I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 659 Close the door and beat the dog!


There was no words, but the two of them, including Jiang He, knew this very well. No matter how strong the three of them were, they were not the opponents of the eight demon saints.

It will create a three-on-one situation, and none of the three of them has the ability to do this.

Without a large formation to rely on, they must retreat!

Of course, this was also in their preparations. If the demons of Southern Border dared to attack, they must have made all the preparations, and it was impossible for them not to realize the power of the mountain guard formation.

Therefore, there is really no suspense at all for the King of Zhennan's move to go to the Shushan Mountain Guard formation, and everything is expected. They want to invite the king into the urn and close the door to beat the dog.

Treat the entire Shu Mountain as a battlefield.

This may cause great losses, but it is also a price that must be paid. The only better thing is that from the moment the monsters in the southern border appeared, all Shushan disciples had already entered the secret realm one after another.

This is also the reason why Taoist Lingxu has always been willing to talk nonsense with the other party.

The purpose of these monsters is them, and they will not stare at the Shushan disciples in the secret realm. As long as they are still there, those disciples will be very safe, and vice versa.

The figures of the three of them streaked across the sky and quickly retreated towards the back of Shu Mountain.

And the Nanjiang side who had broken the Shushan formation had no more guesses, and directly controlled the monster wind to cover the entire Shushan, the red blood tiger, the nine-tailed sky fox, the sky blue demon cow, the mysterious sky spider, the god ape, the Jinpeng, Each of them vividly displayed their huge monster bodies, and every step they took could bring about a roar.

"Kill them!"

"Destroy Shu Mountain."

"Jie Jie Jie"

The scene like annihilation quickly swept across the entire Shushan Mountain. Wherever it passed, most of the buildings in Shushan Mountain would be shredded, like plowing the ground.

In front of the Demon Town Tower.

Shenxu, Zhenxu, Yangxu, Qingxu, and a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi stepped out of the void and began to fight.

That man in green is the Lord of the Sword Pavilion, and the only Yangshen True Monarch who is active on the bright side in the entire Eastern Shu except for Shushan is the existence named after Zhao Yuantong, the Supreme Elder of the Three Absolute Sects in West Shu.

The strength is very extraordinary.

Few people know that Jiange is the outer sect separated from Shushan, and it has never been revealed on the surface. This time, it can be regarded as completely revealed.

All in all, although there are no immortals in Mount Shu, there are three real monarchs, plus three strong men who are at the peak of refining gods, and their strength is not bad even among the immortals.

No one drew a sword, and the world changed color.

Although the three real people, Shenxu, Zhenxu, and Yangxu, only have the peak cultivation of gods, but the three of them are compatible with Shushan, and this place is their home field. It is not a problem to form a sword formation to block an ordinary demon saint.

In this way, in fact, Shushan's preparations are not much weaker than those of the Yaozu. After all, there is also Biyou Palace head teacher Zhao Danqing in the Yaozhen Pagoda.

Retreating to the back of Shu Mountain, the three of Chen Yuan stood side by side in the void, and the demon saint behind him had already killed him at this moment, carrying a turbulent momentum, it was simply terrifying.

"Let's fall here!"

The demon sage of the Azure Demon Bull Clan, with red eyes, slammed into him with a huge body like a mountain. Jiang He was the first to move, and the Immortal Execution Sword came out, and the sword energy burst into the sky, making it difficult for everyone to look directly at it.

"Jian Yi, Qing Ming!"


The soul-devouring tiger of the Scarlet Underworld Blood Tiger Clan screamed loudly, without holding back a bit, and with a claw out, the situation changed, as if the sky was falling, Master Ling Xu, the head teacher of Shushan, directly met the enemy with the Slaying Immortal Sword.

With a faint stroke of the sword, the endless sharpness shone, and all the means of devouring the soul were broken.

One sword breaks all spells!

The power of the fairy sword is clearly revealed.

At this moment, Ling Xu is the peerless immortal who is so powerful in the world, with his beard and hair flying, his aura penetrating the universe, gathering endless sword intent, and going straight to the heart of Soul Devourer.

Even if it has great supernatural powers and no weaknesses in the whole body, compared to other places, this place is still relatively fragile. Once it is completely crushed, it will basically end in ruins.

Unless the body is sanctified and reborn with a drop of blood.

However, the Yaozu also knew the horror of the human fairy sword and magic weapon after the previous lessons, so naturally they would not confront it head-on with their bare hands. Soul Eater, who was forced to retreat by Ling Xu, opened his mouth and spit out an ancient bronze bell more than ten feet in size.


When the bell rang, the world was silent, and the infinite sword energy seemed to be shattered in an instant. Those sound waves, like layers of sea water, set off huge waves and swept everyone.

"Ling Xu, you have the Immortal Killing Sword, and this seat also has the Demon Emperor's Bell. Today, let's see if it's you or me!"

Soul Eater laughed wildly a few times, his blood surging.

Who doesn't know the name of Shushan Town Mountain Immortal Sword Killing Immortal Sword?

Five hundred years ago, it displayed great power in the hands of a Shu Mountain land sword fairy, and it has left a valley of broken swords hundreds of miles long in southern Xinjiang.

There is even a weak sword intent in the valley, and the soul strays into it, and it is close to death.

Before the Soul Devourer comes, it will naturally invite the most treasured Demon Emperor Bell of the Scarlet Underworld Blood Tiger Clan to resist.

The fact that the Yao Clan has no demon emperor so far does not mean that the Chiming Blood Tiger Clan does not have such ambitions. Hundreds of years ago was the time when the Blood Tiger Clan was at its most powerful, and the demon gods almost overwhelmed the rest of the Southern Border tribes.

He was almost able to ascend to the position of the Demon Emperor, and the immortal soldiers who were sacrificed naturally would be called the Demon Emperor's Bell.

Taoist Ling Xu's face was serious, and he snorted coldly:

"Naughty animal!"

As soon as the words fell, the Immortal Slaughter Sword was raised again, and the infinite sword intent exploded.

"If you dare to come to Shushan to cause trouble, stay here!" Daoist Qingxu, one of the five elders of Shushan, exploded in an instant. Like Taoist Lingxu, he was no longer as kind as before.

With loose long hair, he doesn't look like a sword fairy, but a real sword lunatic.

Although the weapon he holds is not a fairy sword, it is also a magic weapon of countless calamities, which is one of the heritage of Mount Shu. This battle is related to the survival of Mount Shu, and he will not be stingy with what can be used.

Compared with Taoist Lingxu's awe-inspiring way, his sword intent hurts both others and himself, like a madman, he doesn't pay attention to other things, only pays attention to beheading the opponent.

And the opponent he took aim at was the Tongbei Demon Saint from the Huntian God Monkey Clan.

As one of the alien species, Tongbei is an extremely rare Tongbei ape. If it becomes a demon god, it can do such terrifying supernatural powers as holding a thousand mountains and shrinking the sun and the moon.

Its tens of feet tall body is like a demon ape, with both arms beating its chest, roaring, the sound wave swept the world, facing Qingxu's attack, he did not avoid it at all, and directly punched out.

"Smash you!"

Endless qi and blood are mighty, vibrating the void, and with a punch, the void seems to collapse directly, surrounded by a demon wind, and other things aside, at least the momentum is absolutely top-notch, even comparable to that of the Crimson Blood Tiger Clan. The soul demon is holy.

"Turn into a real dragon with one sword!"

The master of the Jiange Pavilion, the green-robed swordsman, had a serious expression on his face. With a thought, the sword energy rolled like a long dragon, wrapped in the infinite vitality of the world, and killed another strong man of the Scarlet Underworld Blood Tiger Clan.

It was a blood-colored tiger who was no different from Pingtian Demon Saint, roared and collided with it.

"Three Absolute Sword Formation!"

The three top elders of Mount Shu, Zhenxu, Yangxu, and Shenxu, each held a divine weapon of calamity, standing in their respective positions, faintly conjoined with each other, and directly enveloped the demon saint of the Jinpeng clan.

After surrounding them, the three of them started desperately without any nonsense, urging the primordial spirit, controlling the nearby heaven and earth vitality, gathering sword energy to envelop Jin Peng from all directions.

"A group of ants dare to shine!"

The Jinpeng demon sage snorted coldly, feeling slighted, the other party was only three human races cultivating gods, and even the Yang god hadn't arrived yet, so he actually wanted to kill him.

It's courting death!

Immediately, the roc spread its wings and covered several hundred feet. It was the roc that rose with the wind and suppressed ten thousand enemies with one stretch.

But to his surprise, no matter how he used his supernatural powers, he still couldn't escape the envelopment of the sword formation. When he killed a certain person, the sword energy on the other two sides exploded.

They are not demon-killing saints, as long as they stop them, that's enough!

Jiang He stopped one, Ling Xu stopped one, Qing Xu stopped one, Jiange Suzerain stopped one, and the three Shushan elders also tried their best to stop one, and the battle was about to start, and five demon saints were blocked.

In addition, there are three more!

One is Bai Niansheng, one is Zhennan King, and the other is the Nine Spider Demon Saint of the Xuantian Divine Spider Clan.

In the beginning of the battle, Chen Yuan would not be empty-handed. He was the Zhennan King he was eyeing, but before he could make a move, a woman's laughter sounded in his ears.

Then, terrifying spider threads swept from all over the void, as if they wanted to envelop him.

Followed by another laugh:

"It's such a vigorous power of qi and blood, it's better to let me swallow it!"

Chen Yuan's complexion sank, and he snorted coldly:

"If you want to swallow me, it depends on whether you have the ability. You are a bold monster, so you should help me practice!"

Chen Yuan laughed loudly, the laughter swept the world, and the sound waves rolled, and then he stepped out, making seals with his hands, and said in a concentrated voice:

"Oven cave, open!"

In an instant, a black hole that wiped out everything burst open, and then, endless true fire of samadhi burst out. Those spider threads in the void couldn't stop the true fire of samadhi from rising again, and burned into nothingness.


Demon Saint Nine Spiders was taken aback. Her spider silk was a natural supernatural power. Even ordinary demon saints couldn't resist it. Even someone as strong as Tongbei had to use methods.

But the magic fire in front of this person collapsed at the touch of a button.

It's really unbelievable.

"This person's strength is much stronger than before!" Zhennan Wang Nangonglie was shocked, but he still remembered the previous battle on the southern border.

At that time, if there was that Heavenly Sword True Lord who came east with a sword, and he was unwilling to fight fiercely, he would have suppressed this unicorn demon long ago. At that time, his strength was no more than that of Bai Niansheng's old fox. He chased him thousands of miles away with strange means, but the gap between him and him was still very large.

In the end, after not seeing each other for several months, it was unbelievable that the other party was able to burn Nine Spiders' silk with one blow, and a strong murderous intent emerged in his heart.

This son must not stay!

If you keep it, there will be future troubles!

In the south, such a powerful person is not allowed to appear.

The previous Chen Yuan was just because he couldn't move his hands, otherwise, for the things he did, it would not be too much to die ten times. A small Lian Shen who dared to spy on Shuzhou was simply looking for death.

That's the person he must kill, and the Lin Mo Zhenjun of the Taoist Palace will not be used by him depending on the situation, so he must take this opportunity to kill him.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to kill him as Zhennan King when the saints retreated, and it would stir up the entire Taoist Palace.

He doesn't look down on other people, but he is still very cautious about the top five Asura True Monarchs who are said to be miraculous and supreme. If he doesn't understand the rules, he may not be able to match.


As soon as he thought about it, Nangong Lie didn't hold back any more, and pointed out, endless sharpness gathered at one point, like a ray of light, directly covering Chen Yuan's body.

But before he could relax, he saw his means falling into the black hole without a sound.

His pupils shrank deeply, and he thought of a word to describe it.

All laws do not invade!

After realizing that this person had such supernatural powers, Nangong Lie's murderous intent became more intense, and he stepped forward, forming a siege with Nine Spiders, intending to kill this person.

It took almost a moment, and the entire Shu Mountain fell into a big battle in an instant. Neither side held back their hands, and they used all their strength when they made a move.

The monster clan wants to destroy Shushan, and Shushan wants to kill these monsters. The hatred between the two parties is irreconcilable.

As soon as King Zhennan made a move, Chen Yuan immediately felt a great pressure and danger, his heart jumped violently, and his figure quickly avoided. Behind him, a blow exploded and the void distorted.

Chen Yuan hasn't done anything to him yet, but he wants to kill Chen Yuan's hidden danger!

Chen Yuan did not expect Zhennan King to seek refuge with the Yaozu. This directly made many of his plans come to nothing, and his murderous intentions for this person were extremely strong.

Although it is best not to kill this person, after all, once he dies, the border will be lost in an instant, millions of monster soldiers will overwhelm the border, and the lowest Nanzhou will completely fall into the hands of the monster clan.

And if he doesn't die, he can buy time for Chen Yuan. The Yaozu is not a fool, they will definitely sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and wait until the civil strife in the human race is empty before making a move.

Chen Yuan can also have time to improve his strength. When he has the strength of the top few in the supreme list, he will win over Taixu Palace, Biyou Palace, Shushan and other fairy gates. Even if the monster army is overwhelming, he will not be afraid.

Once he died, it would be a good opportunity for Yaozu to directly change the frontier. It can be said that Nangong Lie had better not die, but Chen Yuan couldn't restrain his killing intent.

Whether it's because of his refuge in the monster clan, luck, or previous grievances, for some reason, Chen Yuan just wants to beat him to death.

Completely nailed to the pillar of shame of the human race.

Facing his methods, Chen Yuan did not hesitate, shouted loudly, and the turbulent samadhi real fire directly suppressed him, but his invincible methods were of no use to King Zhennan.

He has a way to avoid the true fire of Samadhi directly, and the flame cannot enter his body!

"If you only have these methods, you will fall here today!" Nangong Lie sneered, and blasted out with a palm, releasing infinite pressure.

"He is my prey!"

Nine spiders also reacted quickly in the instant confrontation between Chen Yuan and Nangong Lie, and even transformed into a human form directly from the body of a monster.

Wearing a black veil, she is faintly visible, her figure is graceful, and she has an extreme sense of temptation, as if once the charm comes out, the sky and the earth are indistinguishable.

"This fellow Taoist, is this concubine good-looking?"

Nine Spiders blinked and smiled.

"It's just a long-legged spider, what's so good about it?"

"You!" Nine Spiders almost choked to death with a single sentence, avoiding Chen Yuan's full-strength punch, and said with a sneer:

"Friend Daoist, you can't escape the cooperation of the two of us. How about this, you are not a human body anyway, you might as well join my demon clan, and marry you as a concubine, how about it?"

Nine Spiders licked their lips.

Nangong Lie frowned, a little displeased, but now there are too many people relying on the monster clan, and he didn't say much, but the power of his actions was a little bigger.

"You want to swallow my blood, right? It's just a spider, and you deserve it too?" Chen Yuan saw through the demon saint's thoughts at a glance, he must want the blood of the unicorn.

"Toast, don't eat, eat fine wine!"

Seeing the other party's determination, Nine Spiders immediately became rude and began to mobilize many spider threads to cover the void, each one sticking into the void like nails.

As long as Chen Yuan is wrapped up, no matter how many tricks he has, he will not be able to escape.

It has to be said that Nangonglie and Jiuzhu teamed up to feel too much pressure on Chen Yuan, pressing him tightly without giving him the slightest reaction time. He knew very well that this was because Nangonglie was hiding his identity and did not exert all his strength. Otherwise, within ten breaths, he may be seriously injured and die.

However, he is not worried, because the opportunity will come soon!

The reason why the monster clan on the battlefield now has the upper hand is entirely because there are two more people, but soon, they will no longer be able to have this advantage.

The breakthrough point was Chen Yuan's old opponent, the old fox Bai Niansheng. Since the beginning of the fight, he had completely left him alone, as if deliberately letting him go.

No, it was indeed deliberate.

Even, it was a plan that was just decided.

Among these demon saints, the only one he has come into contact with is Bai Niansheng. Knowing his strength, he alone can't block Zhao Danqing's prepared blow.

If it's another demon saint, it's not necessarily the case.

Therefore, let's start with the easy and then the difficult, let's kill him first.

And he wasn't alert, after all, they had the upper hand.

Taking a look at the few people in the battle, Bai Niansheng directly left the battlefield without joining forces with anyone, and went directly towards the Demon Town Tower.

The spies of the demon clan have already found out that there is still a powerful demon saint in the demon suppressing tower, at least Ling Xu has no choice but to wait for him to come out, it will be an overwhelming advantage.

Therefore, the goal of the demon clan has always been to suppress the demon tower.

There was no one to stop him, Bai Niansheng was very fast, he arrived in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower almost instantly, mobilized all the strength of his body, and blasted directly at the tower.

The Demon Suppressing Tower is extremely strong, it is protected from the inside out by a large array, and it is different when attacking from the outside.

But no one saw it, Chen Yuan Lingxu and the others unconsciously twitched their mouths.

Sure enough, before Bai Niansheng's blow fell, suddenly, a dazzling light directly fixed Bai Niansheng for a moment, it was the power of Biyou Palace's most precious treasure Tongtian Mirror.

The next moment, a white awn came out from the Demon Suppressing Tower.

All the demon saints were shocked.

Bai Niansheng couldn't react, his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all, he could only watch helplessly as the white light approached.

His eyes were full of despair!


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