I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 700: Huge Earthquake!

For Chen Yuan, the top priority now is not to return to Shuzhou to preside over the overall situation, nor anything else, but to set off immediately to slaughter the dragon on Shenlong Island in the East China Sea.

Of course, this does not mean that the foundations in Shuzhou are not important anymore. On the contrary, they are also very important. Isn't he working so hard here in the capital for the foundations of Shuzhou?

But there will be someone there to help him take care of everything. Although he is not there, there are still heavenly books and rare treasures, so he can keep track of the movements in Shuzhou anytime, anywhere.

The first priority of Taixu Palace, Shushan and other powerhouses in Dao Shrine Palace is to build momentum in Shuzhou.

After he went back, he would directly start a war against Nanzhou, take down the Zhennan army, kill the Zhennan king, and take away the luck from Nangonglie for his own use!

"The Demon Lord is really a heavenly man."

Taoist Tianxu stroked his beard and laughed.

Although I feel a little unbelievable about Chen Yuan's improvement in strength, it is obvious that the stronger Chen Yuan's strength is, the more beneficial it will be for them, and the things they pursue in the future will be more promising.

It was time for Taixu Palace to change, otherwise, he would not have come out of the mountain, and came to the capital of Zhongzhou to watch the general situation of the world.

Biyougong is reserved, that's because Biyougong's background is very deep, not as simple as it appears on the surface.

But Taixu Palace can't do it.

If you really have the confidence, there is no need to go to the world to get involved in those things.

"Poverty is clear."

Taoist Lingxu nodded and said.

"On the other side of Shushan Mountain, I will entrust it to you first."

"I also ask the devil to show me what to do in the future."

"First of all, they wantonly recruited troops to build Shu Prefecture into a solid state, and immediately started planning to annex Xuezhou and Qingzhou.

Second, attack Nanzhou later, send out all the spies, and keep an eye on Nangong Lie's movements. In short, he cannot be allowed to lure the demons from the south. This is the most important thing. When today's news gets out, it will be the beginning of chaos in the world. It is hard to guarantee that Nangong Lie will not have other ideas.

The strength of the Yaozu is too strong. If we can face it later, it is better to delay for a while, so that the forces under Nangong Lie cannot merge with the Nanjiang Yaozu. "

Chen Yuan said with a solemn expression.

This time he exposed almost most of the things, far surpassing Nangong Lie, if the other party was afraid and opened Zhennan Pass directly.

For Chen Yuan now, it is not a good thing.

"it is good."

"Pindao understands."

"Devil Lord, how should Sima Che deal with it?"

Chen Yuan glanced at Sima Che, who looked like a dead dog, and took a deep breath:

"Let's press down on Mount Shu for now, and when we raise troops in the future, we will sacrifice the flag in public!"

Taoist Lingxu, Taoist Qingxu took a step ahead, Taoist Tianxu quickly returned to the mountain gate to start preparations, and Chen Yuan came to the vicinity of Jiang He and others.

At this moment, all these people from Dao Shrine are gathered here.

Li Suqing, Yang Huatian, and Chu Changfeng are all here.

And they stood aside, quietly watching Li Hongshuang build an earthen grave on the spot.

There was nothing in the tomb, Li Kuang rested his troops, his mind and soul were scattered, and only a magic ax was left behind, but this ax stayed here, and only some people can dig the grave in the future.

Therefore, this place can be regarded as a tomb of clothes.

Jiang He put on three sticks of incense for Li Kuangxiu with a very serious expression, he couldn't see the aura of asking his father-in-law to die before. For him, the past was the past, and the present is the present.

Li Kuangxiu is dead, and the grievances are gone.

What he offered incense was only his father-in-law.

Chen Yuan didn't go up to offer incense, let alone comfort Li Hongshuang.

Li Kuangxiu was involved in the demise of Chenjiacun, and he fought for the court to the end. For Chen Yuan, he was an enemy. In fact, if Jiang He couldn't do it, he would do it.

Shenwu Zhenjun Li Kuangxiu, and the governor of the Sky Survey Division, Gu Tianqiong, these two are the most well-known powerhouses in the imperial court, and they are important court officials at the Zhu Kingdom level.

They are loyal to the Sima family, so they must die.

As for Li Hongshuang, although they have some personal friendship, but now that his father just died, there is actually nothing to talk about, and Jiang He will take care of these things.

Although he is a good man. Although he is said to be a good wife by outsiders, he is not so bad for his friend's woman, and he consciously draws a clear line.

"Is it over?"

Jiang He looked up at Chen Yuan and asked.

"After it's done, it's nothing more than a nail in the capital, and then appease Shushan and Taixu Palace, they actually understand it in their hearts, it doesn't matter if they say it or not.

I just asked them to go to Shuzhou quickly to stabilize the situation for me. "

Chen Yuan said.

"Aren't you going back?"

"I have something to go to the East China Sea, and it may take a while. Although Shushan and Taixu Palace have been entrusted, our Dao God Palace is our own.

In fact, it is still up to you to be the God of Dinghai, and the Shuxi League and Shuzhong League will be handed over to you. Now it doesn't matter whether it is hidden or not.

Now that it has been exposed today, then simply expose all the power. I hope that after I come back, all the trivial matters in Shuzhou will be cleared up by you. "

"it is good."

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Yuan glanced in Li Hongshuang's direction.

Naturally, what he meant was not to settle down, but to ask when he will get married.

"Three years from now."

Jiang He pondered.

"Okay, that's right, if sister-in-law is still feeling a little uncomfortable, you can send her to Ziyue after you are gentle. After all, they are old acquaintances."

"I see."

"Unfortunately, my side can't be exposed yet." Li Suqing shook her head.

Now the entire Taoist Palace, almost all gathered around Chen Yuan, only she could only show up as the Evergreen Taoist Master of the Taoist Palace because of her status.

"Feng Jiuge should have already guessed your identity."

Jiang He said suddenly.

"Oh, it's not surprising."

Li Suqing was stunned for a moment, but only smiled.

After all, they are too familiar. It would be fine if they don't show up together, but once they show up together, they basically can't hide their hidden identities.

"That's not a bad thing either."

Chu Changfeng looked around, nodded and said.

"Yes, although Goddess Palace also bears the name of the Immortal Gate, to be honest, among the top ten immortal gates, Goddess Palace is probably at the bottom. It has been suppressed by the Sima family for more than two hundred years. Otherwise, Feng Jiuge won't be here today either, don't be in a hurry when Fellow Daoist Changqing goes back, Feng Jiuge is the one who is in a hurry now.

If she is sensible, she will recognize the general trend. At that time, it is up to you to persuade her. It is best to win the Goddess Palace to our side.

You also know my character, just based on the friendship between you and me, as long as Goddess Palace doesn't do anything rebellious, she won't treat Goddess Palace badly in the future, you can give her the name of national religion and national teacher on my behalf. "

Chen Yuan condensed his voice.

The decline of the Goddess Palace is true, but it still has some background, and it has a great influence in Yunzhou, and its reputation in the world is also very high.

The top ten immortal sects have already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the world.

Chen Yuan doesn't expect to be able to win over all the immortal sects, but even if there are only half of them, he can calm the hearts of the people in the world and expand his influence to the entire Central Plains faster.


In the future, he will be more confident in dealing with the even more terrifying fairyland.

You can know the whole leopard from a glimpse.

According to what Mo Luo said, there is a high probability that Lingshan is connected with the Immortal Domain, and it is very deep. As the spokesperson of the Immortal Domain in the world, it is so strong.

What about the real fairyland?

Therefore, he must prepare in advance.

Be ready to go to war with Xianyu at any time.

He can't pin his hopes on the fact that the opponent will only attack after he grows up. What if the opponent doesn't play the cards according to the routine and doesn't want to breed tigers, so what should he do?

"it is good."

Li Suqing nodded solemnly.

She didn't feel sad for Chen Yuan's underestimation of Goddess Palace, because this is indeed a fact, and the rest of the immortal sects either have several True Monarchs, or there are even immortals left behind.

What about Goddess Palace?

Maybe there is a bit of fairy background, but at least as far as she knows, there is no other strong Yang God in the Goddess Palace except Feng Jiuge. It's about the same as the top forces in the world.

Was it true that the Goddess Palace didn't want to make a high profile?

I really don't have that ability.

"This time, the rivers and lakes may be shaken again." Chu Changfeng smiled.

Yang Huatian shook his head:

"This battle will determine the future trend of the world. The fairy war has happened, Jianghu? Hehe, the whole world will be shaken by the impact of this battle."

Only those who participated in the war knew how much the impact of this war would be.

The real people who can dominate the world and develop top forces, whether they are real people with primordial spirits or real people who refine gods, are basically not on the stage.

Only a true monarch in the realm of the Yang God can truly participate in the great battle.

Not to mention, there is a fairy battle coming later!

"By the way, Brother Chu, you and I seem to have agreed on a sparring match. I'm afraid it won't work now. You have to recuperate your injuries. How about this? When I come back from the East China Sea, how about you and I having a sparring sparring?"

Chen Yuan suddenly asked.

Chu Changfeng: "."

He has only one thought in mind now.

Do you have no points for your own strength?

Even killing Jingtai, who is comparable to a fairy god, how could he be able to beat him?

Just fighting against a Puxian, they were all beaten to death. If they really fought against each other, wouldn't they be defeated in a few breaths? Is that still called sparring?

But of course it's hard to say such a thing, Chu Changfeng just waved his hand:

"It's all come to this point, it's meaningless not to discuss each other, that's all."

"Master False Words, we meet again."

Seeing that Chu Changfeng had no intention of fighting again, Chen Yuan set his sights on this very familiar person.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is now."

"Senior suffered some injuries and needs to recuperate for a while, but he asked me to tell you a word before he fell asleep."

"What words?"

Monk Xuyan raised his head, as if looking forward to it.

"He said that he is doing a really big thing. You are his valued successor. I hope you can assist me to make things happen and find a way for all living beings in the world."

Monk Xuyan took a deep breath, nodded and said:

"The poor monk will."

"Okay, then the master will go back to Shuzhou with Jiang He and others. After I come back, how about you meeting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva again?"

For this kind of 'dog licking', Chen Yuan naturally knew how to hang on.

"Okay, the poor monk understands, thank you benefactor Chen."

"Hehe. You and I are destined, let's not talk about thank you"

Yang Huatian's statement is actually not wrong, when the common people and Jianghu warriors who survived that day publicized the battle on the top of Zijin Mountain outside Shenjing City.

The whole world is shaking!

This time the news affected not only a small Jianghu, but the whole world, like a terrifying hurricane, spreading to all parts of the world.

The nearest city, Shenjing, was frightened into silence.

On that day, only a small half of the courtiers and clan came back alive, but those common people saw that the situation was not good, and ran away directly, and many warriors were somewhat conscientious, deliberately not affecting them.

As a result, half of the people survived.

But among them, some of them were completely paralyzed by fright. After returning home, they either looked dull, or yelled madly, crying and laughing.

And this is just a small microcosm.

The real impact will only be greater.

This battle was described as dark and dark, the void collapsed, mountains and rivers were reversed, and the world was broken. Although it is a bit exaggerated, if you go out of Shenjing City and take a look around Zijin Mountain, you will find it.

In fact, it is also pertinent.

The original landform there has disappeared, replaced by deep pits created by various fights, and high mountains that have been flattened.

As far as the eye can see, there are densely packed stumps and broken arms.

Yes. The blood that dyed the entire ground red flowed into a river.

The impact ferments over time and becomes bigger and bigger.

Jingtai sacrificed blood to tens of thousands of souls, wanting to become a fairy god, in line with the fate of the country, and especially the real body of the Wusheng Patriarch who was shouted and beaten by everyone in the Central Plains!

But this incident has attracted criticism from all sides, and the forces of the rivers and lakes have attacked the government in various places, preaching the crusade against the violent Jin Dynasty, and punishing the dogs and thieves of the Sima family.

This is a torrent that is secretly fueled by various forces.

The south, the north, the east, the west, and even Zhongzhou, where the Sima family is located, have all been impacted to varying degrees, vowing to overthrow the Sima family.

All over the country, big and small, the uprisings that had been prepared for a long time also started to ignite little by little at this moment, with a very tacit understanding.

That day Chen Yuan said in front of Jingtai:

"The chaos in the world began with him, Chen Yuan!"

This sentence has come true!

In fact, such an impact was not caused by the fact that all the elites of the Sima family were shattered in Zijin Mountain. Fundamentally, it was just a momentum that really caused chaos in the world.

Or because Chen Yuan presented evidence of Jingtai's blood sacrifice in front of millions of people!

This is what makes people unbearable, and it also makes people have an excuse!

But now all parties are still restrained, they are just eroding the foundation of the Sima family bit by bit, accumulating strength bit by bit.

The forces that participated in the war that day were very clear, and now is not the time to directly raise the flag of rebellion.

They are not the ones who raise the flag.

It was Chen Yuan.

The strength, influence, and reputation he displayed on that day made many people understand that he is the only person who can truly bring the whole world into chaos.

As for other people, they can only mess up one county and one prefecture at most, but it will not affect the whole world.

Those people don't want to be this early bird.

Many people are secretly resenting why Chen Yuan didn't directly destroy Shenjing City. In this way, they can have a better excuse to point their guns at him.

Chen Yuan's power is very strong, but it is not strong enough to compete with the whole world!

This is the general trend of the world.

And beyond the general trend, is the impact of that battle on the rivers and lakes.

In fact, it is no less than dropping a nuclear bomb on the water.

In that battle, there were only a few things that attracted the most attention.

First, Jingtai blood sacrifices thousands of souls, which is in harmony with the fate of the country and is immortal.

Second, 20 true monarchs fought in a melee, and all the four great Bodhisattvas of Lingshan appeared. Ye Xiangnan, the lord of Emperor Wudi City, Dongfang Sheng, the lord of Tianmo Palace, the head teacher of Taixu Palace who had been reclusive for many years, the head teacher of Shushan, and the head of the seven sons of Wudang. Etc., etc

Third, tens of thousands of Jianghu warriors fought head-to-head with the imperial court directly outside the city of Shenjing, the only one in two hundred years.

Fourth, the Tathagata Buddha of Lingshan appeared, the old celestial master of Wudang appeared, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva appeared. Outside the capital, the battle of immortals began!

Fifthly, Chen Yuan's real body was the well-known Shura Demon Lord and Lin Demon Lord in the Jianghu. In the first battle, they killed the invincible Jingtai in public.

Just being able to rank above these events is enough to prove how influential Chen Yuan is now.

You know, what are the first few?

That's Jingtai, braving the dissatisfaction of the world, treating all living beings of the human race as ants, making blood sacrifices that are disgusting, and he is also the ancestor of Wusheng Sect.

Almost everything in the Sima family was bet on, wanting to make a comeback, stop the chaos in the world for life, and keep the Sima royal family's great Jinjiangshan and ancestral foundation.

This is something that can really shake people's hearts.

The second one is the melee of the world-renowned decision powerhouses, forcibly gathering the world's eight great immortal sects, except for the Seven Killing Palace and Biyou Palace, all of them are mixed in.

There is a fight against Jingtai from the Eight Great Immortals.

Such a scuffle, even in the battle of the former Chu over two hundred years ago, did not involve so many experts from the immortal sect.

Many people who heard this news were shocked!

An absolute grand event.

After all, in the past thousand years, it seems that there has never been a time when so many fairy gates have been gathered. You must know that Kunlun Mountain has not shown itself for hundreds of years.

The Taixu Palace has long since disappeared from the world.

It's unimaginable to show up at this time.

The third one is that tens of thousands of Jianghu warriors fought head-to-head with the court, and it was the only one since the war that destroyed the former Chu. Even, even in that battle, it was not so direct.

Since ancient times, the court and the rivers and lakes have been in opposition, and the rivers and lakes have long been dissatisfied with the court. Now, tens of thousands of heroes and powerful men of the rivers and lakes directly go to war, stirring the hearts of countless people in the rivers and lakes.

It made many people beat their chests with regret, feeling that they should not spare their lives, and that they should see such a big event no matter what.

Even death is worth it.

The fourth is even more remarkable.

That's a fairy war!

A real battle of immortals!

Even battles between immortals at the level of the Battle of Liangshan and the Battle of Shushan caused a hurricane in the Jianghu. It is conceivable how much shock can be caused by a real immortal's action.

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