, it would be a bit risky to go straight up.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other Yamas also followed suit.

The Lord of the Seven Killing Hall said:

"This seat has already planned for this matter. A small Liangshan will not make me timid in the Palace of Seven Kills."

Earlier, he really wanted to suspend fighting. After all, the Xiang family was behind Liangshan, and he was always a little afraid of this unfathomable Xiang family.

But Xiang Qianqiu, the contemporary patriarch of the Xiang family, approached him and told him that he also hoped that Song Lun would die. After the two tried, they temporarily formed a fragile alliance.

On the day of the birthday celebration, the entire Liangshan formation will be invalidated, creating time for him, and at the same time, a group of elite troops will be transferred away.

In order to win the trust of the Lord of the Seven Killing Palace, the two also made an oath.

At this point, the Lord of the Seven Killing Palace was willing to take action. Of course, he didn't fully believe Xiang Qianqiu's words, and felt that there were secrets in it. However, his methods were not that simple.

No matter how dangerous it is, he is sure to be able to escape unscathed.

And once Song Lun was killed, Liangshan's momentum would be interrupted. From then on, he would no longer be able to compete with the Palace of Seven Kills. Even if it was because the Xiang family could not be destroyed, they would only be inferior to the Palace of Seven Kills.

Also, Xiang Qianqiu also told him that there will be helpers to do it together.

He doesn't count on these things, what he can really rely on is himself, his strength in the top ten of the supreme list, looking at the world, he is not afraid of anyone except the immortals of the six realms.

The mere Song Lun and Lu Guangsheng are still not in his eyes.

Seeing that the hall master really had a back hand, Yan Luo in the hall was relieved, and began to discuss the matter of preparing to do it tomorrow.

At this time, Liangshan was already getting ready.

For the 120th birthday party of the head of the family, no one dared to make a fool of himself. All the preparations have been completed, and we are only waiting for tomorrow's auspicious day.

In the Juyi Hall.

Song Lun, the head leader, looked calm, Lu Guangsheng, the second leader, was expressionless, and the other leaders of Liangshan, like Fan Ying, the blood axe, were all smiling.

This birthday is also a disguised display of Liangshan's strength.

Although Liang Shan was unwilling to make a fuss, many forces in Blood State and even the entire south sent congratulatory gifts, recognizing Liang Shan's current status.

They are the leaders who are in charge of the family, so they are naturally honored.

At least few people dared to shout out the words 'Liangshan bandits' in person.

"Are you ready for the next thing?" Song Lun's eyes swept over several people one by one.

"Don't worry, Master, those comrades who came to celebrate their birthdays have already been arranged, and many congratulatory gifts have been counted and sent to the warehouse."

Some forces are too far away, so naturally they will not arrive by such a coincidence, and naturally they will arrive a few days earlier. As the host, Liangshan must make arrangements.

Otherwise, it would be Liangshan's face that would be lost by spreading the word.

Of course, those who rush to celebrate their birthdays are generally not too powerful, and those who really have the cards usually arrive at Liangshan in a pinch.

"The big formation has been opened, if someone who doesn't open their eyes comes to make trouble, they will definitely not be able to get out!" Lu Guangsheng also opened his mouth immediately, with a smile in his eyes.

"Well, at this time there is a second in charge, Song is naturally at ease." Hearing this, Song Lun smiled lightly, and there was a smile in his eyes, but no one noticed that there was a slight undetectable flash in it. chill.

"This big birthday will definitely increase my reputation in Liangshan. I think there will be more comrades from all walks of life who will come to work in the future." Some people smiled happily and felt relieved.

Since the establishment of Liangshan, 80% of the masters have been recruited from outside. Most importantly, there has never been a time of rejection, and it is the first choice of many warriors.

At present, Xianmen and many top forces in the rivers and lakes hardly recruit Loose Cultivators. The world's Loose Cultivators naturally want to find a backer, and the appearance of Liangshan is almost equivalent to being born at the right time, and the development is naturally fast.

"Okay, okay, okay" Song Lun said three times in succession, seeming very satisfied.

Chen Yuan, Qisha Hall, Liangshan, Xiang's family, the imperial court, and many other forces are secretly preparing for the day when Song Lun celebrates his birthday.

In a blink of an eye, it was the second day.

Liangshan opened the mountain gate to welcome his comrades in the rivers and lakes, and it was quite lively for a while.

In the lake outside, hundreds of warships were in formation, tens of thousands of elite soldiers were fully equipped, and red silk was hung on the boats. Those who didn't know thought it was great joy.

At this moment, Chen Yuan was hiding in the void, secretly watching the scene below, and was going to wait until the people from the Hall of Seven Kills showed up before starting to attack!


No matter how I write, I don’t have much energy. This update will start with 3,800 words, and I will fill it up in a few days. I will think about it carefully, thank you for your support!

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