I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 626: True Monarch Melee! Blood spilled in the sky!

"Why the hell are there still people!"

At this moment, Song Lun only wanted to scold in his heart, so what?

When did he provoke the existence of the Taoist Palace, did he need to use the two True Monarchs to attack him? He also specially made him relax his vigilance.

It simply doesn't talk about Wude!

It's just that it's obviously too late to say these things at this time, the sword intent that soars to the sky has been brewing for a long time, and as soon as he makes a move, the sky and the earth change color and come straight towards him.


The turbulent sword qi came to him in an instant with the hidden sword intent. Song Lun got angry and retreated immediately, but his speed couldn't keep up with the sword qi.


The sword energy passed through his left chest, leaving behind an indelible sword intent, which made him feel uncomfortable all over, and he had to mobilize his strength to block the erosion of the sword intent.

"Damn it!"

Song Lun's face was extremely livid, and there was a hint of redness in the corner of his mouth. His eyes were fixed on a certain direction behind him. When his divine sense moved, streams of light burst out instantly.

There were waves in the void, and Jiang He, dressed in white and wearing a mask on his face, walked out slowly, raised his hand with a sword, and shielded himself in front of him, blocking Song Lun's attack.

"Who are you!"

Song Lun shouted angrily.

A Lin Mo Zhenjun who ranks more than 30 in the supreme list, he thinks he can deal with it, at most it is a little difficult to deal with, but compared with him, there is still a huge gap.

But now there was another sword fairy, which shocked him.

If there is no one to help, I am afraid his end will not be good.

"Tao Shrine, Heavenly Sword!"

Jiang He's voice was very ethereal, like a god, and his whole body was shrouded in a sense of extreme sharpness. If it was not visible to the naked eye, it would even be regarded as a divine sword.

"Naturally, Song did not offend Taoist Shrine, so why do you insist on chasing me?" Song Lun stared at the so-called Tianjian Zhenjun and Linmo Zhenjun vigilantly.

There was some bad premonition in my heart.

"Is there any reason to kill you?"

Jiang He said coldly.

And the movement of his appearance was also noticed by the other opponents at this time. The master of Seven Kills, Chen Huaiyi, Lu Guangsheng, Sima Che, Gu Tianqiong, Li Kuangxiu, and the six Huayang real people who were fighting, all joined in at this time. Come look.

The master of the Seven Killing Palace showed a suspicious look on his face, and took a deep look at Chen Yuan, as if he didn't expect Song Lun to offend Dao Shrine so ruthlessly.

There was still a true king hiding in the void, who inflicted heavy damage on Song Lun at the most critical moment. Although the sword did not kill Song Lun, it definitely made him feel uncomfortable and his strength would definitely be limited.

If the two True Monarchs continue to join forces to attack him, it is absolutely impossible for him to survive.

The most important thing is that no one knows if there are any hidden powerhouses now, regardless of Xiang Qianqiu, everyone in the world knows that there is a terrifying Master Shura in Dao Temple.

This person also appeared for the first time in the previous royal family ancestor worship, but as soon as he appeared, he easily killed a true emperor of the royal family with one enemy and two. The other masters left the capital, their strength is not weak, and they were directly ranked in the top five of the Supreme Rank by Deng Xianlou.

Such a terrifying strong man has not yet appeared, who can be safe?

Compared to them, the three real monarchs on the court side were even more horrified and inexplicably angry. They felt that Song Lun was really an idiot.

To have provoked the Taoist Palace at such a critical period, today's plan is very likely to be completely ruined.

The silence around them was just a stalemate for a few moments, and after that, there was a more terrifying confrontation. After the previous conversation, no one said anything more now.

Dao Shrine's action at this time has already expressed its attitude.

On the contrary, Gu Tianqiong and Li Kuangxiu knew the pros and cons of it, and they were already gradually approaching here, wanting to share some pressure for Song Lun. Song Lun was related to the stability of the imperial court and must not die.

As long as Liangshan is attached, not only will the court's strength increase, but its reputation will also skyrocket, and the previous undercurrents may be suppressed because of this.

In the same way, if Song Lun is destroyed, the blow to the court will be very great.

If you can't even keep the power to serve the imperial court, how can you stay stable?

It will only make the court more turbulent, and make those people with evil intentions more determined to rebel. With such a heavy balance, Song Lun must not be allowed to have trouble.

However, they could see clearly, and so could the Palace Master of Seven Kills and others.

The Hall of Seven Kills is the dark side of the Jianghu, and they rarely appear openly, but this does not mean that they are neutral. On the contrary, the chaotic situation in the world is more beneficial to them.

Not to mention the Xiang family. The members of the Xiang family who have been dormant for more than two hundred years are always thinking about ZTE's great Chu and promoting chaos in the world.

If things are done well today, not to mention that the world will fall apart immediately, but it is definitely a fuse, and the chaos in the world may start from today.

Thinking of this, how could Lu Guangsheng let the old ghosts of the Sima clan disturb the Taoist Palace?

"Damn! Damn!"

Song Lun cursed furiously in his heart, and his face was extremely ugly.

But no one cared about him. From the moment Jiang He appeared, Chen Yuan's murderous intent towards him had reached its peak. When Jiang He said that sentence, he started to strike without any hesitation.

Every punch can shake the heavens and the earth, make the lake turn upside down, the void twist and sag, vividly showing the most powerful side of his physical body.

He mainly attacked from the front, while Jiang He unleashed his killing intent and edge from the back, and the sword energy turned into a long river, ready to wipe Song Lun completely here.


Song Lun roared angrily, and the hair that was originally tied up in a bun, was now under the siege of Chen Yuan and Jiang He, but it was broken up in a moment, and it became a disheveled look.

Looking extremely embarrassed, at the same time, his body also began to emit bright red.

It's normal, nothing more than normal.

If Chen Yuan or Jiang He were alone, it would be absolutely impossible for him to be so relaxed. After all, not long after Jiang He entered the Yang God, Chen Yuan was still far from even the Yang God.

Fighting alone is definitely not the top 20 Song Lun's opponent on the supreme list.

It's just that there is no way to be brave and fight alone. Now they have the advantage, of course they choose to fight and don't leave any chance for Song Lun.


Chen Yuan's eyes were full of divine light, and the turbulent samadhi fire swept across the world. The scorching temperature made the lake water below evaporate quickly. When it enveloped Song Lun's body, he was terrified and resisted it with means.

He is well aware of the power of the magic flame. Once it is contaminated, it will be like a maggot on the tarsus, and it will take a lot of money to expel it.

"Gu Gong save me!"

Song Lun roared, judging from the current situation, he could only last half an hour at most, or even more, and under the threat of death, he felt a little scared in his heart.

"Go away!"

Gu Tianqiong slashed horizontally, and the sky and the earth changed color. The terrifying blade light seemed to cut open the sky and the earth. Its power made even the Seven Kills Hall Masters unwilling to confront it head-on.

Among those present, Gu Tianqiong was still the most powerful, and once he broke out, if he hadn't been fighting against the Seven Killing Palace Master, no one would be able to stop him for a quarter of an hour.

Forced to retreat the Lord of the Seven Killings, Gu Tianqiong stepped forward without any hesitation, and traversed thousands of feet. The dazzling and terrifying sword light fell from the nine heavens and cut Chen Yuan straight.


Facing his former boss, Chen Yuan also shouted angrily, urging him to resist with all his strength, but unfortunately, all his methods were dissolved, even resisting.

Chen Yuan, who had already expected this, retreated immediately and did not confront him head-on, but the knife still made his chest swell, and his gaze towards Gu Tianqiong also flashed a trace of unusual dignity.

Peerless True Monarch, so terrifying!

It is worthy of establishing the existence of the Sky Survey Division with one hand, but it is a pity that they are not all the same after all. Although Gu Tianqiong once supported Chen Yuan, once his idea of ​​rebellion is known to Gu Tianqiong, he will kill Chen Yuan without hesitation. .

He is a direct subordinate of Jin Taizu, and he is loyal to him. Now he is a prince with a different surname, and he and the Sima family are actually a community of interests.

There is no possibility of surrender.

The same is true of Jiang He's father-in-law, Li Kuangxiu, so Chen Yuan never thought of getting closer to Gu Tianqiong, nor did he think of using Li Hongshuang to talk to Li Kuangxiu.

Because he knew it was impossible!

"The thief of the Taoist Palace, the imperial court has been arresting you for a long time. Since you took the initiative to send it to your door today, don't blame me for sending you on the road!"

Gu Tianqiong shouted in a cold voice, a terrifying aura began to rise around him, and a huge and terrifying dharma figure with hundreds of feet quickly condensed.

Like a giant in this world!

"Come if you dare!"

Chen Yuan didn't talk nonsense, the huge unicorn avatar ignited raging flames, and agreed to condense a flaming image, standing side by side with it, but the aura was much weaker.

With a movement of Jiang He's divine mind, the infinite sword energy temporarily avoided Song Lun, and with a terrifying and powerful sword intent, he went straight to Gu Tianqiong. He knew that if Chen Yuan was targeted by Gu Tianqiong, let alone killing Song Lun today, he would be able to kill Song Lun. Not dying is a good thing.


The phantom behind Gu Tianqiong punched out, and the vitality of the world with a radius of thousands of feet was instantly emptied, directly suppressing Jiang He.

"Old thing, when this seat doesn't exist?"

The cold and stern face under the mask of the Lord of the Seven Kills suddenly changed, and the rusty iron sword in his hand shone with unprecedented light, followed by a ray of extreme death.

At the same time, a voice sounded in his ear:

"Seven kills fellow daoist, kill Gu Tianqiong, I will give you a great opportunity!"

"Xiang, if you make a move, the confrontation is over now!" The Lord of Seven Kills knew that Xiang Qianqiu was actually nearby at this time, but he just didn't show up, and just sat and watched them fight, it was really a chicken thief.

If he couldn't give in, he would have left now.

"It's not as simple as it seems on the surface. I'm afraid these people still have backhands. I can't show up unless it is a last resort. You have the trump card that can severely damage Gu Tianqiong. Coupled with the siege of other people, there is a lot of hope to kill him. Before I agree to your conditions, and I will never break my promise." Xiang Qianqiu promised.

The Lord of Seven Kills snorted coldly:

"This is the existence of the top ten on the supreme list, the pillar of the imperial court, the pillar country of the Sima family has to add money!"

"Yes, as long as you can kill him!"

Xiang Qianqiu said in a deep voice.

The terrifying sharp air locked Gu Tianqiong, making it impossible to avoid it, like a chain, ready to envelop it, Gu Tianqiong instantly sensed an extreme danger, his face changed immediately, and he urged to blast out with all his strength.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the world, shocking countless people. The center of the confrontation seemed a little unstable at this moment, as if the void was about to be blasted away in the next moment.

Gu Tianqiong felt a tightness in his chest, and felt a deep murderous aura penetrated into his body, staring fixedly at the iron sword in the hands of the Seven Kills Palace Master:

"What method is this?"

"The means to kill you."

The Lord of Seven Kills had no intention of explaining, and continued to fight.

Although what I said just now is very good, in fact Gu Tianqiong is not made of mud, how can it be so simple to kill him? It's not that simple to be in the top ten of the supreme list, not to mention, Gu Tianqiong's ranking is two nouns higher than him on the bright side.

That's not everything, but it's pretty extraordinary.

"Kill Song Lun first!"

Seeing that the Lord of the Seven Killing Palace had restrained Gu Tianqiong again at this time, Chen Yuan did not join hands with him, but quickly set his target on Song Lun again.

As long as he is killed and two more True Monarchs emerge, the confrontation will come to an end, and vice versa.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill Gu Tianqiong, but compared to Song Lun, Gu Tianqiong is more difficult to deal with. Even if he joins, he can't change the victory. He can only use all means to resist the opponent's full blow, let alone Said it was killed.

Song Lun is not the case, his strength is limited.

"it is good!"

Jiang He's answer was still as simple as before. Together with Chen Yuan, he quickly turned the gun and condensed streams of nihilistic sword energy in the void. With a movement of his divine sense, the sword fell like rain, covering the world!

"court death!"

Li Kuangxiu and Chen Huaiyi on the other side were also at a fever pitch at this time, they struck out with one axe, blocking the terrifying arrows in front of them, their eyes were a little aggrieved.

He was suppressed here at this time!

If he was close, the battle would definitely not be so deadlocked. Moreover, during the fight, he still faintly felt that the methods of the opposite King Chu Jiang were somewhat familiar, which was really suspicious, because this was the first time he had fought with Chu Jiang from the Palace of Seven Kills. Meet Jiang Wang!

"Who are you?!"

Li Kuangxiu asked in a concentrated voice.

Chen Huaiyi didn't answer, but still bent his bow and set his arrows, one after another of terrifying divine arrows shot out continuously, and at the same time there was a wave of primordial spirit hidden in it.

Li Kuangxiu had also fought against his father at that time, and it was normal to feel familiar, but he hadn't used the real Chen family's unique skills, otherwise, his identity would be exposed in an instant, so he could only delay it for as long as possible.

Now the balance of victory in the battle is already tilting towards them. As long as Chen Yuan kills Song Lun, it will be difficult for these true emperors of the court to leave.

On the other side, Sima Che was also trying his best to get out of the battle and rush to help Song Lun, but even though he was seriously injured, Lu Guangsheng still didn't slack off, fighting Sima Che desperately with red eyes.

The confrontation between the two sides intensified, and the movement here was no less than a natural disaster, and it made many onlookers feel horrified, and quickly retreated their positions.

So as not to be affected by the aftermath of the shifted battlefield.

"Today's battle will definitely shake the whole world!" Someone couldn't help exclaiming.

"Yeah yeah!"

None of the people around refuted it, and most of them agreed. It was obvious that they, who were watching the battle, thought the same.

"Nine True Monarchs! The Four Great Powers! It's been so many years since there has been a confrontation of this level." An old man's eyes were full of horror.

The Palace of the Seven Killers of the Immortal Gate, the mysterious Taoist Palace, the famous Liangshan, and the most terrifying imperial court are all fighting together at this time.

The birthday gift given out is definitely worth the fare.

Of course, some people saw something different and couldn't help sighing:

"I'm afraid, the world is really going to be in chaos!"

Since the fall of the Great Chu and the founding of the Great Jin, the world may not say that there has been peace for a long time, but there are not many battles between true emperors, and there are only a handful of them in the past two hundred years.

But in recent years, there have been frequent wars. The battle of the imperial city, the battle of Liangzhou, and the current battle of Liangshan are all wars that can affect the trend of the world.

It all happened in this short period of one year, so it will naturally make people think too much.

"It seems that we have to make preparations early, so as not to disappear in the troubled times"

"The world is in chaos, the rivers and lakes are flourishing, and the people are suffering!"

"The Sima family doesn't seem to be able to hold on for too long." Some people understood that even if the imperial court won today's battle, it would be difficult to maintain peace in the world.

Many forces have already ignored the imperial court and brazenly started war with the imperial court. Once this opening is opened, the arena who have endured for a long time will only become more crazy.

"Which side do you think will win?"

"It seems that the Palace of Seven Kills is going to win."

"There are no absolutes, don't judge yourself."

"Winning or losing is important now, but if you look at the world, it's actually not that important. Oh, it's really not in vain today, but it's a pity for other fellow Taoists, watching the battle was affected, and they ended up dying."

There are quite a few warriors in the rivers and lakes watching, making in-depth comments on the current confrontation and the future situation of the world. Even though their strength is low, they can't stop them talking about national affairs.

It is also one of the great joys of life.

On the other hand, the other battlefields were alright, and each had the upper hand, but there was only one battlefield that was about to end, and this battlefield was the battlefield between Chen Yuan and Song Lun.

When Chen Yuan and Jiang He broke out and did not hold back, Song Lun was in a very miserable situation at this time, his clothes were torn, his body was cut with scars, and dark red blood continued to flow out.

The aura on his body also began to gradually weaken, and there was no other way except for his eyes to glow red with anger, completely gone from the high-spirited scene of Liang Shanda before.


Song Lun couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of old blood, and a frightened look flashed in his eyes.


On the other side, Fan Ying, the blood axe, temporarily forced Yan Luo from the Palace of Seven Kills to retreat. Seeing Song Lun's misery, his eyes instantly turned red, and a burst of anger filled his heart.

"I killed you!"

With a roar, Fan Ying instantly burned his blood, his momentum rose steadily, and he stepped out with a big ax in his hand, slashing towards Chen Yuan.


Chen Yuan glanced at him coldly, and the real fire of samadhi swept out instantly, enveloping Fan Ying in it

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