I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 669 Changes in the Heaven List! ranked tenth...

Chapter 669 Changes in the Heaven List! ranked tenth.


Jingtai waved his hand, signaling Cao Zhengxian to back down.

"The old minister will leave."

Cao Zhengxian bowed, rolled up the map of the mountains and rivers on the desk, and bent down to leave the imperial study.

Suddenly, Jingtai seemed to have thought of something, and said:


"What orders does Your Majesty have?" Cao Zhengxian raised his head.

"According to my decree, after seven days, I will order Chen Yuan, the Marquis of Wu'an, to go to Mount Shu for accountability. Why is such a rebellion of Taoist Palace associated with Mount Shu? Could it be that he wants to betray the imperial court?"

Jingtai said lightly.

Cao Zhengxian's eyes were slightly startled:

"What if Shushan is forced to rebel?"

"The south is no longer under the control of the imperial court. It's the same anyway. It's good to let it mess up, and the imperial court can also withdraw from the control of the southern border monsters."


Jingtai frowned, looked down at Cao Zhengxian and said:

"Why, do you have doubts?"

"What if the Marquis of Wu'an doesn't go to Mount Shu?"

"Then dismiss his official position, cut his title, and order him to enter Beijing to plead guilty."

"If that's the case, I'm afraid he won't come." Cao Zhengxian frowned slightly and said slowly.

"It's the same whether you come or not. It's just that I don't want to see him go so smoothly. I'm afraid this son has other thoughts in his heart. Now, every incident in the south shows his thoughts. In the chaos, this son will definitely take advantage of the situation and turn against him. If he is given the title of a traitor and traitor, the reputation of Liangzhou City's first battle will probably be offset.

He is nothing more than a mere cultivator of gods, without the protection of fame, what is he worth in this chaotic world where heroes are all at the same time? talent?

Hehe, if you haven't grown up, it's nothing! "

A coldness flashed in Jingtai's eyes. Before that, he wanted to tie a rope around Chen Yuan's neck so that he would be loyal to the Sima family forever, but he didn't want to, and deliberately accumulated strength in the south.

He saw it all in his eyes, and he had already moved to kill.

It's just that his reputation is too heavy, and his current power is not low. Taking action against him directly will only chill the hearts of the officials below. It would be better to cut his reputation.

Let him die in the melee.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Okay, step back, and invite the two princes and uncles to come to the imperial study."


When Cao Zhengxian left, Jingtai took out a sound transmission talisman from his sleeve, and said calmly:

"It's time to start!"

The hurricane in the Battle of Shushan blew very quickly, but in just a few days, it blew to the capital, causing extremely huge shocks immediately.

Many court dignitaries felt a little apprehensive, for fear that troubled times would break out and their prosperity and wealth would be disturbed.

But like the eldest princess Pingyang and the princes, they are all worried, as if they have seen that the building is about to collapse, and even the prince who was in full swing before, now has no movement.

The world is going to be in chaos, so why not fight for the crown prince? Are you really not afraid of the emperor's anger?

All they can do is just wait and be patient.

After careful consideration, the fourth prince, Sima Ke, still sent someone to send a letter to the south. It was a letter to Chen Yuan, Marquis of Wu'an. It mentioned his current situation, and also vaguely mentioned the concubine in the palace. .

I hope that Chen Yuan can always miss their mother and son in his heart, and it is best to find a way to get out of the quagmire in the south, so as not to cause chaos in the world and be the first to be targeted.

He wasn't really worried about Chen Yuan's safety, but he just felt that now Chen Yuan was the biggest support for him and his concubine mother. If he collapsed, who would help him up?

How do you compete with the brothers above you?

There are signs of turmoil in the world, and the safest place is Zhongzhou. Here is the strongest power of the royal family. No one can break in. It is best to come back.

However, it was predictable that Chen Yuan would not pay attention to him at all.

To him, Sima Ke, Concubine Yang and her son are just pawns, and they are basically useless to him now, so how could he still take care of them?

woman? Does he need a woman?

step-son? Does he lack a son?

That night.

Now Gu Tianqiong, the Grand Governor of the Governor General of the Tian Xun Division, Li Kuangxiu, the Marshal Li Kuangxiu who regained his military power, and Sima Che, Jingtai's uncle, joined hands in the Royal Study Room.

"I have seen His Majesty!"

"I have seen His Majesty!"

"I have seen."

The three of them saluted together.

With a smile on his face, Jingtai gestured for the three of them to sit down.

"I don't know why Your Majesty called me here tonight, why?" Li Kuangxiu was impatient, this time Jingtai summoned all three of them to the Imperial Study Room, and people in the open knew something was up at a glance.

As for what happened, he probably had something to do with the Battle of Shushan.

"How is Duke Zhen's injury?" Jingtai didn't speak directly, but asked about other things.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern, it's all right now!"

Li Kuangxiu raised his hand in a salute. To him, the rebirth of a broken limb was nothing. After this period of recuperation, he was basically back to normal.

There may be some obstacles, but definitely not many.

"That's good, Duke Zhen is the pillar of the imperial court, there must be no damage." Jingtai continued to laugh.


After chatting for a few words, Jingtai changed his voice and sighed:

"I guess my uncle and the two princes already know about Shushan, right?"



The Battle of Shushan was such a big movement, how could they not know about it?

Even if Jingtai hadn't invited them into the palace today, they would all have to face saints.

"In the battle of Mount Shu, seven demon saints from the demon race plus a true king from the human race, a total of eight powerful men at the level of a true king descended on Mount Shu to fight with immortal soldiers, and then another demon god appeared.

On the other hand, the Shushan side recruited Taoist Palace, Biyou Palace and other forces to contend with it, and finally forced the demon saint to retreat and shattered the demon emperor's bell, the treasure of the demon clan. "

Jingtai gave a brief description and continued:

"The demon clan in southern Xinjiang has accumulated five hundred years of savings, and their strength is as high as the sky. They can enter the Central Plains at any time. Shushan is a combination of three major forces, which is incomparable in power. Now the south is like a raging fire cooking oil, and it may erupt at any time.

The previous few battles have made many ambitious people want to overthrow the dynasty. It can be said that the court has reached the most critical moment, and the entire country may be ruined at any time! "

Jingtai's complexion was heavy, and following what he said, the expressions of several true monarchs present were also solemn, and they could all see the general trend of the world clearly.

The power of the imperial court is still too weak in comparison.

"If there is no one who can turn the tide, Da Jin will repeat the disaster of the former Chu."

"Your Majesty has a solution?"

Sima Che raised his head to look at Jingtai, while Li Kuangxiu and Gu Tianqiong frowned, not quite understanding the meaning, but they also raised their heads to look at the emperor.

"I'm not a man of heaven, so I can't suppress the whole world. However, it may be possible to keep half of the country. When the forces in the rivers and lakes are fighting each other, there is still a chance to regain the old country."

There seemed to be a flash of flame in Jingtai's eyes, his eyes were calm.

"Your Majesty is going to formally abandon the three southern states?" Gu Tianqiong frowned, and Li Kuangxiu's expression was a little unsightly, but he didn't say much.

Suppressing the whole world is still too much for Jingtai.

Even a fairy can't do it, let alone a mortal?

"Yes, survival with broken arms is the best policy."

After the battle of Liangshan before, when the three of them came back, Jingtai once said that as long as the lands of Zhong, Bing, Yun, Yang, and four states were kept, the court still had hope.

At that time, it was a preparation for the three of them, but now they are preparing for the real survival with a broken arm. Most of the power of the imperial court has been withdrawn to the four states.

It is also a good policy to give up those forces to them to fight for.

"Forget it."

Li Kuangxiu sighed lightly.

"It's a pity for the ancestor's foundation."

Sima Che shook his head slowly, feeling all sorts of emotions in his heart.

"Don't be discouraged, everyone. Temporary victory or defeat is nothing. Only the final winner is eternal. Now it is just deliberately letting go, and it will be taken back in the future."

Jing Tai condensed his voice.

The three people in front of him control the three major powers of the imperial court, the military, the Sky Surveyor, and the royal family. They have great power. Even if he is the emperor, he has to inform the three of them.

This is the rule given by the imperial power. Even if he is the emperor, he is not the founding emperor after all, so he must abide by this rule.

"How to take it back?"

Sima Che asked calmly.

Jingtai stood up and said:

"Nowadays, the strength of the imperial court can't overwhelm the rivers and lakes, and the Taizu is in seclusion and can't get out. Now there is an urgent need for a strong man in the true sense to sit in charge."

He didn't answer Sima Che's words, but changed his voice and mentioned his purpose.

"What is the meaning of this, Your Majesty?"

"Could it be that His Majesty has recruited such a strong man?"

Everyone's eyes brightened. If there is a real strong man, the court will naturally be as stable as Mount Tai, and there will be a chance to regain the mountains and rivers in the future.

"It's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. I read ancient and modern books and found a way to bless the emperor with the power of national destiny, and then have the power to rival the six realms."

Jingtai said in a deep voice.

And his words were like a heavy hammer one by one, hitting the hearts of several people fiercely.

A look of joy flashed in the eyes of Li Kuangxiu and Gu Tianqiong, as if they didn't expect it to be like this. If the emperor can match the immortals of the six realms, then it would be the best.

If Taizu is counted, no one would dare to enter the capital.

But Sima Che frowned deeply. As a member of the royal family and one of the four sons of Taizu, he knew and saw much better than Jingtai.

He has never heard of such anecdotes. If there is such a thing, why didn't he use such power when he was the Ling Emperor?

Therefore, he had deep doubts in his heart, looked at Jingtai and asked in a calm voice:

"The old man has never heard of such things. Your Majesty may wish to speak frankly."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Li Kuangxiu and Gu Tianqiong also restrained their smiles and looked at Jingtai solemnly.

It is well known that the emperor has a national fortune to protect his body, but that is only under the Yang God, and there is no power that can match the six realms.

"This matter is not unheard of in ancient times. The Taizu of Chu in the previous dynasty had the power to use the power of the country. As for me, I can't reach its level, but I can use external forces."

"Please speak frankly, Your Majesty."

Seeing the increasingly serious look in Jingtai's eyes, Sima Che had a vague premonition.

"Blood sacrifices to millions of souls, relying on a rare treasure to increase the power of the country's destiny, although I will not live forever, but for the sake of the great Jin Dynasty, I am willing to abandon everything!"

"Millions of souls!!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the imperial study room fell into silence for an instant, and a needle could be heard falling.

Millions of living beings are not millions of livestock, they are fresh lives. At this time, it will hurt the peace of the world. Once it is spread, the reputation of the Jin Dynasty will be completely destroyed!

"Think twice, Your Majesty!" Li Kuangxiu frowned.

"In addition to this method, the Generalissimo may teach me how to turn the tide? Those creatures are all citizens of the Jin Dynasty, and I feel extremely sorry in my heart, but..."

Jingtai raised his head, there seemed to be some sadness in his eyes.

"Okay, let's do it this way!"

Simache took a deep breath. No matter what, the Dajin River and Mountains could not be in danger of being overthrown. The left and right are just some untouchables. Besides, they are only a mere million. Compared with the hundreds of millions of people in the world, they are nothing but It's just a drop in the bucket.

At most a hundred years, it will naturally reproduce.

Compared with the country of the Sima family, when the people die, they die.

Gu Tianqiong frowned, but didn't say much, and even held back Li Kuangxiu who wanted to continue persuading him, and shook his head at him.

Li Kuangxiu let out a long breath and said no more.

"The three of you are invited to come here today because of that rare treasure. This treasure is still in the middle of Shu. It is a treasure inherited from the family of the painting sage Wu Daozi. I hope you can escort it back to the capital."


Sima Che nodded expressionlessly.

"Thank you, uncle."

"Your Majesty has other matters, the old minister is a little unwell." Li Kuangxiu said softly.

Jingtai narrowed his eyes, turned his mind, and said with a smile:

"I don't have anything else to do, but there is one thing I want to tell Duke Li."

"What is it?"

Jing Tai smiled without saying a word, and turned his gaze to Gu Tianqiong and Sima Che. The two of them naturally understood, and understood that it was the emperor who wanted to dispel the emotions in Li Kuangxiu's heart.

Then he got up and said goodbye.

When the two of them left, Jingtai left the desk and walked to Li Kuangxiu's side.

"I wonder if His Majesty has any orders?"

Li Kuangxiu was a little puzzled.

"Duke Li, I heard that your little daughter has practiced in the Taoist temple for many years and has an extraordinary temperament. Now the world is in turmoil, the court is in turmoil, and the harem is not stable.

I hope to ask Duke Li for a marriage, to marry Hongshuang to me, and make me a noble concubine. I don't know what Duke Li thinks? "

The two major kingdoms of the imperial court are basically loyal, Gu Tianqiong needless to say, as a former general of the Taizu, his loyalty is unshakable, only Grand Marshal Li Kuangxiu can make him feel at ease.

He heard that Li Hongshuang had friendship with Chen Yuan, and even had some relationship with Qingzhou Golden Envoy Jiang He, if someone started from this line and won over to Li Kuangxiu, it would be bad.

Forming marriages can eliminate these hidden dangers.

After many years of his suppression, the power of the Li family in the military has declined a lot, but there are still many former students and officials all over the world. Now that Li Kuangxiu is back in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, he is really worried.

"This..." Li Kuangxiu understood Jingtai's meaning in an instant, his brows were furrowed, and he wanted to refuse, but seeing Jingtai's faint smile, he couldn't speak.

"Why, does Mr. Li think that I am not good enough for Hongshuang?"

Jingtai asked with a smile.

"Of course not. The old minister is just worried that the little girl has a bad temper and is too self-willed, and she will offend His Majesty. Why not?" Li Kuangxiu wanted to refuse, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jingtai.

"It doesn't matter. I have a good temper and can tolerate everything. No matter Hongshuang's cultivation or others, I will agree to everything. Moreover, I believe that the daughter of Duke Li is naturally virtuous and virtuous!"

Jingtai said lightly.

"This Majesty"

"Okay, let's settle this matter for the time being. Tomorrow I will issue a letter of appointment and choose an auspicious day to marry Hongshuang into the palace. At that time, Duke Li will be my head of state."

Jingtai showed a smile on his face.

Li Kuangxiu's frown slowly calmed down. Looking at Jingtai's expression, he hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and said:

"Weichen. Follow the order!"

Of course, Chen Yuan and Jiang He didn't know about the matter in the imperial study room, nor did they know that Jiang He's fiancée was being targeted by Jingtai because of wooing Li Kuangxiu.

However, they had a lot of guesses about Jingtai's reaction.

According to what Chen Yuan found out, now that the imperial court is shrinking its strength across the board, it should be preparing to give up half of the country and stick to the four states of the Central Plains, waiting for the right time.

Maybe there will be some other small tricks, but they are not predictable and unpredictable, they can only judge after Jingtai makes a move.

What they are concerned about now is about their current situation.

Yes, there has been a change in the supreme list, and it's not a small one.

In the Battle of Shushan, Chen Yuan and Jiang He showed their brilliance, which caused a lot of shock. Coupled with their continuous efforts to gain momentum in secret, the impact will naturally be even greater.

Zhao Danqing, the head teacher of Biyou Palace, did not take down the traitor of the human race even with the Immortal Soldier in hand, and his strength cannot be accurately judged by the Immortal Tower.

After the final measurement, let it remain as it is, and it is still the eleventh place in the supreme list.

Shushan's head teacher, Zhenjun Lingxu, and Yaosheng were inextricably fighting each other, and because they were already in the top ten of the supreme list, there was no change, and they were still ranked eighth.

True Monarch Qingxu didn't kill the demon saint, so it's hard to judge, but he was listed in the 30th place. Similarly, the former master of Jiange, the current Daoist Chongxu is also in the 30th place.

Basically nothing moves.

As for those strong monsters, they are not human races at all, and will not be included in the list of heaven. The black-robed True Monarch who does not know his identity is not defeated in terms of strength against Zhao Danqing and the immortal soldiers, but was suppressed.

In fact, the strength should also be able to rank among the top fifteen, but its influence is too bad, and it has been criticized in the Jianghu, and it is impossible to judge whether it is a human or a monster under the black robe. In the end, it was not included in the fairy tower.

After it is confirmed that it is indeed a human race, it will still be boarded.

After all, climbing the fairy tower is based on the record, not other things.

As for Jiang He's alias, Tianjian Zhenjun, because he forcibly suppressed the great sage of the Tianqing Demon Bull Clan and defeated the Demon Emperor Zhong with a single sword, he was ranked eighteenth by the Immortal Tower, ahead of Lu Guangsheng.

As for Chen Yuan, he has made even greater progress.

With one enemy and two, he suppressed and killed the demon saint, and then severely injured a demon saint. His record was astonishing, and his ranking skyrocketed. song title.

Ranked twelfth on the Tianbang, the limelight is second to none!


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