I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 672 Unify Shu Province!

"The lord of the alliance in central Shu is the strong one. I am here now. Who has any doubts?!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall fell into silence, as if the void had been frozen.

No one in the room thought that Zhu Huai, who had suppressed everything before, was easily suppressed with one hand in an instant, and even knelt on the ground directly.


It's really unbelievable!

Who is Zhu Huai?

He was a famous figure fifty years ago, and he spread across the entire Shuzhou. If it wasn't for the feud with Dongshan Valley of Nanzhou, he would still be at the top of his power today.

After decades of dormancy, once it broke out, it directly overwhelmed the hot-tempered Hu Yong and Yang Xian, and was about to become the leader of the Shuzhou League.

As for his strength, he is definitely the only existence under the true king, and he is expected to be promoted to the Yangshen realm, and since then he will become the top figure above the rivers and lakes.

The shock in the hall was undeniable.

Zhu Huai's face turned red on the ground, and he wanted to straighten up, but his body seemed to be pressed by a mountain, no matter how he moved, he still couldn't get up.

humiliation! ! !

He was still arrogant just now, but now he can only kneel on the ground like a dog. No one can accept this kind of humiliation, staring at the strange man above him with red eyes.

I want to ask, who is he?

A huge coercion shrouded the hall, although most of the pressure was on Zhu Huai, but part of it was scattered on other people.

They can move, but they dare not move now!

Because of the lessons learned from the past, he was kneeling on the ground.

Hu Yong, the suzerain of the Shenhuo sect, frowned, and stared at the young man above him solemnly. Looking at his face, for some reason, he seemed to have known him somewhere.

In the same way, other people present, such as Yang Xian, the leader of Tianshuimen, always felt that the people above were very familiar, but they couldn't remember their names for a while.

And their feelings didn't come out of thin air. In fact, since Chen Yuan became famous all over the world, there have been many portraits of him in the world.

Although there are very few people who can draw Shen Yun, there are always some similarities.

"Who is your Excellency? I don't know what is the purpose?" Yang Xian, the head of Tianshuimen, asked after some consideration, holding up some pressure.

Chen Yuan's eyes were indifferent, and he glanced at Yang Xian:

"My seat, Chen Yuan!"

He had already arrived in the main hall, but because his breath was suppressed so well, these people never found out. They originally planned to show up after Shangguan Tiehong said something.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Huai dared to show up. After measuring his strength, he suppressed him without the slightest hesitation.

His strength is indeed good, and he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the evil ghost old man Yang Huatian, but the current Chen Yuan is no longer what he used to be, and he can kill the demon saint and true king.

It is not that difficult to subdue a peak martial artist.

"Chen Yuan!!!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was no less than a thunderbolt that exploded in the hearts of everyone.

They didn't expect that this person was Chen Yuan, Marquis of Wu'an who had a great reputation in the Jianghu!

That's right, no wonder it felt so familiar before, it turned out that it was so similar to the portrait they had seen before, but he was a court official, what did he come to be the leader of the Shu Zhong League?

With confusion in his heart, Hu Yong said:

"My lord, as an official of the imperial court, why did you come to Shuzhong?"

"What do you say?"


"Could it be that the Marquis of Wu'an wants to be the leader of our Shu Zhong League?" someone dared to ask.

"The position of the lord is for those with strong strength. Now that I show up, I have this intention. Of course, if anyone of you feels that you are also capable, you might as well stand up and give it a try."

Everyone: "."

The strongest Zhu Huai was suppressed by him with one hand, they probably won't get any good even if they go together, so they immediately fell silent.

"My time is limited, are you willing or not?"

Chen Yuan said lightly.

"What do you want, what do you not want, can you tell me?" Yang Xian frowned and asked, if possible, he certainly didn't want to be inferior to others.

After all, the rivers and lakes and the court are always in opposition.

Chen Yuan smiled, stared at him and said:

"If you want to be decent, I will give you a decent face, if you don't want to be decent, I will help you to be decent."

Everyone present was startled. They were not fools and naturally understood the meaning. To put it simply, everything is fine if you surrender. If you don’t surrender, you will die.

"Shangguan Tiehong has met the leader!"

Although he was disrupted from the initial plan, he still reacted very quickly. He was the first to directly express his attitude. With him taking the lead, the rest of them also agreed.

Under Chen Yuan's strong pressure, everyone felt that it was better to be honest.

Soon, there were only three people in the hall who did not express their views. One was Zhu Huai who was kneeling on the ground, and the other two were Yang Xian and Hu Yong. However, they did not hesitate too much, stood up, bowed and said:

"Meet the ally!"

They had already been beaten down by Zhu Huai before, and now that Zhu Huai was being suppressed, they naturally knew how much they were, so they didn't have the guts to directly resist.

Anyway, surrender to whom is not surrender?

It might be possible to mix up a deputy leader Dangdang.

It doesn't matter who is the leader, as long as he can be the deputy leader.

"Very well, those who have always been knowledgeable about current affairs are heroes. It seems that you are all rare heroes, but the fact that I am the leader of Central Shu is of great importance and must not be disclosed. Just in case

It is still necessary to engrave the restriction in your spiritual altar, and then lift it for you after I really reveal my true body. "


As soon as this remark came out, the people present were somewhat reluctant.

It is acceptable to respect him as the leader of the alliance, and he can still have a backer, but once he is banned in the Lingtai, it is equivalent to directly selling his life, and it is really not worth the loss.

"My lord, can this matter be discussed?"

"I think you don't understand a fact. You are not qualified to bargain with me. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish. Do you understand?"

Chen Yuan smiled lightly.

"My lord, please restrain me!"

Shangguan Tiehong was the first to stand up again, with a look of surrender, Chen Yuan also pretended to tap him a few times, and then turned his gaze to the others.

A Huayang real person didn't want to be restrained in his heart. When Chen Yuan looked over, he burned his soul instantly, wanting Yukong to leave this place.

But Chen Yuan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and slowly raised a finger to point out.

His real Huayang was directly imprisoned in place, and he exploded into blood mist piece by piece from below, his eyes were extremely frightened, and he quickly shouted:

"My lord, Mr. Chen, I will be confused for the next moment, and I am willing to let go of Ling."

But no matter how much he begged for mercy, Chen Yuan never stopped. In just a short moment, his physical body was completely annihilated, leaving only the soul, which was also destroyed by a finger.

Chen Yuan really dared to do it!

And without hesitation!

Seeing that he was so decisive, the few people who were originally full of reluctance all bowed and surrendered, expressing their willingness to let go of the altar and let Chen Yuan engrave the restrictions.

"Shangguan patriarch, leave it to you!"

Like Shuxi League, Chen Yuan is not very willing to disperse his power to impose any restrictions, it is better to leave it to other people.

And the various attitudes between him and Shangguan Tiehong were also understood by everyone.

It turned out that Shangguan Tiehong was already a member of Chen Yuan, so he invited them here just to catch them all in one go. This old thing is simply... damn it!

Several people cursed angrily in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show anything on their faces, and asked Shangguan Tiehong to restrain him obediently.

Even Yang Xian and Hu Yong, seeing that the general situation was over, could only let out a long sigh and let Shangguan Tiehong leave a fatal restriction on Yuanshen.

"From today onwards, the head of the Shangguan family is the acting leader of the Shu Zhongmeng, and the Yangmen and Hu Zongzhu are still the deputy leaders, taking care of the land in the middle of Shu for me.

As for other matters, the Shangguan patriarch will convey them afterwards. "

What he was talking about was naturally to let the various forces in central Shu 'voluntarily donate' half of their cultivation resources. With the prohibition in Lingtai, Chen Yuan felt that they should be very 'happy'.

"Yes, obey the leader's order!"

The restriction has been engraved, and everyone in the hall can only accept their fate. Following Chen Yuan's order, they, the sect masters and patriarchs, filed out.

It's just that compared to the excitement when they first entered the hall, except for Shangguan Tiehong, basically everyone is in a depressed state.

At the entrance of the main hall, Yang Xian looked at Shangguan Tiehong and smiled:

"Brother Shangguan, good trick."

They only knew that Shangguan Tiehong's daughter, Shangguan Hong, had a deep relationship with Chen Yuan and seemed to be his concubine, but they never expected that the Shangguan clan had already surrendered at Chen Yuan's feet.

"Let Vice President Yang laugh at you."

Shangguan Tiehong had a smile on his lips, exactly the same as when he welcomed them into the Shangguan clan.

Inside the hall.

After everyone walked out, only Chen Yuan and Zhu Huai were left.

With a movement of Chen Yuan's mind, the pressure on Zhu Huai's body faded away like a tide, and after feeling the relief on his body, his first reaction was to strike and kill Chen Yuan.

But before he could do anything, he heard Chen Yuan's voice.

"If you want to die, do it."

Zhu Huai's footsteps were suffocated, his face showed hesitation, but then he let out a sigh of relief. Compared with humiliation, he still didn't want to die. He stared at Chen Yuan and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

"Surrender or die, choose one."


Zhu Huai gritted his teeth and wanted to scold, but he held back after thinking about it.

"From now on, Zhu is willing to go far away in Shuzhou and never return it. Can Mr. Chen be lenient and let me live?"

"The way of life has been given to you, it just depends on how you choose."

"You humiliate me like this? Are you afraid that I will betray you if you accept me?"

"Your life is in my mind, why should you be afraid?"

Chen Yuan smiled and didn't care.

Zhu Huai closed his eyes and said softly:

"A man would rather die standing up than live on his knees. Mr. Chen, let's do it. If you can die in your hands, it won't be considered an insult to Zhu's reputation."

"it is good!"

Chen Yuan nodded, and slowly raised a finger, just about to point out, but saw Zhu Huai suddenly opened his eyes, and said in a low voice:

"Why don't your lord stop persuading me?"

If you give him a step, he will go down, but just now he was suppressed by a slap in front of so many people, he really felt uncomfortable, and what he said before was just to make Chen Yuan cherish his talent.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not hesitate.

It was really unexpected.

This son, don't talk about Wude!

Chen Yuan frowned, and said in a flat tone:

"I don't lack you as a peak god refiner under my command, so there's nothing to be sorry about. Naturally, there's no need to persuade me. Fellow Daoist Zhu Huai, what do you think?"


Seeing that this person had the intention of surrendering, Chen Yuan thought for a while and continued:

"You have an enmity with Nanzhou Dongshan. It just so happens that I don't like it. How about it? If you are willing to do things for me, I can help you destroy Dongshan in the future, how about it?"

When Zhu Huai was hesitating about which posture to kneel in, Chen Yuan suddenly said these words, without any hesitation, he quickly bowed and bowed:

"Willing to be driven by adults!"


"My lord, please impose a restriction. However, this subordinate is currently studying the way of the Yang God. If there is a restriction, it may be a hindrance."

"Then you should make a heart demon blood oath. Although it won't kill you, you have to be clear. If you betray me, even though the world is big, there will never be a place for you!"

Chen Yuan waved his hand.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Zhu Huai breathed a sigh of relief, this is not to deceive Chen Yuan, the current situation is indeed the case, once the restriction is established, his primordial spirit will be hindered, and he will not be able to survive the thunder disaster of the Yang God.

"From now on, you will assist Shangguan Tiehong and manage Shuzhong well."

"Don't worry, my lord, Zhu Huai will not disgrace his life!"

So far, Chen Yuan has basically unified the entire Shuzhou. There is the Shuxi League in the west of Shu, the Shuzhong League in the middle of Shu, and the suppression of Shu Mountain in the east of Shu. Although it is now divided into three parts.

But as long as Chen Yuan gives an order, the power of the entire Shu State can be mobilized.

This level is not weaker than Northern Liang Wang Wei Jinfeng and Zhennan Wang Nangonglie, even if they are called kings, they are more than enough.

After several years of savings, once it exploded, the current Chen Yuan finally has the qualifications to fight for world hegemony!

It is worth mentioning that Chen Yuan had already handed over full authority to Lu Renyi for the Shuzhou government, and it took only a short time to clear the entire Shuzhou government.

Those who survey the sky will live if they submit, and those who disobey will die.

The government also basically took full control and replaced it with its own people.

The same goes for the military.

And the reason why it can be so smooth is inseparable from the imperial court's policy of withdrawing from the south. People with knowledge know that the world is about to be in chaos, so naturally they have to find a backer.

Although Chen Yuan is not very strong on the surface, he is not weak either, and he deserves to be trusted.

Counting the two prefectures of Xuezhou and the three prefectures of Qingzhou, it is not an exaggeration to say that Chen Yuan occupies the territory of one and a half prefectures. At present, other preparations have almost been completed.

Wait for the chaos to come!

Chen Yuan was very relieved to hand over the matter to Shangguan Tiehong from central Sichuan. With Shangguan Hong's bond and Zhu Huai watching from the side, he believed that this "cheap father-in-law" was more aware of current affairs.

Of course, even if he rebelled, Chen Yuan is not afraid at all now.

The general trend is in him, the advantage is in him, even if something happens, he can suppress it at any time.

The only thing that is lacking now is Chen Yuan's own physical strength.

Even though his practice speed is already very fast, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as astonishing, but it is still not enough. He feels that he can rival anyone in the top 20 of the supreme list except Zhao Danqing.

But compared to those peerless true monarchs in the top ten, they are still a little behind.

This line is a moat!

It is also necessary to bridge the gap in the past.

And it was before the world was in chaos.

Only by standing on the front line of the rivers and lakes can he face anyone with more confidence, including the imperial court, the rivers and lakes, the northern barbarians, Lingshan, and the monsters in the south.

These enemies are like a big mountain, pressing on his spine, and he doesn't want to overthrow it all the time.

It's a pity that life is not a novel, and it doesn't mean that overthrow can be overthrown, he must have power!

That's why he recuperated his injuries in Shushan, and he didn't even care about Tangshan. That's why he suppressed all the powers in the rivers and lakes in Shuzhong with thunderous force.

Just to go to Broken Soul Valley to take the opportunity.

There are people in other parties to check and control, but he, the master, is free, and it is also a rare good opportunity.

Therefore, after suppressing all the forces in Central Shu, Chen Yuan did not accept the invitations of Shangguan Tiehong, Liu Zhenzong and others, nor did he see how many resources he could 'harvest'.

On that day, he quickly left the Shangguan clan.

Of course, in order to prevent any unforeseen things from happening during this period, he still contacted Jiang He and Su Ziyue and told them that he felt something in his heart and would temporarily retreat for a while.

Maybe a few days, maybe half a month.

But it will not exceed a month at most. If there is no major event during this period of time, it is best not to disturb him unless it is absolutely necessary.

Su Ziyue and Jiang He are also people who are sensible and know the importance, so just tell Chen Yuan to practice with peace of mind.

Other things, they can handle.

Jiang He will personally come to sit in the town of Shuxi and Tangshan Xuezhou. If he encounters any danger, he will immediately ask Shushan for help, as long as it is not an attack by immortals and demons.

The sky won't fall down!

With the promise of the two, Chen Yuan completely let go of his heart, and went to Shuduan Soul Valley without hesitation. He wanted to improve his strength here!

Regarding Shuduan Soul Valley, Chen Yuan was still relatively unfamiliar before, and he didn't have time to pay attention to this aspect, but after the opportunity appeared.

He then learned everything about Broken Soul Valley from Shu Shan.

Originally, there was an evil sect stationed here, and the evil reputation spread far and wide, but then disappeared inexplicably, and this place was abandoned.

However, due to various rumors before, it was regarded as an ominous place, and few people came here.

So far, it has been faintly called the Jedi.

And from the fortune prophecy guided by the luck altar, it is not difficult to see that his chance this time is precisely related to Yin and evil.

"Golden River Broken Soul Valley in the middle of Shu, the evil wind and evil souls fall to the sky and cry. To the Yin to the evil blood soul tree, the wind and fire have gone through the kalpa and the spirit is solidified!"

This is the prophecy, and Chen Yuan has always kept it in his heart.

Of course, Chen Yuan will not care about any evil things, as long as he can improve his cultivation, it will be a good thing, a good opportunity!

The distance between the Qianyang Mountains where the Shangguan clan is located and the Broken Soul Valley is not too short, but it is not too far at Chen Yuan's speed. It only took him half a day to arrive outside the Broken Soul Valley.

And this place is indeed as recorded, with a radius of a hundred miles and no one there.


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