I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 642: Suppression of Western Shu!

"Ho Ho."

Half of his body was cut to pieces, leaving only the upper body of Dong Lifang hoarse with difficulty, his eyes were full of fear and shock, the fear was because the San Jue Sect was destroyed by someone.

Even the Supreme Elder, who was in the realm of the Yang God, fell.

His first reaction was impossible, absolutely impossible!

The Sanjue Sect is the most powerful force in the seven prefectures of Western Shu, and now it is the leader of the entire Jianghu in Western Shu. It can be said that it is the most glorious moment in hundreds of years.

As long as they can suppress Chen Yuan's thorn, their prestige can be raised to another level. If they win over many sects in the middle of Shu, they can even go straight to the holy land of Mount Shu!

He seemed calm before, but in fact he was just maintaining the demeanor of the deputy leader. In fact, he was already smiling in his heart, thinking that he would eventually lead the Sanjuemen to the true peak.

Unfortunately, everything is over!

There is only one true monarch in the Sanjue Sect, and it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the Taoist Palace, which has at least three true monarchs. He doesn't think Chen Yuan is lying, because it doesn't make any sense anymore.

Although he was attacked by surprise just now, but he was suppressed in an instant. It can still be seen that Chen Yuan's strength is far superior to him. Perhaps he has reached the limit of refining gods, and the real king is invincible!

The reason for the shock was also the same. It turned out that they said that they were overthinking themselves from the beginning to the end, but in fact Chen Yuan didn't take them seriously at all.

Right now, the only thing he's curious about is one thing.

That is, when did Sanjuemen provoke the mysterious and powerful Taoism Palace?

As the head of the sect, he couldn't escape the big and small matters of the Sanjue sect, and he didn't remember such a thing at all, so he was very curious.

But it's too late to say anything now.

His primordial spirit was suppressed, his body was severely injured, and he was almost certain to die. As long as Chen Yuan moved his mind, he would fall on the spot, and then he heard Qin Zhan's words.

"Let's go together, I don't believe he can kill us all!"

The whole hall was silent, no one responded, all the grandmasters were destroyed by the San Jue Sect, and Chen Yuan turned over his hands to suppress the leader Dong Lifang.

Who dares to resist?

Huang Tianshu, another elder in the alliance, did not respond at this moment, but stepped back silently, ready to run for his life at any time!

It's not that Huang Tianshu is smart, but that he can recognize his own strength. Maybe Dong Lifang and the others can fight against Chen Yuan if they join forces, or even win.

But now that the leader of the alliance has been suppressed, and the Sanjue Sect has been 'destroyed', it would be unwise to try their best. They always consider their own interests.

This is the flaw of the alliance. Everyone has their own thoughts. When they have the upper hand, everything will be fine, but once they lose the wind, it will be a mess.

And Chen Yuan's purpose is actually the same, he can kill all the people present, but after that?

Sometimes, it is not enough to solve the problem by killing everyone. Once all the suzerain masters, ancestors and patriarchs fall here, the west of Sichuan will be in chaos in an instant.

Even if he can suppress with strength, it will distract him too much.

Of course, it is impossible for those who dare to directly resist him to leave their names. It is the kingly way to control their lifeline with kindness and power.


Qin Zhan's pupils shrank, seeing that no one dared to move, his heart sank, his eyes flickered, and he wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

He just pointed at Chen Yuan's nose and scolded, and the other party couldn't let him go.


Before Dong Lifang could finish his words, his neck was pinched and broken by Chen Yuansheng. The primordial spirit in the Lingtai was stained with a trace of the true fire of Samadhi, and was quickly burned into nothingness.

So far, Dong Lifang, the deputy leader of the Shuxi League, the master of the Sanjue Sect, and the leader of the Shuxi rivers and lakes, has fallen into the Xuntian Temple!

"My lord Chen, I have something to discuss. It was Qin who had a bad attitude before. Your lord has a lot, and the gods can hold a boat in their stomachs. Don't get angry. Now that the leader Dong is dead, if we all die here, the west of Shu will surely die." There will be chaos, and you, as the envoy of the governor of the three southern states, will also be reprimanded by the court.

Qin has a granddaughter who is beautiful and beautiful. She just became a widow last year. If Mr. Chen does not give up, she is willing to marry the envoy. "

Qin Zhan saw with his own eyes that Chen Yuan killed Dong Lifang without blinking his eyes, and he was a little panicked, and it was basically impossible for him to leave. He could feel that a wave of energy was locked on his body.

Move and die!

Therefore, Qin Zhan bowed his head.

It's completely gone from the previous invincible appearance.

Although it was embarrassing, compared with life, these things seemed to be unimportant.

Chen Yuan's power enveloped the entire Heaven Xun Temple, looking down at all the people present, with one enemy, the momentum still overwhelmed the people present by an unknown number of times.

"Didn't Master Qin Shan just want to kill me?"

"Qin's slip of the tongue Qin's slip of the tongue"

"You are not a slip of the tongue, you are afraid of death." Chen Yuan's figure flickered, covering Qin Zhan in an instant. Destroyed, he couldn't stabilize his mind for a while, and was successfully attacked by Chen Yuan.

He has been on guard all the time, seeing that Chen Yuan is still attacking, he already understands today's situation, he doesn't fight, and he is about to run away. When he moved, most of the people in the Shuxi League moved, including Huang Tianshu, who rushed to the tight spot in an instant. The closed door, wanting to fight out together.

But, it's too late now!

The reason why Chen Yuan talked so much nonsense before was to shake Dong Lifang's mind with Lu Renyi's words without revealing his own strength.

It's not meaningless nonsense at all.

Now, once Dong Lifang, a powerhouse at the pinnacle of refining gods, died, Huang Tianshu and Qin Zhan's strengths were not bad, but compared to him, they were still far behind.

As soon as he read it, the blocking formations that had been set up around him quickly opened, and he punched Qin Zhan with a punch, and the void moved with one punch. The entire Sky Survey Hall collapsed in an instant.

Qin Zhan's pupils shrank deeply, and he quickly condensed his means to block in front of him, but it was all useless. The surrounding void instantly collapsed, and his means collapsed inch by inch.

The corner of the mouth turned red, like a kite with a broken string, it was blown down in an instant.

Afterwards, Chen Yuan didn't bother him anymore, he stood up from the collapsed Xuntian Palace and Yukong, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Huang Tianshu, saw him without any hesitation, and slashed out with his sword.


The sharp edge pierced the heavens, Huang Tianshu's magic weapon shook, his soul trembled, and the vitality of the surrounding world was sucked away, and the Mountain Shaking Fist, which is famous in the West of Sichuan for the Zhenyue Sect, collided with it.

A hundred-foot-high black fist condensed and pressed upward.

Immediately afterwards, there was another collision, and the Mountain Shaking Fist he had condensed was shattered abruptly, his body retreated extremely quickly, and was again bombarded by the aftermath, falling into a disadvantage.

He had just been repelled, and Qin Zhan, who was burning with energy and blood, stabbed with one hand, and infinite sword energy came out of the void, and slashed at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan has no expression on his face, he will not evade or retreat, no matter what you do, he can only punch you.


All the sword energy was swept away, Qin Zhan endured Chen Yuan's blow, and roared with horror in his eyes, his clothes were torn instantly, and his body was deformed by the impact.

Spit out a mouthful of old blood and fall into the ruins of the Heaven Surveyor Hall below.

Several people fought in the blink of an eye, those Alchemy Grandmasters were about to run away, Lu Renyi, who was already ready, ordered nearly a thousand Xuntian Wuwei to form a large formation, and with the body of Heavenly Alchemy, he forcibly stopped them. in front of everyone.

Repelling Qin Zhan, Chen Yuan rushed into the ruins without hesitation, grabbed Qin Zhan's neck, and punched him with punches.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Fist to the flesh, strokes saw blood, because he had already imprisoned his soul, he couldn't escape at all, so he could only endure Chen Yuan's bombardment silently.

"What do you think I am? Today, I will tell you with my fists. If others dare not kill, I will dare. If others are afraid of chaos in western Sichuan, I am not afraid. If they dare to provoke me, Wanjianmen can be declared extinct!"

Under Qin Zhan's incredulous gaze, Chen Yuan shattered his primordial spirit with one punch, and the blood of his broken body spilled into the sky, leaving no complete body behind.

Huang Tianshu was terrified in his heart. He watched Chen Yuan blast out dozens of punches within a few breaths, smashing Qin Zhan, and he was about to burn his soul to escape.

At this time, I can't care about the foundation or the foundation.

But before he could move, a soft voice came from his ear:

"If you dare to leave, the Zhenyue Sect will not stay behind!"

Although the voice was soft, it was filled with a strong tone that could not be rejected. Huang Tianshu was startled, knowing that it was already too late, he immediately took a deep breath, gave up resistance, and stood on the spot.

Seeing Huang Tianshu's understanding, Chen Yuan's aura instantly enveloped those alchemy masters who were running for their lives, and said lightly:

"Anyone who dares to resist again will be killed without mercy!"

Chen Yuan's words were like an iron law, which shocked everyone instantly, and then stopped his figure very obediently, and fell obediently from the void.

Sweeping his eyes away, Chen Yuan pointed with his fingers.

Several grandmasters exploded one after another, leaving only a scream.

Long before, Chen Yuan had already figured out who deserved to die and who should spare his life. The few people he killed just now were all forces who spoke badly to him and had close contacts with Sanjuemen Wanjianshan.

Looking down at everyone present, Chen Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, and said lightly:

"You are rude to this official, intending to rebel. The nine clans that should have killed you all, but God has the virtue of being good at life, and Chen is not aggressive in his life, so he is willing to give you a way to survive."

"I don't want to fight in my life"

As soon as this sentence came out, not to mention these masters of the rivers and lakes, even Wu Wei of the Xuntian Division and Lu Renyi, the golden envoy of Shuzhou, had strange expressions on their faces. Qin Zhan, the master of Wanjian Mountain in the sky, looked at the master masters who exploded one after another, and felt that something was wrong.

Chen Yuan walked all the way, not to mention the past, just in the past few months, he has already wiped out two top forces, bloodbathed the entire prefecture, and caused countless casualties.

However, no one dared to say these words.

As for those Jianghu masters who had become fish on the sticky board, they saw the hope of surviving, even Huang Tianshu turned his attention to Chen Yuan in the void.

"Master Chen, please make it clear."

"Yeah yeah"

"I knew I was wrong"

"We had no choice but to follow Dong Lifang, please forgive me, Mr. Chen."

"All come with me!"

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he jumped directly into a side hall of the Xuntian Temple. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and looked at each other. In the end, Zheng Sandao was the first to leave and followed him in.

The rest of the people also knew that they couldn't run even if they ran now. Some people sighed, some cursed Dong Lifang, Qin Zhan and others secretly, and they also walked in.

Huang Tianshu took a deep breath, and felt extremely fortunate. He felt that the reason why Chen Yuan killed Qin Zhan instead of him was because he hadn't insulted him before.

Sure enough, you have to be polite.

Without hesitation, he also entered the side hall, wanting to see what Chen Yuan, who was not aggressive in his life, wanted to do.

The previous confrontation was not intense, and the building of the Xuntian Division was relatively stable, so only one main hall was damaged, and most of the rest were safe and sound.

Although the side hall is small, it can accommodate everyone.

In the side hall, Chen Yuan was still the leader alone, and the rest of the people, headed by Huang Tianshu, bowed to meet Chen Yuan, which was completely different from before.

"Thank you, my lord, for not killing me."

"Thank you, my lord, for not killing me."

"Thank you."

Chen Yuan raised his hand, stopped their meaningless nonsense, and said lightly:

"Since you know it's kindness, how can you repay me?"



Everyone hesitated.

Zheng Sandao bowed and said in a deep voice:

"From now on, the Slanting Moon Sect will serve Lord Chen as the master!"

"what about you?"

Chen Yuan turned his head to look, but no one looked at him.

The others secretly scolded Zheng Sandao for his lack of backbone. He was the most popular dancer in Sanjuezong before, and wanted to rebel, but he didn't say a word in the main hall today, and now he sold them out directly.

It's just that the power on Chen Yuan's body became more and more serious, and some people began to be unable to withstand the pressure, bowed and saluted, and said hastily:

"From now on, the Houtu Sect is willing to serve Lord Hou as the master!"

Someone took the lead one after another, and the rest of them also knew that the general trend must not be violated. If they really said something inappropriate, they would surely fall into the hands of Chen Yuan. They immediately bowed and said:

"From now on, the Qingyu Gate is willing to serve Lord Chen as the master."

"Hundred Flowers Valley is willing to serve Lord Chen as the master from now on!"

"From now on, Wudaomen is willing to serve Master Chen as the master!"

A voice of surrender resounded through the side hall.

In just a moment, everyone expressed their attitudes.

There was only one person left who did not speak, and it was Huang Tianshu, the lord of the Zhenyue Sect. He raised his head, just in time to see Chen Yuan looking at him calmly. He felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly bowed:

"From now on, Zhenyuezong is willing to serve Master Chen as the master!"

"Very good, those who know the current affairs are outstanding. It seems that you are all well-informed people. I am very pleased. However, there is no evidence for me. I want to rest assured that you have to submit two certificates!"

Chen Yuan raised his right hand and stretched out two fingers.

"I also ask Mr. Chen to say clearly that we will definitely do it."

"Extremely! Extremly!"


Having already shown their attitude of submission, everyone's resistance is even lower, and they dare to promise no matter what. In the face of the threat of death, everyone is very obedient.

"First, you must destroy Wan Jianshan and the forces of those people killed by this official just now, and hand over their accumulated background. You must also give half of it according to the strength of your respective sects and clans. Come buy your life!"

Huang Tianshu frowned, then quickly relaxed it, and slightly nodded:

"It should."

A dead fellow Daoist is not dead, as long as Zhenyuezong is not destroyed. As for Qin Zhan and Wan Jianshan, who had been friends before, I can only say sorry.

"We obey the orders of the adults!"

"Me too."

"I don't know what the second condition is?"

Zheng Sandao asked quickly.

"Secondly, I have to leave restrictions in Sect Master Huang's Yuanshen, so that I can rest assured. As for your souls, you must also have restrictions."

As long as he controls their souls and primordial spirits, Chen Yuan will not be afraid of their rebellion. It is equivalent to pinching their lives. Whoever dares to act recklessly will die directly.


Everyone hesitated.

Once Yuanshen and Shenhun were restrained, they could no longer resist from then on, and could only be Chen Yuan's dogs honestly. Although there was nothing wrong with this, it always made people feel aggrieved.

Even if it breaks through the realm, it won't work, you must first unlock it.

"Why, you are not happy?"

Chen Yuan looked down at the crowd with indifferent eyes, and his tone was a little cold.

"Master Chen, this subordinate is willing, and I will never dare to turn my back on it from now on!" Zheng Sandao was the first to stand up, without the slightest bit of reluctance on his face.

As soon as he moved, everyone at the scene once again secretly scolded Zheng Sandao for being shameless, so where will they be placed?

The situation is stronger than others, Huang Tianshu took a deep breath, had already expected this step, and bowed:

"Huang is willing, please place a restraint in the primordial spirit."

The strongest Huang Tianshu has expressed his attitude, no matter how reluctant the remaining people are, they have no choice but to scold Sanjuemen Wanjianshan and Zhenyuezong in their hearts.

It was safe and sound, but what happened to Shuxi League to fight against Chen Yuan, the expected backing came to naught, and instead it was greatly implicated.

Many people have already decided in their hearts that they must deal with Wan Jianshan well to vent their hatred!

"The subordinates are willing."

"The subordinates are willing."


As soon as Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts moved, Huang Tianshu also opened the altar, a trace of indistinct involvement enveloped the primordial spirit, he felt a pain in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Chen Yuan only set up restrictions in his primordial spirit, and let Huang Tianshu, Zheng Sandao, Lu Renyi and others set restrictions on the rest of them.

The power of his primordial spirit is very precious, and it is not worth wasting it on them.

"Within three days, I will hear the news of Wanjianmen's destruction. Also, from now on, all the powers in the rivers and lakes in western Shu will be led by Huang Zongzhu. From today onwards, you will be the leader of the Western Shu League."

Chen Yuan looked at Huang Tianshu with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

With a chill in his heart, he vaguely guessed Chen Yuan's purpose, and said in a deep voice:

"Subordinates obey!"

"Also, what I want to see is a thriving western Sichuan. No turmoil is allowed, and this task is entrusted to you."

The rivers and lakes are the affairs of the rivers and lakes. If Chen Yuan takes over the Shuxi rivers and lakes as a high-ranking official, it will definitely cause a lot of resistance. This is his real purpose.

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