I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 648: Babel!


Taoist Lingxu directly refused with a solemn expression.

Killing Immortal Sword what?

That is the Zhenzong Xianbing of Shushan, the peerless sword handed down from the first generation of Shushan sword immortals, in terms of grade, it is not weaker than the real martial arts sword of Wudang Mountain.

It is also a symbol of Shushan, how could it be given to Chen Yuan?

This is absolutely impossible.

"Then there is nothing to talk about, Fellow Daoist Lingxu, to be honest, apart from the Immortal Killing Sword and the Demon God Flower, there really isn't anything Chen can look up to in the entire Shu Mountain.

Even if Chen Yuan got the Immortal Killing Sword, he would give it to Jiang He. "

Chen Yuan used a sword without using a sword. Although he could exert great power, he was still not as good as Jiang He. With his sword intent combined with the Sword of Immortal Slaughter, he could even rival the Peerless True Monarch.

Taoist Lingxu frowned, and asked again:

"I really can't change one condition? I have a lot of Yuanjing in Shushan Mountain, there are heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can temper the body, there are also several magic weapons, and even treasures that can assist in enlightenment, isn't it?"

Chen Yuan smiled faintly:

"Since Fellow Daoist Lingxu knows that Chen was born in the Taoist Palace, then...do you think I will lack these things?"

Of course, he is short of these things, but compared to Yaoshenhua, he is not short of them, but it cannot be said that, he believes that Taoist Lingxu will definitely agree to his conditions.

He once heard a story that if you just wanted to open the windows, people would try to stop them, but if you said you wanted to lift the roof, they would agree to open the windows.

The same is true now.

He knew that Taoist Lingxu would not be willing to kill the Immortal Sword, but if Taoist Lingxu had to make a choice among them, he would definitely give up the young and protect the big, and it was even more impossible for him to choose neither.

Because Taoist Lingxu will definitely feel that if he can't win over him, then he will take the opportunity to snatch him later, and there will be an extra powerful opponent for no reason.

Taoist Lingxu was silent for a long time, looked at Chen Yuan and said:

"You want to use the Demon God Flower to improve your physical body?"


"What if the poor said that the demon god flower is actually useless to the physical body?"

"Then I want to too."

"Friend Daoist Lin Mo, your condition really stumps the poor."

"Chen believes that Fellow Daoist can make a correct decision." Chen Yuan looked at Lao Niubi with a half-smile, and put pressure on him, wanting the horse to run, but not giving him grass, how can this work?

"Forget it, since Fellow Daoist Linmo is determined to do so, then the poor Taoist will agree to your condition, but only if you agree, you must agree to one thing, Fellow Taoist Linmo, otherwise, Pindao will not give up the demon god flower."

Taoist Lingxu finally compromised.

Chen Yuan straightened his face and said in a deep voice:

"Master, please tell me."

"The demon god's flower is really useful for the body, because it is a precious treasure gathered by coincidence after the fall of the demon god, and Pindao actually wants to make the body go further.

But Taoist friends have to, and the poor Taoist can only give in, but it is only one step. The demon god flower can be given to you, but the spiritual crystals formed under its roots must be given to the poor Taoist. "

Taoist Lingxu said very resolutely.

"What is the use of spirit crystals?"

Chen Yuan asked.

"The Patriarch of Shushan who suppressed the demon god once said that this flower condenses part of the power of the demon god, or there may be the power of rules. Pindao wants to use this to understand.

But it's just a possibility, not a certainty. In fact, Pindao has never pinned his hopes on it, but now he has no choice but to agree. "

"Chen also needs the power of rules."

"If Fellow Daoist Lin Mo wants to own the entire Demon God Flower, then the poor Taoist will absolutely not agree."

Ling Xu shook his head and said.

"If this thing is enlightened, will it be consumed?"

"I don't know."

"How about this, if there are two spirit crystals under the flower of the demon god, you and I will share them equally, if there is only one, you and I will study together, how about it?" Chen Yuan didn't want to miss the opportunity for nothing.

If the spirit crystal really had hope to comprehend the rules, then his strength would skyrocket in an instant, and he didn't want to miss it.


"The Daoist priest's realm is much higher than Chen's. Are you afraid that I, a junior, will take advantage of it?" Chen Yuan asked rhetorically.

Taoist Lingxu frowned, as if he had made a difficult decision, and he spoke after a long time:

"Okay, then it's up to you."

"The battle is approaching, and Mr. Chen wants to take the Demon God Flower first, so as to increase his strength, so that he can better deal with the invading enemy. How does Daoist Ling Xu think?"

The powerful monsters are coming, and Chen Yuan must raise his strength to the strongest moment, so that he can deal with it with strength, otherwise the battle of the real king is indeed very dangerous for him.

"The demon flower is probably not mature yet."

Taoist Lingxu hesitated.

"It's not bad for a few days, it's better than being snatched away in a few days."

"The strength of the demon tribe in the Demon Town Tower is not weak. The strongest is the demon saint of the Chiming Blood Tiger Clan. His strength is not much weaker than that of Pindao, and he leads thousands of demon tribes in the nine-story Demon Town Tower. It is not wise to force it Lift."

"Who said I'm going to force my way?"

Chen Yuan chuckled lightly.


"Daoist, don't you forget what name Chen is honored by the Jianghu people?" Chen Yuan calmed down and smiled lightly. He can be transformed into a Qilin Demon.

Apart from being in human form, at first glance, it is definitely not a human race.

It is very hopeful to hide from the detection of Yaozu.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Lin Mo has already planned everything." Taoist Ling Xu stared deeply at Chen Yuan and said.

"How does the Taoist feel?"

"Okay, then according to your opinion, at that time, Pindao will fight for you. If there is any danger, you can send a message to Pindao." Taoist Lingxu also felt that this is feasible after weighing it.

Take it out early and rest assured.

"Okay, that's it."


Taoist Lingxu sighed softly:

"At that time, I will trouble the three fellow Taoists."


Chen Yuan frowned.

Seeing Chen Yuan's expression, Taoist Ling Xu frowned, with a vague premonition, and said:

"The reason why Pindao is willing to give up the Yaoshen Flower is because he hopes that the three true monarchs of Dao Shen Palace will come out together. In this way, there is a chance of winning. Do you have any other plans?"

"Only Jiang He and I came to Shushan this time, and Taoist Master Shura is not in the Central Plains now." Chen Yuan said after deliberation.


Daoist Lingxu was stunned for a moment, the reason why he was willing to agree to give up the Yaoshenhua was because he valued the Shura Demon Lord who was the top five in the Supreme Heaven Ranking and shocked the world in the battle of Shenjing Imperial City.

Only the strong at the top can have decisive power. If only relying on two ordinary true kings, it is impossible to greatly increase the strength of Shushan.

"Now summon Fellow Daoist Asura to come, I think it's still too late."

Taoist Lingxu Jixi looked at Chen Yuan.

But Chen Yuan smiled wryly in his heart, Lord Shura was his vest, no, to be exact, it was his and Senior Mo Luo's vest! Without Mo Luo possessing him, he would not be able to display the peak strength of the Yang God.

And now Mo Luo is still in a deep sleep, and has no intention of awakening at all. Naturally, Chen Yuan will not disturb his practice at this juncture, and immediately said:

"Fellow Daoist Asura has been retreating overseas for many days, and even a summons is too late."

"If that's the case, then the poor Taoist will not be able to agree to the conditions of fellow Taoist Lin Mo." Ling Xu only valued the Lord Shura. Although Chen Yuan and Jiang He also had the strength of the top 30 on the supreme list, they were still not enough to pay the demon god. Pay such a price.

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, he is sure to win the Demon God Flower, and the only choice at present is to start from Mount Shu, if the monster clan comes to attack, it may be too late.

He will not sit back and watch him scramble for the Demon God Flower.

Seeing Chen Yuan's pensive look, Taoist Lingxu knew that he still had cards, so he didn't bother him immediately, but waited silently for Chen Yuan's answer.

"What if Chen can still invite a peerless true monarch who is in the top ten of the supreme list?"


Ling Xu also hesitated at this moment.

"As long as you give me the demon god flower, Chen will be able to make another step in his physical body in a short period of time. It may be difficult to match the peerless true monarch, but there is still hope for the top twenty or even the top fifteen."

Chen Yuan directly increased the weight.

"It's really unbelievable that there are four true monarchs in the Taoist Palace." Daoist Lingxu took a deep breath. Even among the top ten immortal sects, only four true monarchs can be side by side at the same time. Spirit Mountain of the Western Regions.

There are at most two or three other fairy sects, even the declining Goddess Palace, and now the only one active on the surface is the Goddess Palace master.

"Chen's helper is not the master of the Taoist Palace, what does the Taoist think?"

"Yes, but I don't know who is the helper of Linmo Daoist, and he is really willing to come to help Shushan?" Taoist Lingxu looked at Chen Yuan curiously and asked.

And Chen Yuan took out a jade talisman emitting white light.

This was the bet that Taoist Tianxu of Taixu Palace placed on him when he left the capital, but he never had a chance to use it, and he wanted to use it as a hole card.

He never even had contact with Biyou Palace, thinking that he would use this favor to ask Biyou Palace to help him get rid of King Zhennan and annex Nanzhou after he unified Shuzhou.

It's just that now for the demon god flower, I have to use it.

Although Chen Huaiyi of the Hall of Seven Kills can also use it, but the brand marks on his body are too obvious, and people will guess that his real body is King Chu Jiang who appeared in the Hall of Seven Kills before.

And he is an important step for Chen Yuan to deal with the Palace of Seven Kills and annex the Blood State in the future.

Comparing the two, he decided to use this jade talisman. If Biyougong was unwilling, then he would take the risk and invite Chen Huaiyi to Shuzhou.

If he doesn't show his sincerity, Ling Xu will definitely not let him take out the demon god flower in advance.

"Is this the letter talisman of Biyou Palace?"

Taoist Lingxu, as the headmaster of Mount Shu, had naturally seen the letter amulets of the adjacent Biyou Palace, but he did not expect that Chen Yuan's connections would be so extensive, and he would even be involved with Biyou Palace.

Dao God Palace plus Biyou Palace, plus Chen Yuan's current power and reputation, it seems that there is a real chance to take advantage of the situation in the future and fight for hegemony in the Central Plains.

"The person Chen wants to invite is the eleventh in the list, Biyou Palace's head teacher Zhenjun Zhao Danqing!"

Chen Yuan said in a deep voice.

Part of the reason why he took out this jade talisman was to express his connection with Biyou Palace. Perhaps in the future, if he wins over Shushan, it will have a miraculous effect.

"Okay, if Master Zhao makes a move, Pindao can agree to your terms."

Zhao Danqing is not ranked in the top ten of the supreme list, and there is a big gap with the top five Shura Zhenjun, but this is only on the surface. In fact, the only reason why Zhao Danqing is not included in the top ten of the supreme list is The reason is that since he entered the Yangshen Realm, he has only made one move, and after more than a hundred years, he has made another move.

But this is still listed eleventh in the supreme list, so I feel that I can understand the strength of this person, no matter how weak he is, he will definitely have the strength of the top ten in the supreme list.

Moreover, as the head teacher of Biyou Palace, he has extraordinary background, Taoist Ling Xu believes that Zhao Danqing will definitely not be inferior to him when it comes to methods.

"This matter has been settled for the time being. In the morning tomorrow, I hope Fellow Daoist Lingxu can help me enter the Demon Town Tower to fetch flowers." The sooner he leaves, the sooner he can improve his strength.


Leaving the Taiji Hall, Chen Yuan saw Bai Changqing who was guarding the door. The two chatted for a while, and Chen Yuan was invited by him to enter the specially built front hall in Shushan.

It turned out that Chen Yuan planned to meet with Taoist Lingxu, and then catch up with Bai Changqing, learn more about the Zhenyao Pagoda by the way, and then go to plan the Yaoshenhua.

It's just that Taoist Lingxu judged Jiang He's identity through the image left by Jiang He, and finally reached a series of deals, and the original plan naturally had to be changed.

Now I'm not in the mood to reminisce about the past, and it won't be too late after Shushan repels the invading demon clan.

Bai Changqing left with a little disappointment, while Chen Yuan quickly picked up the strange treasure book, contacted Jiang He who was hidden outside Shushan Mountain, and the first sentence he spoke was:

"Old Ginger, we have been exposed."

Jiang He was silent for a moment, then replied, "What's going on?"

"Ling Xu saw the image of the Battle of Liangshan, and guessed that you are the Heavenly Sword Dao Master, and then deduced that I am the True Monarch Linmo."

This is definitely a careless, let the image spread out.

I believe that Mr. Chen also had the same idea back then, as expected of everyone being named Chen.

The only thing he is better than Teacher Chen is that Taoist Lingxu did not spread the matter because of this, there is still room for change, and he also reached a more favorable condition for him.

"I dragged you down, what did Zhenjun Lingxu say?" Jiang He sighed softly, the symbols on his body were indeed too obvious, it was reasonable for Zhenjun Lingxu to be able to recognize him.

"This matter is good news for us. He agreed to my request, as a condition." Chen Yuan informed Jiang He of today's conversation.

It did not exceed his expectations, when he said that it was the demons from southern Xinjiang who wanted to invade Shu Mountain and smash the Tower of Demon Town, Jiang He gave his answer without hesitation.

Said that even if there is no such request, he will help when the time comes.

In the face of the justice of the human race, he will not hesitate, and he will definitely use the sword. This is his way of swordsmanship. In addition, Shushan has given him some advice.

These kindnesses must also be repaid.

In fact, Chen Yuan had calculated this point, so he agreed to Ling Xu's request, but the situation was more happy, he got what he wanted, and Shushan also got his own strong support.

In fact, he still had a problem at that time, that is, if he hadn't come to Shushan, who would Taoist Lingxu invite, or would he use the background of Shushan?

He just weighed it for a moment, and he didn't ask.

Because he understood that Taoist Lingxu would most likely not answer even if he asked.

"Since that's the case, there's nothing to hide. I'll go to Mount Shu later to meet Senior Ling Xu." Jiang He replied.

"Okay, but remember to hide your identity, maybe there may be dark threads of the monster race around or even inside Shushan Mountain." Chen Yuan reminded.

This is also what Taoist Lingxu said before he left.

Chen Yuan naturally wanted to mention something, even if the big battle came, 'Chen Yuan' would not show up, and even left early, while the 'Taoist Palace Linmo Zhenjun' stayed to defend against powerful enemies.


After cutting off the connection, Chen Yuan stared at the jade talisman in his hand that was emitting white light. A trace of spiritual thought enveloped it and inspired it. Suddenly, a mirror-like surface appeared in front of him.

Nanzhou, Tongtian Mountain.

This mountain is the highest mountain in Nanzhou and even in the entire Nanzhou three prefectures. It is more than ten thousand feet high and covers an area of ​​more than a hundred miles. For this reason, it is honored as the name of "Tongtian".

This place is full of vitality, and there are countless rare birds and animals. It is a good blessed land, but no one dares to come to occupy it. Gein, the top forces in Nanzhou, including the surrounding prefectures, know that this place is the top ten fairy gates One of the Biyou Palace is located.

There are few disciples of Biyou Palace going out and about, but it can't be called complete seclusion, it's almost half-hidden, that is, many people know about the gate of Biyou Palace, but the gate is closed and few people come out.

The last time someone from Biyou Palace walked out of Tongtian Mountain, it was the contemporary disciple Dao Xuansheng who went to the East China Sea to participate in the Battle of Ascending Immortals. After the battle, Dao Xuansheng quickly disappeared and returned to the mountain gate.

On the top of Tongtian Mountain, the cold wind is raging here, roaring and rolling.

A simple and simple stone tablet stands on the flat ground, with the words "Bi You" written on it.

The two characters dragon, flying and phoenix dance, with astonishing momentum, are the entrance to the secret realm of Biyou Palace.

Within the secret realm of Biyou Palace.

This place is different from the usual secret place, it is actually an endless sea area, and in the center of the sea area, there is a magnificent island, which is the real mountain gate of Biyou Palace, Tongtian Island!

On the edge of the island, a young Taoist held a jade slip in his hand, appreciating the truth in it, and holding a fishing rod in his hand, he was lazily leaning on the stone to fish.

The Taoist's long hair is tied up in a bun, and he wears a light blue Taoist robe. He has no long hair and has an extraordinary bearing. He does not seem to be a master of cultivation, but more like a mortal Confucian.

He has a handsome face and no beard under his jaw, but his eyes have a sense of vicissitudes of life, as if he has seen through the red dust of the world, he is the eleventh in the list. Zhao Danqing, head teacher of Biyou Palace.

While he was savoring the truth of the jade slips, he seemed to sense something, a light flashed in his hand, and a simple bronze mirror appeared in his hand.

A figure appeared inside, it was Chen Yuan.

Zhao Danqing stared at the visitor, raised his eyebrows, as if he was a little surprised, but Chen Yuan's voice came from inside:

"Chen Yuan from Qingzhou, I have met Master Zhao."

"It turned out to be the Marquis of Wu'an, hehe Pindao thought you wouldn't use that jade talisman." Zhao Danqing seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said with a faint smile.

"It seems that Master Zhao knew about this earlier."

Chen Yuan was not surprised, but just said it casually.

"That old guy Tianxu told me before, why, could it be that Marquis Wu An encountered some difficulties?"

There will be 2,000 monthly tickets soon, everyone stand up!

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