I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 154 Corpse Execution Immortal

"Interesting, things in the world are really wonderful."

"I thought it would be the Yin Eclipse disciples who came knocking on the door, but I didn't expect that it was Yu Hongwu who showed up."

"I don't know what this guy went through during the days when he disappeared, but he is actually resentful towards me."

Chen Qi withdrew his gaze from Yu Hongwu. Since there was no other ambush, it was time to show up.

At any rate, Talenno had worked so hard, so he couldn't really let those two monsters tear him apart.

The reason why Chen Qi regards Yu Hongwu and the paper man as monsters is of course because they are very different.

Yu Hongwu was okay. Although the aura on his body was weird, at least he was still alive.

But the paper figure, although it looked alive and could even hold a conversation, was not really alive at all.

As for what it is, Chen Qi has some guesses in his mind, and he just needs to confirm it in person.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

The kestrel king on his shoulder nuzzled his master with his little head, indicating that he also wanted to go to the battlefield.

Chen Qi guessed the real purpose of this little thing. It should be targeting that strange paper man.

I have to say that Xiaohong has sharp eyes, and she can tell at a glance that this thing is a great complement to her.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave that paper man to you!"

Chen Qi touched the Kestrel King's head with great satisfaction. After all his hard work and training, he could finally share his worries.

After devouring the extraordinary bloodline of the Dog of Death, the bloodline of the Kestrel King awakened with a triple jump and went directly to the last step.

Next, it only needs to completely integrate its consciousness into the extraordinary bloodline to completely complete the bloodline awakening.

It has to be said that Xiaohong is really a lucky child. She just woke up and another big meal was delivered to her door.

Even though it has not completely completed its bloodline awakening, its abilities have improved by leaps and bounds, otherwise Chen Qi would not have let it go out into battle.



Chen Qi walked slowly towards the battlefield. Although he had never taken Yu Hongwu seriously in the past, he did not dare to be careless at all.

This guy is an old fox. Since he dares to appear in front of him with all his malice, he must have someone to rely on.

When he first received the "threatening" call, Chen Qi was really surprised.

He had imagined that his next opponent might be the 7 of Spades, the Yin Eclipse Sanren, or even the Ace of Spades.

But Yu Hongwu has never been among his imaginary enemies.

Strictly speaking, although it was just a transaction at the beginning, I was kind to him!

Alas, this old guy's old habit of "repaying kindness with evil" has broken the law again.

Out of curiosity about the "Primary Martial Arts Code", Chen Qi actually investigated the past events after finishing his trip to the royal capital.

Although due to channel restrictions, more specific insider information has not been found.

But Yu Hongwu's true identity was revealed by Chen Qi. Who put this old guy on Tianwu Kingdom's wanted list?

And it ranks as high as 9th.

According to the public information of Tianwu Kingdom, Yu Hongwu colluded with foreign enemies, betrayed the motherland, and killed his fellow sect members.

Anyway, he has done no less than a single heinous and ungrateful thing.

At that time, Chen Qi was sure that what he was treating might not only be an old fox, but also a white-eyed wolf.

But he really didn't expect Yu Hongwu to bite him so soon.

Where does the confidence come from and where does the hatred come from? It's inexplicable.

The two of them didn't communicate much through the communicator at that time, but there was no need to express the malicious hostility in words.

Yu Hongwu "dare" to invite Chen Qi to meet, and Chen Qi naturally "dare" to go to the appointment.


"Hahaha, [Jomoa Chris], or the Seven of Hearts, you are indeed here."

"I knew you were a smart guy."

As soon as Chen Qi reached the hillside, Yu Hongwu spotted him. At this time, the distance between the two was still several hundred meters.

But even so, Yu Hongwu still easily conveyed the voice to Chen Qi's ears.

This old guy's strength really started to tremble.

"Haha, you old fox dares to see me, why don't I dare to keep the appointment?"

"I think you should reintroduce your identity now."

"You look like an old dog now."

Chen Qi shook his head contemptuously and did not stop until he was a hundred meters away from Yu Hongwu.

It's not that Chen Qi doesn't dare to move forward, but because this is already Yu Hongwu's warning range.

Take one more step and the fight ignites in an instant.

But Chen Qi still has many unanswered questions in his heart!

As for Yu Hongwu's evaluation of him as a "smart person", Chen Qi certainly knew what he meant.

But with the conscience of heaven and earth, Chen Qi never felt that he could sleep peacefully by hiding in the Fadil mining area.

He just loves to study, but he is really not too scared to go out.


"Seven of Hearts, you're dead!"

"Yu Hongwu is now my master's disciple, and he is responsible for guarding your prey."

"Originally, you could live for a few more days, but it's a pity that the 7 of Spades violated a taboo and it affected you!"

"You have two choices now. One is to surrender and let us deal with you. The other is, you will die miserably."

Before Yu Hongwu could answer, the paper man on his shoulder jumped out impatiently.

Chen Qi looked at the scene in front of him speechlessly. It seemed that Yu Hongwu was not doing well.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Before Chen Qi could express anything, the Kestrel King on his shoulder instantly became angry.

A black flame flashed in the eyes of the Kestrel King, a wailing fire ignited from the depths of flesh and blood hell.

Without warning, the paper man was ignited, and terrifying black flames suddenly exploded on the paper man.


The hit paper man let out a scream, and the next moment, it was equally angry.

To be more precise, I lost my mind.

With a rumble, the paper man revealed his prototype. It was a centipede with a human head that was 100 meters long.

It's just that its form of existence is very special. It's not a flesh and blood body, but a special energy mixture.

However, the black flame showed no signs of extinguishing, and instead burned even more intensely.

It's just that compared to the huge body of the human-headed centipede, the ignited part only occupies half of the section.

Even so, the Human-Headed Centipede still suffered a big loss.


The furious Centipede jumped into the air and chased after the Kestrel King who was escaping.

Of course, the Kestrel King did not flee in fear, but his master asked him to choose another battlefield.

One bird and one monster chased each other, and quickly flew several kilometers away.


"Is that a kestrel?"

Yu Hongwu casually cut off the flesh and blood burning with black flames on his shoulder, and asked Chen Qi in shock.

In fact, from the moment Chen Qi appeared, Yu Hongwu felt that the big red bird on his shoulder looked familiar.

But it wasn't until King Kestrel flapped its wings that he finally confirmed that the big red bird, which was comparable to a giant flying eagle, was actually a kestrel.

It's a pity to imagine how fucked up and incredible Yu Hongwu felt in his heart.

He has practiced kestrel boxing all his life, and he has seen not only 10,000 kestrels, but seven or eight thousand.

Even the Kestrel King, he had witnessed more than a dozen of them.

But he never thought that the kestrel could grow so big. This was no longer a reinvention, but a change of species, right?

"Haha, good vision!"

"This is no ordinary kestrel, but a king kestrel."

"Of course, I took such good care of him that he accidentally gained weight."

Perhaps because there was one less monster, Chen Qi's expression began to become relaxed and casual.

Of course, it may also be because meeting old friends makes people feel more cordial.

Chen Qi felt that he was telling the truth, but in Yu Hongwu's ears, it was full of irony.

Yu Hongwu, the majestic head of the Kestrel Sect, still needs a younger boy to praise him for his "good vision"?

This guy was clearly making fun of his old eyesight, which even Kestrel couldn't recognize.

However, the long-term cultivation of the city still allowed Yu Hongwu to suppress the anger in his heart.

On his shoulder, the flesh and blood began to squirm, and the wounds gradually healed.

This is his super power!

If it weren't for this terrifying self-healing ability, he would have been tortured to death by the Yin Eclipse Sanren.

In other words, the Yin Eclipse Sanren made him a player just to keep him alive.


"Healing power?"

"Yu Hongwu, I really didn't expect that you would become a player."

"But what I'm more curious about is your body. The flame just now is not so easy to extinguish."

Chen Qi was not shocked at all that Yu Hongwu became a player.

Because he sensed it the moment he appeared on the battlefield.

This is due to the mutual induction between players, especially Chen Qi's LV3 level is much higher than Yu Hongwu, who is only LV2.

What really surprised Chen Qi was that Yu Hongwu's body could withstand Xiao Hong's black flames.

Although Chen Qi has not thoroughly studied the specific composition of the black flame, it must have the ability of the Death Dog integrated into it.

That piece of shit only needs one bite to cause the corpse to spontaneously ignite and transform into a special kind of energy.

The Kestrel King inherited this part of the Death Dog's ability, but it was even weirder, otherwise he wouldn't be able to ignite the human-headed centipede.

Chen Qi has done experiments before. When ordinary life is ignited, it cannot be extinguished at all, just like a fire attached to the bone.

There must be something wrong with Yu Hongwu's body. Even if he was only affected by the paper man and did not bear a real attack, it could not be resolved by cutting off a piece of flesh and blood.


"Hahaha, 7 of Hearts, isn't it thanks to you that I can become a player?"

"The Yin Eclipse Sanren is a sure-fire card. You are so smart, you should have known about it a long time ago."

"That evil spirit is a pet kept by the Yin Eclipse scattered people. It is responsible for cleaning up and taking care of you group of captive players."

"The reason why I disappeared in the first place was because I encountered it and was forcibly taken to the Yin Eclipse Sanren."

"The evil spirit was originally going for you, but you just happened to leave Tallinn City."

Upon hearing the player's name, Yu Hongwu finally couldn't bear the suppressed anger in his heart.

He is now in this situation, all because of "players".

Not to mention that he doesn't want to be a player at all, everything is forced.

What frightened Yu Hongwu even more was that the Seven of Hearts actually noticed something strange about his body. This was his biggest taboo.


"I see!"

"I really didn't expect that when I went to the City of Chaos, I escaped disaster by some combination of circumstances."

"But the fact that you, Yu Hongwu, have ended up like this has nothing to do with me."

"You can really only blame your own bad luck. What does it have to do with me?"

"When I saved your half life, you only gave me the codex. I was very generous if I didn't destroy your Kestrel Gate."

"As for the reason why you were targeted by that evil spirit, you should know it very well in your heart."

"It's only my fault that your ancestors took other people's elixirs and had changes in their bodies!"

Although Chen Qi also felt that Yu Hongwu was a bit unlucky and miserable, it did not mean that he could slander him.

As expected, this old guy is used to complaining about everything and never reflects on himself.

Chen Qi would not spoil him.

According to Chen Qi's speculation, the reason why Yu Hongwu was discovered by the evil spirit in the first place was not just due to bad luck.

The more likely reason is that the noise he made while practicing the "Primary Martial Arts" alerted the evil spirits.

Yu Hongwu should be grateful for his own special physique, otherwise he would have been devoured by evil spirits.

He really only has himself to blame for finding himself in this situation.


Chen Qi's words directly exposed Yu Hongwu's inner pretense. In fact, Yu Hongwu didn't know the real reason for his "unlucky".

But he didn't dare to resent Yin Eclipse Sanren, nor could he resent himself, so he could only resent Chen Qi.

Is it possible that he still blames his pirate ancestors for killing people and cooking their corpses for profit?

Although Yu Hongwu was tortured by the Yin Eclipse Sanren and almost lost dozens of lives, he also learned the truth about the "Primary Martial Arts Code".

That stone book is not a martial arts scripture at all, but a "Yin Contract".

What is recorded above is not a martial arts training method, but a strange inheritance called [Zi Jie Xian].

According to the speculations of Yin Eclipse Sanren, the Taoist who was reduced to the island was practicing the inheritance of [Corpse Revealing Immortal].

At that time, when the World Government was sweeping across the other world, the strange inheritance of [Corpse Immortal] was classified as an alien species and suffered a devastating blow.

That Taoist who has this kind of inheritance must be a big shot in the world.

Even if it is severely damaged, it is impossible for a group of pirates to "seek wealth and murder."

The greater possibility is that he completed the "dissection" with the help of pirates.

According to the legend of Tianwu Kingdom, their ancestors acquired special physiques because they swallowed Taoist elixirs.

However, after studying Yu Hongwu's body, Yin Eclipse Sanren came up with another guess.

The pirates didn't get any elixir at all back then, they just ate the Taoist's body.

As for the reason, it may be that the Taoist is bewitching him, or it may be that the Taoist's physical body is very special and makes people salivate.

This is why the descendants of pirates have special physiques.

But whether it is a blessing or a curse is hard to say.

Anyway, Yu Hongwu shuddered every time he recalled Yin Eclipse Sanren's strange expression at that time.

The Yin Eclipse Sanren also found the opportunity to become an apostle with the help of this research.

In a sense, it was Yu Hongwu's "unlucky" that made Chen Qi what he is today.

If the evil spirit had not discovered Yu Hongwu and brought back the Yin Contract, Yin Eclipse Sanren would not have completely changed the direction of his research and would have postponed the activation of card devouring.

It was Yu Hongwu's suffering that bought Chen Qi the time he has now.

Chen Qi was also surprised that Yin Eclipse Sanren had not started harvesting for a long time, but he did not know that someone was suffering on his behalf.

This is why Yu Hongwu hates Chen Qi so much!

His hatred is really not without reason.

But Chen Qi obviously would not recognize Yu Hongwu's contribution. The differences between the two became more and more serious, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger. "Being reasonable" obviously could not solve the problem.

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