I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 698: The Battle Comes to an End!

This is indeed a very strange thing, because according to Chen Yuan and others' expectations, it should not be the current Tathagata of Lingshan that appeared today.

It was Jin Taizu in the capital.

However, no matter when the court fell into decline or when Jingtai fell, the other party did not come out to turn the tide, and always hid in Shenjing City.

Even now that everyone is exhausted, if he shows up, he might really win a big battle.

result now

It's hard not to make people wonder if the old thief Sima inside has long since fallen?

It's just that the imperial court and the Sima clan have been covering up this news, so Jingtai will put all his eggs in one basket to sacrifice to heaven and want to be promoted to the emperor.

And then maintain the rule of the Sima family.

While Chen Yuan was thinking, the rest of the people subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

After all, the power brought by the Buddha before was too strong.

In the field, one counts as one, and none of them are opponents.

Gathering the power of the four immortals, it smashed the golden body of the Buddha just now, and the power it controls is simply unimaginable.

And Lingshan, the head of the top ten immortal sects, is worthy of its name.

Jiang He's face turned pale, and the previous sword basically hollowed him out, and he had almost no power to fight anymore.

However, he glanced around, and fell down from the void, and found Chu Changfeng who was panting heavily in the deep pit.

When he saw Jiang He coming, he squeezed out a smile on his face.

The four words "relieving a heavy burden" can best reflect his current mood.

He is not afraid of death, but if there is no need to die in battle, who would want to die?

Today was really only a little bit short. If it hadn't been for the subduing dragon arhat, he might have been suppressed and killed by the national teacher Pu Xian, and he would not be able to withstand the power of the Buddha at all.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay"

Chu Changfeng took out a elixir from the heavenly book and put it in his mouth, and began to refine it slowly.

Chen Yuan walked towards Mo Luo step by step. Although today was not satisfactory, the Buddha behind him appeared and dealt a heavy blow to everyone.

It also allowed Shushan to completely drain the heritage left by the immortals, but overall.

His purpose is accomplished.

He killed Jingtai with his own hands, completely shattered the national destiny of the Jin Dynasty, and almost all the remaining strongmen in the court died. Since then, there has been a new era of fighting for world hegemony.

And his background in Shuzhou and the power he possessed in today's shocking battle will be completely spread throughout the world, and he will also take the lead in occupying the upper hand in the troubled times.

No one else, no matter who it is, can catch up to him.

Therefore, Chen Yuan could not be called disappointed.

If there is anything to say, Manjusri and Xiang Qianqiu were let go, and the luck on them had to stay on them for a while longer.


Chen Yuan stopped and looked at Mo Luo.

The other party was still looking at the direction where the Buddha left, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing Chen Yuan's voice, he turned his head and glanced at him, with a smile on his face:

"well done."

This is not a lie, I really think that Chen Yuan has done a good job.

After sensing the Buddha's aura before, he left without hesitation to hold up the critical opportunity for him, but he did not expect Chen Yuan to do so well.

Even if Jingtai is in harmony with the fate of the country, it can't match the power of all the people he gathered.

This battle directly defeated the imperial court's national fortune!

The stern look in the old master's eyes slowly faded away, replaced by a clear light, and he said:

"Indeed, the old man didn't expect that you found Jingtai's weakness just like what you did in front of Liangzhou City, gathered the strength of all people, and defeated it in one blow."

"The two seniors have won the prize."

Chen Yuan shook his head, his face was calm, and he was not complacent about killing Jingtai.

"The strength of the Buddha is really terrifying."

After the old heavenly master finished speaking, he turned his eyes to Mo Luo again, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"It's really scary."

"However, he didn't have the guts to go all out. If he really tried his best, we might have to return to heaven and earth today."

In the eyes of the old heavenly master, the Buddha lacked courage, and he was unwilling to fight again after being crushed by the gold, otherwise, he would no longer have the brand of the sword fairy of Shushan and the brand of Zhenwu Dadi.

Only the two of them can't stop the Buddha.

Although the other party may lose their origin, they also have to perish.

"Maybe it's wise to protect oneself, or maybe Lingshan was instructed by those people and only hopes to start a troubled world."

Moro pointed up.

"Perhaps in their eyes, we are just slightly bigger ants. No matter what, we can't overthrow the sky like the former Chu Taizu."

The old master smiled.

"The strong also come from the weak step by step."

"Who are the two seniors referring to?"

Chen Yuan frowned lightly.

Moro looked up and said to himself:

"Some self-proclaimed immortals, they regard all living beings in the world as pawns."


Mo Luo had talked about these things with Chen Yuan before.

But it was limited to this, because in fact, even Mo Luo didn't know very well, and all he knew and heard was discovered by accident from Lingshan.

That's why he turned his back on Lingshan.

"Chen Yuan."

"What advice does the senior have?"

"There is not much time left for us. There is even less time left for you. It doesn't matter if those people in the fairyland don't care about us, but one day, the old man hopes that they will regret it because of you,"

There was a hint of expectation in the eyes of the old heavenly master.

Chen Yuan's previous growth trajectory, and what Chen Yuan has shown today, all let him see the figure recorded in the ancient books of Wudang Mountain.

He didn't think much of it before, but now, after a battle with the Buddha, he has completely recognized the gap. A Buddha is so terrifying.

What about the existence in the fairyland?

You know, but even the mighty and oppressive Chu Taizu fell into their hands. In the fairyland, there must be an existence stronger than the Buddha.

"Senior, don't worry."

Chen Yuan nodded without expressing any attitude, but the meaning was already obvious.

He... also doesn't want a group of people standing on top of their heads to show off their might.

The old heavenly master sighed softly, as if he wanted to say something more, but stopped abruptly, and just said:

"Since today's battle has ended, the old man will not stay any longer."

"Thank you for your help today."

Moro bowed slightly, placing one hand on his chest.

If the old heavenly master hadn't arrived in time today, he, Chen Yuan and others would probably have to be buried in the hands of the Buddha.

"Not to mention Xie Zi'er, you also helped Liangzhou expel the northern barbarians before."

The old master waved his hand indifferently.

"Senior, troubled times are approaching, what is Wudang Mountain going to do?"

Although Chen Yuan's current foundation is in the south, it doesn't mean that he won't deploy in the north. The entire north can be a commendable force, a force that can bring him trouble.

There are only Wei Jinfeng and Wudang Mountain.

The previous love was the previous one, who would have predicted that Wei Jinfeng would not have a glimpse of the heart of the Ninth Five-Year Plan?

After all, this moment, that moment.

Therefore, he wanted to see the attitude of Wudang Mountain first.

Even if you don't support him, it's best not to support Wei Jinfeng.

"If you can dominate the south and dominate the situation, Wudang Mountain will be the icing on the cake. After all, this old man values ​​you very much." The old master said with a smile.

"Okay, this junior understands."

Chen Yuan nodded.

Then, the old heavenly master said:


"The disciple is here."

Song Yingqiao immediately approached Yukong.

"Go back to the mountain."


"Devil Lord, senior, farewell."

Song Yingqiao arched his hands.

"Fellow Daoist, go all the way."

After the old Tianshi and Song Yingqiao left, Chen Yuan asked in a low voice:

"How is senior's injury?"

"It's nothing serious, it will be almost enough after a period of cultivation."

Hearing this, Chen Yuan gained some confidence. Now the situation in the world is obvious, and the immortals will also intervene in the affairs of the world, as well as the stall in the south.

It would be too difficult without Moro in charge.

He was really afraid that Moro would be beaten back to his original form like before, and it would take several years to recover.

In this way, something is not very good.

"Senior thought, why didn't the one in the capital make a move?"

Chen Yuan asked the question in his heart.

"The poor monk didn't think it through, maybe that one really couldn't break through, or maybe he was more happy to see the current scene."

"Senior means"

"That person overthrew the Xiang family by relying on the power of Xianyu, and Xianyu is happy to see chaos in the world, and he...may be happy to see it."

"So cruel?"

Chen Yuan frowned.

You know, this is Jiangshan Sheji.

"I think this fellow Taoist is aware of the importance, relying on himself, it is indeed impossible to determine the tripod world, and, compared to the secular world, he may prefer immortality in the immortal realm."

"Can the fairyland live forever?"

"The poor monk doesn't know. After they show up, maybe it will become clear."

"If one day, the Immortal Territory opens its gates and wants to recruit seniors to become immortals, what choice will seniors make?" Chen Yuan asked casually with his hands behind his back.

Moro smiled lightly:

"There are always some people in this world who do something."

"Senior Gao Yi."

"Hehe, with your personality, you don't want to be a knife in someone else's hands, do you?"

"It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail."

"The next thing will be left to you. Since the one in the capital didn't do it before, he won't do it now. The poor monk will rest for a few days."

After Mo Luo finished speaking, he didn't say hello to Jiang He and others, and turned into a stream of light, and got into the Emperor Butcher's Knife.

Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, and felt that Mo Luo's injury might not be as easy as he said, but he didn't think too much, and instead walked towards the group of true kings before.

At this moment, Ye Xiangnan, Dongfang Sheng and Feng Jiuge also set their eyes on Chen Yuan, with a sense of scrutiny and precaution, as if they thought that Chen Yuan might take advantage of this opportunity to attack them.

As for Taoist Tianxu, Taoist Lingxu, Taoist Qingxu, and Jiang He, they stood on one side, as if they were also on guard.

After all, they are a bit of an eyesore when the court is resolved.

In fact, if these people are weak, Chen Yuan really doesn't mind attacking them, no matter how bad it is, he has to establish some kind of offensive and defensive alliance.

But Feng Jiuge and Dongfang Sheng are not bad. Although their strength is good, they can handle it.

But Ye Xiangnan was different, Mo Luo couldn't come out, Chen Yuan and others didn't have the confidence to take him down, and besides, there were strong people in Wudi City.

It is hard to guarantee that it will not have been hidden in the dark.

Yes, as Chen Yuan's strength became stronger and stronger, the secrets that Lu Chengfeng concealed at the beginning have gradually faded now. After the altar of luck swallowed Jingtai's luck and repaired it.

All that had been concealed had been dissipated.

He also recalled those things in the past.

A promise, and the old man in white.

"Why, the Demon Lord wants to do something?"

Ye Xiangnan looked at Chen Yuan calmly and asked, as if he didn't care.

"Fellow Daoist, you are joking. We were all on the united front just now. How could Mr. Chen do such a thing? The world is going to fight, so let's fight in the open.

Chen also bothered to do such a thing. "

Chen Yuan smiled lightly.

Ye Xiangnan nodded, he didn't think what Chen Yuan said was true, but he didn't think it was false either, at least if they really fought more now.

He doesn't mind another fight, either.

No matter what, he also has the confidence to retreat.

"Since that's the case, why doesn't the Demon Lord take advantage of this opportunity to fight directly to settle the capital? In this way, the country may change hands."

Dongfang Sheng suddenly suggested.

Chen Yuan nodded approvingly:

"Sima Che is here, and Chen is here to fight for the Eastern Daoists. At this moment, there are no strong men in the city, and the Eastern Daoists can destroy the Sima clan as much as they want.

In this way, with righteousness in hand, the great things of the Heavenly Demon Palace can be accomplished. "

The smile on Dongfang Sheng's face froze for a moment, then he shook his head and said:

"My seat is injured, so the devil should come."


Chen Yuan looked at Dongfang Sheng and smiled without saying a word.

How could he fail to see Dongfang Sheng's purpose?

In this battle, the Sima family gambled on the fate of the country, and the strong were almost wiped out, but he got the greatest benefit and killed Jingtai with his own hands. It can be predicted that his reputation will reach its peak.

However, if taking advantage of this time to attack the capital and wipe out the Sima family, it would be different.

Sima's family is now a tiger that has lost its teeth, so there is nothing to be afraid of, but it can't be destroyed now, at least for the time being, the sea can't be destroyed in his hands, once it does.

Without the existence of the Sima family, who was a source of hatred, with Chen Yuan's current prestige and strength, he would become the target of public criticism, and all the heroes in the world might target him together.

The loss outweighs the gain

Of course, this is not the most important point. Apart from this point, there is another point that is more important. The Sima family has used up all the cards on the surface, but who knows if there is any hole card?

It would be very unwise for Chen Yuan to fight against him now.

Furthermore, the great ancestor of the Sima family could just sit back and watch the court's strength die, but after he entered the capital, he had to come forward to fight even if he didn't want to fight.

With Mo Luo being severely injured and the old Heavenly Master leaving, who can fight against him?

Chen Yuan can kill the king now, but he has not yet reached the point of killing immortals.

In addition, the Sima family has something to do with the Immortal Domain, so if they fight directly with the Immortals of the Sima Family, there is no guarantee that the Immortal Domain will not appear.

This battle has been fought so far, and it can be closed as soon as it is good.

If they start a war so stupidly, how can they stop the Immortal Realm even the Buddha can't resist them?

Perhaps Mo Luo and the old master also saw this, and they didn't want to fully mobilize the power of the fairyland, so they left directly without continuing to do anything.

Dongfang Sheng's calculations were very good, Chen Yuan worked hard in the front, and he picked up the bargain in the back.

"That's all, since the devil is unwilling to do anything, then I will leave first, and we will meet again by fate."

"We are also in the south, and Chen will meet fellow Taoist Dongfang. I hope that at that time, you and I will not be enemies, but friends."

"Hehe, I hope."

Dongfang Sheng glanced at the surrounding people, nodded with a smile, turned around and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant as a stream of black light.

"It's useless for the concubine to stay with the master of the Dongfang palace. Demon Lord, take your leave."

Feng Jiuge cupped his hands and said.

"Palace Master Feng, goodbye."

"Okay, the concubine is in Yunzhou, waiting for the devil to drive."

With a sound of Fengming, Feng Jiuge's aura soared into the sky.

In just a short moment, Ye Xiangnan was the only one left. He looked at Chen Yuan with a little scrutiny and said:

"The identity of the Demon Lord is really extraordinary."

"City Lord Ye has won the prize."


Maybe Ye Xiangnan was not good at words, or maybe he didn't want to tell Chen Yuanduo. After seeing the other two people leave, he didn't want to stay and was ready to leave.

"City Master Ye wait a moment."

Chen Yuan stopped the other party.

"What advice does the devil have?"

"I don't dare to advise, I just hope that Lord Ye can help Chen with a sentence."

"Bring it to whom?"

"Senior Lu."

Hearing the words 'Senior Lu', Ye Xiangnan's pupils shrank slightly subconsciously. He didn't think the other party was aimless. After all, the master had met Chen Yuan before.

However, this memory should have been erased.

Now it seems

This Asura demon lord already has the means to destroy the things left by his master, which really surprised him.

After all, he is clear about the strength of Master.

In his opinion, it is not impossible to stand shoulder to shoulder with the previous Buddha.

"What words?"

"That promise, Mr. Chen, has been kept in mind. I will visit Senior Lu in person in the future."

"it is good."

Ye Xiangnan nodded, and took a deep look at Chen Yuan, the power of rules appeared all over his body, and then disappeared without a trace hidden in the void.

The departure of the three of Ye Xiangnan also basically announced that this battle of regicide has come to an end completely. One can imagine how much impact it will have on the world.

But this was expected, wasn't it?

Chen Yuan sat and watched the other party leave, and Yang Huatian's voice came from below. Chen Yuan and others looked around and saw three figures standing behind Yang Huatian and Li Suqing.

Yang Guifei. Sima Ke, and Princess Pingyang.

Chen Yuan thought for a while, fell from the void, and stood in front of a few people, bringing a strong pressure to them, Sima Ke and Concubine Yang turned pale instantly.

It seems to be thinking of the scene when Jingtai fell before.

"this is."

Chen Yuan pointed to the two of them and asked.

"Most of the civil and military nobles of the Sima family died in the aftermath, but the rest of them ran very fast, but the three of them ran too slowly and were overtaken by the old man."

"Brother Chen."

Princess Pingyang saluted generously.

Concubine Yang Gui sighed lightly, bowed and said:

"I've seen you, Lord Hou."

"Master Hou is invincible, and Xiao Wang admires him very much."

Sima Ke had a flattering smile on his face.

"Your father was killed by me, and His Highness is still so humble?"

"Hehe, hehe, father, no. Jingtai is perverted and harms living beings. Master Hou killed it well!"

"Unfortunately, Mr. Chen said before that the Sima clan doesn't leave chickens and dogs behind. Brother Yang, let's kill them all." Chen Yuan waved his hand.

"it is good."

"Wait a minute."

Sima Ke said suddenly.


Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes.

Hearing a plop, Sima Ke immediately knelt down and said hastily:

"Baby Chen Ke, I have met my father"

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