I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 102 Kestrel King

A piece of gossip has recently begun to circulate among the wealthy circles in Tallinn City.

A certain kingdom executive officer has arrived in Tallinn City and started to inspect.

So it was very rare that everyone from the rich and famous to the gangsters were enjoying themselves, for fear of being in the eyes of a certain executive.

"As for it?"

"I don't intend to completely show off my powers, so I don't need to be an ordinary rich man to get along with you!"

"I didn't expect that the CIA in this kingdom would also leak information. Talonno only contacted them once, and my whereabouts have already been leaked."

Chris Building, inside the president's office.

Chen Qi had just finished a phone call with a wealthy friend, and he almost laughed out loud.

This gossipy gossip is also too evil.

There are a lot of speculations that the Executive Officer wants to investigate and deal with the smuggling syndicate and wipe out the gangs that have been entrenched in Tallinn City for many years.

Several wealthy people have already planned to join forces to claim credit for the executive officer and arrange a celebration banquet.

The reason for calling Chen Qi just now was to get him to join the gang and become a part of it.

I don’t know if those guys will die on the road after knowing the truth.


"Boss, I didn't expect the news to come out from the Kingdom CIA."

"I only contacted them once, but I didn't expect that the news had already spread back to my hometown."

Talonno had a sad face, fearing that he would lose the trust of his boss because he messed up.

He really didn't expect the wealthy people in Tallinn City to be so powerful, nor did he expect the Kingdom's CIA to be so unreliable.

"It's not entirely your fault. Blue Taro Country is only a small country, with a population of only 30 million at most."

"Maybe if you throw a few bricks down, the person they hit will be a friend of your friend's distant relative."

"Especially when you reach the upper levels, the circle of the kingdom becomes even smaller."

"Don't underestimate the wealthy people in Tallinn. They are among the top 10 donors to the former prime minister's party."

"The Kingdom's CIA still knows the seriousness. Just let these guys in Tallinn City think about it and guess for a while."

Chen Qi feels that his life in Tallinn City is very good, and there is no one who has no eyesight who needs to pretend to be cool.

Therefore, he will not appear as an executive, but he does not intend to clarify these unreliable rumors.

It would be nice to make these guys calm down a little bit.

Since the Dog of Death stopped coming to Tallinn, the number of homicides in Tallinn has skyrocketed, and it’s time to keep the guys at the police station busy.

Chen Qi calculated with his fingers that if his original wish was to become the police chief, he should now be the deputy chief.

Sure enough, choice outweighs effort, it is better to be a player.


"Boss, we caught the Kestrel King you wanted."

"In order to catch this guy, we squatted on the cliff for three days and three nights."

"This little thing is indeed as fast as the legend says. If we hadn't been drugged, we really wouldn't have been able to catch it."

In the office at this time, not only Taronno, but also five members of the Hummingbird Team rushed back.

Five people who are tired of traveling are carrying a birdcage, which is called a cautious one.

At this time, Leitlie glanced at Talenno very proudly. Sooner or later, the boss will find that our Hummingbird team is still reliable.

"Is this the Kestrel King?"

"Not bad, well done."

Chen Qi took the birdcage and opened the black cloth covering it.

Then I saw a fist-sized red bird sleeping soundly in a cage.

It seemed that the quality of Hummingbird Team's drug was good, and the little guy slept soundly.

"Xiaohong, wake up, it's time to eat!"

Chen Qi casually opened the birdcage and grabbed the Kestrel King out.

Perhaps because Chen Qi's palm was so comfortable, the guy actually turned over comfortably and continued to stand there.

"Boss, be careful. This guy is too fast and very vicious."

"Many pirates in ancient times had their eyes eaten by kestrels."

"Now the medicine has almost expired, and it may wake up at any time."

Although he knew that his boss was not an ordinary person, Leitlie couldn't help but remind him.

It was really because of the speed of this Kestrel King that he was frightened.

Leitlie had never imagined that such a small creature could actually hunt birds that were more than ten times its size.

When the Kestrel King is flying at full speed, it is like a supersonic scalpel, and the layers of sound waves driven by it can tear apart any flesh and blood.

Many times the so-called hunting of this little thing is not for hunting, but purely for killing for fun.

Leitlie witnessed this guy slaughter more than 300 seagulls in one minute.

No wonder ancient pirates liked this creature, it was a natural killing machine.

The softness and cuteness it displays now are all illusions.


"So cruel?"

"I instantly feel that the name Xiaohong is not worthy of it!"

"Wake up!"

Chen Qi touched the little head of King Kestrel with his index finger. This guy looked similar to Haiyan, except that he had an extra bunch of hair on his head, which was as red as blood.

Perhaps because "Stupid Mao" was touched, the Kestrel King shook his body sleepily and stood up from Chen Qi's palm.

The Kestrel King was still a little confused at first, and it stared at Chen Qi for a few seconds.

Then Chen Qi saw this little guy tilting his head and looking at him cutely.

It looks so cute!

But in the next moment, an extremely ferocious and cruel aura suddenly emanated from the Kestrel King.

Without any warning, using the wings of the Kestrel King as the source of vibration, the layers of air were torn apart and turned into a sonic boom cloud rising in Chen Qi's palm.

Boom, a thunder suddenly exploded in the office.

Bang bang bang, all the glass products within a hundred meters exploded.

The moment they heard the thunder, the five members of the Hummingbird team trembled all over and almost collapsed to the ground.

"It's over, the Kestrel King has exploded!"

If it weren't for their remaining professional ethics to support them, the five of them would have gotten under the desk long ago.

The only one who was too calm was Taronno.

Well, everything happened so suddenly that this guy was shocked and didn't even realize what happened.



Lei Yin kept wandering around the office without stopping at all.

The shock waves transmitted through the air were so dense that everything began to tremble.

"What happened? Didn't King Kestrel fly away?"

"Why is there a fighter jet roaring in the office?"

Although they knew it would be too late, Leitlie and the others still took out their weapons out of habit.

But what makes them feel incredible is that King Kestrel is still in the office.

"Boss is really powerful, how can a mere bird escape from your grasp?"

Talonno's flattery came at the right time, and then Leitlie and others were completely overturned in their worldview.

They were horrified to find that the kestrel king had never been able to fly out of the palm of their boss.

Layers of sonic boom clouds rose from the boss's hands, which was the kestrel king trying to flap its wings.

What the hell does this happen?

How did the boss do it.


What Taronno and others saw was only what was happening on the reality level.

At a level that they could not peek into, the battle between Chen Qi and the Kestrel King had already begun.

Time went back to a few seconds ago, when King Kestrel opened his cute little eyes for the first time and looked at Chen Qi.

And this glance has already decided its fate.

If King Kestrel writes a memoir in the future, he will definitely tell his descendants never to look directly into human eyes.


Eyes are known as the windows to the soul and are also the most important means for many living beings to understand the world.

When the eyes meet, especially at such a close distance, the spiritual beings of both parties are bound to come into contact.

If King Kestrel is looking at ordinary people or apprentices, nothing will happen in the future.

Throughout the ages, the Kestrel King has stolen the eyes of countless humans with this cute look.

But Chen Qi is different. He is an extraordinary person and has completely controlled his own spirituality.

The moment Kestrel King looked at him, Chen Qi captured the spirit of Kestrel King.

Then, just as he captured the spirituality of the card, two parallel lines that did not intersect intertwined.

The spirituality of Chen Qi and the Kestrel King collided and exaggerated.


This is the spiritual frequency of King Kestrel, a secret that even King Kestrel himself does not know.

As long as spirituality exists, there must be frequency.

The same is true for unawakened beings, except that they cannot sense the lock on their own.

But for Chen Qi, who is 7 points higher, it is not difficult to lock the frequency of the Kestrel King.

Especially this guy is ignorant and completely unable to control his own spirituality.

"Poor little guy, you've already lost!"

Chen Qi's spirituality came out and completely enveloped the Kestrel King's spirituality.

40.5 VS 32.7

The advantage lies with me, no matter how hard I play, I can't lose.

At this time, Chen Qi looked like a peerless master who forced his way into kindergarten with the real college entrance examination questions. It was difficult to find an opponent!


From the perspective of the Kestrel King, it was having a sweet dream. Suddenly, some unruly people dared to touch the king's crown.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was indeed those damn two-legged beasts again.

These guys are really hateful. They have been harassing the Kestrel family since the generation of our ancestors.

Really hateful.

In the past years, it has taught these two-legged beasts hundreds of lessons, and this time is no exception.

Look at me again, and I'll eat your eyeballs!

The Kestrel King made up his mind and looked at the Two-legged beast with pity with his cute little eyes. He was really a big fool.

The next moment, it vibrated its wings.

The air was shattered, and layers of sonic boom clouds spread from the wings.

The Kestrel King felt unprecedentedly happy, and it liked to kill those slow creatures the most.

Especially for these two-legged beasts, their screams can often be heard only after they have flown far away.

Sometimes it even gets too excited and flies too fast, and those screams will be left behind.

Hey, it's strange, why have I been thinking so long and yet I haven't heard the screams of the Twolegs?

Queen Kestrel later realized that the Twolegs had grown in size, becoming even larger than her own mountain cliff.

And the distance between it and the two-legged beast has been extended infinitely.


In the eyes of the Kestrel King, Chen Qi has turned into a mountain that towers over the sky and the earth.

Those eyes alone are comparable to the sun and moon in the sky.

"Hoo ho!"

The Sky-Bearing Giant exhaled slightly, and in the eyes of the Kestrel King, there was a strong wind filling the sky, roaring towards it.

The wind was so violent and fierce that the Kestrel King couldn't help but recall the terrifying storm it had encountered in the sea.

That is an existence that can turn everything in the world into dust and light. If it falls into it, it will definitely die.

So the Kestrel King flapped its wings more and more desperately, hoping to escape the roaring hurricane.

However, it was too weak. In the face of the strong wind that blocked the sky and the sun, it was like a leaf drifting away and was directly involved in it.

The Kestrel King, who thought it was certain to die, suddenly discovered that these strong winds could not tear its body apart, but only erased its speed.

Damn it, that Twoleg must be playing tricks on me.

The furious Kestrel King flapped its wings crazily, desperately trying to fly out of the strong wind.

Fortunately, it is just a breath after all, and it will eventually stop.

Taking advantage of the strong wind to subside, the Kestrel King turned into a bolt of lightning and escaped from the center of the storm.

"Haha, I'm free!"

The proud Kestrel King looked down at the earth, only to find that it was an unknown continent.

Didn't you live in a big house before? How could he suddenly appear in another world?

The Kestrel King's little mind obviously couldn't think of this. It had only one obsession, which was to fly to the giant's head and remove the sun and moon from the sky.

Sadly, however, it found that no matter how hard it tried, the distance could not be shortened one bit.

Unwilling to give in, it continued to flap its wings and fly forward.


"Is this what happens when the spiritual frequency differs by more than 5 points?"

"That stupid bird thinks it is flying in the vast world, but it doesn't know that the continent in its eyes is just the palm of my hand!"

"Under my spiritual crushing, the world in its eyes has been tampered with by me."

Chen Qi watched with interest the Kestrel King flapping in his hands.

This is also the first time he has used spirituality in actual combat, and I have to say, the effect is really good.

This also reminded Chen Qi that it is better not to look around casually with spirituality.

Otherwise, if you accidentally have a spiritual confrontation with some powerful existence, the stupid bird in front of you will be your best reflection.

But Chen Qi also had to admit that the strength of the Kestrel King should not be underestimated.

It can actually maintain supersonic flight for a long time. This small body is definitely not as weak as it looks.

If it hadn't been fooled by Chen Qi from the beginning, Chen Qi might not have been able to control it with its terrifying flying ability of three times the speed of sound.

Of course, Chen Qi was able to tightly bind it in his palms by relying on more than just spiritual suppression.

If the perspective switches to the life field level, you will find that Chen Qi's life field has turned into a blue cage, completely binding the life magnetic field of the Kestrel King.

This is also the reason why the Kestrel King keeps vibrating its wings, but is still unable to move at all.

Chen Qi's huge life magnetic field is like a terrifying magnetic source, firmly adsorbing the life magnetic field of the Kestrel King.

However, the magnetic fields of the two lives are ultimately different, and the conflict between the magnetic fields never stops.

At a certain moment, King Kestrel's life magnetic field exploded sharply, and the conflict between the two life magnetic fields reached its extreme.


"Crack, crackle!"

In the real world, several electric sparks flashed across King Kestrel's body.

However, in the eyes of Talonno and the five members of the Hummingbird Team, they saw an incredibly grand scene.

Under their gaze, Chen Qi's left hand enlarged infinitely, and finally evolved into a continent that covered the sky and the sun.

The continent was covered with blue lightning, and the dense thunder condensed into a net, tightly binding a terrifying and ferocious giant kestrel.

The ferocious kestrel fluttered its wings into the sky, tearing the sky apart and even bathing it in thunder and lightning.

However, it has never been able to break through the shackles of the Prison of Thunder and Lightning.

The six people were dazzled by this scene that was like a myth and legend, and Chen Qi's image in their hearts began to rise infinitely.

No, it's not just in their hearts. In their eyes, everything in the world is collapsing towards their boss.

Chen Qi is already like a god who will end everything in the world.

Obviously, Talenno and the others saw something they shouldn't have seen and suffered a lot.

The influence between spiritual beings is so incredible.

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