I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 637: Unify Dao Shrine!

Jingtai was very annoyed, he wanted to kill Chen Yuan at this moment, he just didn't take him seriously, he dared to make trouble at such a time.

The words are sincere, but the ambition is obvious!

Now Jingtai only regrets that he didn't stay in the capital at the beginning, but no one expected such a big change in Liangshan in just a few months!

As a result, his plan failed and the prestige of the court was greatly damaged.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

Cao Zhengxian, who was on the side, saw Jingtai showing anger, and couldn't help asking.

He is the emperor's personal guard, and he will be by his side almost most of the time, and most of what Jingtai does will not be hidden from him.

Jingtai took a deep breath, and threw the folder in his hand to Cao Zhengxian for him to read.

After receiving the booklet, Cao Zhengxian's eyes quickly scanned it. When he saw that Chen Yuan had made an arbitrary decision to start a huge slaughter in Shuzhou, Cao Zhengxian was also taken aback.

It seems that Chen Yuan didn't expect Chen Yuan to dare to confront the imperial court now!

What a guts!

He has also seen that Chen Yuan is not a person who has lived under others for a long time. He does things viciously and viciously, but he wants to flaunt his own justice and establish a huge reputation for himself.

The emperor positioned him as a knife and the emperor's eagle dog.

But his situation is completely different from that of Hawk Dog!

Obviously, after the incident, he gradually separated himself from before.

"Your Majesty, Chen Yuan's move may also be a test for the court." Cao Zhengxian hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

He has a personal grievance with Chen Yuan, but now is obviously not the time to settle the personal grievance, and it is necessary to consider the whole situation based on the interests and position of the court.

"What do you think should be done?" Jingtai took a deep breath and gradually suppressed his anger.

"I think Chen Yuan can't be moved now." Cao Zhengxian continued.

"Huh?" Jingtai seemed a little surprised, and glanced at Cao Zhengxian, but he knew that there was some grievance between Cao Zhengxian and Chen Yuan, and his adopted son was beaten half to death in public.

There is an indelible grievance between the Imperial Supervision Division and the Xuntian Division, although it was all caused by his single-handed planning.

"When Chen Yuan left the capital, he was like a bird spreading its wings, unstoppable, and now he is sealed off to the south by His Majesty, he is a great official in the eyes of the world.

Not to mention whether it is possible to send people to suppress this person, if we only do something to him, I am afraid Shuzhou will usher in chaos in an instant, and the whole body will be affected by one hair. Once this happens, Your Majesty must prepare for chaos in the world.

Also, for Chen Yuan to jump out at this time, there may be someone behind him giving instructions, otherwise, with his cautious personality, even if he had other thoughts, he would not be such a young bird. "

Cao Zhengxian informed Jingtai of all his inferences and suggestions in one breath.

Taking action against Chen Yuan now is tantamount to telling the world that civil strife has begun in the imperial court, and people will see weakness at a glance, and it is really hard to predict what will happen.

"You mean to make me endure?" Jingtai stared at Cao Zhengxian.

"The minister feels that the most important thing is to focus on important matters. Although Chen Yuan jumped out at this time, he is only a pawn. The outside world should not know the current specific attitude of the court.

Moreover, His Majesty's plan will take some time. Besides, perhaps Chen Yuan does not have the heart of rebellion, but the forces in the world are too arrogant and have repeatedly challenged the court's bottom line, so he decided to remove some people. "

Cao Zhengxian pondered for a moment, then continued:

"It's actually a good thing for Chen Yuan to do something."

"how you said that?"

"In the battle of Liangshan, the imperial court was defeated, and the powers in the rivers and lakes were more and more thoughtful, but they couldn't have the slightest tolerance in the face of these mobs. The more they tolerated, the more arrogant they became, and the more determined the imperial court was weak.

It seems that it is also a good thing to suppress some people with a tough stance and show the court's attitude. "

Jingtai frowned, and then slowly relaxed it, knowing that what Cao Zhengxian said was actually reasonable, the Sima family's foundation was in the state capital near Zhongzhou.

All kinds of forces in the south are intricate and intertwined, and even Buddhism can't get in. Naturally, the imperial court's control there is not strong. Let it go, or even survive with a broken arm, which is what he predicted before.

It's just that, being regarded as an ant's pawn with high hopes, he didn't listen to his orders at the most critical moment, and had his own ideas and even other thoughts.

Jingtai felt furious!

It's a pity that he can't do it now. Once he does, it will cause unpredictable consequences. He is seeking stability now, and there will be opportunities to punish this person in the future!

"Let people pass the decree, that is to say, all the proposals of Marquis Wu'an, I will agree, let him do things carefully, and not to kill wantonly, but for those rebellious officials and thieves, we still have to destroy their entire family and punish the nine clans!"

"Also, the people below gave him a reward, spirit wine, tea, and medicine, to let him know the court's intentions."

Jingtai clenched his fists under the sleeves, and decided to wait until his plan was successful, and then summoned Chen Yuan to relieve the trouble in one fell swoop. If he didn't come, the real king of the court would come!

"Your Majesty is wise!"

The reason why Chen Yuan wrote such a memorial to Jingtai was that he was sure that even if Jingtai was angry, he would not reprimand him at this time, or even take him down.

This is the current situation in the world.

As long as Jingtai is not prepared for a day, he will not treat people outside, even if he is angry in his heart, he will wait until the end to solve them one by one.

And the reason why he did this is naturally to want a teacher to be famous!

He didn't do things by himself, but for the imperial court and under the emperor's order. Even if he was pulling hatred, he was doing it for Jingtai.

In this way, when he rises up in the future, he can put all the blame on Jingtai.

It doesn't matter whether many people believe it or not, the important thing is that he, Chen, is innocent, and he is trying his best to oppose the imperial court's attack on Jianghu

And he made such a big commotion, the outside world will definitely pay attention to it, instead of being passive, it is better to become active, anyway, Jingtai is preparing, and he is also preparing.

Just look at this time race, who can run faster!

And just when Chen Yuan sent away the memorial and was about to wipe out all the powers in the rivers and lakes in western Sichuan and other places, many of his actions were also noticed by other Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace.

On this day, except for Mo Luo who was still sleeping, the other Taoist masters all started group chats.

Chu Changfeng: "Fellow Daoist Asura has made a big move recently."

Yang Huatian: "That's right, even if the old man is hiding his whereabouts, the reputation of fellow Daoist Asura's iron-blooded killings has been heard in his ears recently."

Su Ziyue: "Hehe."

Li Suqing and Jiang He went online, but did not express their opinions.

Chen Yuan knew that this was Chu Changfeng and others expressing their views on his current situation, as if they were probing, and they did not hide it immediately, directly expressing their attitude.

"Fellow daoists are all trustworthy people, and they also know that the current situation in the world is already unstable, and preparations must be made in advance. Chen will not hide it from everyone. I have ambitions and want to achieve great things!

There are ten great immortal sects in the thirteen prefectures of the Central Plains. The strength of our Taoist Palace is no less than that of the immortal sects, and it is time to formally announce our attitude to the world. "

Chen Yuantu saw it poorly, and officially announced to them that there were seven Taoist masters in Taoshen Palace, Jiang He was his good brother, and he had already expressed his attitude. Mo Luo also admired him and once said that he would help him.

Su Ziyue was her woman, and if he was included, there would be four Taoist masters on their own, accounting for more than half of the Taoist masters in the entire Taoist Palace.

The rest are only the attitudes of Chu Changfeng, Yang Huatian and Li Suqing.

"What big event does Fellow Daoist Asura want to achieve?" Chu Changfeng asked after being silent for a moment.

The rest of the Taoists remained silent.

"Fellow daoists know this well, so why bother to inquire to the end? One of the main purposes of Senior Moluo's creation of the Taoist Palace was to counterattack Lingshan.

But some of you also know that there is no hope for us to destroy Lingshan. Just on the surface, Lingshan has four great Bodhisattvas, eighteen arhats, tens of thousands of monks and soldiers, and thirty-six kingdoms in the Western Regions as wings. What's more, Lingshan is the only one among the top ten immortal sects that shows that Buddha is in charge.

There may be immortals in other immortal sects, but most of them are hidden. It is conceivable that if Lingshan's self-confidence is to be destroyed, it must first gather the power of the entire Central Plains.

And in the whole world, there is only one seat for those who have the ability and reputation to call on the powerful in the world, and that is the position of the emperor of the ninety-five supreme. Simply put, I want to be the emperor! "

Chen Yuan's tone was even and fast, but at the same time, there was a strong sense of self-confidence.

Today is different from the past. Chen Yuanzhi's strength has become the top three in Dao Shrine, second only to Mo Luo and Jiang He. Although Chu Changfeng is strong, he should not be his opponent at present.

He has the confidence to say these words!

The space within the book of heaven fell into silence. It seemed that all Taoist masters were shocked by Chen Yuan's words, and for a while, no one came out to speak.

Chen Yuan also remained silent for ten breaths, and seeing that it was almost the same, he asked:

"How many friends are willing to help me?"

"If you wish, Chen is a human being, everyone knows that we share the glory. If you don't want to, Chen will never force it. If you have difficulties in the future, you can still send letters to me. Whether it succeeds or not, we will help you I will do my best to help, so as to repay the kindness you once gave me to protect the Dao in the East China Sea!"

"What is the strength of Fellow Daoist Asura?"

Yang Huatian was silent for a long time, and couldn't help asking.

"Because I have already controlled the land of the three prefectures in my hands, because I am about to control the entire seven prefectures in western Shu, because I have two real kings as assistants, and because I have a hundred thousand elite soldiers under my command.

With my reputation surpassing the sum of all of you, with my friendship with the King of Beiliang, with the blood of the Xiang family in me, with the name of trouble in the future, with me

In just three years, he has grown from a humble catcher to a ten thousand household marquis in the imperial court, an envoy of heaven and heaven, a respected status, and the governor of the three southern states.

It's still up to me to be the supreme on the list, with the honorable title. Linmo Zhenjun! "

Chen Yuan said in a deep voice word by word.

Completely exposed his own strength and backhand.

Only Su Ziyue and Jiang He knew his identity as Lin Mo Zhenjun, and the other Taoist masters might have guessed it too, but they didn't really ask him, so now they tell them why.

With his current strength and status, is there anyone in Dao Shen Palace who is more suitable than him?

Sure enough!

Listening to Chen Yuan revealing the identity of Lin Mo Zhenjun, Li Su knew that Changfeng and Yang Huatian both secretly said that it was true, they had doubts during the battle of Liangshan before.

When did the Taoist Palace produce a Linmo Zhenjun?

But Jiang He even showed up to help, so it must not be false, and there is only one possibility, that is, Linmo Zhenjun is one of the Taoist masters of their Taoist Palace.

And the most promising and least likely is Chen Yuan!

Now that they heard the accurate answer, they all seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, even if Chu Changfeng didn't make any fuss about starting the group chat, Chen Yuan would have to declare his identity to them thoroughly, and he needs the help of the Taoist Palace!

Even though he already has the combat power of a true king, in fact Chu Changfeng and others are not weak, and he is very likely to step into the realm of Yangshen in a short time and become a true king.

This kind of help is not in vain.

"Is this statement true?" Yang Huatian continued to ask.


Chen Yuan opened his eyes and spoke nonsense. In fact, what he said before was a little watery. He only had 50,000 troops under his command. The seven prefectures in western Shu had not yet fully controlled it, and his friendship with the King of Beiliang was nothing.

In a critical moment, it is not certain whether the other party will help or not.

But it doesn't matter, because sooner or later the things he said will come.

"What do fellow Taoists think?"

Li Suqing, the Taoist priest of Changqing, suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Chen Yuan looks like he has a master, and he can accomplish great things. Now I am helping him sit in the rear of Tangshan Fucheng," Su Ziyue was the first to express his opinion, which can be regarded as telling a few people that the two of them are now a family.

Jiang He: "His business is mine!"

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Asura is really impressive. I'm afraid you have been preparing for a long time?" Li Suqing smiled gracefully, but did not reveal her attitude.

"Fellow Daoist Changqing is overrated."

"Fellow Daoist Seven Emotions and Fellow Daoist Heavenly Sword both support you, so what about Senior Moluo?" Evil Ghost Daoist Yang Huatian continued to ask.

Chen Yuan smiled faintly:

"Friend Evil Ghost, why do you think Senior Mo Luo followed me to protect my way after leaving the customs?"

After a long silence, Yang Huatian let out a sigh of relief: "Since this is the case, the old man will naturally support you. I hope you can really achieve great things in the future."

"Where's Sister Suqing?" Su Ziyue asked.

"My two disciples have been abducted, what else can I do? However, Chen Yuan, if you can achieve great success in the future, I hope you can support the Goddess Palace."

Li Suqing smiled lightly.

"This matter is easy to talk about, but if you want to get something, you have to give something first, Fellow Daoist Changqing, don't I need to say more about the rest?" Chen Yuan replied.

"I see."

Li Suqing understood what Chen Yuan meant. If Goddess Palace wanted to benefit, she alone was not enough. At most, she would be given wealth, honor and status in the future, but Goddess Palace could not.

If you really want to rejuvenate Goddess Palace, you have to bet on him first.

It's like Taixu Palace, otherwise, why should Chen Yuan's fruits of victory be distributed to others?

Bet first to profit!

In just a short moment, four of the six Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace except Mo Luo have expressed their attitudes, and the only one left is Chu Changfeng, the Taoist master of Hell.

Everyone didn't rush, and waited quietly for his answer.

Except for Chen Yuan, all of them present were old acquaintances with him, had favor and friendship with each other, and knew what kind of person he was.

But his situation was different from those of them.

Li Suqing is the Great Elder of the Goddess Palace, Yang Huatian is a casual cultivator of Nanzhou Demon Dao, Jiang He has no intention of anything else and is a court official, and Su Ziyue has a mysterious background.

In short, they are all alone.

But Chu Changfeng is different, his subordinates are powerful, he is one of the top sects in Yangzhou, and he created the forces with his own hands, so we can see the difference between them.

Obviously, Chu Changfeng also had some ambitions, but at this moment, Chen Yuan took the lead.

Chu Changfeng didn't speak for a long time. Seeing this, Chen Yuan also knew his choice. It was not too unexpected. It was impossible for people in the world to revolve around him, so he immediately said:

"Everyone's choice, Mr. Chen, is clear, let's end today, never force it, and if Brother Chu is in trouble in the future, you can speak up as much as you want, and you will never refuse.

Brother Yang, if you have nothing to do, bring those apprentices and grandchildren to Shuzhou recently. Mr. Chen needs your help, and Li Daoyou is an elder in the Goddess Palace and cannot get away, so let's do it first. "

"it is good."

Yang Huatian nodded and agreed.


Suddenly, when several people were about to go offline, Chu Changfeng, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke, which once again attracted the attention of the rest of the people. Chen Yuan frowned:

"Brother Chu, what else do you want to say?"

"Hehe, the purpose of the Taoist Palace is to advance and retreat together. Now all of you support Fellow Daoist Shura. If you exclude me, how can it work?"

"Fellow Daoist in Hell, you."

"Brother Chu."

"Chen Yuan."


"To be honest, in fact, Chu is also determined to achieve great things, but since you have made so much preparation and are superior to Chu in all aspects, it is natural to gather together, so that you can achieve great things."

Chu Changfeng laughed.

"Brother Chu, you can speak directly if you have something to say!"

Chen Yuan heard something inside.

"All of us were trained by Senior Mo Luo. It stands to reason that he supports you. I shouldn't say too much, but I always feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Now that you have the fighting power of a real king and have been on the supreme list, then you and I will fight, you win, and all of Chu's foundation will be given to you, not just the devil's prison gate, but also my other preparations , but if you lose."

"I lost, and the foundation will be given to you!"

Chen Yuan spoke directly.

Judging from the current situation, even if Chu Changfeng tried his best, he would not be his opponent. He understood what the other party meant and gave himself a step up.

"No, Chu still supports you, but if the great cause is successful in the future, how about making me the king and making me hereditary?"

Regardless of victory or defeat, he expressed his attitude. In fact, even if he didn't say anything, Chen Yuan would not be able to treat these Taoist friends of Dao God Palace badly in the future.

"Okay, I promise you, when will we fight?"

"I'll come to you in two months."

Chen Yuan frowned:

"you sure?"

With his practice speed, if he got the opportunity of Mount Shu, he would be able to suppress Chu Changfeng with one hand.

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