I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 651: Evening weather luck! (5200 words)

Demon Town Tower, eighth floor.

This is not the last floor, but it is basically the last floor of the monster clan's activities. The ninth floor is the realm that belongs exclusively to the Great Sage of Pingtian, and no monsters can enter it.

Once, there was a demon clan who refused to accept his discipline, broke into the ninth floor, was suppressed and killed by the Great Sage of Pingtian on the spot, and then swallowed them alive, leaving no bones behind.

Chen Yuan was brought into the eighth floor by Bai Qiu. As soon as he entered, he quickly sensed that the vitality of this place is not inferior to the general secret realm. No wonder the Great Sage of Pingtian chose this floor as his base camp.

Bai Qiu's attitude was not to say respectful, but it was also very good. After all, what Chen Yuan brought was their hope of escaping from the prison, where they were all monsters.

But after a long time, being trapped in one place will make you feel bored.

They are thinking about breaking the Demon Town Tower all the time, but unfortunately, no matter how hard they try, those guys in Shushan will firmly suppress them here, obliterating their hopes time and time again.

Bai Qiu sighed in his heart and kept complaining, finally finding an outsider to confide his pain in the cage for so many years. Chen Yuan looked calm and echoed from time to time.

Compared with the seventh floor, there are even fewer monsters on the eighth floor. Chen Yuan traveled dozens of miles, but only saw dozens of monsters with different cultivation levels.

Looking at their Yukong figures from a distance, there was also some surprise in their eyes.

Not long after, Chen Yuan came to the place where the Great Sage Pingtian was. This is a relatively simple hall, covering an area of ​​about several hundred feet, and many places use skeletons as beams.

The reason why Chen Yuan didn't sneak into the eighth floor was not that he couldn't do it. In fact, with his cultivation base, even a carpet search of monsters in the Demon Town Tower might not be able to find him.

However, the passage leading to the ninth floor is in this hall, and it is almost impossible to enter the ninth floor. After weighing things up before he came in, he still decided to paralyze the Great Sage Pingtian first, and then go to the ninth floor.

"The great sage is waiting in the hall right now, Brother Jiang He is following me." With Bai Qiu leading the way, the monster guards outside the hall didn't even ask any questions. At first glance, many of their eyes were full of numbness.

For hundreds of years, no outsiders have ever entered the Demon Suppressing Tower. Their duty is only to suppress the rebellions below, and their own great sage is the only holy-level strongman in the Demon Suppressing Tower. No matter what monsters rebel, The end result is only a dead end.

Entering the main hall, Chen Yuan was calm and didn't feel any surprise. Compared with the human race, the monster race is the real rough one, not to mention that they drink blood, but it's not much better.

And he not only entered the world's No. 1 city, but also entered the imperial palace. He has seen it twice in Xianshan Fudi. Such a building is nothing at all.

To say that the only thing that surprised him was that he saw several male and female monsters that turned into human shapes and walked by.

Judging from their appearance, they seem to be the favorite concubines of the Great Sage Pingtian.

As if sensing Chen Yuan's gaze, Bai Qiu coughed lightly and said:

"The hobbies of the great sage are different from those of ordinary monsters. Brother Jiang He, don't be offended."

"No problem, no problem."

Chen Yuan didn't say much. The more he said, the more mistakes he made. After all, he was not a real monster, and he had never lived in southern Xinjiang. If any accident was noticed, he could only do it.

And that, before he entered the ninth floor and took away the Demon God Flower, was the most unwise choice.

After reporting, Chen Yuan and Bai Qiu were able to enter the deepest hall, and they saw the blood-striped man sitting on the bone throne at first glance.

The Great Sage of Pingtian of the Scarlet Underworld Blood Tiger Clan!

No need to guess or infer, his identity is already clear.

Subconsciously, Chen Yuan unconsciously opened his Sky Eye again. In fact, after he entered the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, the Sky Eye pupil technique would basically be opened from time to time, searching for the whereabouts of the Son of Destiny.

Although he hasn't found luck from any monster clan yet, Chen Yuan doesn't think so, humans and monsters are equal, whoever said that monster clan can't have luck.

Sure enough, with his unremitting efforts, he finally found another child of luck in this hall.

And the person with luck is none other than the Great Sage of Pingtian!

At this moment, Chen Yuan really wanted to kill him, but he also knew that his own strength was too different, and it was almost impossible for him to win without awakening Senior Mo Luo.

Perhaps it will be possible after he devours the Demon God Flower!

"My subordinates see the Great Sage!" Bai Qiu immediately imitated the etiquette of the human race and saluted.

This has become his habit.

But Great Sage Pingtian didn't cast his eyes on him, but stared at Chen Yuan and asked:

"Don't know your friend's name?"

"Southern Border Demon Lin Clan, Jiang He!"

"Jiang He, the Demon Lin Clan."

Great Sage Pingtian was the same as Bai Qiu before, with a suspicious look on his face. Although he was born after he was arrested and imprisoned in the Demon Suppressing Tower, his elders had told him many times about the situation in southern Xinjiang.

Among the hundreds of clans, there seems to be no Molin clan.

It's really weird.

Chen Yuan didn't explain it to Bai Qiu before, but now he wants to temporarily dispel the suspicion of Yaosheng Pingtian, and said in a deep voice:

"My family is a race that migrated from the south of southern Xinjiang. It has a trace of unicorn blood. It has developed so far because of the blessing of the Chiming clan. My family promises."

"I see."

Although Demon Sage Pingtian did not dispel his doubts, he did not show it. After all, the demon clan in the Demon Suppressing Tower has been isolated from the outside world for five hundred years. Not impossible.

Moreover, what the other party brought was a chance to escape from the cage, and he would not be too negligent, just asking:

"How did Fellow Daoist sneak into the Demon Town Tower? I know that this tower is very closely guarded by the people of Shushan, and there is a large formation waiting for it. Otherwise, I wouldn't be trapped here."

Chen Yuan smiled lightly, and continued:

"Thinking about it, the Great Sage should have sensed it. There is no evil spirit on my body."


Yaosheng Pingtian nodded slightly, this was also one of the doubts, but before he could ask, he directly told the convenience.

"This is an important reason why I dived into the Demon Town Tower. My Demon Lin family has racial talent, and I was born with a weak demonic energy. Later, with the help of the patriarch of the Chiming Clan, I completely suppressed the demonic energy. As long as I don't do anything, it will not leak. , and now it’s time for the opening of the Shushan Sword Sacrifice Conference, I took this opportunity to deceive the strong people of the Shushan Human Race and found the Demon Town Tower.”

Chen Yuan spoke eloquently, and the words that had been drafted for a long time were seamlessly said. Anyway, Pingtian Yaosheng was out of touch with the outside world, and had no place to seek proof.

"Thank you, fellow daoist." Although he didn't experience it personally, Pingtian Yaosheng also knew how dangerous it was for the demon race to sneak into the fairy gate of the human race. If he was not careful, he might be killed by someone.

"The Chi Ming family treats our family well. It is my wish to be able to help." Chen Yuan smiled lightly, not taking any credit for it. If he hadn't known what was going on, he would have believed it.

If you cheat the monster inside, naturally there will be no problems.

"This time the patriarch asked fellow daoists to come, but what do you want to say?" Pingtian Yaosheng looked at Chen Yuan nervously, afraid that he would say that he did not come to save them, but had some other purpose.

Chen Yuan walked all the way, and searched for the souls of monsters with dog heads and human bodies. Naturally, he understood what the monsters in the Demon Town Tower were thinking, and said directly:

"This time coming here is the beginning of my hundred tribes in southern Xinjiang preparing to fight back against the human race. The existence of the Demon Suppressing Tower is too dangerous, and the four major demon tribes are determined to destroy it.

By the way, save fellow Taoists. "

"Really?" Demon Saint Pingtian couldn't sit still, his eyes were filled with excitement.

If this person said that it was just to save them, Pingtian Yaosheng would not believe it at all. After all, if he really wanted to do this, the most likely time was when the demon god hadn't sat down hundreds of years ago.

But now, there are two or three big cats and kittens in the Zhenyao Pagoda, and they have not been wiped out by those human races in Shushan relying on the Wanyao Formation.

Chen Yuan looked calm:

"It's natural. If there are lies, I will let Jiang He fall into the hands of the demon saint. The battle five hundred years ago was a disgrace to my demon clan. In these years, all the tribes in southern Xinjiang have been thinking about counterattacking the Central Plains all the time. , enslaving the human race, destroying the Zhenyao Pagoda, and destroying the Shushan Xianmen of the human race is the first step of my monster race's counterattack!"

"it is good!!!"

Pingtian Yaosheng was said to be impassioned, wishing to kill him now, he has been hungry for too long, he really wants to taste the taste of the two-legged sheep that his predecessors said!

"Since it was ordered by the patriarch, Pingtian should cooperate. I don't know what we should do next?" Pingtian Yaosheng asked in a deep voice.

Bai Qiu on the side also cast his eyes on Chen Yuan, death is not terrible, what is terrible is that he will never see the future and the light, he wants to fight for the Yaozu!

Chen Yuan showed hesitation, and didn't speak immediately. Bai Qiu also saw this expression, and he winked at Pingtian Yaosheng. He immediately understood, and said kindly:

"Fellow Daoist, don't have any scruples, just say what you have, even if you let us go to die, Ping Tian will never frown."

"That's not necessary." Chen Yuan shook his head, sighed softly, and said: "Actually, the patriarch of the Chiming clan asked me to do one thing, but... it's really hard for me to speak, the monster clan in the demon town tower is also my monster clan Great boy, he was accidentally suppressed by the human race five hundred years ago.

"But it doesn't matter."

Pingtian Yaosheng said in a deep voice.

"The four great demon clans come here, but there is actually one more thing to do, and that is to take away the demon god flower." Chen Yuan said softly.

"Demon God Flower!"

Demon Saint Pingtian shrank his pupils and frowned. This is something in his pocket. He has kept it for hundreds of years, and he just wants to rely on it to make further progress.

Unexpectedly, he was targeted by the strong outside.

He showed displeasure, and was about to say something when he saw Bai Qiu winking wildly at him, and immediately suppressed the anger in his heart, and continued to ask:

"What do they want the Demon God Flower for?"

"It has been spread in southern Xinjiang that when the demon god falls, there is a high probability that the demon god flower will be born, which contains part of the demon god's background, which will not only make the demon clan grow physically, but also have the opportunity to comprehend the rules. The patriarch of the Chiming clan then If you want this thing, you will step into the crucial step before becoming a god, so."

"What kind of rumor is this? It's absolutely impossible!" Pingtian Yaosheng immediately said coldly.

He has received the inheritance of the demon god. Before his death, the senior never said that the demon god flower can enable people to comprehend the power of the rules. There are not only a few demon gods in southern border.

In fact, the real function of the Yaoshen Flower is only to enhance the physical body and make the strength skyrocket. There have never been rumors of helping the Yaozu understand the rules.

At this moment, he suddenly became suspicious again.

Is there a gap in the Yaozu in the past five hundred years, or is the record about the Yaoshenhua lost, or is this guy in front of him deceiving him?

"This sage can guarantee that this flower of the demon god is not used to comprehend the rules, it can only be used to improve the body."


Chen Yuan showed disappointment. Now it is not acting, but showing his true feelings. In fact, he also wants to understand the rules. Now it seems that

That's not the case, and I don't know if Taoist Lingxu made a mistake, or the Pingtian Demon Saint is reluctant?

"This sage can swear that if this statement is true, he will be inseparable from the Demon Suppressing Pagoda forever, or he will be personally killed by a fellow Taoist." Pingtian Yaosheng continued.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath and sighed again:

"A task that can be done next."

"Could it be that the sage personally swears, and fellow Taoists still don't believe it?"

Pingtian Yaosheng's aura was revealed, extremely powerful.

"It's not that I don't believe it. I really can't explain to the chief of the Chiming clan. If I can't take the Yaoshenhua with me, I'm afraid fellow Taoists want to leave the Demon Town Tower."

"How can fellow Taoist believe it?"

Pingtian Yaosheng also felt that it was extremely difficult, he was reluctant to part with the Yaoshenhua, but leaving the Zhenyao Pagoda was his lifelong wish, and he was unwilling to give up this good opportunity.

"I wonder if the Demon God Flower is mature now?"

Chen Yuan's voice changed.

"It's still a few days away, but it's almost there." Pingtian Yaosheng actually planned to pick it in a few days. He wanted to take the flower of the demon god and improve his strength. demon tower.

There is no immortal in Shushan, so he is not hopeless.

"The patriarch wanted it personally, but it's not mature yet, and Pingtian Daoist also wants it." Chen Yuan pretended to think twice, and suddenly said:

"What the patriarch wants is nothing more than a fetish to comprehend the rules. Since this is the case, can I take away a leaf for the patriarch to see? Presumably, with the strength of the patriarch, he will be able to judge whether the demon flower can help people comprehend the rules. If it is found to be useless, I don’t think I will force this thing, but fellow Taoists can refine it these few days, how about it?”

"This..." Demon Sage Pingtian looked contemplative, hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay, then according to what Fellow Daoist Jiang He said, I will take a leaf away for you and let the patriarch investigate it carefully. I hope that Fellow Daoist will have a few words of kindness when the time comes. After I go out, I will definitely not treat Fellow Daoist badly."

A leaf of the Demon God Flower was taken away, although there was some damage, but it was not serious. Compared with others, Pingtian Demon Saint could still accept it. Of course, the main reason was that he had no other way.

"You and I belong to the monster clan, so we should advance and retreat together. Don't worry, Pingtian Daoist." Chen Yuan said hastily.

"Okay, fellow Taoist Jiang He Gao Yi, there will be retribution in the future, Bai Qiu, please chat with fellow Taoist Jiang He here for a while, and I will go to the ninth floor to fetch flowers."

He did what he said, and Pingtian Yaosheng didn't hesitate, thinking about letting Jiang He take him away as soon as possible. He knew how powerful Shushan was, and if he delayed for too long, he might be noticed.

"Wait a minute, demon saint."

Seeing that this person went by himself, Chen Yuan hurriedly stopped him.

He didn't really come here to take risks for a leaf, so naturally he couldn't agree.

"What else is there for Fellow Daoist Jiang He?" Pingtian Yaosheng looked back.

Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, then said in a concentrated voice:

"It's not that I don't trust Fellow Daoist Pingtian. It's just that the demon god's flower is of great importance. Can I watch the demon saint take off the leaves with my own eyes? If so, I can go back and do business."


"If the Demon God's Flower is not used to comprehend the rules, then naturally everyone is happy, but if there is, and the Demon Saint is thinking about his wealth and life, please forgive me."

Chen Yuan continued.

Seeing Jiang He's persistence, Pingtian Yaosheng couldn't refuse. In this way, the patriarch could also be convinced. Besides, he was also confident that his own strength could suppress everything, so he immediately nodded and said:

"The fellow Taoist, even though I am a saint, come together."

"Thank you, fellow daoist."

Chen Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly followed.

He was really afraid that the demon sage would not be willing, if that was the case, then it would be a waste of time to come.

Pingtian Demon Sage led the way, Chen Yuan was in the middle, and Bai Qiu followed at the end. The three of them did not, the three demons wandered around in the hall, and finally came to a secret room that was strictly guarded.

The secret room was opened by Pingtian Yaosheng, revealing the lineup inside. Just like before, it was also a teleportation formation with various runes engraved on it.

"For hundreds of years, only the sage can enter the ninth floor, and fellow daoist is the second one." Demon Saint Pingtian chuckled, although Jiang He still had something he suspected, just for the hope of getting out, he still Decided to trust once.

"That would be my honor."

"That's not true, it's just that the ninth floor is where the demon god sits, and people shouldn't disturb it." Demon Saint Pingtian waved his hand, not paying attention.

Then he and Chen Yuan stood on the formation at the same time, and as the faint light of the formation was lit up, Pingtian Yaosheng suddenly felt a little uneasy, and asked:

"Friend Jiang He."


"The effect of the demon god flower, it stands to reason that if there is a demon god in my Chiming blood tiger clan, I would not be ignorant of its function. Why is the patriarch still sure that it can comprehend the rules?"

If there is no demon god, how could he dare to annex the Central Plains? If there is a demon god, he should not be aware of the role of the demon god flower. He had doubts before, but because the conversation was too fast, he forgot it for a while.

"Because I want it!"

"What?!" Pingtian Yaosheng was startled and turned his head to look, but what returned to him was Chen Yuan's incarnation of Qilin Demon, which opened the void stagnation, and punched him casually.

It's not that he doesn't want to use all his strength, but that once he accumulates his strength, he will be noticed by Pingtian Yaosheng. In fact, if he hadn't used his supernatural power to stagnate in the void, relying on Pingtian Yaosheng's strength, even that punch might not be able to hit his body. body.


The entire secret room was shaken down, and the Chiming Blood Tiger was also blasted out of the formation at that moment of hesitation.

Then, the light of the formation flourished, and Chen Yuan's figure quickly disappeared.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Pingtian Yaosheng was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so he was not seriously injured. The roar of the tiger roared loudly, and he roared angrily:

"Jiang He, you dare to lie to me, I want you to die!!!"

As he spoke, he quickly stood on top of the formation, but it was a pity that he had already been blocked by the formation by Chen Yuan on the opposite side, leaving only a roar:

"Damn Jiang He!"

"You dare to touch the demon god flower, I will swallow you alive!!!"

Outside the Demon Suppressing Tower, the calm Jiang He suddenly frowned, feeling a little strange, as if someone had evil thoughts towards him.

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