I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 640 Seven swords kill the real monarch!

"Sword coming!!!"

In an instant, the situation changed, and the sharp sword intent soared into the sky, and the vegetation, trees, and stones could all be swords.

Inside the Sanjue Sect, the long swords in the hands of countless disciples unconsciously began to unsheathed. Some people panicked and immediately grabbed the hilt of the sword, but as the long sword fluctuated more and more, they couldn't control it at all.

call out! call out! call out!

A long sword with a handle, like a sharp arrow, soars into the sky and gathers towards the sky. This is a magnificent picture scroll, the sword is like rain, rising into the sky, and its sharpness is shocking.

Even the black cloud in the void turned into a sword handle at this moment, gathering behind Jiang He, and his white clothes moved with the wind. At this moment, he became a real sword fairy.

At this moment, he is the center of the world!

Yang Huatian was shocked, he didn't expect Jiang He to make such a huge move from the very beginning, with all the swords coming out, the light on his body seemed to be so bright that he couldn't open his eyes.

He also watched Jiang He step by step from weak to strong, and now, he has surpassed him in an all-round way, and he was both happy and disappointed at the same time.

Joy is joy for Jiang He's strength, without any other jealousy.

as complicated

They are all Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace selected by Senior Mo Luo, and they have been cultivated since they were weak. In the end, Jiang He far surpassed him, and anyone would feel a little uncomfortable.

But such complicated thoughts are only fleeting.

Soon, he was filled with fighting spirit.

Jiang He was selected by Senior Mo Luo, and Yang Huatian was the same. In the future, there may not be a day when he will be a late bloomer and surpass Jiang He! ! !

Compared to Yang Huatian, it was obvious that Zhao Yuantong was even more shocked.

Because of Shushan, the holy place of immortals, Shuzhou is generally more advocating swords, and their Sanjue Sect is no exception. The reason why Sanjue Sect is called Sanjue Sect is because of swords, swords, and fists. Absolutely!

These three unique skills are the three top-level supernatural powers that the Sanjue sect relies on for survival.

And he, Zhao Yuantong, happened to be a swordsman, and it was precisely because of this that he was shocked, because in his perception, the sword spirit of the white-clothed sword fairy in front of him had faintly reached perfection.

Compared to him, I don't know how much stronger it is!

"Who are you guys!" Zhao Yuantong asked in a deep voice with vigilance.

He even suspects now that this person is a sword fairy who came out of the holy land of Shushan, otherwise, the world seems to be...wrong, he remembered that Dong Lifang had reported to him before that there was a mysterious sword fairy in the rivers and lakes.

That is the most mysterious force in the rivers and lakes. A strong man in the Taoist Palace appeared in Shenjing City in the first battle and pierced the golden body of the national teacher Puxian Bodhisattva.

The second time he appeared was in Liangshan, where he severely injured the master of Liangshan, the white-clothed scholar Song Lun.

this person may

"Tao Shrine, Heavenly Sword!"

"Tao Shrine, evil ghost!"

The two of them reported their families, and their voices were full of vitality, spreading over a radius of more than ten miles. They were fighting in the name of Dao Shrine, how could they cover it up?

Not only will he not cover up, but he will also make a big splash, so that he can help Chen Yuan divert his attention.


Zhao Yuantong said inwardly that it was true, but then his heart sank. There are three true monarchs in Taoist Palace, and the strongest one is already in the top five on the supreme list. opponent.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, it seems that Zhao has never offended the Dao Shrine, has he?"

When Yang Huatian revealed his identity, he knew the real identity of this person, because in the battle of the imperial city, his heels were seen through, and he was chased and killed by the court later.

Therefore, his identity was quickly determined.

"Have you never offended me?" Yang Huatian sneered, and said in a loud voice filled with vitality:

"In the second year of Jingtai, Sanjuemen secretly attacked and killed Sanxiu Ma Sandao in Shuzhou, causing this man to fall."

"In the fourth year of Jingtai, the Sanjue Sect destroyed the Ren family of Longhe Mansion because of a mine vein, and all of them were exterminated."

"Jingtai's seven years, the Three Absolutes."

"Eight years of Jingtai."

"Jingtai Nine Years."

Yang Huatian told one after another about the crimes that Sanjuemen had committed, and then, his voice suddenly choked up, and he said in a concentrated voice:

"Do you know that these people are all from my Taoist Palace? I didn't do anything before, just because I didn't want to be exposed. Now that they have appeared in the Jianghu, then naturally you can't keep your Three Absolutes.

We are here to collect debts! ! ! "

He was full of killing intent, his eyes were red, and he was sincere. As for the facts, of course it was not. This was just a summary based on the people killed by Sanjuemen in recent years. Temporarily incorporated into the 'Tao Shrine', so it is justified!

"Zhao Yuantong, you can be convicted!"

"This..." Zhao Yuantong's face was very ugly. He never expected that the Sanjue Sect had already provoked the Taoist Palace, but the other party had been hiding it all the time.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand and saluted:

"Two fellow daoists calm down, the San Jue Sect really doesn't know that behind these people is the Taoist Palace, so they only want the Taoist Palace not to pursue this matter.

The old man can pay some price as compensation, is that good? "

"What will they pay for their lives?" Yang Huatian snorted coldly.

Jiang He raised his hand and said lightly:

"The reason why I said this is just to make you understand, to let the Sanjuemen know exactly why it was destroyed, so as to save you from being an unjust ghost.

Now that we have finished talking, there is nothing more to say, Zhao Yuantong, let's do it, let me see what you have, even people from our Taoist Palace dare to kill! "

"Is there really no turning point?"

Zhao Yuantong took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in his heart.


Jiang He stopped talking, and with a movement of his divine sense, the thousands of swords condensed in the void burst out instantly, like a wave of heavy rain, falling with a bang.

"Okay, then I will try your method, is it really as strong as the rumors!" Zhao Yuantong let out a low voice, and his whole body exploded.

Since there is no room for change, there is nothing to talk about, only a war.

A divine sword hidden in the void instantly condensed, followed by infinite sword energy, and two waves of sword rain collided in an instant, bursting out with terrifying roars!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Huatian, the evil ghost Taoist master, quickly withdrew.

Anyway, this is also the battle of the real king. If Zhao Yuantong is the main attack on him, he really doesn't have the ability to stop him. Now, his role is to clean up the miscellaneous fish of the Three Absolutes below!

The two surging waves of sword energy collided together, and they were evenly matched.

"Retire now, Zhao can still apologize and turn hostility into friendship!" Zhao Yuantong said in a deep voice with a dignified face. Now it is evenly matched, and even if he can win, it will not change the fact that the Sanjue Sect is weak.

Once that Linmo True Monarch arrives in person, he definitely doesn't have the ability to resist it. As for the top ten peerless True Monarch Shura Mojun arriving here.

He has no hope of escaping, so his attitude is not high.

But Jiang He didn't pay attention to him, and the Immortal Execution Sword instantly appeared in the void, and Jiang He slowly uttered two words:

"Jian Yi, Huang Quan!"

The sword pointed to the sky, and in an instant, the sword energy contained in the sword array gathered crazily and gathered in the sky above Jiang He's head, like a huge tornado, radiating terrifying power.

A radius of tens of thousands of meters trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the Zhuxian sword in the void moved, and with a wave of his long sword, the sword energy that turned into a tornado immediately turned into a long river of sword energy.

It seems that he is the only one standing in the world, standing on the Yellow Spring Sword River, it is really like the yellow spring water coming from the underworld, rushing towards Zhao Yuantong.

Seeing the Heavenly Sword True Monarch in front of him, he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating. Zhao Yuantong was also completely enraged, and his sword intent erupted completely, pointing his sword at the sky:

"Void Sword!"

Infinite sword energy, coming out of the void, also turned into countless sword energy and condensed into one body, colliding head-on with it.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Between the heaven and the earth, there are only endless roars, and the thunderous muffled sound explodes the world.

The confrontation between the two has completely entered a fever.

"Sword Two, Qingming!"

Above the nine heavens, a nihilistic sword gathered with sword intent gathered the scattered sword energy one after another, and it turned into a size of nearly three hundred feet in an instant.

This was the sword technique used by Jiang He when he rescued Chen Yuan with one against three in Qingzhou, but compared to before, it was countless times stronger at this time.

The emptiness of the Void God Sword locked onto Zhao Yuantong, causing his heart to stagnate and throb for a moment, and he felt a little subconsciously flustered, so he immediately mobilized his own strength to resist.

"Sword Six. Godfall!"

Afterwards, from Jiang He's body, he sensed an unprecedented forceful sword intent soaring into the sky, and the ground with a radius of tens of miles trembled accordingly. It was extremely terrifying!

From Sword 1 to Sword 6, Jiang He progressed rapidly without any panic, as if he was just casually killing a true king, but this was just an appearance.

In fact, Jiang He is almost reaching his limit at this moment.

As for Zhao Yuantong, he was a bit miserable at the moment. He blocked the first three swords of Huangquan, Qingming, and Biluo, but the fourth sword, Wangchuan, and the fifth sword, the other side, severely injured him.

Silver-white long hair fell down, a strand of bright red overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his clothes were torn, his body was a little bright red, and the aura on his body began to wilt rapidly, and he knew in his heart that he might not be the opponent.

At the same time, I was shocked. Although his ranking was behind thirty, the gap shouldn't be so big. Tianjian Zhenjun is definitely not just a line stronger than him.

Dao Shrine, it's too scary.

As for the following, the scene at this moment is even more tragic. Zhao Yuantong, the only Yangshen True Monarch, is restrained by Jiang He and cannot move. The sect master Dong Lifang went to Shuzhou City. There is no one who is strong in Huayang in the entire mountain gate.

Several alchemy masters opened the mountain protection formation to resist, but they were smashed after only a quarter of an hour, and then there were the miserable cries of countless disciples of the Three Absolute Sects.

Ten thousand ghosts oppress the situation!

Wherever the Wangui Banner went, it was invincible, and everyone was sucked away from their souls and died completely.


Zhao Yuantong roared angrily.

But no one paid attention to him at all, and before he could move, there was an aura that made him extremely frightened, and he looked up.

At this moment, the void began to change color, and strange black clouds gathered, and that day Jian Zhenjun rose up, ascended to the sky in white clothes, and he gathered in the center holding the Zhuxian Sword, pointing at him, with a burst of extreme fighting intent in his eyes.

"Absolute Sword!"

Zhao Yuantong instantly burned his energy and blood, and rushed towards Jiang He frantically, but the result did not change. The Second Tribulation Divine Weapon in his hand shattered, and he himself fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string.


It hit the ground heavily, creating a burst of dust.

Lost, Zhao Yuantong lost!

And he himself was the hope of the disciples of the Three Absolute Sect, once he was defeated, the people below had no intention of fighting any more, panicked and ran for their lives.

But the more so, the faster they died.

The formation that was struggling to support was a massacre, like a wind blowing a wheat field. A large area fell, and it was impossible to escape. There were large formations around. Zhao Yuantong had already tried this, otherwise he would have fled for his life.

Apart from Jiang He, Yang Huatian and his disciples and grandchildren, the people who did the work have also completely entered the moment of massacre, with wanton laughter on their faces.


All the disciples of the Three Absolute Sects are already in despair.

The scene at this moment is exactly the same as when they used to bully the weak. Youdao is the way of heaven and reincarnation. Whoever is spared by the heavens, the Sanjue Sect will be completely extinct today!

In the void, Jiang He held a hand behind his back, his face was calm, the Zhu Xian Sword was hanging in front of him, and the hand behind him couldn't help trembling slightly.

Zhao Yuantong's strength is still very strong. He can win, but he is also reluctant. The reason why he strikes with a sword is exactly the same, and he is gaining momentum.

Of course, there is also part of the reason for practicing swords.

A sword repairer should find a sword master to practice swords, so that he can learn from each other's strengths and comprehend deeper rules, but unfortunately, it is not enough now.

The void was silent, and Jiang He kept locking onto Zhao Yuantong below, and the raging sword energy erupted again, without giving him a chance to react, he fell down with a crash.

Only this time, it's not that simple.

Zhao Yuantong decided to go all out.

As long as he kills Tianjian Zhenjun with his soul, he will still have the opportunity to reshape his body in the future. Anyway, the soul has already experienced thunder and calamity, and even the soul can survive in the world forever, just like a real person.

Without hesitation, at the moment Jiang He made his move, Zhao Yuantong moved. He abandoned his physical body, soared into the sky with the body of Yuanshen, and crossed the void in an instant.

At such a fast speed, ordinary people simply cannot react in time.

Even Yang Huatian was startled, and wanted to remind Jiang He, but before he could speak, Jiang He stood in the void with a calm expression and slowly raised a finger.

His body seemed to be back to basics, like a mortal, but he just raised his hand in such an ordinary way, and directly and skillfully touched the center of Zhao Yuantong's Yuanshen's eyebrows.

A trace of indescribable sharpness poured into Zhao Yuantong's primordial spirit, his face was full of astonishment, his eyes were complicated and shocked, sensing that the primordial spirit was about to die, he asked softly:

"What kind of sword technique is this?"

"Sword Seven, Zhu Xian"

Jiang He said lightly.

"Zhu Xian, Zhu Xian" Zhao Yuantong was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said loudly:

"It is my honor to die under this sword."

"It's just a half sword."

Jiang He hooked the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Yuantong's Yuanshen cracked inch by inch, and before he died, he only left a sentence:

"Half swords are so strong, why the hell didn't you use them earlier?"

Before the voice of Zhao Yuan's fairy tale fell, he completely disappeared.

Zhao Yuantong, the most powerful person on the top list, fell today.

Jiang He said slowly:

"Without the momentum of a sword, I can't use it"

Seeing that Jiang He was fine, Yang Huatian finally breathed a sigh of relief, stepped out, and came to Jiang He's side, saying in a deep voice:

"It was really dangerous just now."

"It doesn't matter, chicken Wagoner."

"Hehe." Looking at Jiang He's posture, Yang Huatian suddenly smiled, it seemed that this was the first time he saw Jiang He like this, why did he feel a bit like that kid Chen Yuan?

"It's just a chicken and a dog, why is your breath starting to decline?"

"Use him to practice swords, or you will miss such a good target in vain." Jiang He shook his head, a mouthful of old blood was swallowed up in his throat instantly, but in order to maintain his composure, he forced himself to hold back.

"Seven swords to kill Zhenjun, your strength is getting stronger and stronger."


"It's just that I don't quite understand. The sound of your sword at the beginning caused countless swords to fly, but it didn't even hurt Zhao Yuantong's clothes. What was the reason for it?

Could it be that he was gaining momentum. "

Yang Huatian looked at Jiang He suspiciously and asked.

Jiang He shook his head:


"That is?"

"Isn't it pretty?"

Jiang He turned to look at him.

Yang Huatian: "."

"Good looking, good looking"

Jiang He smiled, not telling the truth, from the first sword he was indeed gaining momentum, and at the same time testing Zhao Yuantong's strength, that's how he got the following sword Liushenyun, which completely injured Zhao Yuantong.

"Don't forget to tell Chen Yuan."

After finishing speaking, Jiang He turned around to Yu Kong and left without even looking at the situation below.

"what are you going to do?"

Looking at Jiang He's back, Yang Huatian asked.


Shuzhou City, in a certain courtyard.

The three giants of the Shuxi League gathered here, and their faces were a little ugly, because Chen Yuan rejected their invitation, and put down his harsh words, and went to Xuntiansi if he was not afraid of death.

What a guts!

"This kid is really daring, and he didn't show any face to us when the three real people came together." Qin Zhan snorted coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"I wanted to find him to have a good talk. Since we don't want to save face, then we don't need to worry too much. This matter is related to the major affairs of our Shuxi League, and we must not give up.

Leader, in my opinion, you might as well use some power to put pressure on Chen Yuan, let him know how powerful the Shuxi League is, and punish him properly! "

Huang Tianshu also expressed his opinion.

Dong Lifang shook his head slowly:

"This matter is not advisable. It is not a last resort. If this person is determined to oppose me and others, he will cause a lot of trouble.

Moreover, for some reason, since noon today, Dong felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that something serious had happened, so we had to guard against it. "

The "whim" of a warrior is sometimes very fulfilled, and Dong Lifang dare not take it lightly.

"The leader is too careful. We haven't taken action against Chen Yuan yet. How dare he offend the Shuxi League? Is it possible that the government can't get out of Shuzhou City through government orders?"

Qin Zhan tapped his fingers on the table and shook his head slowly.

"The old man thinks so too."

Dong Lifang frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice:

"Since Chen Yuan wants to meet me in the Sky Survey Division, let's follow his wish and see what tricks he can play. It is impossible for him to really dare to attack us."

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