I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 692: The Emperor Falls!


It really collapsed.

From top to bottom, the air burst into a blood mist inch by inch.

The void fell into silence.

Deathly silence.

It was as if, at this moment, the whole world had been stopped, except for his still-spreading aftermath, no one moved!

Jingtai is dead?

Jingtai is dead! ! !

Everyone, everyone who could see this scene, froze in place.

can't believe it.

I really can't believe it.

Before, he was like a god, aloof and mighty, but now, in front of everyone, he exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

The eldest princess Pingyang let out a sigh of relief, as if letting go of some burden, she glanced at Sima Ke, who was still in shock after witnessing the battle of the Yang God, and said softly:

"Da Jin is gone."

But a thought flashed through Sima Ke's mind.

My dad won?

Of course, this father is not that father, and this father is not that father.

Da Jin is gone.

But he is not necessarily dead.

After all, Chen Yuan is also a fake father, so he has to leave a way out, right?

However, there was still a burst of disappointment in his heart.

Jiangshan is gone.

The Great Jin Jiangshan, which they had established for hundreds of years, on this day, after betting everything with their father, they lost directly, without the slightest chance to turn around.

Because, next, the rebels from all walks of life will fight together.

And how can the Sima family, which has lost many strong men and popularity, be able to rise again?

Concubine Yang Gui froze in place, not knowing what was thinking in her eyes.

Perhaps, she was regretting that if she hadn't given Chen Yuan the harem ban, today would have been a different scene.

The court warriors below began to give up, and there were only two remaining Heaven Surveyor Divine Envoys, Zhang Yantong and Xiao Jing, who looked at each other, but they should have been angry.

At this moment, they didn't find any sadness in the other party's eyes.

Xiao Jing is a member of the Xiang family, and he longs for the collapse of the court, but at this time, before the Lord wakes her up, he has to continue to work hard for the court.

As for Zhang Yantong, he felt relieved for a while.

It doesn't matter if the emperor is dead, if he has no burden, he can enjoy the blessing of his daughter.

Others, on the other hand, were confused.

The emperor is dead, is it meaningful for them to fight again?

Those warriors of the rivers and lakes also stopped their hands at this time. Before when the light was on, they ran for their lives in a panic, but now they are ecstatic in their hearts.

Troubled times are coming!

"His Majesty!!!"

The corner of Gu Tianqiong's mouth overflowed with a hint of red, his eyes froze, he clenched his teeth, he couldn't believe what he saw, how could it be like this? how so!

The court has paid so much, and he has paid so much.

But, in the end, it came out so easily?

Where is the court?

Where are these loyal ministers?

Where is the land of the Sima family?

"Gu Tianqiong, Jingtai is dead, there is no need to resist, now I give you a chance to cripple your arms, and spare your life!"

The corner of Dongfang Sheng's mouth curled into a faint smile.

He was unwilling to fight Gu Tianqiong before, but because Jiang He came from behind, the two teamed up and put him at a disadvantage, no matter how much strength Gu Tianqiong burned.

It is impossible to beat the two of them.

After all, Jiang He's strength is indeed not low.

Even he has to admit it.

With a sword, even he felt a deadly danger.

Jiang He didn't withdraw his sword, but he didn't make any further moves either. He just watched the scene quietly. Perhaps, in the next moment, he would still use his sword to kill Gu Tianqiong, the former boss.

"Impossible, His Majesty will not die!"

Gu Tianqiong gritted his teeth, his expression was a little crazy, the aura on his body increased instead of falling, staring at Dongfang Sheng and Jiang He, and said in a concentrated voice:

"Chen Yuan, he can't kill His Majesty, you... have to die today too!"

"Why bother?"

"Hehe. Even if my Great Jin Kingdom is destroyed, you have to stay today!" Gu Tianqiong's eyes glowed with a strange bloody light.

"Let's do it."

Jiang He said lightly.

However, his words were not aimed at Gu Tianqiong, but at Dongfang Sheng. The implication was that if he didn't want to live, he would be sent on his way.

Decent, here you go.

No, no wonder who!

"it is good."

Dongfang Sheng nodded slightly and sighed:

"Then today, I will send Commander Gu on his way!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!!!"

Sima Che's roar followed closely behind, and his eyes were full of anger. How could their Sima family's country be ruined here? Is the dead people not enough?

If a few million is not enough, then ten million!

Use the lives of tens of millions of people to stabilize the Dajin River!

But what responded to him was another heavy blow from Taoist Tianxu. This blow forced Sima Che back, leaving him in a state of serious injuries.

At the same time, he forcibly held the thirty-six Dinghai Pearls in his hand, with a smile on his lips:

"If Fellow Daoist Sima doesn't believe it, you can go down and ask His Majesty the Emperor. As for this Dinghai Pearl, it was originally a divine weapon of the Great Chu Dynasty, and was later given to the Sima Clan.

Now, the Great Jin Dynasty is about to be destroyed, and Pindao, as a citizen of Great Chu, took it back on his behalf. "

"Not lost, not lost yet."

Sima Che raised his head, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Even if Jingtai's plan fails, there is still Taizu, Taizu is still alive, he is a fairy, and he will definitely be able to recreate the universe.

"Then why don't you think about it, why your great ancestor hasn't shown up yet?" Taoist Tianxu saw Sima Che's thoughts, and said slowly.


Sima Che was speechless.

"Let's get on the road. The Sima family has embarked on the road of destroying the country since the day it was established. Today, you are to blame." Taoist Tianxu said.

At the same time, the spiritual thoughts quickly covered Dinghaizhu, and the Dinghaizhu surrounding him lit up thirty-six rays of light, and they were forcibly changing hands!

"Are you still leaving?"

Taoist Lingxu stood with his hands behind his back, and the Immortal Killing Sword stood in front of him, exhaling a powerful aura of sharpness.

In front of him was Lingshan Jishi Bodhisattva, also the Great Sage Equaling Heaven of Southern Border. At this moment, his eyes were red, and streaks of blood were shining on his body.

The right fist that exploded into a ball of blood mist before has grown again at this moment.

However, the strength has begun to decline.

The monster race is inherently tyrannical, and Jishi Bodhisattva has also cultivated the Buddhist golden body, and his defense is superb. Don't look at Taoist Lingxu with the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand, he has the upper hand.

But it is impossible to kill Jishi Bodhisattva in a short time.

Therefore, he will say.

You, are you still leaving?

But Jishi Bodhisattva did not give up, his eyes were still filled with madness, with a roar, he swung his fist again to kill Taoist Lingxu, and the void burst.

The rematch between the two was only one-sided. In fact, most of the people present had given up at this moment.


Taoist Feng Yuan of Kunlun Mountain, who was wearing a Taoist robe, sighed softly, as if he was a little regretful, but he also seemed to be sighing, but he still didn't stop.

Still using the Hunyuan Shentu to trap Song Yingqiao.

The True Martial Immortal Sword radiates bright light, shattering all attacks, but the situation has reached a very dangerous situation, and if one is not careful, he will be seriously injured.

After that, they could only run away.


The national teacher Puxian Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

He has been a national teacher in the Jin Dynasty for hundreds of years. Looking at the emperors of the Sima family in the past, the only ones who can be worthy of his seriousness are the founding emperor Taizu and Jingtai.

As for the others, it's not worth mentioning.

Right now, today's demise also coincides with the end of the Sima family's fortune.

Chu Changfeng let out a mouthful of turbid air, panting heavily, the aura on his body had begun to drop rapidly, and the edge had gradually begun to disappear.

After all, it is still the first time to enter Yangshen.

There is no way to compete with a strong man like Samantabhadra.

He didn't think that his aptitude was weaker than his. If the two had the same level of cultivation, Chu Changfeng was confident that he could suppress and kill him, but unfortunately, it was impossible.

Fortunately, Jingtai is dead, and the fight should have almost come to an end.

Otherwise, if he continued to fight, he really couldn't hold on anymore.

It wouldn't be worth it to die here.


The last sentence of Buddha's name was recited by Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and this one was recited by Medicine Master Liuli Bodhisattva. He glanced at Jingtai's direction and did not move again.

Feng Jiuge frowned, but did not continue.

Fighting is only evenly matched.

Without the fairy soldiers from the Goddess Palace, she really couldn't break the golden body of Medicine Master Liuli Bodhisattva, so she could only continue the stalemate in the battle, and it didn't make much sense to fight on.

Anyway, the purpose has been achieved.

When Jingtai dies, the world will collapse.

It's not how strong his prestige is, but that he is the emperor, which is a symbol in itself. Even if the old thief Sima wakes up, he can't continue to make everyone wait any longer.

The Goddess Palace can almost be untied.

Thinking of this, she glanced at the battlefield in the distance. It was a low-altitude melee, a battlefield intentionally separated by warriors under the Yang God.

And her eyes fell on the figure who claimed to be the Evergreen Taoist Master of the Taoist Palace.

His eyes wandered, not knowing what he was thinking.

"His Majesty!!!"

"His Majesty!!!"

After the fall of Jingtai, the fighting spirit of the hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops below began to collapse. No matter what happened before, he was still their symbol.

As long as you win, everything is fine.

But now, once the emperor died, they lost their confidence.

The power of the battle formation began to decline almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, an invisible sense of sadness shrouded hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops.

A sneer twitched at the corner of the mouth of the ancestor of the Gu family, but he didn't stop. With a wave of his hand, divine light shone down, and those forbidden soldiers fell down like rice in the field.

Without the blessing of the battle formation, these people are no different from ants to the Yangshen True Monarch.

Taoist Qingxu looked calm, did not move, but did not stop, just watched the scene quietly.

On the battlefield, the most peaceful one was the confrontation between Ye Xiangnan and Manjusri. They were like this before, and they are still like this now.

Even though the confrontation between Chen Yuan and Jingtai caused most of the strong men to retreat, they did not move. When Yu Bo approached the two of them.

It's like encountering a wall and can't penetrate it at all.

Ye Xiangnan's gaze moved slightly and slowly opened.

Manjusri Bodhisattva had a bright red overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, the outcome has been decided!

"The benefactor deserves to be the second best in the world, and the poor monk is not as good."

Manjusri Bodhisattva folds his palms together.

"You are qualified to be under this seat." Ye Xiangnan won, but he didn't mean to belittle Manjusri, he was able to fight against the rules to this point.

Manjushri has been proven powerful.

Number three in the world, worthy of this title.

As for the others, he originally wanted to try Lord Shura, but now it seems that there is no need for this. After all, they are immortals. As for Chen Yuan

The top ten of the day list.

"The poor monk lost the discussion today. I will go to Wudi City in Japan to discuss with the benefactor again. However, this has nothing to do with strength. The poor monk still wants to test the strength of the benefactor."

"Jingtai is dead, do you still want to fight?"

"Whether His Majesty dies or not has nothing to do with the poor monk asking for advice."

"Hehe, interesting."

"How does the donor feel?"

"Then come on, Dao, you are not an opponent, and your strength is not even yours!"

Ye Xiangnan's aura suddenly exploded, with an incomparably strong self-confidence.


At the rearmost position of the imperial guards in Beijing, a black armored soldier looked at the scene of Jingtai's collapse, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth again, and whispered to himself:

"Waste is waste."

At the critical moment of the fight, Jingtai felt that something was wrong all over his body, whether it was the soul or the blood, there was a stagnation situation, which was naturally his hands and feet.

Since he foresaw Jingtai's plan in advance, how could he not make preparations?

Not only was there a problem with the blood pool under the Zijin Mountain, but he also had a problem with borrowing Wu Daozi's blood. Back then, he did it himself, without Wu Daozi being seriously injured.

left their means.

No one noticed except himself.

And when they fight, it's the time to explode.

It's good to die, it's good to die.

Chen Yuan couldn't kill him for the time being, but at least the chaos in the world was over. After all, his death also had his share of credit, and he was able to comfort those Xiang family children who died at the hands of the court for more than two hundred years.


He also let out a breath of foul air slowly, preparing to leave quietly.

After Jingtai's death, whether he shows up or not is not so important anymore.

At least, Chen Yuan should still have half his life left.

Although various thoughts flashed through the minds of most of the people present, their eyes at this moment still subconsciously stayed at the center of the confrontation before that.

As the aftermath swept away, the light above the nine heavens also gradually disappeared.

It seems that the dust has settled.

Finally, the rays of light dissipated, and a figure in tattered clothes stood tall above the sky. A little black light was still shining, which was the center of the confrontation.

Directly shattered the void.

It is conceivable how terrifying the confrontation is.

The original mask of the Demon Lord Shura has been shattered and collapsed at this moment, replaced by Chen Yuan's true face and the mysterious lines on his face that have not completely dissipated.

After the clothes burst, what was exposed was Chen Yuan's hardcover body. Although there were bloodstains, there was a strange sense of beauty.

"Cough cough."

Chen Yuan coughed twice, and a bright red overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

At the very center of the confrontation, even though he had a strong body, even with Mo Luo's protection, he still suffered serious injuries.

After all, no matter how strong the defense is, it cannot withstand the void in this world.

The void is shattered, one can imagine how much pressure people will be under.

Chen Yuan opened his eyes and glanced at Jingtai's original position, with an unusually solemn expression flashing in his eyes.

He really wanted Jingtai to die.

I really wanted it, and paid a huge price for it.


It is a pity that Jingtai is not dead yet!

It's not that he sensed any breath, in fact, even Xiang Qianqiu didn't think Jingtai could live, how could he perceive it? As for the source of his guess, it was because of luck!

Yes, luck!

If Jing Tai died, the purple luck would be absorbed by the altar of luck, and then guide him to the next opportunity, but unfortunately, he didn't feel the luck entering his body.

In this way, there is only one possibility.

That is,


still alive!

Chen Yuan didn't care about the guesses and various gazes of the people below, he just looked ahead and said softly:

"I know, you're not dead yet."

Void was silent, but his voice resounded in everyone's ears.

Gu Tianqiong. Sima Che, Jiang He, Dongfang Sheng, the Four Great Bodhisattvas, and even Ye Xiangnan and Manjusri all stared at this moment.

Jingtai (His Majesty) is not dead yet?

Xiang Qianqiu was already ready to leave, but when he heard this whisper, his brows frowned suddenly, his pupils shrank deeply, a little unbelievable, his plan failed?

Jingtai is not dead yet? !

"Hehe. Haha Chen Yuan, I underestimated you before, but it's not easy to be able to see that I'm not dead yet."

Jingtai, who had already passed away, once again heard a rolling thunder sound in the void.

Xiang Qianqiu froze for a moment, clenched his fists.

What's happening here!

The physical body collapses, and the primordial spirit is scattered.

How is it possible that he is not dead yet?

Something went wrong.


Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were a little shocked.

In the void that had already dissipated the waves, a mystical brilliance shone on the sky and the earth. Above the capital, the endless Great Jin National Fortune was surging, converging in the direction of Zijin Mountain.

A somewhat illusory figure condensed between the sky and the earth.

That's Jingtai!

Although his body is somewhat illusory, there is no doubt that he is not dead!

Jingtai's face gradually became clear, and the fear in his eyes had just dissipated. Just now, many of his plans fell through, and decades of accumulation were destroyed.

But that doesn't mean he just died.

"Chen Yuan, you and the Ksitigarbha King are really powerful, and you have left behind in advance. The power of my incense, and my body condensed with millions of blood essence, were all smashed by you.

However, if you want to kill me like this, it would be too contemptuous of me.

My plan is not limited to these, speaking of it, I would like to thank you for shattering the real body, so that the primordial spirit can be scattered between the heaven and the earth and unite with the fate of the country.

Why do you think I have to survive the catastrophe? Why do you think I want to cut off the karma on my body? That's right, my goal is to bring about the destiny of this country.

I originally thought that with the help of the power of the country's fortune, I could have the power of the gods, but now I find that that is not enough. As for now, I have become one with the fortune of the Jin Dynasty.

If the Great Jin Dynasty is not destroyed, then I will not be destroyed.

If the Great Jin Dynasty does not perish, then I will live forever! "

Jingtai's mouth curled into a smile.

Without Chen Yuan smashing him into pieces, he really would not have had the chance to reach this step, immortality. This is a realm that even immortals can't reach, but now, he has reached it.

"Chen Yuan, the previous battle was already your limit, now... how much strength do you have to defeat me? Hahaha kill you, kill everyone here, and my country will be forever!

Let you do all the calculations, maybe you can count to the current situation? Surrender, I can finally give you a chance to live, as long as you are willing to be a servant forever, I can still give you glory and wealth.

"You Dao Shrine don't need to be destroyed!"

Behind Chen Yuan, there was a flash of light, and a sense of detachment lingered in his heart. Mo Luo's power slowly receded. He glanced at Jingtai, then said to Chen Yuan, and said via voice transmission:

"Next, it's up to you."


"Someone is coming for me."

After saying that, Moro no longer hesitated, turned around and merged into the void.

As soon as Mo Luo left, the pressure fell on Chen Yuan.

He took a deep breath and raised his head. He could sense the strength of Jingtai now, integrated with the real national destiny, indeed powerful, but it was not without chance.

He raised his head, looked at Jingtai, and said in a deep voice:

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!"

Jingtai smiled, although there was no contempt, but there was contempt:

"Don't say that Ksitigarbha left, even if he is still there, he doesn't have the strength and means to kill me, so why do you rely on the current you?

Just relying on your arrogance?

Chen Yuan looked directly at Jingtai, and said in a deep voice:

"It's just me, so what?"

"Hehe. Then you, just perish."

"Jingtai, do you think you have won?"

"Isn't it?"

"But in fact, you are looking for your own death!"

Five thousand six hundred words, ask for a monthly ticket!

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