I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 146 Flooded Mining Area

"Is this an open robbery?"

The greed in Cuilisi's eyes naturally couldn't be hidden from Chen Qi.

Chen Qi was quite speechless. He did not expect that after Xiaobai, Xiaohong would also be targeted.

Unfortunately, after this guy devoured Gouzi's bloodline, he began to fall asleep again.

But this time I was really just sleeping and didn't fall into a coma.

But within two or three days, I would definitely not be able to wake up.

Otherwise, if the dog dared to bare its teeth at Chen Qi, the Kestrel King who was protecting the master would have flown over and blown its head off.

"Haha, how can you say robbery?"

"I just want justice for my pets."

"It seems you are not ready to hand over the culprit."

An icy air emanated from Trilis, the temperature of the surrounding space dropped sharply, and the water vapor in the air began to condense into pieces of ice crystals.

Chen Qi looked at this scene thoughtfully. Combined with the broken state of the steel statue before, he probably guessed Trilis's superpower.

Ice power? Or water manipulation?


"It seems you are not going to be reasonable."

"In that case, let your fists speak."

"This is my first time playing against LV4. I hope you won't disappoint me too much."

Chen Qi has been a little bored recently. He has too many ideas that he wants to test in battle.

Cuillis automatically delivered it to her door this time, which was just right.

"Haha, stupid!"

"How many battles have you, newbies, experienced? In my eyes, they are all rookies."

"A mere LV3 dares to be so arrogant."

"You are really looking for death!"

"Ice Bloom!"

Triris shook her head contemptuously. It was boring to fight with rookies.

The next moment, click, click, all the water vapor in the air within a radius of 500 meters suddenly condensed into ice crystals.

To be precise, it condensed into tiny sharp ice spikes.

All this happened so quickly that Chen Qi, who was caught off guard, was directly enveloped in this area.

"You stupid newbie players don't even know the limits of the capabilities of more advanced players."

"Do you think I can't attack you if you are hundreds of meters away from me?"

"70% of the human body is water. Under the influence of my ability, every inch of your body is frozen."

"Billions of ice crystals are born from each of your cells until you are completely transformed into a crystal statue."

Cuilisi proudly showed off her abilities, but she really didn't take Chen Qi seriously.

She clearly felt that her ability had hit the opponent, and even if the 7 of Hearts had any means, it was useless.

Because LV4 level superpowers cannot be protected by LV3 at all.


"Crack, clack, clack!"

Chen Qi, who was supposed to be frozen into ice crystals, moved his body, and countless condensed ice crystals fell off his body.

The ice crystals fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

And he didn't look hurt at all.

"Is this a LV4 level attack?"

"It was really surprising."

"Too bad it doesn't work for me!"

Chen Qi looked around with admiration. The ice crystals in the air had begun to condense into snowflakes.

You can imagine how terrifying the low temperature caused by Trilis is.

"No, it's impossible."

"Even if you have protective superpowers, your physical body will never be able to withstand my attack."

"Even if your body is covered with a layer of steel armor, my ability can still be transmitted into it."

"Huh, that's interesting!"

Triris was shocked at first, and then disapproved.

After all, he is also a LV3 player, so it is reasonable to struggle a few times.

"Ice mirror!"

Under Cuilisi's control, billions of ice crystals condensed and combined, and hundreds of ice mirrors with a diameter of more than ten meters were created, completely surrounding Chen Qi.

Hundreds of sun rays were refracted towards Chen Qi, directly shining Chen Qi's light in all directions.

"It's not flesh and blood?"

"I see!"

Hundreds of ice mirrors completely pierced Chen Qi's disguise. What appeared here was not his real body at all, but just a silver-white liquid metal man.

There is no moisture in the metal, so Cuilisi's attack just now will naturally not work.


"Hey, I was discovered!"

"After all, you are also a senior of LV4. No matter how arrogant I am, I would not dare to come here in person."

"Your mirror is too dazzling. You can put it away."

Regardless of his expression and movements, the silver-white liquid metal man is exactly the same as Chen Qi, and he looks like a real human being.

It was now exposed to the light of the ice mirror, extremely dazzling and shining.

"No, you are not controlling a metal puppet."

"A simple steel creation will be frozen into crystal by me."

"You actually conquered the source ore and refined it into a clone?"

"How can this be?"

Trilis lost her composure for the first time. Among the various information she collected about the 7 of Hearts, there were indeed rumors about the Source Mine.

But she didn't pay too much attention. The source mine was considered a top-quality treasure in the surrounding world, so how could it end up here.

I never expected that this kind of treasure actually existed and was completely integrated with the 7 of Hearts.

Especially the matter of being refined into a clone really challenges Triris's cognition. How could this be something that can be done at the stage of a transcendent?

Triris discovered for the first time that her understanding of the 7 of Hearts was probably too superficial.


In fact, it's not because Trilis is arrogant, it's because the veteran players are arrogant towards newcomers.

Generally speaking, only players who survive a round of Judgment Day will be taken seriously by them.

It is true that the mortality rate of new players is too high, and the updates are too fast. Maybe the cards have changed several owners before the game is over.

Old players are busy improving their cards. Apart from paying attention to specific cards, who would care about other short-lived ghosts.

Before getting Milton's order, Triris didn't even know who [Johmaya Chris] was.

She's not a betrayer, so she certainly doesn't care about whose hands the various cards fall into.

News of the Source Mine was only vaguely leaked after the death of Jomoa Chris, and it only spread among a few players.

If it weren't for Chen Qi's "blockbuster", he would have caused such a big commotion in the Fadil mining area.

The fact that he owns the source mine will not spread at all.


"It was actually seen through."


Chen Qi sincerely praised him. LV4 players are indeed very discerning.

His current body is indeed Xiaobai's.

For Chen Qi, who has absorbed 30% of Xiaobai's spirituality, it is not difficult at all to achieve possession.

But he didn't expect that he could be seen through at a glance. LV4 players are indeed experienced.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate."

"Take a move from me too!"

"[Infinite Echoes]"


Chen Qi casually snapped his fingers and made a crisp sound of metal friction.

It's very strange, this sound seems infinitely far away, constantly surrounding the surroundings.

Everything was like a snowball. As the sound continued to spread, it became louder and louder, and finally turned into rolling thunder.

Wherever the thunder passed, the air shattered and clouds of sonic booms appeared.

"Buzz buzz!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The terrifying sound waves began to sweep back and forth within a radius of several thousand meters.

The first thing to explode were the ice crystals condensed in the air, and then the more than 100 huge ice mirrors.

Immediately afterwards, everything around him began to shatter. Whether it was rocks, metal ground, or dust in the air, they were all shattered by the sound waves.

As for Cuilisi who was involved in this, she naturally could not escape this disaster.


"Ice prison!"

Cuilisi's whole body glowed with purple light, and a hundred-meter iceberg rose from the ground, enveloping her.

The next moment, the iceberg was torn apart and turned into billions of ice crystals.

But this was just the beginning, the shock wave was still sweeping across everything, and the ice crystals were shattered again and turned into clouds of water mist.

"Buzz buzz!"

The rumbling roar lasted for a full minute before Chen Qi casually smoothed it over.

To be more precise, it was completely absorbed by the metal in the entire mining area.

By the time the dust settled, the surrounding three kilometers had turned into a bare desert.

However, the strange thing is that in the center of the desert, there is a spring that is constantly gushing out.


"Gulu, Gulu!"

A familiar figure emerged from the spring, glaring at Chen Qi with a frosty expression.

At this time, Cuilisi's black robe was completely torn to pieces, revealing her true face.

To be honest, Chen Qi was a little surprised.

He thought Trilis was an old witch, but he didn't expect her to be in her 20s.

But Chen Qi doesn't really think that she is that young.

"Not just controlling ice, but controlling water?"

"I didn't expect that Trilis was not a traitor."

After having a wealth of combat experience, it is still easy to distinguish betrayers from lawful ones.

The key to this is the vision when the power is activated.

For example, Chen Qi, if he activates his ability with all his strength, his left hand will bloom with purple light.

This light is pure and unadulterated.

And if they are traitors, their cards will not be so pure because of the devouring fusion.

This can be regarded as one of the small experiences Chen Qi gained after reading so many battle records.

According to Chen Qi's observation, Cuilis had never performed card fusion at all, which was really beyond his expectation.

This woman looks arrogant, but she seems to be very timid at heart.

If Cuilisi knew that Chen Qi looked at her like this, she would definitely tremble with anger.

If she hadn't been acting harmless, she would have been eliminated by the king.

Except for the one who was promoted to an apostle, all players in the Nuris Federation who became traitors were killed by the demon.

It was already a victory for her to survive, while her colleagues who were smarter and more powerful than her were all dead.


"Okay, very good, 7 of hearts, I remember you."

"I didn't expect you to be able to control all the metals in the entire mine."

"That resonant voice just now is something I have learned."

"But if you think you can win with this advantage, then you are underestimating LV4!"

"Water of the earth, surge forth!"

Cuilisi glared at Chen Qi with extremely cold eyes. If eyes could kill, Chen Qi would have been frozen to death by her.

She was actually made so embarrassed by a LV3, and if word spread, people would laugh her ass off.

It was Chen Qi who controlled the terrain. Even a small vibration could be amplified by him to the point of tearing apart mountains and rivers.

This level of attack has reached LV4 level.

If it weren't for Trilis' ability to control water, she could use the water flow to absorb the power of vibrations.

Under the attack that shattered everything just now, she would definitely be taken away in a wave.

This is the horror of superpower combat. A little negligence will cost you your life.

It was said that Cuilis was unlucky. If she had not entered the Fadil mining area, she would not have suffered such a big loss.


"Boom, boom!"

Following Cuilisi's call, the rushing underground water under the earth tore up the ground and spewed out completely.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of huge water columns with a diameter of ten meters and a height of hundreds of meters stood in the Fadil mining area.

The sight was too terrifying and the movement was too loud.

Even the apprentices who had been addicted to the game world were alarmed.

"Let me go, what happened just now? I feel the ground is shaking."

"Look, look, there are many fountains."

"What happened there? How did such a scene appear?"

At first, only one or two people quit the game, but soon, all the players who were addicted to "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" quit.

Because they received shocking news that a real superpower battle was taking place in the outside world.

"Quick, everyone, stop hiding and use whatever means you have."

"If we miss this battle, we will regret it for the rest of our lives."

Although all the people present were apprentices, they had some unique methods.

No one wanted to miss this battle, but they were not stupid enough to go to the battlefield in person.

The scale of this battle was huge at first glance. They were afraid that as soon as they got close, everyone would be gone.

So everyone used their own methods to try to spy on the battle from a distance.

But the vast majority of apprentices do not have such means and can only act in a hurry.

Fortunately, there was a guy who was very kind. He released two eyeball-like miniature observation devices. One went to the battlefield, and the other projected the observed image onto the square.

Then everyone was stunned for a moment.

Because the mining area they were familiar with was gone, replaced by a turbulent lake.

One-third of the entire mining area has been flooded.

Is this a battle for high-level players?


"This is really, a bit exaggerated."

"Isn't it that all the water under the mining area has been pumped out?"

"No, even LV4 cannot pump out such a terrifying amount of water with superpower alone."

"This woman must have changed the water veins under the earth and changed the flow direction of the groundwater."

Of course there is groundwater under the Fadil mining area, even massive amounts of groundwater.

But being able to do this and completely submerge half of the mining area in a short period of time still challenges Chen Qi's nerves.

Based on Chen Qi's current understanding, only by twisting the water veins and taking advantage of the situation can the mine be flooded.

"Boom, boom!"

A huge amount of water surged, swallowing up everything around it.

Whether it was rocks or metal, they were all shattered by the terrifying undercurrent.

Chen Qi saw with his own eyes that a mine was swept into the whirlpool, torn to pieces in an instant, and completely disappeared under the water.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of mines have disappeared, and finally only a dozen of the highest mountains remain, standing alone above the water.

All of this was obviously done intentionally by Cuilis, who was trying to seize Chen Qi's geographical advantage.

Once the entire mining area is covered by floods, what can Chen Qi do even if he can control all the metals in the mining area?


Chen Qi originally planned to change the terrain and try to pour out the lake water.

But the water under the earth is still gushing out, showing no signs of stopping.

The water veins under the Fadil Mining Area are a bit too strong.

Chen Qi had no time to release the flood, and it was unnecessary.

Because the next moment, Cuilisi was already riding a wave hundreds of meters high, slamming towards him.

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