I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 134 Heavenly Secret Induction

Yu Dongcheng finally left the Blue Taro Kingdom, and Chen Qi invested another 5 million in him and his team to start a business in the Lizita Kingdom.

There, his pal Westin Coulthard takes care of everything.

Regarding the fact that the Leeds Tower Kingdom is about to join the Second World Plan, Chen Qi is really not just making it up to deceive Yu Dongcheng.

The news comes from Westin, which can be regarded as getting inside information in advance.

Therefore, if Yu Dongcheng and others are really powerful, they will really be in the spotlight by going to the Leeds Tower Kingdom at this time.

This can be regarded as Chen Qi's gratitude to Dongcheng. After all, if he had not met Yu Dongcheng, he would never have known the truth back then.

So Chen Qi didn't care whether they could succeed in starting a business, just to get them to leave the Blue Taro Country.

Next, the Blue Taro Country will enter a turbulent stage of reshuffle.

It is still a bit too dangerous for ordinary people to live here.

Although the vast majority of players will actively avoid crowds to fight.

But if it was really a matter of life and death, who would care about the lives of ordinary humans?

Chen Qi's childhood experience is not the most obvious example.


After sending Yu Dongcheng and others away, Chen Qi began to study the R-type login device and the battle video over and over again.

This thing was invested by Chen Qi with real money, and the ownership naturally belongs to him.

The core components of the R-type logger are made of extraordinary metal, which is not beyond Chen Qi's expectation.

But in the most core "chip" link, Chen Qi actually discovered a little bit of [nuclear iron].

This is a bit incredible!

Because although that bit of nuclear iron is tiny, even only 1/10 the size of a sesame seed, it can exist stably.

Obviously, this is a truly qualified nuclear iron.

Rather than the defective products produced by Chen Qi before.

Once the nuclear iron created by Chen Qi is separated from the spiritual envelope, it will turn into a material field or a life magnetic field.

The one in the R-type login device is different. It behaves as a material field in normal times, but once it is connected to the player's brain waves, it will be transformed into a life magnetic field.

It's really amazing!

In Chen Qi's view, this nuclear iron is comparable to magnetic field life.

The only difference is that magnetic field life is a kind of life.

Whether it is transformed into a material field or a life magnetic field, it is active.

Nuclear iron is different. It is essentially a special material.

Whether it is transformed into a material field or a life magnetic field, it is assimilated.

"Is it possible to directly read the memory in the brain by linking the life magnetic field of the brain cells?"

"It should be much more than that."

"There should be another mystery in the chips made by Nuclear Iron, which should involve deeper brain jailbreak technology."

Since he only had this physical object in his hand, Chen Qi also needed to use it to study the battle scene.

Therefore, Chen Qi did not destructively dismantle the R-type login device, but only briefly studied its structure.

Moreover, Chen Qi is not confident that he can decipher the mystery of the R-type login device with his current knowledge reserve.

He is still somewhat self-aware.

In a sense, Chen Qi is now a wild man among extraordinary people, lacking too much basic knowledge.

Chen Qi has decided that once he leaves the Blue Taro Country, he must go to a regular [Spell Academy] to study hard.

In order to implement the new law, the world government has established many academies in the other world. As long as they can pass the entrance examination, they will not reject anyone.

Since the most important method of the new method in the extraordinary stage is the application and combination of various spells, most of the schools opened by the world government are named after certain spell schools.

"Inner World General Knowledge" records that there are more than 3,000 spell academies, large and small, in the inner world. Chen Qi's goal is naturally the top 10 academies.

Of course, the premise of all this is that he can leave the Blue Taro Country alive.

After seeing the strength of the LV5 players in the picture, especially the power of the suspected apostle's armed forces in the end, Chen Qi also felt even more pressure.

According to Chen Qi's countless observations and studies, the ability his enemy finally used seemed to extract heat from the surrounding environment.

To be more precise, it extracts the power of solar radiation.

That's why the pictures in Yu Dongcheng's memory gradually lose their color, and finally turn into darkness.

There is no doubt about the destructive power of rubbing the little sun with your hands. No wonder there is a huge glazed crater in the Carlos Plains.

The train that Chen Qi took originally only withstood the aftermath of the big explosion.

But Trudeau, who inspected the scene, still did not think it was the power of the apostles.

In other words, the attacks of LV6 players will be even more terrifying.

According to Chen Qi's calculations, that battle should be the fifth round of shuffling in the game.

If that guy could survive until now, he would have become an apostle long ago.

In other words, Chen Qi's "enemy" is probably an apostle player in the game.

This is also the reason why Chen Qi feels great pressure.


Time passed day by day, and after the death row prisoners were completely arrested, the country of Blue Taro returned to its former peace and stability.

At the ordinary level, a new prime minister has finally been born, the social economy is running smoothly, and everything is still as good as before.

But among the players, Bo Yun is strange and intrigues.

After fermenting for a period of time, the secrets that all the old players tried to keep were finally exposed.


"The supporter behind the Nuris Federation is the legendary Tongtian Empire."

"They are the ones who are really eyeing the King's Game!"

"The Tongtian Empire has issued a reward for whoever kills the demon and clears the game."

"The Tongtian Empire will grant them the title of viscount, and it will be a real viscount, with territory in the outer world."

"Who can resist this temptation?"

"No wonder everyone's minds have changed."

As Chen Qi's "quasi ally", Lin Biyun, who has always been well-informed, was the first to know the truth.

On the other end of the communicator, she was describing the various rumors she had heard in great shock.

No wonder she was so out of sorts, it was really because the news was so shocking.

That was the Tongtian Empire, once the largest country in mankind.

Even if it declines now, it can still easily bulldoze the entire inner world.

For the citizens of small countries, the moderately powerful country as the suzerain country is already the most powerful existence they can come into contact with.

Great countries have always existed only in legends, but I never expected that they would actually appear.

Especially the bounties offered by the Tongtian Empire were too many.

Not to mention just a mere player, even major middle powers will be tempted.

"It turns out to be the Tongtian Empire!"

"The actual title of Viscount is indeed worthy of being a great power that once ranked first. It is indeed a generous act."

After listening to Lin Biyun's story, Chen Qi was also shocked and numb.

Having the diary of Jomoa Chris, he knows even better than Lin Biyun what the actual Viscount in the Outer Rim World is.

In the outer world, only major countries can ennoble nobles at will.

Because the feudal nobles must have actual territory, big countries can naturally take it out easily.

If it were a middle-level power, it would always have to worry about every detail and consider how much more should be done.

Moreover, the feudal nobles have a minimum area standard for their territories.

For example, to be granted the title of baron, the territory must not be less than 1 million square kilometers.

By the viscount stage, the standard of territorial area has been raised to 10 million square kilometers.

And this is the minimum standard.

Such an area is almost equivalent to 10 blue taro countries.

You can imagine how exaggerated and tempting this is.

As for the actual nobility of counts and above, even big countries will not canonize them at will.

The reason why the Chris family could be conferred the title of earl was because they made great contributions in conquering the 073 continent.

As for the Tongtian Empire standing behind the Nuris Federation, this did not surprise Chen Qi too much.

After all, he had already guessed it based on various clues.

Now it's just a real deal.

But he didn't expect that the bounty issued by the Tongtian Empire would be so high, and the whole game would definitely go into chaos.


"Seven of Hearts, congratulations in advance. You will definitely have less trouble in the future."

"Those hundreds of apprentices from the inner world who were assigned here must also want to become players now."

"So they are definitely different from those in the past. They will definitely behave honestly and abide by the various rules and regulations of Blue Taro Country."

Lin Biyun really congratulated her sincerely, but Chen Qi felt his heart was broken when he heard it.

If those little fat sheep were honest and refused to cause trouble, wouldn't my expectations have been in vain?

Chen Qi also hoped to arrest them and torture them to gain more knowledge!

No, we must not let them be too well-behaved!

Chen Qi secretly made up his mind that even if he wanted to lower his moral bottom line, he still had to trick that wave of little fat sheep.

Lin Biyun didn't know the complicated emotions in Chen Qi's heart, and kept talking to him about the various changes in the headquarters.

Why did Everrick lead someone to kill Wen Jiuming, the vice-president of the Demon-Slaying Association, and his whole body immediately started shaking.

Now among all the lawful ones, the second group is the most flamboyant.

As for Zhong Xingchen, he didn't know what he was busy with, and Lin Biyun didn't see him a few times.

But what is even more mysterious is the First Brigade. Their entire team of dragons rarely appears in the capital.

"The former owner of the compass that I asked you to send a message to was probably the Ace of Spades [Finks]."

When Lin Biyun mentioned the first team, Chen Qi immediately thought of the Ace of Spades in Hammond's mouth.

This time it was time to ask Lin Biyun for confirmation.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to already know!"

"Yes, the previous owner of the compass was Finks the Jackal."

"Although this guy is not the most powerful in the First Brigade, he is insidious and cunning and should not be messed with."

On the other end of the phone, Lin Biyun smiled awkwardly. After all, her position was not biased towards Chen Qi in the original incident.

Chen Qi didn't care too much about Lin Biyun's reaction. For him, it was just enough to confirm the goal.


"This first team isn't busy looking for the sacred artifact, is it?"

Chen Qi's mind inadvertently made an association, but this was his talent ready to be used again.

After his spiritual awakening, Chen Qi began to instinctively suppress his talent.

After witnessing the horror of spirituality, Chen Qi was worried that his talent might inadvertently connect with some terrifying existence.

This is not impossible.

Regarding Chen Qi's intuitive talent, there are detailed records in "Inner World Knowledge".

Chen Qi's talent is called [Tianji Sensing].

This is a unique talent in consciousness, which is usually strengthened and developed after learning [Divination].

Initially, this talent manifests as strong intuition and the ability to come up with answers to certain things without thinking.

The principle is that consciousness directly locks in the correct answer.

If humans want to make a judgment about something, they must collect a large amount of information through their own senses.

Most of this information is invalid, and some is even wrong or misleading.

The brain needs to eliminate erroneous information one by one through complex calculations in order to arrive at the correct answer.

But the occasional flash of inspiration can directly lock in the most correct piece of information before the brain calculates it.

This is why intuition gets answers before the brain thinks.

At this stage, the information locked by consciousness comes from human sensory collection, so there is not much of a problem.

But at the stage of transcendence, human beings have an additional spiritual way of collecting information from the outside world.

The special power of spirituality is so magical that it can even come into contact with some information that humans should not have access to.

Normally, with the analysis and shielding of the brain, the information collected by spirituality will not have a direct impact on human consciousness.

But Chen Qi’s talent allows consciousness to directly extract information from spirituality, bypassing the brain’s shielding and analysis.

Most of the time, this seems to be a good thing, after all, it can predict things in advance.

But everything is not perfect. What if something goes wrong, or if you come into contact with information that you shouldn’t have?

At that time, consciousness will be contaminated by information, and maybe Chen Qi will go to a mental hospital to cultivate immortality.

But blindly suppressing this talent is not the solution.

The best way is to learn the art of [Divination]. The necessary condition for this inheritance learning is to have the talent of [Celestial Sense].

It's a pity that Chen Qi doesn't even have the inheritance of the new method, let alone this ancient inheritance.

Therefore, after realizing that the nature of King's Games is terrifying and that there is most likely some kind of terrifying information radiated by them in the surrounding space, Chen Qi could only choose to suppress his talent.

He didn't want to go crazy before he used up his three wishes.

If you don't seek death, you won't die. Chen Qi is still very cautious sometimes.


The exchange with Lin Biyun lasted for three hours, and the two conducted various deductions about the next changes in the game.

The final conclusion was rather pessimistic.

The first is that player qualifications have become more sought-after.

You can imagine how many apprentices will flock to the place after the bounty spreads in the other world.

Whether they are greedy or involuntary.

Blue Taro Country will definitely become a paradise for apprentices in the future.

But the number of cards is fixed. Without the death of the senior players, how could the juniors be qualified to join the game?

Chen Qi did not believe that the top players in the game did not collude with the outside world.

They will definitely kill other players in order to allow newcomers to their faction to qualify for the game.

Secondly, there are rumors all over the world about the reward for clearing the level, and it is impossible for the demon Gutav not to know about it.

For his own safety, he will definitely start to eliminate players with threats and potential among the current players.

So no matter what the purpose is, no matter which party is pushing it, the subsequent reshuffle will be extremely brutal.

What will be even more tragic and tragic will definitely be the Day of Judgment.

There will be a day when there will be rivers of blood and corpses everywhere.

Even if the player's entire army is destroyed, it is not impossible, or even a high probability event.

Chen Qi didn't need talent to know that there wasn't much time left for him, and this might be his last round of the game.

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