I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 142 The King’s Dominance

"Xiaohong, you have to be generous as a bird."

"How can you beat someone half to death over a trivial matter?"

"The half of the soldier's grain pill just now is used as compensation for people's medical expenses."

"Be careful next time!"

In the metal castle, Chen Qi was adjusting the source code of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" while instructing the Kestrel King.

It turns out that the Kestrel King is indeed the chosen bird. After Chen Qi messed around so hastily, it actually woke up.

Not only that, King Kestrel seems to have successfully integrated the genes of B3-level creatures and awakened his own extraordinary bloodline.

Now it is half a meter tall and weighs 25 kilograms.

The black and red feathers seemed to be soaked from the blood hell, and were filled with a strong blood evil atmosphere.

Even the dull hair on the head was rendered into a bloody crown.

The most terrifying thing is the two eyes of the Kestrel King.

The unlucky Talonno just looked at each other, and he fell into a nightmare for three days and three nights.

This is the reason why King Kestrel did not show his domineering spirit, otherwise Taronno might be scared to death.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

Faced with his master's instructions, King Kestrel shook his head the size of a potato, as if he understood.

Apart from anything else, after awakening his bloodline, King Kestrel's IQ has really improved a lot.

As for its bloodline ability, ahem, Chen Qi said that it would be good if it could survive, and there were no other requirements.

The current Kestrel King has no special abilities other than the majesty and domineering power of a king.

But [the aura of a king] is really not an adjective. Once the Kestrel King becomes angry, his fur spreads out and turns into a bloody crown, he will exude a terrifying pressure.

Not to mention Taronno, who was just an ordinary person, even the dog of death was so frightened that his legs trembled.

Chen Qi didn't know if this was the Kestrel King's own characteristics, or whether it came from its awakened bloodline, or a combination of the two.

In view of its tyrannical crushing effect on ordinary life, Chen Qi appropriately named it [King's Dominance].

King Kestrel's title of king is finally worthy of his name.


According to Chen Qi's test, as long as life is alive, it cannot escape the influence of domineering energy.

Even Chen Qi will still be affected by Xiaohong's domineering spirit.

It's just that he is too powerful, and this impact is minimal.

According to Chen Qi's experience, this kind of domineering energy is aimed at the magnetic field of life, but it seems to be more than that.

For example, a little white guy who is as simple as a white stripe in the waves will be slightly affected.

Chen Qi believes that the current domineering power of the Kestrel King should be incomplete.

Perhaps only when King Kestrel completes his bloodline awakening will the true form of this ability be revealed.

When the Kestrel King awakens, although his vitality is stronger than that of Gouzi, he is still a mortal bird after all.

The awakening of its bloodline also needs to be done step by step.

According to Chen Qi's experience from Gouzi, the complete bloodline awakening is divided into four stages.

The first is to awaken the special gene. King Kestrel has just completed this stage.

The second is to integrate the life magnetic field into the blood, then one's own spirituality, and finally the consciousness.

Only by completing these four stages can extraordinary bloodline be truly born.

Compared to the Dog of Death, which has reached the final step, the Kestrel King is still far behind.

Moreover, the R3 biological gene module is an artificial product after all. Who knows what will happen after it is integrated into the gene pool of the Kestrel King?

That's why Chen Qi was unexpectedly tolerant of King Kestrel's bloodline awakening.


"Crack, crackle!"

Chen Qi casually tapped the keyboard a few times and called up the background data of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds".

It was said to be a keyboard, but what was in front of Chen Qi was not a computer, but a terminal he created himself using extraordinary metal.

Chen Qi's so-called keyboarding is much more technical than ordinary computer programmers. Its essence is to adjust rituals throughout the mining area.

The virtual game "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" naturally uses the material field of the entire mining area as hardware support, and Xiaobai played an important role in this aspect.

Even the core extraordinary metal is provided by it, otherwise Chen Qi wouldn't even be able to handle the virtual helmet.

But Chen Qi’s contribution to this game is more than just that.

Whether it is virtual game development knowledge, the code of the Dream Arena, or the inheritance of some earth masters, Chen Qi has integrated them all into "PUBG".

Otherwise, how could he complete the simulation of dozens of superpowers.

It can be said that "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds", under the creation of Chen Qi, has become infinitely close to the dream arena.

The only thing lacking is the inability to call upon the power of [King's Game], which leaves a lot to be desired in terms of realism.

But Chen Qi's original purpose was just to harvest the little sheep, and it was enough to do this.

At least Wang Jiade and the other three are very satisfied and have even begun to become addicted to this game.


"Jiejie, do you really think that the knowledge you have given us is only so little?"

"Your various whimsical ideas and various deductions and changes about superpowers in the game also expose your own knowledge."

"But that's not all, poor little sheep, do you really think death comes without a price?"

Chen Qi tapped on the keyboard a few more times, and then a picture was projected.

This is a deep memory from Wang Jiade. Unfortunately, it is just some of his dark experiences in his youth, not the "secret" knowledge that Chen Qi expected.

But it doesn't matter, Wang Jiade has died more than 60 times in the game.

There are still many deep memories that Chen Qi has gained, and there will definitely be surprises in them.

Even if Wang Jiade is not there, there are still Huang Xingyan and Sun Lecheng who have also died dozens of times.

Their deep memories were also harvested by Chen Qi.

The reason why Chen Qi can do this is of course because of the R-type login device.

The clever Chen Qi hid this login device in "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" and even used it as the main server.

The player's death in the game is essentially linked to the R-type login device, and a deep memory with deep memory is extracted.

This is Chen Qi's real method of harvesting the little sheep.


For anyone in this world, knowledge is extremely important, especially after the birth of the new law, knowledge is equal to strength.

Ordinary knowledge is just that. Apprentices don't care about paying for the knowledge they have learned from public channels.

That's why Wang Jiade and the three of them happily paid.

But the most important private knowledge is especially what they have gained through hard work or by "personal opportunity".

Even if they are forced to do so with life and death, they may not be willing to hand it over.

And what Chen Qi wants is precisely this type of knowledge.

Because he really has no shortage of public knowledge during the apprenticeship stage.

But using violent coercion to harvest is obviously a bad idea.

Not only is it inefficient, it can also easily make you a target of public criticism.

Who knows if these apprentices who have been assigned have any special background, especially in this sensitive period, it is not ruled out that some forces will send people to lurk secretly.

As a smart person, a person who likes to convince others with virtue.

After Chen Qi thought hard for 10 minutes, he came up with a plan that had the best of both worlds.

It seems that the effect is very good now. Although there are some flaws, it will be better to continue to improve.

Cracking, crackling, Chen Qi kept tapping the keyboard, switching between the deep memories of the three people.

All the hard work paid off and he finally "won the prize"!

He never expected that Sun Lecheng, who looked so bad, would actually obtain a method of practicing [spell] by chance.


[Spell] is essentially a technique for developing and utilizing spiritual energy.

In ancient traditions, they have other names.

Such as spells, magic, spiritual arts...

It can even be said that spells evolved from them.

The spell that Sun Lecheng mastered was called [Message Transmission]. It was derived from the [Flying Crane Message] in the spell, but it was more suitable for the new method.

Different from the [Spiritual Eye Technique] that Chen Qi had practiced before, the structure of the [Message Transmission Technique] spell is very simple and does not involve any physical transformation. It simply transmits messages.

It only took Chen Qi ten minutes to learn it.



Chen Qi's fingertips bloomed with light, and a butterfly emitting colorful light gradually appeared.

If you look closely, you will find that this butterfly is composed of a mantra.

To be more precise, it is constructed with a mantra as the core and three cloud patterns.

This is the first time Chen Qi has seen this unique spell structure.

"Interesting, interesting!"

"The core mantra is equivalent to the energy and information storage center, and the three cloud patterns are energy circuits."

"It's said to be a spell, but it looks more like a mechanical blueprint."


Chen Qi extracted 0.001 points of spiritual energy and carefully injected it into the colorful butterflies.

The next moment, the butterfly seemed to come to life, fluttering its wings and dancing gracefully.

This spell is very interesting. The distance of the transmission depends entirely on the amount of spiritual energy injected into it.

The little spiritual energy Chen Qi has injected into it now can only sustain it flying 100 meters.

If 1 point of spiritual energy is fully injected, this butterfly can fly 100 kilometers.

Of course, in order to complete the entire message transmission process, the imprint of the recipient of the message is also needed.

Generally speaking, this kind of imprint is formed by condensing part of the recipient's own information, such as the part of the life magnetic field that represents his or her fingerprint.

It can be said that the principle of the entire communication technique is very similar to the "Blood Transforming Knife" that Chen Qi encountered back then.

And this is also the main reason why [messaging technology] has been eliminated by modern communication equipment.

Unless necessary, no one likes to hand over part of their life information to others, even if it is only a simulated part.

"No wonder Sun Lecheng was able to pick it up, it turns out he has already been eliminated!"

"This spell is really useless, no, it's just tasteless!"

"That's all, just think of it as a long experience!"

The colorful butterfly fluttered and accidentally landed on the head of the Kestrel King.

Faced with this provocation, the small red crown unfolded and directly shattered the colorful butterflies.

Chen Qi watched this scene thoughtfully. King Kestrel's domineering aura was indeed extraordinary. It could actually shatter the spell.

Although the main reason for this is that the [Messaging Technique] has a simple structure and too little spiritual energy is injected into it.

But King Kestrel can do it easily, which proves his extraordinary ability.

You must know that this is a complete spell, and it is difficult for Chen Qi to crush it just by relying on his own life field.

It can even be said that it will not have much impact.

Only by using his own spirituality can Chen Qi do it as easily and casually as the Kestrel King.


Although the [Messaging Technique] harvested from Sun Lecheng is of little value, it proves the feasibility of Chen Qi's harvest plan.

You must know that these are only three apprentices, and each of them has only harvested dozens of times.

If all 100 apprentices join the game and harvest thousands of times, Chen Qi will definitely make a lot of money.

The empire's bounty has just been made, and everything is fermenting.

This is the last calm before the storm, which is Chen Qi's best harvest period.

If we miss this period, especially after entering July, the Blue Taro Country will be in trouble.

Chen Qi has not forgotten the "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk" that the Ace of Spades and his gang have been working on for many years. Seeing that the game is about to be turned upside down, they can't do anything even if they want to.

If they miss this opportunity, they may not survive the next round of the game.

Time is running out and the promotion of the game must be accelerated!

So Wang Jiade and Huang Xingyan, who had just eaten and drank enough and had not yet taken a breath, were honored to be summoned by Chen Qi.

As for why there is no Sun Lecheng, this guy only has half a life left, and Chen Qi is going to let him take a breath first.


"Boy, what do you think of this "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" I designed?"

"If you have any shortcomings, just say so."

Inside the metal castle, Chen Qi was sitting on the throne, with the Kestrel King standing on his shoulders, closing his eyes to rest.

This was specifically requested by Chen Qi. He was afraid that as soon as Xiaohong opened her eyes, the two apprentices opposite would be frightened and psychologically affected.

This is not conducive to their game play!

"Sir, you are truly a genius!"

"This game is so real, especially the various superpowers, it completely subverts our cognition."

"You also thoughtfully incorporated various rules of the King's Game into it. It's really worth the money!"

Regarding "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds", Wang Jiade and Huang Xingyan praised it.

This time they really weren't flattering, they were just telling the truth.

As a qualified game developer, Chen Qi certainly would not just listen to good words. Under his strong request, Wang Jiade and Wang Jiade racked their brains and finally came up with a few shortcomings.

Chen Qi nodded with satisfaction, preparing to make adjustments later.

"You two, enjoying yourself alone is not as good as enjoying it together."

"Now that I've done what I promised, it depends on how you perform next."

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

"The ugly words are ahead. If someone is unwilling to accept this best-of-both-worlds plan, then don't blame me for enforcing the law impartially!"

At this moment, Chen Qi showed his majesty.

Wang Jiade and the two felt a terrifying coercion coming over them, but fortunately it only lasted for a moment.

But even so, the two of them were trembling and breaking into cold sweats.

"Sir, please rest assured, we will set off now to call on more apprentices to participate in your plan."

"We must understand emotions, use reason, and convince all die-hards!"

As smart people, Wang Jiade and Wang Jiade knew what to do the moment they were summoned by Chen Qi.

Sure enough, their answers made Chen Qi very satisfied.

After a few more pleasantries and some encouragement, Wang Jiade and the two embarked on a journey to promote "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds".

In order to make it easier for them to find other apprentices, Chen Qi directly gave the addresses of all apprentices to the two.

After seeing the information that was so detailed that everything they ate every day was recorded, Wang Jiade and the two felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

No wonder they were found. It turns out that their every move has been watched.

Fortunately, they are smart enough, and then it depends on whether the other apprentices are smart.

It would be nice if everyone was dumber, and there would be fewer competitors.

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