I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 624: Daoist Palace Linmo Zhenjun!

(Chapter 622, The Xiang family is exposed in the previous chapter, click on the table of contents to see it)

"Your Majesty is the true son of heaven, with a broad mind, he has pardoned all our brothers in Liangshan, no longer have the sins of the past, Song Lun is not talented, I only hope that all brothers will go on the right path and serve the country.

Even if the infamy is left behind through the ages, Song Lun will bear it all! "

Song Lun faced the leaders of Liangshan below without changing his face.

But the answer was silence.

It was like dead silence.

Because what Song Lun said was a bit too shocking. Liang Shan is a rebel, even though he has not yet raised the flag of righteousness to show the rebellion of the frame.

However, it has recruited heroes from the rivers and lakes and trained nearly 200,000 soldiers and horses. Its reputation has already spread all over the world, and almost everyone thinks that it will rebel one day in the future.

But now, he is preparing to serve the imperial court openly.

Is Song Lun crazy? !

This was the first thought in everyone's mind, and the second thought was about the Xiang family of the former Chu royal family.

In the past, many forces in the rivers and lakes felt suspicious of Liangshan's origin, and felt that it was just a small cottage, how could it develop to the present state in just a hundred years.

It turned out that the person behind it was the Xiang family!

This makes sense.

However, to put it in perspective, many people still feel a heartfelt disgust for Song Lun. The Xiang family supported him and gave him status and strength, but now they have sold the Xiang family.

Song Lun is not authentic.

The second master, Lu Guangsheng's face froze, and he clenched his arms under his sleeves tightly. He and the patriarch had already guessed that Song Lun might have some ideas, and even colluded with each other, so they thought of a way to prepare to kill with a knife, and killed Song in advance. Lun.

To avoid exposing the Xiang family because of this, they never imagined that Song Lun would directly disclose this matter to the public.

Damn it! ! !

Chen Yuan and Jiang He showed strange expressions on their faces. They felt that today's scene was really interesting. They thought that Song Lun was behind the Xiang family, and if they wanted to kill him, they would confront the powerful members of the Xiang family.

But he didn't expect that Song Lun turned out to be a young man who secretly betrayed the Xiang family and colluded with the court.

The eyes of the guests in the inner courtyard gathered frequently, exchanging their opinions, some were curious, some were contemptuous, and some were watching the excitement, wanting to see how the day would end.

Will there be civil strife in Liangshan?

The rivers and lakes and the imperial court have been in opposition since ancient times. Song Lun's move almost abandoned his identity as a martial artist in the rivers and lakes, and wanted to go all out in exchange for the identity of a "court eagle dog".

Will the people in Liangshan really agree?

This trip was not in vain!

"What do you guys think?"

Song Lun looked at the leaders of Liangshan below with no expression on his face.

There are three reasons for declaring his attitude today. First, he noticed from Lu Guangsheng's many small actions that the Xiang family might want to attack him. Naturally, he couldn't sit still, so before the birthday banquet, he temporarily changed his plan.

Otherwise, according to his previous plan, he still wanted to play tricks between the Xiang family and the court, and use the power of the court to gradually eradicate the power of the Xiang family.

The second is that his backhands are already strong in the imperial court. Once they make a move, it doesn't really matter whether he declares that he is going to the imperial court or not. Others will regard him as a court eagle.

That being the case, why not take the initiative to declare your attitude?

Even if it is a horse bone in Qianjin City, Jingtai will not let him have an accident after the incident. Moreover, after he gets rid of Lu Guangsheng and the eyeliner planted by the Xiang family in Liangshan, he will have the strength of nearly 200,000 soldiers and horses and many Huayang real people How can we not gain a foothold?

As for really submitting to the court?

That's just talk, his own goal is to stand on his own in the blood state, and gradually accumulate strength in the name of the court, so that he may not have a glimpse of the ninety-five supreme position in the future!

The third is to use this to deter the Hall of Seven Killers. If the Hall of Seven Killers can be forced back in the name of the court, Liangshan can be completely controlled today.

So what if Xiang Qianqiu is still watching in secret?

He Xiang Qianqiu is the Yang God, and Song Lun is also the Yang God!

He Xiang Qianqiu is powerful, and he Song Lun is also powerful!

Xiang Qianqiu has means, but Song Lun doesn't?

Why should you be trapped under him!

He admitted that Xiang Qianqiu, as the head of the Xiang family, has miraculous means, but no matter how strong he is, isn't he also a true king who dare not show his face? With all the true kings present, the Xiang family can still be destroyed!

As long as the Xiang family is destroyed, he will be able to obtain a large number of spiritual objects in an instant.

The Xiang family, which has been passed down for thousands of years, still has a lot of savings even if the country is destroyed. This can be seen from Xiang Qianqiu's ability to support such a huge Liangshan.

It's a pity that Song Lun doesn't know Xiang Qianqiu's true strength, he only knows that he is unfathomable, but he really has no idea how strong he is.

After all, he never seemed to move his hands.

This is not just him, even the imperial court, guessing that no matter how strong Xiang Qianqiu is, he is only in the top ten of the supreme list, so what is there to be afraid of?

If it was really as strong as the second leaf in the world, Xiangnan, wouldn't it be a long time ago?

And somewhere in Liangshan thousands of meters away, Xiang Qianqiu, who was hiding his breath, heard Song Lun's words, and a deep killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Song Lun made the Xiang family public, and the Xiang family, which had been concealed for hundreds of years, could no longer be hidden in the dark. It was bound to come to the fore because of this, and the Sima family would also intensify their attacks on the Xiang family.

It can be said that Song Lun broke a big deal!

Many of his plans may be advanced today.


Xiang Qianqiu has already made preparations to make Song Lun's life worse than death, and let everyone know the consequences of betraying the Xiang family, and his whole family will have to pay the blood price for it! ! !

In front of the Gathering Hall, the atmosphere was deadlocked for a while.

Blood Ax Fan Ying was the first to react and shouted in a low voice:

"Fan only listens to the words of the boss, whoever dares to disobey, I will cut him off!"

"Fan Ying, don't be rude. Song Lun is just looking for a way out for the brothers. Whether you want to or not depends on what the brothers think." Song Lun scolded in a deep voice.

But when he glanced at the few people below, there was already something strange.

Most of Liangshan was under his control, from the leader to the leader. He felt that as long as he opened his mouth, responders would gather.

Although Lu Guangsheng has been in Liangshan for many years, his foundation is still too shallow under his precautions.

In fact, it seems to be the case. Many people below are struggling with their eyes, and they already want to follow the head of the family to submit to the court.

Many of them were indeed happy in the Blood State, but most of them were from other state capitals, and they defected to Liangshan when they were desperate. Now that they have the opportunity to clean up their crimes, it is naturally a good thing.

However, some people frowned, unwilling in their hearts.

These people are different from most people. They are all disappointed with the court, or have formed a deadly enmity with the people in the government, and they only want to overthrow the court.

"Song Lun, is this what you want to say?" The Lord of the Seven Killing Hall smiled lightly at this time, which seemed to be a little mocking.

"That's right, what do Brother Seven Kills think? Liang Shan actually has no intention of being an enemy of the Seven Kills Palace. In the future, Liang Shan will submit to the imperial court, and even form an alliance with the Seven Kills Palace to deal with the Heavenly Demon Palace together."

Song Lun said sincerely.

"You, a villain who betrays his master and seeks glory, is also worthy of an alliance with this seat?" the master of the Seven Killing Palace asked coldly.

Although what happened today was beyond his expectations, it was not a serious problem. He already knew that Liang Shan had something to do with the Xiang family, let alone what Xiang Qianqiu had promised him.

The most important thing is that if Liang Shan submits to the imperial court, the Seven Killing Hall will be an enemy of the imperial court if he takes action again. Now he has no intention of doing so, and must solve this problem early.

Otherwise, the Blood State would no longer be stable, and it would affect the foundation of the Seven Kills Hall.

"Brother Seven Kills means that we must fight today?"

"You are also worthy of fighting with me? Since you have informed the court in secret, there will be strong men from the court hiding in the dark today, so why go around in circles and just let them come out!"

The Lord of the Seven Killing Hall said in a deep voice.

Song Lun focused his eyes and said with a smile:

"Okay, since that's the case, then Daoist Qisha's wish will be fulfilled. Mr. Gu, Mr. Li, fellow Daoist Sima, let's show up and see you!"

As soon as Song Lun finished speaking, a layer of mysterious flames instantly ignited in the void beside him, like a talisman. Immediately afterwards, the three figures turned from emptiness to reality.

It was Gu Tianqiong, the Duke of Wei, Li Kuangxiu, the Duke of Zhen, and an old man in a yellow robe with a white hair and a childlike face.

Three true kings!

The people present were shocked for a moment, and the sound of gasping was endless.

These three True Monarchs are not just ordinary True Monarchs. The old man with white hair and childlike face is excluded for the time being. The names of Gu Tianqiong, the former governor of the Sky Survey Department, and Li Kuangxiu, the former Marshal Li Kuangxiu, are well known.

Many people present recognized him, and they were even more horrified by Song Lun.

In the same way, the same is true for Chen Yuan. Before he came, he never thought that the court would intervene. Today's scene will become so big. Counting him and Jiang He, there are ninety-nine Yang Gods alone today. bit!

Even in the previous battle of Liangzhou City, there had never been so many real kings and strong men showing up. Song Lun really hid deeply!

Moreover, the strength of the Sima family is not that simple.

Song Lun just said something about Fellow Daoist Sima, and it was almost no surprise that the old man with white hair and childlike face was the hidden real monarch of the Sima family!

There seemed to be some treasure on their bodies, and their aura was well concealed.

Of course, the main reason is that Chen Yuan was so scruples that someone would notice him, so he never let go of his spiritual thoughts.

The corner of Song Lun's mouth curled into a smile. His purpose today is not just to control Liangshan, but to take advantage of the trend to destroy the Xiang family. How can there be too few strong ones?

These people have already brought strange treasures, as long as they capture Lu Guangsheng, they will be able to search for him, and when they find the hiding place of the Xiang family, his future troubles will be completely wiped out.

"Three True Monarchs, Song Lun, what you hide is very deep!"

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist of the Seven Kills, if you retreat now, you and my family will be safe and sound, otherwise, the Seven Kills Hall may also be removed from the name!"

"Song Lun, you treacherous villain, don't stop talking!"

Suddenly, Lu Guangsheng, the second head of Liangshan, scolded angrily, and he, who had received Xiang Qianqiu's voice transmission, no longer held back at this moment, and stood up frowning:

"Song Lun, if you want prosperity and wealth, you can go to the imperial court. Why did you drag my Liangshan brothers into the sea of ​​fire? The Xiang family? Hehe, in order to submit to the imperial court, you have a good excuse. Lu has been in Liangshan for so long. Why have you never heard of the Xiang family from the previous dynasty?!"

"Brother Lu, have you really never heard of it?"

Song Lun stared at him.


No matter how much Song Lun said, it was just empty talk. People outside may believe it or not, but as long as Song Lun is killed, then this is not important.

Now that the Xiang family has been exposed to the eyes of the court, they can cover it up if they can, and if they can't cover it up, they don't cover it up. If the court really sends troops to come, the Xiang family will not be afraid of it!

"Hehe. It's okay, after searching for God later, you will naturally know."

"Arrogance, Song Lun, you've betrayed everyone, you'd better die early." King Chu Jiang also said at this time, although he felt comfortable with Song Lun's rebellion against Xiang's family, he also hated him for taking refuge in the court.

"Seven Kills True Monarch, it seems that you and I have never fought against each other, why don't you try it?" Gu Tianqiong stood with his hands behind his back, and stepped out, his whole body exploded with anger in an instant, approaching the Palace Master of Seven Kills.

There is too much nonsense, if you want to do it, do it, why bother with so much nonsense?

"The king of Chujiang, the commander-in-chief, has heard of your name for a long time. Today, I will try the water of your Seven Killing Palace, and settle the past grievances by the way!" Li Kuangxiu didn't talk nonsense, and directly challenged Chen Huaiyi.

In front of him, a giant ax as black as ink was condensed in his hand.

The old man from the Sima family didn't talk nonsense at all, his figure turned into an afterimage, and he went straight to Lu Guangsheng, trying to suppress him on the spot!

Without even saying a serious battle, the three true kings from the imperial court came up and started to fight directly. They didn't give Song Lun too much face, which made his face a little ugly.

"Just rely on you old man!" Lu Guangsheng shouted angrily, a light flashed in his hand, and a nine-section tower appeared in his hand, exuding a powerful aura, and directly suppressed it.


The ground shook instantly, and there was a roar. Several Liangshan warriors around him were annihilated by this blow. As for the other guests, they had already started to retreat after the three true kings of the imperial court showed up.

With so many true monarchs confronting each other, even the aftermath is not something they can bear.

Furthermore, death is death in vain!

The family and sect will not stand up for them.

"Kill the bastards from the Palace of Seven Kills, Liangshan is still Liangshan!" Fan Ying, the blood axe, was the first to respond, and without waiting for others, he directly found a Yan Luo from the Palace of Seven Kills and started to do it.

Two of the other Liangshan leaders followed suit. They were all Song Lun's confidantes, like Guan Hai, the Demon Sword, and Fan Ying, the Blood Axe. They had long surrendered to Song Lun, and their interests were consistent with his .

Other than that, there were still two Huayang real people left, but they didn't act rashly, they looked at each other, and decided to check the situation first before talking about anything else.

They were all very dissatisfied with the imperial court and were unwilling to surrender. At worst, they would leave Liangshan to stand on their own in the future.

At this point, the real confrontation begins! The battle of the six true monarchs, the battle of the six Huayang real people, the scene is not insignificant.

The true king of the Sima family is surrounded by thirty-six Dinghai beads, which are the treasures used by the previous fourth ancestor. After his fall, they were temporarily handed over to him.

Gu Tianqiong held the Heavenly Weeping Sword, which was similar in style to the Yanling Sword, and a huge sharp force rushed straight to the Lord of the Seven Killing Hall, and the confrontation began.

"Okay, then I'll try the methods of the Chief Superintendent of the Sky Survey Division!" Surrounded by a strange killing intent, the Master of the Seven Killing Hall held a rusty iron sword in his hand and stabbed straight at Gu Tianqiong.

The confrontation between the top ten in the Supreme Ranking was naturally very terrifying. The black clouds in the sky were instantly shaken away, and the terrifying air movement turned thousands of feet around into a desperate situation.

In the confrontation of other powerful people, one must even avoid their edge.

Seeing that the battle had begun, Chen Huaiyi saw a blood-colored divine bow appear in his hand, he pulled the bowstring directly, the air mechanism locked on Li Kuangxiu, and when an arrow was shot, the world changed.

Li Kuangxiu's complexion changed slightly, he was a little dignified, the heavy ax slashed straight down in an instant, and a sharp force that seemed to cut open the world fell down.


The roar of the explosion exploded, and the void was like waves on the surface of a lake.

In a short period of time, it seemed that the battle could not be ended, but everyone knew that the balance of victory was actually tilted towards Song Lun, because he was still present in the field!

It is not a trivial matter that a true monarch emerges from Yu.

No matter which battlefield it enters, it can give one side overwhelming power.

And his goal is precisely Lu Guangsheng, the second in charge of the Tota King, or Xiang Guangsheng, the elder of the Xiang family!

As long as he is suppressed, this battle will be over. He can take over the power of the imperial court, control the entire Liangshan in an instant, and search out the current hiding place of the Xiang family from his soul.

Afterwards, the four true kings came and completely eliminated the Xiang family!

It stands to reason that when one's own side is at a disadvantage, both Lu Guangsheng and the master of the Hall of Seven Kills should have a dignified expression, but neither Lu Guangsheng nor the master of the Hall of Seven Killers wearing a mask is panicked.

Because Xiang Qianqiu hasn't made a move yet!

Lu Guangsheng had blind trust in Xiang Qianqiu. He vaguely knew that the head of his family was no less powerful than the top ten on the supreme list, and the master of the Seven Killing Palace had tested Xiang Qianqiu not long ago, but the result he got was horrifying in his heart.

Because this person seems to be on a different level from him, otherwise, how could he agree to Xiang Qianqiu's condition so easily to come and kill Song Lun?

As long as Xiang Qianqiu makes a move, if Song Lun has no other means, then they have only four ways and one way.

No one except Chen Huaiyi and Xiang Qianqiu knew that there were actually two strong men hiding in the dark near Liangshan.

"Do you want to do it?"

Jiang He asked via sound transmission.

"Of course you have to do it!"

Chen Yuan didn't know that Xiang Qianqiu was nearby. In his opinion, this was the best chance to kill Song Lun and weaken the court's strength. If he missed it, he might never have a good chance to kill Song Lun again.

It is even impossible to wait and see, otherwise, once the Palace of Seven Kills loses, it will also miss the best opportunity.

He put a mask prepared in advance on his face, and said with a light smile:

"The Dao God Palace Linmo Zhenjun appeared, I think it will surprise everyone!"


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