I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 634 The first step in the bloodbath of Shuzhou!

For Ouyang Zhi, Chen Yuan now has some trust, but he didn't tell him that the God-control Gu has been unlocked, so it's good to keep the current situation.

"Er, what Father Hou said is true."

With Chen Yuan's warning before, Ouyang Zhi no longer dared to call Chen Yuan his father, but in his heart, he still regarded him as his father.

It's not that he is really perverted and willing to accept a younger than him as his father.

Rather, it was due to Chen Yuan's current status.

At the very beginning, Ouyang Zhi was really reluctant and felt that this was a great shame. Not only did his mother recommend himself as his pillow mat, but the Ouyang clan's family-inherited magic weapon fell into his hands, and he was forced to call it his father to save his life. .

It is impossible for anyone to be willing.

However, no one expected that the changes in this world would come so quickly.

In less than two years, Chen Yuan first climbed to the top of the Qianlong list, shocking the world, and then got out of hand, defeated the geniuses of Dongpu, and was named Wuwei.

Now, with his monstrous achievements, he has become the youngest Marquis of Wanhu in the history of the imperial court!

He is in charge of the three states in the south, and his cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds, suppressing the southern rivers and lakes.

With Huayang's cultivation base and monstrous power, no matter how many people are eager to please him, he can become his only adopted son. Even though his reputation is not very good, but in front of real benefits, some face is nothing at all.

He would love to call him father now.

If the world changes drastically in the future and Chen Yuan rises to another level, wouldn't he also be able to ascend to the sky, and truly revitalize the already declining Ouyang clan?

Therefore, after his mother summoned him, he immediately put down everything in his hands and came to see him. In addition, he asked his father to do him a favor

It was because of this that he thanked him just now.

With the support of Cang Bing Valley under Chen Yuan's secret huge resources, Zang Bing Valley is no longer what it used to be. It has gathered casting masters, and its prestige has now resounded throughout the rivers and lakes of Shuzhou.

Not only that, but the Tibetan Bing Valley is also garrisoned by alchemy powerhouses, who have already monopolized the land of the prefecture.

But as the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind, and the power of the Cangbing Valley expands, which will naturally cause some people to covet it, but because of Chen Yuan's power, no one dares to act.

But it is different now. A top sect in Shuzhou seems to need to build a batch of treasure soldiers and spirit soldiers because of the unstable situation, but the price is not high.

And Zang Binggu was building soldiers day and night for Chen Yuan's soldiers, so he couldn't handle it, so he directly refused, so he offended that top force.

Threatening directly, if they can't build what they want in three months, it will make Cangbingu unable to stay in Shuzhou.

There is already a heart to do it.

Therefore, this time Ouyang Zhi not only came to see Chen Yuan, but also wanted to ask for help.

Chen Yuan naturally wants to keep the Valley of Tibetan Soldiers, and it is impossible to give up a large number of weapons to the top forces. He originally wanted to destroy some aristocratic families and sects in Shuzhou to search for resources.

Isn't this just delivered to your door now?

"It just so happens that you have nothing to do recently, so you can go to Qianren Mountain with me!" Chen Yuan stood up and said in a deep voice.


Following Chen Yuan's order, the Shuzhou Sky Survey Division immediately assembled, and the golden envoy Lu Renyi did not dare to neglect at all, and he also took Ouyang Zhi to leave for Shuzhou!

Among the parties in the Central Plains, the west is not outstanding and has a low sense of presence. Because of the threat of barbarians for hundreds of years, the north has not many forces in the world, and its resources can only be regarded as mediocre.

Only the east and the south can really be regarded as the essence of the land.

The east is adjacent to the East China Sea, which is rich in products, and there is the world's largest city, Wudi City, which is very prosperous, but Wudi City monopolizes more than half of the resources in the East China Sea, leaving only soup and water to other forces.

But the south is different. To be honest, there are four states in the south, that is, Qing, Shu, Xue, and Nan. A hundred flowers bloom here. More than half of the five great families are here. , occupying nearly half of the top fairy gate, coupled with its vast territory and large population, it is a truly fertile land.

Otherwise, Chen Yuan would not have been thinking about going to the south to accumulate strength.

And Qianrenmen is an ordinary top power in the southern rivers and lakes. It is said that he is top because there is a Huayang real person sitting in his mountain gate, and he is ordinary because in the south, a Huayang real person is really real. It's nothing.

At most, it can only deter an area, but it is not really the top.

Chen Yuan never put it in his eyes.

Shuzhou is now regarded by Chen Yuan as his own home, and when the world is about to be in chaos, he has long intended to clean up the rivers and lakes of Shuzhou, search for resources for his own use, and see if he can meet his son of luck.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Yuan started.

He was still thinking about what kind of excuse he would use to do it, but now that Qianrenmen came to his door on his own initiative, how could he not happily continue?

There are no truly good people in the Jianghu, there are only standpoints, even the evil way and righteous way are the same, which Jianghu forces do not have blood on their hands?

If killing is really discussed, it is just killing harm for the people!

The strength of Qianrenmen can be regarded as top-notch in Shuzhou, the master of the sect has the cultivation of gods, and the elders of the alchemy realm below are on par with the Qingyun Sword Sect in Qingzhou. They have abundant resources, but they are not as good as Chen Yuan. far away.

And at this moment, Qianrenmen might never have imagined that just bullying and intimidating Cangbinggu brought disaster to himself!

Inside Qianren Gate.

Chou Qianchi, the head of the sect, sat in the main hall of the mountain gate with a serious face, frowning tightly. He had just left the customs today, and he learned what happened a few days ago from an elder.

Xie Kunshan, the elder guarding the mountain, actually had a conflict with Cangbingu, threatening that if Cangbingu did not follow Qianrenmen's wishes, they would not be able to stay in Shuzhou any longer!

How stupid!

The former Tibetan Army Valley has long since declined, but it only relied on the incense of Shushan to gain a foothold in Shuzhou. If it was threatened, it would be threatened, and it dared not say anything.

But, is it still the same as before?

Who is the owner of the Valley of Tibetan Soldiers?

It's Ouyang Zhi!

Who is his mother?

It was Xu Wenxiu, the number one beauty who was once famous in Shuzhou.

Then who is her man?

It's his mother who is now famously fierce, Chen Yuan, Marquis of Wu'an who is the governor of the three southern states!

Can it be easily provoked?

Don't you see the fate of Guangming Temple in Qingzhou?

After Qiu Qianchi heard about it, he immediately felt uneasy. At the same time, he also noticed something wrong with years of experience. He always felt that there was a conspiracy in it.

Qianrenmen is a pawn!

Immediately, he ordered someone to summon Xie Kunshan to ask for clarification and see if it could be redeemed. He didn't want to be a fool with Chen Yuan.

"Sect Master, Elder Xie is here!"

The disciple at the door said in a low voice.

"Let him in!"

Qiu Qianchi said with a gloomy face.


Soon, Xie Kunshan, who was dressed in a blue robe and had a red complexion, walked into the hall, and saw the gloomy-faced sect master at a glance. He frowned involuntarily, but quickly disappeared, bowed and smiled:

"Master, have you left the customs?"

"Hmph!" Qiu Qianchi stared at Xie Kunshan with a gloomy face and asked:

"Kunshan, what happened in the Cangbing Valley?"

"Tibetan Army Valley?" Xie Kunshan frowned, pretending to smile and said:

"Why did such a small matter alarm the sect master?"

"Tell me the truth"

Xie Kunshan's eyes flickered, and he said quickly:

"Master, the disciples are doing what you want. Didn't you say that you need a group of precious soldiers and spiritual soldiers to deal with the unexpected situation in the future?"

"This seat made you have a bad relationship with Cang Binggu?"

"Sect master, you don't know, that Ouyang Zhi is too arrogant, he doesn't pay attention to my Qianren Mountain, not only doubles the price, but also unwilling to build soldiers for my Qianren Sect, threatening threats.

If the disciple quits, wouldn't it damage my prestige of Qianrenmen? "

Qiu Qianchi laughed back in anger, pointed at Xie Kunshan and said:

"So, these are all ordered by me?"


"Bang!" Qiu Qianchi shattered the armrest beside him with a palm, and said in a concentrated voice:

"Do you know who is behind Cang Bing Valley?"

"It's the Marquis of Wu'an."

"You know you and dare to provoke you?"

"The head of the sect calmed down, it's really not that the disciple deliberately suppressed it, but that Ouyang Zhi went too far, relying on Chen Yuan, he didn't pay attention to my Qianren sect.

It is tolerable or unbearable! Even if Chen Yuan is famous all over the world, even if he is the governor of the South, he can't go too far, disciple. The disciple just said a few harsh words, but he didn't actually do anything."

Xie Kunshan quickly explained, with an innocent look on his face.

Qiu Qianchi narrowed his eyes, and a cold light radiated from his body:

"Is that really the case? Or is it that you are avenging your own personal revenge and want to push my Qianrenmen to a place where there will be no redemption!"

Not long ago, the Battle of Liangshan that shocked the world just happened, the situation in the whole world is undercurrent, and there may be chaos in the world one day.

Is this the time for resentment?

Maybe if one is not careful, it will touch the sore spot of the court. He asked his subordinates to buy a batch of weapons for future planning, but he didn't name them to go to the Valley of Hidden Soldiers.

In the whole of Shuzhou and the whole south, there is more than one family of Zangbingu!

"Why did the sect master say that? This disciple is loyal to you and has absolutely no intention of framing Qianrenmen." Xie Kunshan immediately knelt on the ground on one knee, hoping that Qiu Qianchi would see clearly.

"Do you think I don't know your little thoughts? Back then when Xu Wenxiu was a widow, you were thinking about it. Now that she has become Chen Yuan's woman, don't you have any grudges?"

"This disciple definitely doesn't have such thoughts. Since Xu Wenxiu's woman has already belonged to someone else, how can I be a disciple like that thief Chen is a good wife?"

Xie Kunshan quickly explained, but he seemed to be relieved after hearing Qiu Qianchi's words.


A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Qiu Qianchi's eyes, and he grabbed it with one hand, and the vitality of the surrounding world was instantly emptied. Xie Kunshan on the ground was suppressed on the spot, and he directly grabbed his neck, and asked with a sinister look:

"What I said just now, is just that I am deceiving you. You really have something strange, saying... Who is the person behind you, and what do you want Qianrenmen to do?"

"No, disciple. There is no one behind me." At this moment, Xie Kunshan seemed to have been exposed the secret, his heart tightened, and he subconsciously panicked.

"You think I don't know if you don't tell me? Under the soul search, you can't keep any secrets. If you confess now, I can spare your life, otherwise"

Originally, Qiu Qianchi didn't believe that Xie Kunshan would be tricky. At first, he just thought that he was doing things improperly, but he could clearly perceive the flustered look and change of breath just now.

It is absolutely certain that Xie Kunshan's act of oppressing Cangbing Valley is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

"The disciple has no two hearts, even if the sect master searches for the soul." Xie Kunshan's inner core was suppressed, and his face was a little red under the tremendous pressure.

"Alright, alright, alright, then I will fulfill you!" Qiu Qianchi said three good words with his gaze fixed.

But before he could make a move, a faint voice suddenly came from outside Qianren Mountain:

"Qiu Qianchi, get out and lead him to death!"

The voice was indifferent, but it contained a sense of killing, which made Qiu Qianchi's heart startled suddenly, and he felt a faint feeling that something was wrong. He had already guessed who the person outside was, and his face immediately darkened.

As soon as he left the customs, Chen Yuan came.

To say that this is just a coincidence is absolutely impossible!

"If Qianrenmen suffers a loss today, your Xie family's lineage will be expelled!" With a cold snort, Qiu Qianchi grabbed Xie Kunshan and stepped out, and he came to the vicinity of the mountain gate in an instant.

At the same time, the disciples of the entire Qianrenmen also knew that there was a strong enemy coming, and they put down all the things in their hands, and rushed to the vicinity of the mountain gate with weapons in their hands, preparing to resist foreign enemies.

Rays of light flickered straight into the sky, and the mountain protection formation opened.

Outside the mountain gate, nearly a thousand patrolling guards looked indifferent, holding the handles of their swords one after another, and arranged them neatly in several formations. The leader was Lu Renyi, the Jin envoy of Shuzhou, and several deputy envoys, and Chen Yuan was standing in the void with Ouyang Zhi among.

"Father, why didn't you do it directly?" Ouyang Zhi looked suspicious, and the group of them solved all the mountain patrolling disciples outside Qianren Mountain.

It didn't alarm anyone at all, and it was completely possible to catch the other party by surprise, but Chen Yuan stopped before finally making the move, which is really weird.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's a robber if you do it directly." Chen Yuan replied.

"Then now"

"Now. It's this Marquis who got the secret information. Qianrenmen colluded with the monsters of the Wusheng Sect to eliminate harm for the people and make meritorious service for the court!" Chen Yuanping said, looking forward.

Ouyang Zhi: "."

Hundreds of feet away, there were waves of waves, and the master of Qianrenmen, Qiu Qianchi, stepped out carrying Xie Kunshan, and saw the young man in front of him at a glance.

Although he looked young, his aura was not weak at all, and he guessed who this person was in an instant.

Today's Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, Chen Yuan, the Divine Envoy of Xun Tian Si Tian Zi!

"But Lord Chen, the Marquis of Wu'an, in person?" Xie Kunshan was restrained by his vitality, and Qiu Qianchi raised his hand in a salute. Although his eyes were a little cold for this person's direct knock on the door, there was a smile on his face.

"It's the official!"

"I don't know why Mr. Chen brought so many sky patrolling guards to my Qianren Mountain? But what did he do wrong?" Qiu Qianchi laughed.

"You know exactly what I am here for, why do you want me to list them all?" Chen Yuan clasped his hands behind his back, with an extraordinary air.

"This..." Qiu Qianchi's eyes flickered, and finally he smiled embarrassingly. He felt that Chen Yuan was too disrespectful, and he could say anything in private. The door is also badly damaged.

It's just that it's too late to think so much at this time, he straightened his face and continued:

"The reason why Mr. Chen came here, the old man also has some guesses. It should be the elders of the sect oppressing Cang Binggu, but there is something else hidden in it. I hope Mr. Chen will find out."

Chen Yuan's power is too strong, and Guangming Temple is destroyed in front of him. It can be said that he is under the eaves and has to bow his head. Even if he is a veteran of the world, he can't match the prosperous Marquis Wu'an.

Before that, he originally wanted to find a middleman to make peace, so that he could not only turn the war into friendship, but also save the face of both parties.


Chen Yuan's gaze suddenly turned to the suppressed Xie Kunshan, and Ouyang Zhi did the same. There was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes. He still remembered the arrogant and domineering attitude of this person before, but he didn't expect that he would be so lazy after seeing him for a few days. up.

"Before the old man retreated, he felt that the situation in the world was unstable recently, so he asked the disciples below to forge a batch of spiritual weapons and precious blades, but Xie Kunshan went directly to the Tibetan Army Valley, so it seemed simple to form a conflict. , It’s also my Qianrenmen’s fault, so can’t Mr. Chen’s ingenuity see anything?”

Then, before Chen Yuan could say anything, he continued:

"The old man knows the reputation of Marquis Wu'an, how could he not know who is behind Cang Bing Valley, and how could he provoke him without any injustice, to tell the truth, Xie Kunshan deliberately created these for his own self-interest.

Therefore, the old man speculates that there may be a hand behind this secretly trying to stir up a feud between our two families, and then take advantage of it. If Mr. Chen doesn't believe it, you can search for this person's soul, so you can know it at a glance! "

Chen Yuan sneered, he wasn't really reckless, how could he fail to see that there were some problems in it, but it was both important and unimportant at the same time, because he himself was going to bloodbath Shuzhou to lay the foundation for the future.

Ouyang Zhi on the side heard the words, and immediately told Xie Kunshan's resume, and deliberately mentioned that he had pursued his mother, but he was rejected.

Chen Yuan nodded, his expression unchanged, raised his hand to stop Qiu Qianchi from continuing, and said:

"Master Qiu Clan thought it was a misunderstanding. This official has nothing to do with Cangbingu. How could he use it for private purposes, and go against Qianren Clan for the sake of a power in the world?"

Qiu Qianchi breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Chen Yuan had also heard the danger, so he gave himself a step down, and immediately cupped his hands and said:

"In fact, there is something wrong with Qianrenmen in this matter. What Xie Kunshan said before was just a random nonsense. It does not represent Qianrenmen. The old man is willing to compensate Cangbingu until the owner of Ouyang Valley is satisfied."

"No, you didn't understand what I mean. I came here today because I have sufficient evidence to prove that you, Qianrenmen, colluded with the Wusheng Sect demon to plot rebellion.

Come here to destroy your door! "

Qiu Qianchi: "???"

"Master Chen, you"

"That's enough, don't say any more, now that the evidence is convincing, all of you from Qianrenmen will be executed as a warning to others!"

Hearing what Chen Yuan said, Qiu Qianchi was also a little angry, and immediately asked in a cold voice:

"What about the evidence?"

The corner of Chen Yuan's mouth curled into a slight smile:

"My words are evidence!"

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