I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 805: Four Symbols in One! Melt into heaven and earth!

As far as the eye can see, it is all gray and dark.

In the world, there is only this color.

Chen Yuan opened his eyes, his eyes were serious. At this moment, although he didn't understand anything, he already had some doubts in his heart, if nothing unexpected happened.

This place is his inner world!

When self-generated rules, it is the day of physical sanctification!

For some reason, Chen Yuan thought of the great god Pan Gu in the myths and legends of his previous life. Could it be that he needs to open up the world before he can succeed?

But where did the magic ax come from?

Chen Yuan was trapped in the inner world and could not extricate himself. He was seriously thinking about the solution to the situation. He had no way forward to pursue, even the demon gods of the demon clan were different.

He can only rely on himself.

In the outside world, there was an endless rumbling thunder, and one after another bright thunder continued, constantly bombarding the heaven and earth sacred furnace formed by the four elephants and beasts.

It can be vaguely seen that the nine divine dragons are looming and have been integrated with the divine flame. The heaven and earth tribulation thunder that descended is one of the firewood to help ignite the divine flame.

The vitality of heaven and earth within a radius of tens of thousands of feet is rioting, and it is continuously drawn away by the sacred furnace, condensing Chen Yuan's body, trying to completely fuse the four elephants with it.

Mo Luo's face became extremely serious. He didn't know what danger Chen Yuan was facing now, but the escaping divine flame alone was enough to make him feel threatened.

It is conceivable that Chen Yuan is in the center of the sacred furnace, and it must be unbearable.

It's a pity that he also has no experience in physical sanctification, and he can't give advice, let alone accurately detect the dangerous situation Chen Yuan encountered, so he can only wait.

There is no other way.

He only hoped that Chen Yuan could continue his legendary achievements and overcome one difficulty after another. Even this gap in the world that blocked countless figures of heaven would have to be crossed.

The time has lasted for a long time, and the divine flame has no intention of extinguishing in the slightest. Xiang Guangsheng's eyes were a little worried, but looking at the calm Mo Luo, he just opened his mouth and suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

That's not what he should be asking.

At this time, in Jiulong Mountain of Nanzhou, the miracle of the four elephants and beasts had spread throughout half of the Central Plains, and the secret lines of almost all forces were spreading the news at all costs.

In troubled times, when the four phenomena appear, it is easy for people to think of some things.

Mo Luo took out the flashing scripture and asked in a concentrated voice:


"Senior, news came from Nanzhou that the four elephants and beasts appeared in the Nine Dragon Mountains, are you and Chen Yuan?" The voice came from Princess Yan Su Ziyue.

She didn't know much about Chen Yuan's breakthrough. She only knew that he was going to retreat again in Nanzhou. Therefore, when the news came, she went to inquire immediately.

"That's right, King Yan is making a breakthrough, but I didn't expect the news to have spread so far." Mo Luo's face was a bit solemn.

And their conversation was quickly learned by the Taoist masters of other Taoist palaces, and they lit up their own starlight one after another.

"King Yan is breaking through? Could it be that he is about to enter the sixth realm?"

Chu Changfeng asked in shock.

Since the battle of Zhennan Pass was over, he had led the Zhennan Army to guard the border. He knew more about the affairs of the Central Plains, but not many, so he seemed very shocked.


"Do you need the junior to protect the law?"

Jiang He's quiet voice sounded, he didn't talk much, but every word he said pointed to the essence.

"The juniors also have leisure time, and they can dispatch a hundred thousand elite soldiers to go there."

Chu Changfeng expressed his opinion immediately.

As for Li Suqing and Yang Huatian, they remained silent. They hadn't even broken through to the Yang God Realm, so they might need Mo Luo's care and support.

"No need for the time being, it's enough for you to guard your respective responsibilities, as long as there are poor monks here."

Moro rejected the idea of ​​several people coming to help.

If the visitors couldn't even deal with him, then they would just die if they came. If he could deal with it, then they would be wasting their time.

"Forget it, with seniors around, no one can hurt Chen Yuan."



Just as Mo Luo was about to reply, he frowned suddenly and sensed a terrifying aura coming, his face darkened immediately, he quickly cut off the connection with Tianshu, and stepped out to tens of miles away, said in a cold voice:

"Where is the evildoer, dare to come here!"

"Jie Jie, it really is Chen Yuan who is making a breakthrough, and it's a coincidence that I came here." There was some distortion in the void, which was as calm as water, and a strong man in black robe slowly appeared.

It is the current Southern Border Demon Emperor, Mo Ying!

"Where is the benefactor?"

Mo Luo's face was calm, but his heart was extremely dignified, because in his perception, the other party's aura could not be sensed, and the most likely reason for this was that the other party's cultivation base far surpassed his.

He is at the peak of human immortality, condensing the existence of the top three flowers. If he is far beyond him, he is an existence at the level of earth immortal!

And the other party is obviously not a human race, that is to say, the other party is a powerful demon god who has reached the realm of "immortality". Let's think about the current situation in southern Xinjiang.

The identity of the other party is about to be revealed.

Demon Emperor!

"Chen Yuan is my mortal enemy, today I have such a good opportunity to kill him, why do you think I came here?" Mo Ying sneered with a look of contempt in his eyes.

A small human fairy is not in his eyes.

Chen Yuan, he must be killed!

Not to mention the repeated grievances and grievances between them, which ruined many good things for him, just the rare treasure that he showed in the Zhenyao Tower that made him tremble has been coveted by him for a long time.

Only the emperor can control these rare treasures.

As for Chen Yuan, he was also a serious problem. In just half a year, he had grown to a terrifying level. He repeatedly crossed borders, which was even scarier than him.

You know, he has come to this step only by devouring a top demon god with the help of extraterritorial divine power, coupled with the luck of the demon clan.

What about Chen Yuan?

Back then, when he was suppressing the demon tower, he was just cultivating the gods.

Now, it is known as the number one in the Central Plains, the existence of an invincible hand under the immortals, and now it is making a breakthrough, and it is about to step into the sixth realm.

If you let it go, it will become a big problem in the future!

"If you are sensible, leave now, and I will spare your life, otherwise I will have to taste the long-lost taste of the immortal soul of the human race."

Mo Ying stared at Mo Luo faintly, with greedy eyes, wanting to swallow him into his belly.

"Please benefactor."

Mo Luo didn't say much anymore, he clasped his palms together, and the aura around him instantly rose, and a golden phantom with the size of a thousand feet loomed, overlooking Mo Ying in front of him.

No matter what, he can't retreat!

Otherwise, once Chen Yuan's breakthrough process was interrupted, the consequences would be unpredictable. He just didn't expect that the movement of Chen Yuan's breakthrough would be so big.

Even the demon emperor Mo Ying who was far away in the southern border was attracted.

Now he only hoped that Lu Chengfeng would come earlier and stop this monster.

"court death!"

Mo Ying looked at Mo Luo and sneered, and the aura around him rose rapidly. An extremely powerful sense of oppression swept across the world in an instant, and the phantom of the Chi Ming Blood Tiger, which was ten thousand feet in size, slowly appeared.

The thousand-foot golden body, which originally seemed extremely huge, now seemed extremely small.

Mo Ying snorted coldly, the roar of the tiger shook the sky, and a giant claw fell from the sky, covering the sky and the earth. The terrifying power of rules seemed to have directly escaped from the boundary.

The realm of the monster race's "immortal body" is similar to that of the earth immortals of the human race. The inner world has already manifested invisible rules, which are enough to form a world by itself. When a palm falls, it is like a world crushing.

The huge pressure suddenly changed Mo Luo's face, and his eyes were fixed, and then the golden body went straight to the phantom, and collided with each other in an instant.


The terrifying aftermath swept across the world directly, and the very center of the confrontation had already shattered the void, revealing a faint black hole that seemed to be able to swallow everything.

And Mo Luo's golden body was also cracked inch by inch at this moment, unable to stop the power of the demon god at all.

"It's just ants!"

Mo Ying sneered, as if laughing at Mo Luo's overreaching, stepped forward with one step, and the phantom of ten thousand feet was suppressed, and the terrifying energy and blood exploded like thunder.

Mo Luo's eyes were extremely indifferent. After the golden body was shattered, a half-demon, half-Buddha golden body slowly emerged from behind him again, facing a powerful demon emperor, and faced difficulties without avoiding or retreating.

"court death!"

The roar of the tiger exploded again, and Mo Ying was already a little irritated by Mo Luo's attitude. The terrifying rules of the inner world swept out, and the huge tiger's head directly opened its bloody mouth, trying to swallow Mo Luo's golden body.

And at this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to be separated directly, and an invisible regular force directly blocked Moro, no matter how the tiger's head roared, it was still unable to break through the barrier.

"who is it!"

Mo Ying's face was a bit ugly, and he observed the surrounding world vigilantly. Being able to directly block his methods is enough to prove that the person who came to intervene is a strong man.

"The territory of the human race is not allowed to be trampled by monsters."

The sound of rolling thunder pierced through the void, and the surroundings changed instantly, and the void broke open, and the whole world was directly dragged into the turbulent flow of the void by Lu Chengfeng's actual combat power.

The earth immortals fought against each other, and the power was too strong.

And this place is only tens of miles away from the Nine Dragons Mountain Range, a single fight can affect there and affect Chen Yuan's cultivation breakthrough, so the distance must be widened.

Lu Chengfeng, who was dressed in white and had white beard and hair, showed his real body. His eyes were extremely indifferent. Under the tiger's head, he was inconspicuous at all, but his aura was hard to ignore.

The moment Mo Luo saw Lu Chengfeng, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With him alone, the possibility of blocking Mo Ying was extremely low. Only the Earth Immortal could deal with the Demon King.

Hmm. And Valkyrie.

"Who are you, how dare you intervene in this seat's affairs?"

Mo Ying was dragged into the turbulent void forcibly, his heart was extremely vigilant, he didn't dare to act rashly at all, the aura coming from him was even stronger than him.

The Central Plains humans are really scary.

"Old man Chen Yuan is saved, if you don't want to die, just get out."

Lu Chengfeng didn't intend to announce his identity at all, and looked at Mo Ying calmly, with some contempt.

"Presumptuous, the emperor must not be humiliated!"

Being scolded like an ant, Mo Ying couldn't bear it, and immediately became furious, ready to move, wanting to test this person.

"A mere evildoer dares to be called emperor!"

Lu Chengfeng let out a cold snort, and took a step forward. The turbulent flow of the void blew his white hair, and the terrifying five-element rule lingered all over his body, and his power was extremely astonishing.

The human fairyland is measured by the flowers that condense into rules, which is called the gathering of three flowers, while the earth fairyland is measured by comprehending the rules of the five elements.

Known as the five qi dynasty.

Those who understand the rules of the five elements will be the peak of the earth immortal!

This is Lu Chengfeng's strong background of thousands of years of hard work. This is the strong man who was able to fight for world hegemony with Chu Taizu. If he didn't have a few brushes, how could he bet against Chu Taizu?


The terrifying power immediately made Mo Ying's pupils shrink deeply. He had heard that behind Chen Yuan there might be a great immortal of the race, but he did not take it seriously because of his strong cultivation.

Now, he finally saw the strength of this person.

Go further than him!

"Still leaving?!"

Lu Chengfeng's eyes turned cold, and he scolded directly.

At this moment, within the Jiulong Mountains.

The divine flame transformed by the thunderstorm became more and more terrifying, continuously burning Chen Yuan's body, as if he wanted to completely turn it into ashes. The sanctification of the human race is against the sky, and it must go through the catastrophe.

Lightning fire refines the real body!

Chen Yuan's robes had all been reduced to ashes, and his skin was flushed red, which was almost the same color as the magma. It seemed that it would be completely annihilated in the next moment.

In the dark world, Chen Yuan exhausted all kinds of means, but he was still unable to break through the barrier of nothingness. Here, he seemed to have no force.

As fragile as a newborn baby.




Chen Yuan looked at the barrier in front of him and kept talking to himself, his eyes were extremely solemn.

This seemed to be a natural moat, which could not be broken through at all, but he believed that the way forward could not be cut off, and he could also do what others could do.

It's a pity that Yuanshen didn't respond.

The altar of luck could not be summoned either.

Here, he can only rely on himself.


Chen Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, his consciousness sank into deep thought, and in his mind at this moment, he kept recalling all his journeys since he practiced the physical body, his blood is like a dragon, and the diamond is not bad.

Supernatural powers are accomplished, and the body is not destroyed.

Melt all the mixed blood into one.

With a flash of inspiration, Chen Yuan suddenly thought of a possibility. He is still full of the blood of the four elephant beasts. Can this be used as a breaking point?

As soon as he thought about it, he immediately forcibly contacted his physical body. Although it was weak, he still sensed a thread of involvement, and the terrifying divine fire immediately wrapped the divine furnace.

He wants to turn the world covered by this divine furnace into himself.

Thoughts together.

The situation between the sky and the earth changed, Chen Yuan's body expanded rapidly, and the furnace of heaven and earth shrank rapidly, and in just a moment, only a mere Zhang Xu was left.

The nine dragon veins penetrated into his body thoroughly, the four elephants screamed continuously, and the divine thunder above the nine heavens was even more terrifying, striking his body one after another.

Let the world covered by the divine furnace belong to itself.

And the raging divine flame seemed to permeate the space, appearing in the dim realm.


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