I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 152 Card Fusion

"What happened at the headquarters?"

"Why did the lawful person with the ability to contract die?"

Sensing something was wrong, Chen Qi immediately contacted his good ally Lin Biyun.

However, it took half an hour for Lin Biyun to reply.

If she didn't show up again, Chen Qi would think Lin Biyun was dead too!


"Hey, I didn't expect that even you would be alarmed."

"It seems that everyone is aware that the contract has disappeared."

"That's right, the guy with the contract ability is dead!"

"And the person who killed him was the member of the Demon Slayer Club who disappeared before!"

Lin Biyun's tone was full of exhaustion. It seemed that she had been under a lot of pressure recently.

However, Chen Qi was not satisfied with her answer. The death of that player was definitely not that simple.

"I recently made a deal with Milton!"

"He is truly worthy of being the vice president of a medium-power country, and he is generous in his actions!"

Chen Qi was talking to himself, and the sudden change of topic seemed confusing.

But Lin Biyun on the other side of the communicator suddenly became energetic.

She understood what Chen Qi meant. This guy was showing off his strength!

Milton's wooing and investment in players is no secret. The 7 of Hearts guy was actually selected, which only shows that his strength has been recognized by the Nuris Federation.

At this critical moment, Lin Biyun needs a "strong ally".

It seems that she also needs to invest a little more in the Seven of Hearts.


"That's all, we are the closest allies, so I won't hide some things from you."

"Although I have no evidence, the disappearance of the contract must be related to several old players among the lawful ones."

"They probably want to make one last effort. Unless the oath is removed, it will be inconvenient for them to do many things."

"Once the contract disappears, the lawful ones will basically cease to exist."

"After all, the King's Game now is no longer what it used to be!"

Although Lin Biyun said that she was just guessing, and what she said was very vague, Chen Qi understood the meaning of her words instantly.

As soon as the imperial bounty appeared, it basically forced all players to oppose the king.

The ones most affected by this are naturally the lackeys trained by the king himself, the lawmen.

There may still be some people who naively think that "they are still trusted by His Majesty the King," but these people definitely do not include those old players.

They know very well that they will inevitably lose the trust of His Majesty the King. Who makes them strong!

But if they are allowed to rebel against His Majesty the King, these tamed guys really don't dare.

This is also the reason why there was an undercurrent in the headquarters before, but it still remained calm on the surface.

But among old players, there is a very special group of people.

For example, Zhong Xingchen.

They have already gone through three or four rounds of the game, and there is no hope of becoming an apostle.

They are already destined to die.

But the empire's bounty and the changes in the situation in the game gave these people an opportunity to fight again.

Anyway, it’s still death, so it’s better to become a betrayer and give it another try!

If you fail, you will die early. If you succeed by luck, you will be extremely rich.

There must be instigation from external forces, and some guys are even pawns of external forces themselves.

If they, the old lawful ones, try to counterattack, of course they have to completely dismantle the lawful ones first.


"Where is Zhong Xingchen now?"

"Of the old players you mentioned, this one should be among them."

Out of curiosity and to verify whether his guess was correct, Chen Qi asked this question straightforwardly.

He suspected that the reason why Lin Biyun concealed something at first was because it involved the captain Zhong Xingchen.

After all, the relationship between the two is still very good, at least much closer than his ally.

"He disappeared!"

"If you meet him again, you must be more careful."

"Although it's a bit chilling, the three cards he needs to collect will most likely include my core cards."

"I didn't contact you just to confirm something!"

Lin Biyun's expression was very sad. If the 7 of Hearts guy hadn't guessed it, she really wouldn't want to mention Zhong Xingchen at all.

The care she received before was entirely like a hunter taking care of his prey.

Maybe this was just Zhong Xingchen's backup plan at first, and he might not actually take action.

But now, there is no turning back when the bow is fired.


"Tsk, tsk, this guy Zhong Xingchen seems to be upright, but I didn't expect that he is also cunning."

"As an ally, if you can't bear it anymore, you can come to my place to hide for a while."

"I can probably still protect you!"

Chen Qi deeply sympathized with the plight of his good allies. The relationship between players was indeed full of intrigues.

Especially those veteran players who have experienced several rounds of the game cannot believe any of them.

Seeing that Lin Biyun had provided him with so much information, Chen Qi still planned to give her a hand out of good intentions.

However, he never expected that Lin Biyun would refuse unceremoniously!

"Seven of Hearts, don't try to drag me into the fire pit."

"You are still facing several catastrophes. The Yin Eclipse Sanren alone is the threshold that you cannot cross."

"It's quite safe for me to stay in the capital now."

"This is a prison for careerists and a forbidden place for betrayers, but for me, it is the best habitat."

Out of the importance he attaches to his allies, Lin Biyun now knows a lot about the situation of the 7 of Hearts.

No wonder this guy originally asked about his death card, but he didn't expect that he would be targeted by the Yin Eclipse scattered people.

Although the current strength of the 7 of Hearts has been recognized by Milton, Lin Biyun still believes that its chance of survival is not high.

In fact, it is because the Yin Eclipse Sanren are notorious among the old players, and they can be said to be the top group.

The difference in strength cannot be equaled by 7 of Hearts in just one game, not to mention that this guy has been a player for less than a year.

As for her own safety, as long as she doesn't leave the royal capital, it's not a big problem.

The most dangerous place is also the safest.


"Lin Biyun, it seems that you know everything about me. As an ally, you should have more confidence in me."

"I think I will definitely survive until the end!"

"The royal capital is indeed quite suitable for you. You don't have any ambitions anyway."

Now that Lin Biyun has his own plan, Chen Qi is happy and relaxed.

Hey, it's true that good people are hard to kill. With the conscience of heaven and earth, he really had no intention of letting Lin Biyun be his scapegoat.

It's really because she is not strong enough!

As for the threshold of Yin Eclipse Sanren, Chen Qi felt that he could still cross it.

Chen Qi spent a lot of effort to collect information about this old guy, but still didn't collect much information.

This is not only because he is very low-key and mysterious, but also because he is ruthless and ruthless, and few players who encounter him survive.

As a traitor, this guy was able to survive three rounds of Judgment Day, which is really weird!

This old guy doesn't have any PY deal with His Majesty the King, does he?

After exchanging some in-game intelligence with Lin Biyun, Chen Qi ended the call.

For some reason, Chen Qi always felt that the situation was getting more and more tense.

According to Chen Qi's analysis, after the contract is terminated, the lawful ones basically exist in name only.

Once those old players switch to the Betrayer, that will be the beginning of a big shakeout.

It's a pity to imagine that this round of game reshuffle will be extremely tragic.

Because all old players know very well that they have no chance in the next round.

They will use every possible means to make themselves stronger as soon as possible.

Everyone will start the road of card fusion, and this will be an unprecedented chaotic battle.

As for Chen Qi, of course he will also participate unceremoniously.

The moment the contract disappeared, Chen Qi had already made the decision that he was no longer a lawful person!

Those who understand current affairs are heroes, and as a human being, of course, you must adapt to changes in current affairs.

Now that the traitors are bullish, Chen Qi will of course take advantage of the situation and join in.

And his path as a traitor had already been prepared by others.

Fusion of four cards with the number 7 can be done by Yin Eclipse Sanren, so naturally Chen Qi can do it too.

However, what Chen Qi didn't know was that there was another player with the number 7 who also chose this path of betrayal.

Just when he was talking to Lin Biyun on the phone, two cards with the number 7 were already fused together.


Muller City is a small city in the Blue Taro Kingdom with a population of only four to five million.

In a luxurious villa, a murder case is taking place.


"Why do you want to kill me?"

"It took a lot of effort for me to get all this, but I haven't fully enjoyed it yet. I'm not willing to accept it."

Lu Xiaolin collapsed on the floor, a big hole was opened in his chest, and his heart was missing.

If his vitality hadn't become stronger after becoming a player, he would have died long ago.

Just over two months ago, Lu Xiaolin was just an ordinary cleaner.

But a playing card suddenly fell from the sky, which completely changed his destiny.

Superpowers, he actually gained superpowers.

What happened next, although very cliché, was the truest manifestation of human nature.

Lu Xiaolin quickly gained wealth through his superpowers and became the rich man he imagined.

Then he started to live and drink, and was completely lost in the beautiful life.

He thought that such a wonderful life would last forever, until the man in front of him appeared.

The other party easily took away his heart, but Lu Xiaolin's superpower had no effect from the beginning to the end.

"What a disgusting reptile. Killing you will make my hands dirty."

"Compared to the successor of the 7 of Hearts, you are simply unsightly."

"As for why I killed you, of course it's because you don't deserve the card 7 of clubs."

"Originally, I didn't plan to take action in advance, but who knows when time is running out!"

"Go to hell, don't waste my time!"

Qi Tianming's face was full of disdain and impatience. Under his urging, Lu Xiaolin finally kicked off his legs and died.

At the moment Lu Xiaolin died, a card emerged from his corpse.

Qi Tianming grabbed it unceremoniously and merged it with his own card.

The next moment, he disappeared into the villa.

Half an hour later, the death of Lu Xiaolin, a newly wealthy man, caused a sensation in the small city of Muller.

Three hours later, a mysterious man shrouded in black robes appeared at the scene of the crime.


"Damn it, we're late again!"

"How did Qi Tianming avoid our tracking?"

"This guy actually dares to perform card fusion. He is so daring and his crime cannot be pardoned."

On the shoulder of the mysterious man, a paper man was shaking with anger.

They have tracked Qi Tianming more than a dozen times, but each time they disappeared just after they found the trace.

This bastard doesn't even meet them.


"Why is he turning on card fusion now?"

"It always felt like he was starting to act a little hastily."

The mysterious man murmured to himself, but in fact he was speaking to the paper man on his shoulder.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"There's nothing strange about this. The situation in the game has changed drastically, and it's about to completely enter chaos."

"Qi Tianming also wants to take a step further!"

The paper man didn't think there was anything strange about Qi Tianming's card fusion. Seeing this, the mysterious man sighed secretly. This thing really didn't have enough brains.

"I mean, is there a possibility that Qi Tianming knows the master's plan?"

"He knew that once the master's plan succeeded, he would definitely die, so he decided to make a desperate move."

"He has changed his usual style and has appeared frequently recently. He must be deliberately testing us and testing the master!"

"And he is turning on card fusion now because he has got what he wants to know."

The mysterious man explained his guess in detail, and the paper man who finally understood it suddenly lost his composure.

"No way, absolutely impossible."

"Only we know about the master's upcoming success. It is absolutely impossible for Qi Tianming to know."

Although the mysterious man spoke clearly and logically, he also pointed out many clues.

But the paper man still can’t believe that the master’s plan has been leaked!

Unless the guy in front of me betrayed the master!

Thinking of this, the paper man's eyes instantly turned cold when he looked at the mysterious man.

In the latter, he remained extremely calm.


"It's not me. I'm not that stupid."

"As long as the master takes that step, he is destined to become an apostle. Then he only needs to complete the collection of cards to be completely promoted to LV6."

"You also said that the game landscape has changed drastically now and is different from the past."

"Then will His Majesty the King allow the birth of new apostles?"

"The master should have been targeted by him a long time ago. With that person's ability to confuse, I'm not surprised at all that Qi Tianming can get the news."

The mysterious man gave the final answer, and the paper man's face suddenly changed after hearing it.

Because this inference is reasonable and may even be the truth.

"You don't know what you can do, and you are using your mantis' arm as a chariot!"

"This bastard Qi Tianming must die."

"We can't let him ruin the master's plan, we must kill him as soon as possible!"

"Yu Hongwu, you are smart and you must have a solution."

In desperation, the paper man directly revealed the name of the mysterious man.

And the mysterious man shrouded in black robe is Yu Hongwu, who has been missing for a long time.

"Actually, it's very easy to find Qi Tianming. Since he has started to fuse cards, let's just wait and wait."

"His next target can only be the seven of hearts."

Yu Hongwu gave his own solution in a calm tone.

However, the paper man became thoughtful after listening to it. He had other ideas.

That 7 of Hearts also needs to be killed. The latest intelligence shows that that guy already has the strength of LV4. This is really scary.

If Qi Tianming persuades that guy and both parties join forces, things will be even worse.

It is necessary to strike first and eliminate hidden dangers in advance.

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